Open Chronicles The First Town

A roleplay open for anyone to join
Character Biography
Wilds Between Vel Luin & Vel Anir
Alistair Krixus

It was a wonder, how things quickly moved.

Only a month ago he, Alistair, and Kaeden had all been standing on a platform surrounded by security. They had made their announcement, gone through their presentation, and then with the funding of two major houses and three minor it quickly became apparent their project would succeed. Within weeks land was purchased, and the sight of their track was set into place.

Amos had personally seen to that task, and Kaeden had procured the rare materials they would need for the rest of their project. Eventually the engine had been put into place, and their locomotive had truly been born. From there work began, digging, blasting, and quickly a track was set into place. Day by day more was laid, until the high holidays began, and a week of celebration was to be taken.

As ever was, a small town sprang up around the locomotives encampment, though this one had a different air.

Wooden building appeared within it's center, the thoroughfare was quickly made of cobbled roads and stoned walkways. It was an investment that came quickly, and marked the little settlement as what it would very likely be; permanent.

Amos sat inside one of the nicer Saloons of the town, The Silver Pony it's mistress had dubbed it. The silk sheets alone made it nicer than most places he had ever stayed in. Growing up in the gutters he was more used to roached scrabbling across the floor than a wash basin prepared every morning. He was still not used to servants barging into his room every morning. No matter how much Kaeden assured him, it was still strange.

He didn't like odd people he didn't know in his rooms.

It wasn't right.

"Ah, no, yes it was great thanks." Amos lied, not being able to help the manners that had been instilled in him. He could not help but be polite, not wanting to given the impression he wasn't grateful. These people worked hard, harder than he did. They deserved to be recognized for that. He might have been smart, but his great work would have been nothing without them.

"Yes." He continued. "Please do tell my guests where I am when they arrive."

The scientists finished, glancing down and hoping to go back to his breakfast.
"Yes, well I don't care if they are having supply chain issues. You tell them to get the lumber here within the week or the deal is off and we can find someone else...Yes, you're acting as if this is my fault. Of course, there is competition. Everyone wants to be here when this starts up."

Amos would hear this conversation from the front entrance before Alistair stepped through the door with a wide smile on his face. There were bags beneath his eyes, showing he had not gotten nearly as much sleep as he needed, but the man was still in good spirits.

He looked...energetic, or maybe frazzled was a better word. His completely put-together appearance was still there, but a surge of jittery energy was pushing the man forward, likely also fighting any sense of exhaustion.

The young aristocrat seemed far more accustomed to the service of the townspeople, as he quickly took his coat off and handed it off to someone.

"Amos, it's good to see you. The town is looking good, and the rail is making incredible progress."

While Amos and Kaeden were spending much of their time focusing on the actual creation of their project, Alistair was serving more support to the surrounding community to ensure their was the proper infrastructure to support this place when everything was complete.

He had already managed to get a trading house set up for the KTC (Krixus Trading Company), by diverting much of these funds into the area. It was considered a gamble by many of his advisors, but one that he was willing to take.

"You certainly have an eye for quality lodgings as well." The comment made not only for Amos, but the Mistress is she was listening nearby.

"I'm really sorry about this."

Pawel Wilhart looked down at the enormous brown lump that had taken up residence on a bench outside The Silver Pony. Actually, it was more like he was attempting to look through the brown lump and at the person currently beneath it, who was being smothered by fur and drool.

"It's alright, really," replied the muffled voice, very likely not finding the circumstance alright but trying to be polite.

He'd had second thoughts about taking Miss Marzipan with him, as did he whenever there was an event with polite company. The Anirian mastiff was somewhat of a liability, tending to pick her spot and remain static, like a tremendous immovable weight upon whichever surface was most comfortable; she was a distinguished napper. Which was all the more reason to take her out; he was concerned that she was getting fat and even had to relinquish the dog from her parent's grasp, who had designated her as the biggest baby deserving of all treats known to man.

