Private Tales The First Hunt

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography

There were not many things that could make the Shadowsinger tongue-tied but what the Erlking had just asked of him was one of them. He forgot himself temporarily and glanced up to meet those frigid green eyes. They seemed to bore into his skull right down to his soul and weigh it. His breath seemed to freeze in his lungs and, as was customary when looking at the man who decided the fates of all fae, found himself being judged. Did what he saw displease him enough to have him added to the Lists this year? He had shirked his duties more and more for Lorcan and Endora. Nothing had been said yet but he knew there would be a time when Midir would demand payment for it.

Was this request it?

The Erlking smiled and Raphael inwardly cringed.

"What I mean, Sire, is that... Fraeya is...."

"Something new,"
The Erlking reclined back in his throne and looked at Raphael as a bird might consider a worm. "I wish to see what she can do."

"I could train her, Sire. Teach her--"
He was cut off with a wave of the hand.

"You misunderstand me, Raphael. I do not care if she survives. I simply wish to see what she can do."

* * *
The shadows writhed around Raphael as he walked causing even the High Fae who usually sneered at him to keep a wide berth. Raphael's thoughts were too loud to care which fae he might insult by not bowing out of the way. His mind was on his promise to his real Lord and Lady, the promise to keep Fraeya safe. That had been the last thing Maeve had asked of him before he had flown her back to the Autumn Court after complaining about not feeling well. The petite redhead was hard as iron but in that moment she had looked worried and that had worried him. Look after her, Raph. Promise me.


The shadows were a swarm by the time he reached the Kennels. Two Shucks he didn't recognise glanced up from where they were playing cards nearby and Raphael took a deep breath, trying to reign in the shadows. The lads stood up and swaggered over with their best versions of 'mean' expressions. Raphael merely stared blankly back and those mean expressions soon faltered into youthful grumpiness.

"What do you want?" one demanded and folded his arms over his chest.

"I'm here to see Fraeya; the Erlking has a mission for her."
  • Wonder
Reactions: Fraeya
He snorted. "A mission for that mut? What a fukin' waste." He sniffed and placed a card over the other lad's. The other one swore and rubbed the back of his neck, throwing his cards on the table.

"You're fukin' lucky, y'know that?"

"Loser shows him to her."

"Fukin' fine." The one who lost stood abruptly. Dark skin, dark hair, but light eyes. "This way," he tipped his chin to the Spy Master. Puffing his chest in bravado though there was a wariness to those light eyes of his. He knew who Raphael was. The stories about him.

Sighing, he lead the way into the Den. It was clear the structure was bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside. There was a maze of corridors, mostly dark and damp like a cave system. Though, every now and then, light from the jungles above pierced through the top from natural openings, spreading warm light along bigger rooms that looked like lecture halls or practice areas.

Without waiting to see if Raphael followed, the lad kept going, turning left abruptly into a room that opened up with a cramped living space. Three tiered bunks lined the space. It was clear there was no privacy or space. And fae who looked a lot younger than Fraeya, though older in years filled the room.

"She's with the pups because, well, she can't do shite," the lad snorted, motioning his hand to the blond at the other end of the room, huddled on one of the middle bunks with a journal pressed to her nose.
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Raphael
It took measured control not to grab the Shuck by the throat and squeeze. Here he couldn't be himself, here he had to be the man who fae feared. So he kept his face in that half bored expression as though every word the boy uttered was even more pointless than the one before; he just wanted to get on with his work. Another twinge of pain hit him for Fraeya's sake when he was led to the pups rooms. Vaer allowed this? He had hoped when he had heard that Midir had chosen to send her to his loyal hound, that he might look out for her here. It seemed that faith had been misplaced.

"I can find my own way back," he drawled dismissively and waited for the scowling Shuck to retreat back down the hall before stepping into the room. His shadows curled about him, whispering as they always did, but he ignored them as he walked quietly to the girl sat on the bed.

"Pack," he dumped a rucksack in front of her. "The Erlking has given you a mission."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Fraeya
Vibrant green eyes peeked from the rim of her journal. They shifted between the pack he'd dumped near her lap and then up to his face. "Now he deigns to acknowledge my existence?" Her journal snapped shut.

