Private Tales Table Manners..

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Lynus Anireth

The Prince of Vel Anir
Character Biography
Lynus' fist pounded on the door of Arryn's chambers. Once. Twice, and a third time, each time more impatient than the last. Arryn whipped the door open to save it from another assault, his gaze widening on Lynus, instant concern crossing his features. "What's hap--"

Lynus pushed the Captain back into his chambers, Brett, his young squire, was sitting at the table in the midst of polishing weapons and armour. The young boy gave a cautious smile, looking between the two.

"Evenin' Brett." Lynus nodded with a light smirk, and the boy returned a greeting with the same familiarity and carried on with his work.

"Hi to you too." Arryn said, folding his arms across his chest. "Who pissed on your potatoes?"

"Look. I know you're going to be somewhat aggrieved, but I need you to get dressed and come to dinner with me."

Brett snorted, and Arryn's cheeks dimpled in a grin as he curtsied. "Oh. My Prince. I thought you'd never ask," he laughed. "Where are you taking me, and why, pray tell, would I be somewhat aggrieved?"

Lynus gave an unamused look which slowly morphed into a grimace, preparing himself for Arryn's wrath. "It's.. That dinner. And I know what you're going to say, but Jiya is arriving any time now. I extended an invitation to her an--"

"You what?! Jiya is coming here, now? Why the fuck w--"

"Just - hear me out." Lynus gripped Arryn's shoulders with a firm shake. "I need someone to be there as a sort of a... buffer, of sorts. I need my family to behave and at least with Lady Jiya in attendance they need to consider their behaviour. And I need the moral support. Isla has been here a week and i've managed to avoid it this long, for her sake, but my mother has been insistent that I'm hiding her away. It's not like that, I just didn't want to overwhelm her." Lynus sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck.

"You've been kind to her, despite your differences, My mother has been kind to her, thank the Gods, Kizzie i'm sure will be her usual delightful self but my brother's loathing of me isn't any secret and my father can't be trusted to keep his mouth shut. She means everything to me, Arryn. I need her to feel like she's welcome here, and I need them to get to know her before they drive her away."

Arryn was glaring at him, a muscle feathering in his jaw. Lynus pouted. "Remember how I took you in and gave you a life and lifted you up and made sure you wanted for noth--"

"Right! All-fucking-right! Mister fucking 'grand speech'. But you owe me for this. If I'd known this title came with chaperoning debutant balls and attending family show downs I might've pled for a hanging instead." he muttered. Lynus dragged the Captain into a man-hug before turning to open the door, where Marguerite stood with a sour look on her pretty face, ready with Arryn's outfit for the evening. She looked ready to throw it on the floor, her jealousy palpable. Lynus offered her a small smile in thanks as he cautiously took the garments, and closed the door slowly.

"Brr... What've you done this time?"

Arryn sneered, snatching the clothing as Brett sat grinning to himself. "Mags ent pleased he's been spendin' so much time with Jii-yaaa." the boy said, pouting his lips and kissing the air.

"Haven't you got stable duty?"


"You do now. Fuckety bye." Arryn gestured toward the door, and the boy groaned but did as he was bid.

"Save me some pudding at least." he huffed.

Lynus looked back to Arryn as the door clicked shut, his brow quirked in question. "I hadn't realised things had moved beyond friendship with Lady Jiya. Shit if i've--"

"It hasn't." Arryn interjected too quickly. "The kid's a gossip, and Mags is. Mags.. We were never anything serious."

Lynus knew when to leave well alone, and he let Arryn dress in silence as he paced the room, fidgeting with his cuffs and loosening his collar. Arryn looked just as flustered, and both men ensured the other was presentable before leaving to wait for the Ladies, and the rest of the royal family to arrive in the foyer.

"There had better be peppermint tarts." Arryn growled quietly beside Lynus, his eyes fixed on the staircase.
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"Mother please."

Wilhelm had not begged for anything in his life. Not since he was nine, when he had begged his parents to let him stay, promising them he would keep Kezzie's secret to himself. He had been sent away anyway with nobody he had known. Begging, he had learnt early on, only made betrayal hurt more. But having his life signed away in this manner had given him little other choice and he hoped - hoped - his parents might have learnt their lesson and would listen to him now.