"She doesn't know her own size," Pawel admitted sheepishly, one of the arms folded across his chest, reaching up to scratch his temple. "Thinks she's a lapdog."

An arm wriggled out from the dog and awkwardly reached out to pat her head, which elicited a pleased grumble but only solidified Marzi's choice of resting place. A great contented sigh left the dog, and with a great harumph, she plopped her head down upon the man beneath.

"She's a great lapdog,"
came the muffle.

"You hear that, Marzi? You got a compliment,"
he beamed to his companion, "and what do we say to compliments?"

Marzipan gave a gentle boof in response.

"That's right! Now, let's move you before you suffocate this poor man."
Arcadia had stopped turning her nose up at the name of the establishment after the first day, but until the construction on lodgings befitting her station and fortune were finalised, she would no longer need to say she was staying at The Silver Pony. A small fortune had been poured into this project and town, a venture pitched by Cady herself to prove the House needed to be thinking of not only their future, but that of Vel Anir's.

She had needed a brief walk, and the lady's maid that quickened her paces to keep up with the auburn haired noblewoman had made what was meant to be a time of peacefulness had turned into gritting her teeth every time she heard her maid huff and puff for breath. Her eyes lifted to take in the saloon, but the familiar bundle of brown fur and unsuspecting pair of legs beneath it told her that at least there were known company to be had here.

Lifting a hand to her mouth, she positioned it like so, the way she did for the hunting dogs at the Argante Hunting Lodge in Vel Redynnne. A successful whistle, one meant to catch Marzi's attention. She smiled, dropping her hand and called out to the flaxen haired friend.

"You lack authority in your voice, and that is why she does not comply to your commands." A teachable moment for Pawel, one she would not incur a fee for such enlightening education.
"Yes, well the town I can't really take credit for." Amos said, flashing a smile up at Lord Krixus as he pushed himself to his feet. Using the table to balance himself the sickly boy shook Alistair's hand in greeting, then swept another hand towards a nearby chair so that the other man could take a seat besides him.

Their project really was proceeding faster than anyone could have anticipated. Progress was being made daily at a rate that astounded even Amos. Perhaps it was because the workers were being paid well, or perhaps it was the new organizations support them.

Either way, Amos was glad for it, and at the rate they were going the project would be finished in a matter of weeks instead of months.

"The Locomotive itself has begun deliveries." As had been planned. "With supplies coming in from Vel Luin it has been a simple matter to extend the rail further and further."

Excitement entered his tone. "We have the Carth Mountains to get through."

Calling them mountains was a bit of an overstatement. The rage was more of a set of hills, none taller than a thousand meters, but the ebb and flow of the territory meant roads were already difficult and the rail would be more so. "But I suspect that won't be a problem with the workers so on pace."

"It's rather exciting."
He buzzed. "Even members of Parliament are here, from what i understand."
"Why shouldn't you? I feel like we both can take a little credit for the town. Just think, in a decade or two, Vel Amos has a nice ring to it."

While it was certainly the hard-working commoners combined with the unbridled enthusiasm that was doing most of the work, the two gentlemen taking their seats in this room had played a large part. Without Amos' invention, this town would not even have a reason to exist. Meanwhile, Alistair was pumping in enough money that it would be surprising for the town not to be bustling. It was like a pit fighter being perked up with drugs just before a cage match.

At the mention of the mountains (hills), Alistair could not stop his grin. "I've heard. If we can prove that the rail can make it through the hills then there is no place that your new invention can not reach. The possibilities are endless."

The town would surely provide a solid foundation, as the young nobleman had dreams of turning this place into a trading mecca with the help of Amos' rail. However, the mention of Parliament slightly soured his mood.

Al was well aware that the project had been boosted thanks to support from Vel Anir itself and other investors, but all he saw now was a bunch of parasites were going to try and step in and take away from the project after Alistair and Amos had already completed most of the hard work.

"Really? Any names?"