Perhaps she'd gotten a little too comfortable thinking her creator had forgotten about her.

Would he have been able to get to her if she'd stayed in Endora?

A question she'd never know the answer to. Since coming back, her theory had proved itself right. The sickness she'd been feeling suddenly gone as soon as she'd gotten close to the books and lists.

Legs finally uncurled and she let herself fall the short distance from the bed to the floor. "What's the mission and how long?" Being sent on a mission wasn't anything new. She'd done plenty when she'd been in Delun's care. What was new was Raphael coming to tell her.
  • Sip
Reactions: Raphael
Raphael stepped backwards as she slid off the bed, his shadows snapping back to pool around his feet so she didn't touch them.

"I don't think he ever forgot," he said in that soft near-whisper and shuffled his wings uncomfortably. Once, when he had been younger, Lorcan's mother had once scared the boys senseless by telling them that even muttering his name meant he could see where you were. His shadows had never been able to confirm if that was true.

"Hunt and kill a person on the list," Raphael answered her query and moved away to give her space to move about and pack. "But I need some information from them before you end their life."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Fraeya
A blonde brow arched as she glanced at the boiling shadows at his feet. How they receded from her. Most shucks loved the darkness and could make their own shadow-forms. The darkness and shadow-figures felt different to her. She wasn't drawn to them like the others.

Only more reason of why they thought she was a freak.

A human turned fae and one that was supposed to be a shuck.

Going to the foot of her bed, there was a small chest attached. Opening the lid, she stiffened as Raphael spoke. She'd worked around the lists her entire life. She'd killed to survive before but never any fae, ha - as if she'd ever been able to. Even the Erlking had killed the witch on their mission.

She began pulling out a set of leathers, the very set the Erlking had gifted to her the last time she'd been human. She had a bow set with arrows and she finished off with a few more things until the pack was full but not overflowing. Slinging the pack across her back, she finally looked up to Raphael.

"Do you have the list or the book?"

If she was going to kill someone, she wanted to see for herself. Even as she swallowed back the bile building at the base of her throat.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Raphael
The spymaster seemed to hesitate when she asked for the list and the shadows seemed to shudder, before vanishing and leaving the room its normally lit self. Reaching into the pocket in his jacket he tugged out the scroll and handed it over. When she unrolled it she would see a no doubt familiar face staring back at her.

Amanthea was a well known courtier in the Summer Court and a famed beauty with long blonde hair and eyes that were said to have been carved from sapphires. Despite her courts tendencies to see humans as playthings, she had also been known to treat hers with a rare kindness and had a strong moral of not harming children - no matter their species.

Raphael folded his arms over his chest.

"She was the one who ordered Maeve kidnapped and tortured."
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Fraeya
There was something deep inside of her - the strange hybrid magic she'd been gifted with that she felt respond to the list as she held it in her hands. A thrum and pulse of power beneath her skin. A song that only she could hear and fill. And beneath that a sharp, simmering anger.

Maeve was one of the few friends she had in this world. She'd gotten so close to her during her short time in Endora. Maeve had shared a little of what happened to her when she'd been kidnapped. And as one does with family, the idea of anyone harming them only made Fraeya want vengeance.

The air where her fingers met the list shimmered for a moment with a flicker of a white mist.

"So we're going to summer," her voice was low. Rolling the scroll carefully back up, she handed it back to Raphael. Without waiting for him, her footsteps began to lead them out of the dormitory and down the cavernous corridors toward the tables. She still wasn't sure if the Erlking had sent Raphael on this mission with her so he could report back to him.

No, no, she could assume at least that. He was the Spymaster afterall and they were no longer in Endora.

"Oy, little pup going on a mission. Since ye probably won't make it back, I'm claiming your bed," called a lanky, pale-skinned shuck with jet-black hair. A scar went down one side of his face that made the corner of his mouth look as if he was always sneering. He was clearly trying to get a rise out of her, his predatory gaze following her closely but Fraeya ignored him.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Raphael
"Maybe I'll even take your--" The Shuck wilted when Raphael turned his cold gaze in his direction. The young pup ducked his head and wisely slunk off, apparently having remembered he had better things to do than goad Fraeya. The shadowsinger snorted quietly.