"It's already been decided, Wil. You're to marry Elspeth--" his mother reached out as though to comfort him.

"Why!?" he pulled back as though she had slapped him, anger, hate, something darker swirling in his eyes. "Lynus is the heir. Kizzie is next - marry her off to some Lord if family lines are so important!"

"Kizzie is destined for something more. Her work in the Guard..." his father begun and Wil let out a shrill laugh.

"So, what? Kizzie is too perfect to ruin her life with an unwanted marriage? Is worth more than me?"

"That's not--"

"And Lynus can marry a whore because what? You're scared of him?"

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" His father roared, crossing the distance between them in three quick strides to pin his son up against the wall by the throat. "Now you listen to be boy, you lost any right to a choice when you went off on that beer tour of yours. Squandered our money on drink and food. You'll marry the Sirl girl and you'll actually do something to make us proud."

Silence echoed through the throne room.

"Randall, please," his mother said softly, touching the kings arm. Abruptly the King dropped him and stepped back.

"Go get ready for dinner. We won't be speaking of this again."

Wil had intended on arriving first to the dinner in order to get most of a bottle of wine down his throat before his mother could intervene or try to talk about what had happened. Instead he had had a maid bring three to his room and had started the party there. He looked dishevelled by the time he arrived; his hair tussled and his cheeks flushed despite the pale skin. His eyes looked a little red around the edges despite the cocky smile he wore like a knight would armour. His attire was the only thing that looked pristine and was no doubt thanks to the servants. They had pulled him into a high collared jacket and shirt with cravat about the neck to hide the bruising caused by his fathers hands.

His smile faltered a little when he saw who had beat him to the hall.

"I thought it was just family tonight," his eyes flicked over Arryn. "Or have you decided to marry the Captain instead, brother?"
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"Kiz? That's a weird name. Ain't never heard of no one named Kiz before." The girl standing opposite her on the transport boat said, freckles climbing over her cheeks and up towards her hair. Eventually slipping to hide beneath an expanse of deep bright red locks tucked behind her ears. The waves of it so long that she must have bribed some the recruiters to let her keeper.

Though Kassandra knew most would have said the same of hers. "Just a nickname. My brother gave it to me."

A whistle escaped the girls lips.

"Ah. Names Lily." The Girl declared happily.

"Never had no brothers of my own, just sisters." The Redhead said, throwing herself in the seat opposite the Princess of Vel Anir. A wide grin spreading over her face as she added. "Don't mind havin another though."


"Princess?" Kassandra's head snapped up, drawn to the voice that that called her. Ogrem stood in the doorway of the carriage, the Old Royal Guardsmen looking expectantly at his charge.

He had been the one to take her from the front. He had been the one to escort her back from Cortos where the sparks of war were now beginning to flicker. Any other time and she would have sent him away. Any other day and she would have screamed and kicked until her mother and father had finally gotten the message of where she wanted to be.

But when the Warden of Foreth had come to call her, the Princess of Vel Anir had found herself waning and wanting.

"Coming." She said, flashing Ogrem a smile.


"KIZ! KIZ! GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!" Lily shouted, grabbing the back of Kassandra's uniform and practically hauling her across the trench. Ignoring the belch of earth that was thrown over them as some sort of missile struck the ground just a few meters behind them.

"I'm sorry!" The Princess called desperately, glancing over her shoulder. Peering around the corner where she could still see the edge of Corrith's body. "I was trying to help Corrith he-"

"HE'S FUCKING DEAD KIZ!" The peasant girl shouted, wrenching Kassandra forward so the two were only an only an inch apart. "SO STOP! FUCKING! CARING!"


Lily's voice turned to pleading her eyes glancing over Kassandra's shoulder to where their friend now lay.


The creek of Palace doors snapped Kassandra back to the moment at hand. Some of the final clicks of her heels echoing in her ears just as Wil's voice drowned them out. A soft smile pulling at her lips as some of the darkness of the recent weeks was gently tugged away from her mind.