As the whistle cut through the air, both man and dog turned in sync to look at the source of the sound. Marzi had moved her head on command, whereas Pawel was merely startled. It was only mildly embarrassing, and his natural response was to shoot Arcadia a sheepish smile as the woman admonished his lack of authority.

Before a clever rebuttal could leave his throat, Marzi slowly clambered off the bench (and the man she was squashing) and lumbered over to the woman as if suddenly the dog had found enlightenment in obedience. She then plopped down, sitting by Arcadia in what was the ultimate act of betrayal.

"Well," he said, narrowing his eyes at Miss Marzipan before settling back into his smile with attention back on Arcadia, "I guess I've been told."

He joined his dog in greeting her, almost instinctively offering the woman a firm handshake out of muscle memory. Pawel's life had become a non-stop parade of shaken hands held out by smiling faces, which, in all honesty, was entirely overwhelming. Who would have anticipated such a warm welcome to Parliament? All those horror stories of predatory noble houses seemed greatly exaggerated. Or maybe they hadn't shown their teeth yet. He much preferred the optimistic version.

"You should teach me how to whistle like that,"
he nodded before a hearty chuckle emerged from his throat. " Might come in handy in Parliament."

The man on the bench, now free from the great weight, observed in silent horror as he witnessed the tornado of hair left behind in Marzi's wake.

"Are you keeping well?" Pawel inquired, oblivious to the mess behind him.
  • Bless
  • Devil
Reactions: Amos and Arcadia
Arcadia waited for her maid to excuse herself and enter the establishment, leaving her alone with Marzipan. They both looked to Pawel, but Cady's smile was bordering feral. "I can certainly teach you that and a number of other things, sweet Wilhart."

Her hand did not need to reach far to give the fluffy hound an affectionate ruffle behind the ears. She clicked her tongue and motioned for Marzi to follow, closing the distance between herself and the politician. "Lately? Hm... I guess that is an appropriate way to say so... Yes, I am well. I trust you are too?"

She had not heard anything too awful concerning her friends and connections in Vel Anir. That also did not mean some news could get lost on their way to her ears. After all, that was all Arcadia could do these days was to listen to bits of gossip and news...
Saderzaine Vult did not often do much with his time outside of class as far as the greater city and kingdom was concerned, given that it was normally more useful to spend the time doing other things. Maybe cleaning his clothes or sharpening his spear or training against a dummy, but excursions were in conclusion few and far between. However, this outing was a bit different. He had received a missive from his father explaining that though he was too busy to go himself and his Eyes were all off duty, it seemed rather important that the Vult was the first paper to get information on this new and revolutionary "train" idea presented by the scientist Amos and Dreadlord Krixus.

Sader had been curious about this new form of transport himself but had not found the inspiration to go visit where such a vehicle resided. Thankfully, if there was one thing he could not say no to, it was a personal request from Marx. Now standing at the entrance of the in-progress town, he couldn't help but see a bit of the vision of what this place could be. In his rucksack over his shoulder laid the key items he would require for this task: A jar of ink, a nice quill, and a pad of paper. With the weight of such things only adding to his grounded sort of excitement, he would find his way onto the sidewalk and begin looking for temporary lodgings.

A place to leave most of his other things would be nice, and whatever money he had in his pockets would surely be enough to afford a half-day in a developing town. Eventually he came across a place where two people were speaking just outside. Looking into the saloon to spot adequate activity, he would then turn his gaze to a sign just outside responsible for identification. It appeared that his impromptu home would be the Silver Pony. He stepped inside the main part of the building and took a seat at a table, quickly catching the attention of a bartender. He was a bit on the smaller side but seemed innately comfortable, the type of person one might talk about their problems to. "Hello, nobleman. Are you perhaps here for the train? Not many people around here are permanent residents, after all, at least not now."