"Yes, we must go to Summer," he agreed though the decision had been made before he'd even presented the information he had to the Erlking. Either way the puca would have gone on this mission. He had just hoped he would have been sent alone. He could move better when he was alone; with another he had to think beyond his own survival and those instincts were slim enough. If he had thought the Erlking cared he might have suspected the king had sent Fraeya in order for Raphael to take more care.

"I can fly quicker than you can run, so we will fly part way there tonight and the other half tomorrow."
  • Nervous
Reactions: Fraeya
They got more than a few curious glances as the pair wove their way around the den. More reverent to Raphael and mild curiosity, boredom, or disdain to Fraeya. Her footsteps faltered as he said what she'd been dreading. Head shook quickly as her pace quickened.

"No. Absolutely not. We're going to the stables and taking the horses. You can fly if you want but I'll be riding."

Yes, Fraeya was scared of flying. And it wasn't even just about heights. It would about not being in control. With so much of her life already wildly beyond anything she could ever control again, she was not about to be at the mercy of Raphael for an entire day's journey.

Not that she'd ever admit any of that.

"You should save your strength from needing to carry me anyway." A stubborn clench of her jaw as she rounded the corner.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Raphael
Raphael threw his arm out to block her path and turned so that he was facing her.

"Not acceptable," his tone made it clear he wouldn't be budged from his stance. There was a tenseness to his jaw and around his eyes that indicated he was holding back what he really wanted to say. Instead he kept his words clipped. "Horses do not run fast enough. You run faster than horses now, Freya," he pointed out. Whether she believed it or not all fae could. The horses were used by most because of their flare, or used by fae not gifted with speed. Raphael had seen her move however and knew she was not one of those.

"We need to move quickly, so. You either run, or you're coming with me."
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Fraeya
She came to a halt, annoyance ticking at her jaw from the blocked path. Light green eyes narrowed up at the Pucca. A shift of her pack on her shoulders. She'd never tried what he said before. Not for long distances anyway. And she still had her doubts that she could even do what he so confidently believed that she could.

"Fine," she huffed. Matching his clipped tone with her own. "Then I will run."

She ducked beneath his arm before he could stop or try to block her path again, the side of her shoulder briefly brushing against the tips of his wings as she passed. Footsteps took a tunnel that lead to the right. Light from the outside shown brightly at the other end. It wasn't long before sunlight hit her face, the twisting vines above from the jungle casting her face in twisted shadows of brightness and darkness.

"Why don't you go first?"

She offered, shifting from one foot to the next and not wanting him to see her fail. And wondering why she even cared about that.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Raphael
Raphael was slow to anger. Sid and Lorcán tended to be the ones who let their passion get the better of them in the heat of the moment, a fact that made Raphael even more proud of his restraint. But there was something about this girl that got under his skin and made him want to bear his teeth like some feral animal.

Outwardly of course he did no such thing. The only sign was the feathered muscle in his jaw as she scooted past him. He considered then and there leaving her behind and accepting the Erlkings wrath. If she couldn't listen to one simple thing how could he be expected to work with her?

Pushing off from the wall he stalked after her, shadows whispering in their wake.

"Fine," he gritted out. "But I'll be watching," it sounded far more like a threat than he intended but he didn't correct himself before shooting into the sky like a black arrow.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Fraeya
A sigh of agitation left her lips as the trees rained down some leaves, dirt, and small twigs from his skyrocketed departure. "Like a banshee out of the swamps," she muttered beneath her breath. Hands adjusted the straps of her packs as her gaze set toward the path ahead. Shoulders curled inward as she took a moment to try and believe in herself.

Long blonde-hair was braided tightly back. Stubborn wisps framing her face. Taking a breath and wetting her lips, her feet pushed off the dirt and she began running. The pack giving a steady thump-thump-thump along her back. While she no longer had the slower and less graceful gait of a human, she was currently not preternaturally fast.

But there was a growing thrumming in her veins and without being able to see him, she knew the general direction of where Raphael was. She assumed it was a connection to the lists he carried. She knew though, if she wasn't able to pick up her speed soon, he'd be back down here insisting that they fly.

