the jester was busy outside, Aviana scurried through the room and was packing up the last of their gear that she had brought inside the night before. Bedrolls were tucked away and cinched down. Food was stored. It wasn't a difficult task, but it was one that she made sure to get right. A bedroll coming undone and startling one of the animals was a recipe for a bad day.
She had nearly finished packing by the time she heard footsteps in the main room of the guard post. Thinking that Kasim had finished saddling the animals, she grabbed his bag, and made her way to the doorway.
As she rounded the corner, she heard the main door swing shut, and the sound of the lock as it activated quickly followed. The light of the fire didn't reach far enough into the next room for her to make out anything other than looming shadows.
There was no response.
Aviana felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end and she took a small step back into the officer's quarters where the fire was.
As she moved, the hidden figure launched forward. She could see the movement, but not what was moving. Dropping the jester's bag, she raced back into the room. Her sword was propped against the far wall, with the satchel placed next to it. The
weapon was drawn and brought to bear as she snatched up the strap to the bag, slinging it over her shoulder.
Heavy footsteps pounding against the stone floor behind her, and she was pinned against the wall as she turned to face whatever it was that had gotten inside. A gloved hand clamped over her mouth to silence the cry that escaped her. In the light of the fire, Aviana could see the attacker: a man; a little taller than herself, and slender in build. She could also see the garb the man wore.
The buttons on his jacket bore the Minarisan crest -- a winged dragon with its long tail forming an intricate knot.
A flash of silver glinted in the firelight, and that was the only warning Aviana had that the man had raised the small blade in his other hand.
"Sorry about this, my lady." He muttered through the cloth mask that covered the lower half of his face.
As dagger arced through the air towards her throat, Aviana drove her knee into the man's gut and she pressed forward to throw him off balance. Instead of a fatal blow, the blade sparked against the stone wall behind her.
The man grabbed at her, snatching for the satchel that hung over her shoulder. He moved with impossible speed, Aviana's eyes struggled to track his movements as he lunged towards her a second time. The clatter of metal clashing against metal filled the room as she kept the man at bay, but only just. He was stronger than her, and it felt as though every blow that connected left her feeling weaker, drained.
"Who the ...bloody hell ...sent you!" She gasped out the words through the relentless struggle of defending herself.
He gave no answer. His only retort was to drive her back towards the darkness of the main room.
Outside, another assassin lurked in the shadows and slowly crept towards the jester as he tended to the animals. The large elk made it clear that they had tracked the right pair, though the man was not the intended target. Still, it was likely he would try to interfere.
Erodin snorted, jerking his head up from Kasim's grasp, and his ears perked up. The beast had caught a scent.