"You're rather astute. Yes, I'm here to get information on Amos' new creation and report on it," he responded, putting down his pack and pulling out his quill as evidence. The bartender shrugged and took out a notepad of his own. "Your order then? I can only assume you wanted more than a conversation coming into our establishment." Sader grinned at this and nodded, ordering some apple juice. "I'd like that and a room, but the juice first." he replied, leaving some baggage by his chair as he resolved to walk around and begin writing. Finally exiting the Pony, he would notice that he had somehow missed a massive brown dog who was likely in the dictionary under "fluffy".

The fact that Sader was an animal lover was not one he got to express often given the general nature of the academy, but whatever his priorities should have been, it surely could not hurt to ask to pet, right? Right? RIGHT? Shaking off his momentary fervor, he would walk towards the pair of people and pause just fast enough to look at the man's dress. It was nice, but the way they held themselves was not carefully calculated enough to be noble. The woman's poise, on the other hand, was not bothering to hide the fact that she was. Quite the mystery. Perhaps his next actions would require slightly more composure than he had intended. "Hello, miss, may I pet your dog? They're quite adorable and amazing beautiful."

Speaking of the other two, they were no slouches in the looks department either. The man's face was one he had seen...somewhere, but speaking further on such things was definitely not something he would dare to pursue without any more clarity.

Arcadia Pawel Wilhart ( Also for Alistair and Amos please feel free to somehow overhear his talk with the bartender)
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”You are far too kind as always, Alistair.” Amos said, smiling slightly and trying to keep the blush from his features.

Lord Krixus was always generous with his complements, and coming from him it meant more than most. After their first meeting, it had become only obvious just how much the other man grasped Amos’ works. How much he saw the potential. Quickly their relationship grew strong, and his support now came only second to the Lady Luana.

”Jiya-err, Lady Luana was here just a few days ago.” Her family had always been supportive from the very beginning. Lady Jiya’s mother was the only reason that he's made it out of the gutter.

”Lord Cortep is due this week from the buzz I heard, and I believe Minister Wilhart is here now.” How did Amos know all of this? Because he had himself a spy…of a sort. The innkeepers young daughter had taken a liking to the scientist, and in her quest to assist him had taken to hiding under tables and listening to whatever gossip she could. Passing it along often as he worked up in his room. Half the time he wasn't entirely sure what she told him was even relevant, but little Attia was some of the most pleasant company he'd ever had, so Amos never complained. ”We have created quite a buzz it seems!”

He declared, too excited to overhear the Dreadlords which had been sent here for that very same reason. ”I had thought to seek them out perhaps?”

Amos asked. ”But I'm not exactly…of station.”

Unlike Alistair.
"They would be blind and deaf if the couldn't recognize the potential that this town and your invention had."

The young Dreadlord, in his capacity as merchant and investor, largely ignored the mention of House Luana. Of course, they were here, they were the only people that had a bigger investment to defend than Alistair himself.

But Alistair snorted at Cortep and Wilhart. Cortep was the bigger problem as Al may need to ensure that he did not manage to sink his blood-sucking claws too deeply into this venture, but that would be handled with more subtlety. His focus on his own machinations left him ignorant of any conversation at the bar.

As for Wilhart, Alistair did not know much of the man. He knew the man to be a commoner, but a hero for the working class. He was a symbol of what the Republic could be for those who worked hard. It was a great marketing strategy. That also meant that he held sway over them, which could prove useful, but at the same time, a delicate balance had to be struck as Alistair did not want to many holding to much sway.

The next words Amox said caused him to sight, but a smile did press onto his lips at the clear suggestion his friend made.

"Never say Alistair Krixus can't take a hint, Amos. I will gladly make introductions if and when we meet them."

It wouldn't take to much asking around to discover where Amos was residing or that Alistair had walked inside this establishment, so if they were looking for them then they were likely to be found first.

"But I already know how to sit," Pawel boasted, seemingly deadly serious as if the other things that Cady could teach him were only relevant to loyal dogs. The facade cracked after a moment into a toothy smile, his light-hearted nature coming to the fore.

"Truthfully, I'm still getting to grips with everything," he admitted, taking on a more serious tone. "My predecessor was not an organised man." If the state of his office was anything to go by, it was no wonder that Minister Dibra had succumbed to a sudden heart attack. Or at least that was how the story went. "I dream about mountains of jumbled parchment..."