Centering herself upon the strange thing that was her magic, she dipped in until the trees around her became a blur. Only time would tell for how long she'd be able to hold the pace.
  • Smug
Reactions: Raphael
Above, Raphael only gave a grunt of approval when she stopped holding back. Like with Maeve, Fraeya still thought like a human and on some level, he believed she still thought of herself as one too. The human Fraeya was dead. She had been dead as soon as she made the deal with Midir - and only a human was stupid enough to get themselves into that mess. It was a fact that the girl was going to have to come to terms with if she truly wanted to master what she was now.

At least she had finally got her arse in gear.

Raphael was able to lengthen the beats of his wings into a more comfortable pace now he did not have to slow himself for her. He did not pull too far ahead but just enough that she knew where to go when she glanced up. It was an oddity not flying above the clouds hidden from view and he felt exposed as he did so, but for now over the Autumn territory he had the luxury of being able to.

His mind brushed against hers.

Tell me when you can go no further.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Fraeya
The way the landscape was slowly beginning to change. Even the smells in the air were a good signal that they were nearing the border of Autumn Court. But the sun dipping lower on the horizon was the most surprising thing of all to Fraeya.

When she'd first heard Raphael's voice in her mind, she'd nearly tripped on an overturned log in her path and smacked into a tree. She'd righted herself at the last moment, saving the tree and herself a wealth of destruction and embarrassment. She'd thought she'd need to reach out to Raphael within a few hours but she found that her body surprised her. It did not tire as quickly as she suspected it would.

But eventually.

Even her new-found fae muscles began to tremble. The blur of trees and vines became more solid. Muscles in her legs and lungs burned. She thought about lying to the Spy Master. Pushing herself beyond what she was feeling. But in the end, she decided not to. At least not this time.

I need a break, she relented, following that tentative connection to him.

Settling her breath, she came to a walk, finding her way into a small clearing. A stream bubbled somewhere behind a set of stacked and moss-covered rocks and boulders. With a grunt, she slipped her pack off her shoulders and began trying to roll the tightness out of them.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Raphael
Raphael landed not long after Fraeya came to a halt in a sweep or black wings which he then folded against his back. His eyes went first to the surrounding trees checking for any sign of danger he might have missed from the air before finally glancing in her direction. He had to admit he was impressed. He'd expected her to call it far earlier than she had, but her speed had brought them close to the mountains of the spine.

If he had been carrying her they would not have made such good timing. Clearly he needed to put a bit more bite into his words in the future so her stubborn pride got her over the hurdle of fear.

"I'll make us a fire, you should stretch," he nodded and set off into the trees.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Fraeya
Ever since he'd seen her at her worse and carried her over to Endora, things had been strained and curt between them. Even the few training sessions they'd gotten in together always felt like Raphael was...she couldn't quite describe it. More polite than Sid but also less warm.

As she watched the backs of his wings disappear into the darkening trees, she sighed and focused on setting up camp. Wondering again why the Erlking hadn't just sent her to handle this alone. From her pack she got out her bedroll, knowing she'd need it this close to the Spine with the colder nights. A kettle she filled with water from the stream. There were banshees, goblins, and boggarts littering this area and the thing she was worried most about was spending the night with Raphael filled with strained small-talk.

A hand dragged down her face. Rummaging in her pack, she took out some of the supplies. "I brought some bread, cheese, and honey...if you want any?" She could feel the muscles in her legs tremble beneath her and silently cursed.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Raphael
Raphael dropped the ample amount of firewood in the spot he had chosen and glanced across at her as she offered her food to share. He did not reply but instead glanced down at her legs trembled. Still he said nothing and crouched down to begin building the fire with careful precision.

"I brought provisions for us both, but thank you," when the fire was built he used flint from his pocket to light the kindling then with care fed it until it was large enough the bigger branches would not smother it. Content with his work he returned to his own pack and produced a wrapped parcel.

"This should help, it seems to aid Maeve after she has used her gifts," he threw her the bundle inside of which was a bar of chocolate.
  • Bless
Reactions: Fraeya
Surprise which didn't show on her face at his comment. That he'd think of them both in his provisions as well as ahead to the effects of using her magic. She got glimpses of who he might really be in Endora, beyond his reputation as the brutal spy master of Autumn Court. But each time he showed her he was more than his reputation caught her off-guard.

