Amos Savren

Amos Savren

Biographical information
Vel Anir - The Gutters 20 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human Male 1.89m Slight Black Dark White
Political information
Out-of-character information

Raised in the Anirian Slum known simply as the Gutters, Amos has a surprisingly positive outlook on life despite where he comes from.

A spindly and small boy for most of his life, Amos never cared much for playing outside or getting into trouble with the other boys. He enjoyed reading, learning, and crafting small 'inventions' out of the garbage he managed to collect in the canals of the Gutters.

Unbeknownst to him, it was this scavenging that would later lead to his affliction.

Always shown to be a particularly bright child, Amos' guardian sought to support her wards ambitions as best she could. She scraped and saved for books, paper, and chalk, even managing to convince a school outside the Gutters to accept him for classes. In a rather wholesome twist, even the local gangs began to support Amos in a way. Ensuring that none of the less cultured of the Gutters messed with him.

When he reached his teenage years Shairin Luana came to visit the small school he attended. Originally simply there to receive thanks for her donation, the matron of House Luana toured through the schoolhouse, finding one of Amos' projects and immediately seeing the potential in it.

After a short talk with the young man, Shairin Luana convince Amos to accept her patronage. Something he is still eternally grateful for.

This allowed Amos to almost immediately leave the Gutters. With House Luana now paying his way, the young man attended the Academy Aniria in central Vel Anir. From there he eventually graduated and attended one of the many universities in Vel Zaphris.

It was here that Amos met Kaeden Banick, and also first took notice of his affliction.

His time in Vel Zaphris saw Amos' potential was truly unlocked. With a wealth of knowledge at his hand, the young man was truly able to flourish. Though having the idea for it years earlier, in Zaphris Amos was able to explore his theorem of magical storage. These experiments yielding great success, and launching the young man to the forefront of acclaim.

Unfortunately, it was also in Zaphris that Amos affliction came forward. Though having always been small and sickly, the young scientist has always felt relatively normal, able to walk, run, and even fight when called for it. However after his departure from the Gutters and his time away, Amos has grown sickly.

He has a persistent, though not harsh, cough. He is noticeably sluggish, though not fatigued. Every now and again he will fall unconscious, and his vision will often blur. Sometimes it also seems his hands do not do as he wishes.

Although these symptoms are concerning, they are infrequent and manageable enough that Amos has not allowed them to slow down his work. Feeling that he is on the cusp of finally, truly, discovering something great.

Skills and Abilities

Through his own efforts, that of his Guardian, and a few other supportive people in his life Amos has an exceptional grasp on most general subjects. At Academy Aniria he was taught advanced maths and language, a base of knowledge which he further expanded in Vel Zaphris.

Aside from this knowledge, Amos has an extensive interest and base of understanding in the workings of magic.

Though incapable of any sort of sorcery himself, Amos found a keen interest in it's study. Through years of work and understanding, he has created what he calls 'the theorem of magical storage', a name he is not quite pleased with. Through it's means, however, he is capable of harvesting a person or objects magic and 'storing' it in a small gem.

As of yet the use of these stored magics has yielded interesting, yet quite uncontrollable results. A problem that Amos and his friend Kaeden hope to overcome.


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