Suddenly, the man clapped his hands together with a hearty slap, once again beaming as he interrupted his train of thought with his own vigour.

"But never mind all that. Here we are on the advent of progress! History will remember this day, and what a privilege to say that we were here for it!"

Before Pawel could continue waxing lyrical about the advancement of Anirian society and what it meant for her people, they were interrupted by what seemed to be a very polite young man. A polite yet mistaken young man who could not be blamed for thinking that Miss Marzipan belonged to Arcadia, given that the great canine was parked next to the woman as if she knew obedience.

"I see how it is,"
he huffed, looking at Marzi with a disappointed shake of the head, "but you should know that she'll put you to work. No more lazy days of lounging for you, young lady." After reprimanding his disloyal companion, he met the newcomer with an easy smile. "Yes, you can pet her; just watch for the slobber."
Arcadia turned to the young person that asked her a question. His overall naivety caused the young Lady to snort.

Stepping away, she went to sit beside the gentleman that had received the affections of Marzi, ignoring his protests that the fur would only cover her nice outfit. "Well I am glad to hear someone of your status can sit on command." She continued the conversation, as if Arcadia and Pawel's re-acquaintance had not been intruded upon. People like her were lucky to have a friend like Pav, whom could make up for her lack of politeness.

Cady was about to ask about his horrid dreams before two individuals stepped out into the exterior facade of the establishment. "Lord Krixus." She stated, although she was unsure what title he used these days. Proctor? Dreadlord? No, Lord would suffice in this situation. Being an active member of the societal circles, she had seen the Krixus Lord around before... and had only heard about this ambitious scientist. His endeavours here had been a big draw to the Argante's, and after much persuasion, got her father to invest in this project. The name Argante was small, but it followed the Anirian histories in every major step.
It appeared that the dog truly belonged to the man and he silently sympathized with him over his dog’s treason. Having respectfully nodded at the go ahead, he reached over and pet Marzi. The dog was as huge and soft as he had imagined and also adorable. He knew this was not perhaps the most “noble” sort of activity but chances had to be taken on these sorts of things.

All the while, however, he began trying to piece together the pair’s identities. Still fairly secure in his guess that the man was no noble, that left something like a businessman or politician. The lady was of less concern to him because she seemed not very interested in exchanging even the briefest word, so Sader decided he would give her an equal level of consideration.

He made no further noise for the moment, just enjoying the feel of the dog’s fur as he eavesdropped on the two. Having had no context for it, the young lady’s first comment made him wonder exactly what had been going on before he managed to pass it off as some odd joke. Her second, though, was more cause for concern. He stood up and quickly composed himself, wincing as the lady failed to address the highly active Proctor as neither that nor “Dreadlord”.

It appeared as though all she deigned to do was put his name into the air, which was a rather interesting way of passing the metaphorical and conversational ball, he had to admit. Proctor Krixus was an imperiously handsome sort of fellow, hair and eyes a matching blue. Amos seemed a bit scrawny in comparison, but that was far from his concern, because the mind he possessed was far more valuable and important than any of theirs. Plus, he looked friendly, so that was a bonus.

He approached, wondering if the Proctor would recognize him. Likely not, but it was a thing to think about. He turned to the scientist after a head nod at Alistair, intent to begin his information gathering here. “Hello there! You must be Amos if you’re walking around with Dreadlord Krixus. I have to say, I’m rather excited for this train to be completed. It’s possibilities for use are…likely endless, if it might come to span the empire.” he began in a friendly tone, hoping he hadn’t come on too strong. If the young scientist accepted his invitation to chat that would make for some great fun, surely.

Amos Alistair Krixus
Amos grinned at his companion, and dare he say...friend? "I'm not very subtle, am I?"