Placing the kettle on the growing flames, she finally allowed herself to sit, crossing her legs atop her bedroll and wondering if she'd be able to stand-up again. Fingertips slid through the parcel he'd thrown to her, carefully opening it. Was it some sort of medicine? Poultice?

This time, her surprise wasn't hidden.

"Chocolate?" A warm smile briefly flitted across her lips as she thought of the red-head. "Actually makes sense," she broke off a piece and began munching on it, thinking of the cafe Maeve had been so eager to take Fraeya to...the one that served those crazy chocolate milkshakes.

As the kettle whistled, she made herself move, leaning over and carefully taking it off. Producing two cups, she made some tea, offering one to Raphael. "When we make it into Summer Courts, what's our strategy? Just find her and...," voice trailed off.

Kill her.

Heel of her palm rubbed against her light green eyes which were quickly growing heavier. Even with the chocolate.
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Raphael
Raphael looked up from where he was rummaging for his own food - cured meats, cheese and fresh bread - and met her gaze. Shadows swirled in that dark look as if daring her to say the word aloud. With a blink it was gone and he went back to constructing a sandwich.

"I have contacts in the Summer Court, we will go there first. Hopefully they have some information on our target that will help us form a plan," there were too many changing factors to make one ahead of time; who she was with, where she was, her standing in the Court when they arrived.
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Fraeya
Chin lifted slightly as she met his gaze and those writhing shadows. She was not afraid nor did she back down. A flash of ire sparked in her eyes. Eyes that shared a strange similarity in color to the Erlking's.

Breaking off another piece of chocolate, chewing it quietly, she tried to look anywhere but him. But she found herself casting him looks whenever she assumed he wasn't looking. "Are you going to tell me anything about your contacts or is this on a need-to-know basis?" She couldn't help the small snap of impatience in her tone. If this was going to work, she needed the same information that he had.

A part of her still wondered if this was all a ploy to get rid of her.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Raphael

It was clear by his tone that would be the end of the conversation on his part. He finished creating his sandwich and then focused all of his attention on eating that or watching the treeline. Once he was done he stood and went to inspect them closer without a word to her. Amongst the trees he left shadows behind that would alert him should someone draw near; just because they were in the Autumn Court did not mean they were surrounded by friends. His own kind lived not far from here up in the mountains and he didn't fancy waking up to one of them standing over him. He completed two laps before he was finally content enough to return to the fire.

"You should sleep," he commented as he stalked past back to his own bedroll. "The mountains are hard going even for fae."
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Fraeya
Lips pressed into a thin line at his response.

For Maeve, try to be polite.

Very slowly, she swallowed the slurry of words she wanted to hurl in his direction. Managing to nibble on some of her own bread and cheese, she put the rest of the food away. And finished off the tea. It was easy enough not to let her eyes follow him when he went toward the treeline. Standing, she went in the opposite direction even as he stalked past her with the suggestion to sleep.

She tried to keep her gait as un-stiff as possible and she walked until she disappeared from view.

Sometime later she returned. Let him keep his secrets because she had her own. Without a word or a look to the spy master, she sunk down upon her bedroll and turned so her back was to him. Hidden from view, her fingers curled around the hilt of her bone-dagger as she kept it close and fell asleep to the sounds of the wild things moving just outside their camp. A frigid wind began to blow sometime in the night.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Raphael
Raphael turned his gaze to the sky as the wind rolled through the trees, carried no doubt from the Spine. He had attempted sleep and caught a few hours of the light wakefulness he often adopted when travelling. It was enough to restore his energy whilst also meaning he could keep watch. He'd given that up a short time ago however and had instead pulled out the block of wood and knife he used to whittle.

He set those down when the wind blew and built up the fire some more to keep the chill from the immediate camp. The cold was something he was used to, kept as he was in the dark prison for his early years, but he knew others did. Raphael's eyes drifted to Fraeyas back and then he stood on silent feet and walked over to drape his cloak over her sleeping form before returning to his spot.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Fraeya