Aviana Sabel
Like many of her kin and brethren, Aviana's features are a unique mixture of elven and human. She is fairly short compared to mainland humans, and her build is almost as lithe as an elf, but not quite there. Long silken strands of silvery hair would normally tumble past her shoulders if worn down, but her locks are often pinned back in an elegant braided knot. Vivid blue eyes starkly stand out against her pale flesh, framed by the loose strands of hair that is pulled free from the braids by the breeze.
Aviana's attire can best be described as practical elegance. Almost everything she wears serves a distinct purpose, whether that be to secure her armor and clothing in place, to provide more pocket space, to secret weapons away into, or to insulate her against the elements.
Soft-spoken, and shy, Aviana could easily be mistaken as meek if someone didn't pay too much attention to her. To the more observant, it would be quite clear that she was more reserved than demure. Her posture was still confident and poised -- shoulders pulled back and not afraid to make eye contact. The way she carried herself wasn't quite human, but it certainly hinted at the elven heritage she bore.
While quietly confident, it is still obvious that the woman is out of her element. She seems to be fascinated by the crowds and strangers that pass her by. Unaccustomed to the proper etiquette outside of her isolated home, Aviana has a bad habit of picking things up to examine it more closely with abject curiosity.
Determined and driven, the young half-elf is guided by the wisdom and training of her parents -- who instilled in her the importance of doing the right thing, and helping those that she can. However, not everyone outside of Minaris adheres to this code of honor, and this has led to trouble for the young woman as she's rushed into situations that she doesn't quite understand, in an effort to defend a stranger.
Skills and Abilities
Aviana is very much a fish out a water. Her entire life was spent tucked away on an isolated island in a reclusive population. Being suddenly tossed into the mainland has left her feeling overwhelmed, and she's coming to realize just how much she doesn't know about the world. However, she's not completely defenseless.
Daughter of The Aegis: Trained by her mother, Keyleth, one of the greatest shield-maidens of Minaris; Aviana is skilled with a sword and shield even though she may not give that impression when first encountered. Her slender build and quiet demeanor often allows her to take opponents by surprise, if they underestimate her.
War Charger: Aviana's mount is a battle-hardened elk charger. The beast is more sure-footed than a horse, and more reliable in the midst of combat.

Biography & Lore

Born in the isolated city of Minaris on the Isle of Sheketh, Aviana spent much of her early life within the safety of Drakefall's sturdy walls where she was raised in the ways of the Minarisan court. Her parents were the Duke and Duchess of the ancient fortress and the small city that is nestled below the keep itself.
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