Without much further ado, the scientist grabbed his cane and quickly set out alongside Alistair. The two made slow progress, as he always did, but his companion was kind enough to always allow him to set the pace. By the time they broke free of the tarverns confines, Amos was shocked to find the man they were looking for already standing there.

A face, he only recognized because of the posters that hung in the shop of Derwin&Darwich, the dwarven metal shop being rather large supporters of Pawel.

Before he could get a word in to the minister however, not that he would have introduced without Alistair, another approached them. He blinked for a moment, glancing at the woman, then the Minister, then to Alistair until finally falling to the stranger. "I---err, yes!"

He said as he followed the mans cadence, obviously excited.

"Once the track is finished it will be the true test." Amos said, more than aware that a member of the Republic's Parliament was standing right there. "A great...boon...for Vel Anir."

Amos said awkwardly, displaying just how much of a salesman he was not. His nerves nearly fried from three simple sentences.
Speak of a devil and a devil shall appear.

When Alistair suggested he made introductions, he didn't expect a bunch of people to circle just outside the tavern like a bunch of vultures. He forced a smile to his face as he was a little startled that the first to speak with him was one of the initiates.

"Well, apparently I am far better than I give myself credit, Amos."

He reassuringly patted the man on the back before giving a pointed look at Saderzaine, "This young man who forgot to introduce himself is Initiate Vult, a talented prospect at the Academy." While Alistair had not idea why the young man was here, but as long as he was respectful would not stop him.

Alistair then turned his sights on the others, he was well acquainted with Lady Arcadia, and there wasn't a merchant that was not at least vaguely familiar with Wilhart.

"Lady Arcadia and Good Sir Wilhart, a pleasure to see you both here today. This is my good friend and what I assume to be the star of the town by now, Amos Savren. The mastermind behind why I assume you are all here."

The years after the Academy had done Alistair well as he now could use his experience in society as tool like any weapon he wielded at the Academy. He offered a friendly tone in his introduction but was sure to maintain formalities as that would protect Amos better than any bodyguard could around these lot.

Arcadia Saderzaine Vult Amos Pawel Wilhart
Pawel's eyebrows shot up when his brain processed Arcadia's comment. A sheepish smile appeared on his strong features as he gave the woman a coltish look. Before he could begin a line of inquiry, the cavalry appeared.

While the enthusiastic young man gushed, the Minister took a moment to brush Marzi's hair from his suitably tailored ensemble, which made him seem every bit as important as his mother said he was. She'd embroidered the collar, after all. Miss Marzipan, on the other hand, clearly had enough of meeting new people and chose to plod over to Cady, flopping down at her feet like a gigantic wholemeal bloomer.

"It's wonderful that they allow the Initiates some time to socialise," Pawel commented, having heard some absolute horror stories from veteran Guards about how things used to be. Something about a torture box they would routinely cram them into. "How things have changed!"

After pulling one last thick brown hair from the breast of his jacket, the man stepped forward, offering a hand to shake to Lord Krixus and then Amos Savren in turn with a hearty smile.

"Well met, gentlemen, but we're not in Parliament; Pawel will do," he spoke, already anticipating Arcadia's disapproval at shedding his status at the first meeting. He would refrain from looking backwards to see if it was true. "Can you believe we're standing here, at the forefront of progress?"

He blinked.

"Well, ah, of course you can. You're the man behind it," he followed up, grinning foolishly at Amos.
Arcadia cleared her throat, all the protest she would make at Pawel's expense.

She delighted in Krixus' greeting, a well poised smile awarded to him. Her gaze fell on the scientist, her smile widening at his introduction. "What a brilliant mind you have, sir." For Arcadia could see firsthand how such a curious mind could be so innovative. From what she knew of him, he was well backed by the Luanas, and often invited to investigate and oversee new wonders.

A future to change Vel Anir outside of the parameters of the Republic, something generations could enjoy and inspire more pioneers to make strides in Anir's future. That was the legacy she would like to leave her house with, to connect the ancient history of Redynne with the future that starts here for Vel Anir.

"Was there to be a demonstration?" She inquired, her hand going to smooth Marzi's coat as the affectionate dog came to rest against her lap.
Sader grinned a bit at Amos' announcement. "Indeed. Well, that should be exciting. I can only imagine all the utility in terms of war and trade and diplomacy once this technology is a central part of Anirian territory." he commented, turning just in time to hear himself get introduced. Well, that was a pleasant surprise coming from the renowned proctor. "Oh, my mistake. You can just call me Sader or Vult, though, for I've found lack of formality leads to an increase in...functionality, I suppose." he noted without much flair.

He then stepped back to allow the others to have their turn commenting, listening closely for anything useful. The girl was Arcadia Argante, most likely, for the name was rather unique. That was good to know. So too were the pair of puzzle pieces he caught upon Pawel's introduction, realizing where he had seen the man's face before. He was a minister of common birth and something of a hero for it, which was a rather neat story to go with a rather nice person. His nomination had created quite the stir, but the boy believed it represented a better direction for Vel Anir.

After all, if a person is qualified to lead, why should birth be a barrier?

"It's, in fairness, not quite a flight of fancy as socializing might be." he felt compelled to add, deciding now was as good a time as any to announce his true intentions. "Amos, I have come to your town to write an article on the new train, in honesty. This is a rather interesting sort of encounter but I feel like I shouldn't dally in getting permission to write. My family runs a decently-known newspaper, so with all this known might I report upon your creation?" He picked out and spun the feather he would write with in his left hand after asking, clearly a tad fidgety.

It is said that one experiences a bit of nervousness when faced with genius, so Sader was rather unashamed to be feeling such a way.
Amos was overwhelmed.

Though really that was putting it rather lightly. As his great project had been cast more and more into light, it had become apparent that attention came hand in hand with success.


He had never been all that good when it came to talking with people, having always preferred his works. Being surrounded by so many people, and having each of them praise him? This was a nightmare that he barely knew how to navigate. "Ah, ah thank you."

Amos said with a smile to both Pawel and Arcadia, preening under their complements but finding his attention swiftly carried away by the Initiate that Alistair had pointed out. "Oh...I didn't..I don't think you need my permission."

The young Scientist said, stuttering ever so slightly before he shifted back to the other question that was asked.

"T-there is of sorts. The Locomotive will be arriving this evening." Carrying supplies from the warehouse Alistair and he had set up, but it would only be the third time coming to town. "I was uhh..."

He coughed slightly, covering his mouth with a handkerchief before he continued. "I was hoping the Minister would join us for a viewing?"

Amos said, glancing at Alistair to see if he'd said the right thing. Still not sure about all this politics nonsense.
Poor Amos, Alistair could already sense his friend's anxiety towards the situation. They had already done the hard part, the least he could do was enjoy some of the praise. Even so, Al was going to protect him.

He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Initiate Vult's comments. How convenient that he finds a lack of formalities functional when he is the one that especially should be showing formalities in front of the other four.

A newspaper article on Amos' invention would help the reputation, but they would need to be careful about what was said.

"Yes, feel free to write something about the locomotive, but please refrain from speaking of any mechanical and engineering designs, at least until the official unveiling."

The 'demonstration' as Arcadia described it was actually just one of the last material deliveries before there was an official unveiling that they hoped to turn into a large spectacle with even potential festivities.

"I sent the Minister to confirm his joining, but I doubt he would miss such a showing." He offered to his friend to put him at ease.

Finally, he turned to Wilhart and nodded in agreement. Yes, if Al had it his way then House Luana, Amos, and Alistair Krixus would go down as pioneers of a magical and scientific revolution.

"Indeed, while the device will initially be used for military supply lines, we hope to spread to all aspects of life as soon as it is approved."
So far, through his fledgling political career, Pawel had found the most pressing issue in Parliament to be all the noise. So often, agendas got derailed, either deliberately or not, by men and women who loved nothing more than to have their voices heard. He had already found himself pondering whether some of the other Ministers were there actually to affect change or if they merely savoured their station in life.

"Are you alright?" Pawel quietly asked Amos, whose cough raised a slight concern for the man's health. The body that housed his brilliant mind was a picture of fragility.

Wait, where was he? Oh, right. Too much talking, not enough purpose.

"Well, Marzi and I will certainly be attending the demonstration of the lo-co-mo-tive," Wilhart grinned, carefully sounding out the syllables of an exciting new word that was surely soon to be on lips across the territories. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but would I be able to speak to the workers before then?"

Pawel winced, realising that he may have sounded like he was about to unionise an industry before it even got off the ground. A swift course correction was on the menu.

"Ah! You know, to congratulate them on their contributions to the future of Vel Anir."
Arcadia made a face.

"I should return to my room. An exhilarating part of my day is tend to the estate books, in which my father told me was to be done even while I am much far from home at this present moment." Her smile was tight, a polite way to voice her opinions on her father.

Standing, her hand moving Marzi's head so that she could indeed stand, gave the fluffy beasty a good ruffle behind her ears before turning to them all. "It was lovely meeting you both, Lord Krixus, Sir Amos." Arcadia gave a glance at the Initiate, unsure why one was here in the first place as the Academy had not part in this...

Finally, she looked to her friend and gave him a smile. "Have dinner with me tonight. We must catch up so we may tell Desmond he missed out not venturing out to meet us here."

The Lady Arcadia then took her leave, ducking into The Silver Pony.

[Thread Exit.]
Sader grinned at getting permission from both Alistair and Amos, relieved that he hadn't just been denied entirely. His smile faded a bit as he watched Amos respond to everyone and seem to shrink more and more confidence-wise. He knew the scientist came from the Gutters, and though he had never been there himself, stories said that any attention beyond people you knew you could trust was the bad kind. He resolved then to be a bit more cautious about how he approached him from now on as not to be annoying and let the man calm down.

"Locomotive. Lo-co-mo-tive." he said aloud to himself, trying out this newly created word. It did have quite a bit of a ring to it. He had been given a bit of a censor but that was fine, for he would still try to figure out how it worked but simply not write on it. The thing that would mostly bring in attention to his report would be the detail he put into the majesty of this "locomotive", since that was usually more appealing to hear about than technical things. At least, the things the Journal tended to report on had given the boy such an impression.

However, just then he thought of a question. It couldn't possibly hurt to have a quote or two, so he just went along with it. "Amos? If it wouldn't be much trouble, could I ask why you chose to pursue the creation of this locomotive? It's a marvelous thing, do not get me wrong. However, surely other ideas also sparked in the process of finding a problem to solve? What interested you so much about this particular route?"

"Ah, yes...well no." He told Minister Wilhart, frowning only slightly at his own coming words. "I have been ill for some time, since childhood."

It was not something he could hide. "Nothing to worry about."

He assured the man, though in truth it sort of was. Not for anyone else, but Amos knew that his days were numbered. The sickness which tore away at his body was constant, and ever getting worse. Even magics didn't seem to work, at least not for long.

Amos offered a goodbye to Lady Arcadia, slipping a quiet word before she departed.

His head shook as he addressed some of the Initiate's questions, nearly overwhelmed with the bevy of them. "I errr... was born in the Gutters."

Amos said simply, evoking the name of one of Vel Anir's slums. A district home to their cities most downtrodden, and often overlooked.

"I simply wished to make something better for those who grew up like me." The Scientist said, not entirely sure how to answer the boys other questions...most of them having simply never occured to him. Amos hadn't 'chosen' to create the Locomotive. It had simply happened as part of furthering the design of his works. "The Locomotive is part of that."

He said with a shrug, offering Alistair a look of delight.

"Ah, excellent, then both Ministers ill be in attendance." Amos continued as he looked at Pawel. "I would be delighted, and so would they. Many come from your district I believe Lord Wilhart. Derwin and Darwich both speak highly of you."

Though neither dwarf had ever met the man.