"He would never." The Princess said as she turned the corner into the foyer, joining the conversation. "Lynus respect Arryn far too much to drag him into all of our politics."

Kassandra said, flashing the Guardsmen a smile before giving him a bow of her head. "Congratulations, Captain."

She offered, her eyes meeting his, a memory behind them.


"Congratulations." A long pause carried through the air, the smell of metal so thick in the air one could taste it.

"Seriously, Kiz. Good fucking work on this. We wouldn't have made it without you." Lily said, clapping her on the shoulder. "Reckon this'll earn a promotion."
Isla toyed at the delicate fabric of her dress, staring at herself in the vanity while Sarah made her hair presentable. The dress was golden, chosen by Lynus himself, with a deep neckline that had even Isla questioning his judgment. The ring of bruises on her neck were all but a faint shadow of yellow-green in some parts, hidden easily with the flaxen waves that Sarah carefully arranged.

She had been cooped up in his bedroom for the past week. Not that she minded too much. There was much to do- dress fittings, playing with Duke, enjoying a real bed for the first time in so long. Tonight, however, she was meeting his siblings. Anxiety had been gnawing at her since Lynus informed her, now growing to unbearable levels as she watched the maid work.

Meeting his father had gone poorly. She was honestly surprised that Lynus made it out without a matching bruise to the one on he came to Bess’ with. The King made no attempt to hide his disdain for the girl.

His mother had been kind, though Isla could not tell if it was genuine. She liked to believe it was.

Truly, she was unsure of what to expect. He’d briefed her on his siblings, which also did little to settle her nerves. Kassandra sounded lovely, the way Lynus spoke of her. Wil…seemed troubled.

Stop fussing,” Sarah’s voice drew her from her thoughts. “His siblings will love you.”

Isla sighed, still fidgeting with whatever was in her reach. “I wish I could believe that.” She could see Sarah grimace in the mirror. “After meeting his parents, I would prefer they just ignore me entirely. I’d much rather be a shadow than a spectacle. We all know I do not belong here.

Sarah met her gaze, gripping Isla’s shoulders. “You do belong here. Lynus would not have brought you otherwise. His mother sees it. His siblings will, too. Give them time and let them get to know you. Besides,” She smiled, “You have me by your side. If they give you trouble, you let me know.

Isla only offered a small smile in return before she returned to her idle distractions.

Sarah’s expression softened as she smoothed the final strands of hair into place. “At least try to look happy. She spun Isla around.

I am. I just…” She paused. “I don’t think it's likely that I’ll make a good impression. I find it difficult to think they can look past everything I’ve done and see me as someone worthy for their brother. I’m surprised Lynus could even-”

You are worthy. Now, stop fussing!” She pulled Isla from the chair, not allowing another morsel of self-deprecation to leave her lips. “Take a deep breath and let’s go.” She smoothed the golden dress and opened the door, leading Isla out into the hallway. Isla felt like she might be sick.

She had been disappointed when Lynus left her to get ready alone, promising he’d see her in the foyer. She could have used the hand to hold right about now.

She heard their voices first and immediately halted, hesitating until Sarah tugged her back into motion. “You’re going to be fine. Remember, you have Lynus. Now, go!

Two guards opened the door and with a gentle shove from Sarah, Isla stepped into the foyer and made a beeline for Lynus. And Arryn. “You clean up well.” She offered to the latter, reaching down to grab Lynus’ hand. To each of his siblings, she curtsied. "Your highnesses."
Lynus felt relief to see his brother, pleased that he had shown up, though all relief quickly drained from his expression as he noted the telltale signs of inebriation. Lynus felt his heart sink. This was already off to a wonderful start.

"Wil.." he greeted awkwardly, his voice careful, as if walking a path strewn with broken glass. Each glance at his youngest sibling reopened old wounds, but tonight was supposed to be about Isla, about welcoming her into their home. His anger and disappointment simmered beneath the surface, but he knew he had to keep them in check. The last thing they needed was to escalate the situation when Wil was clearly on edge.

"Glad you could make it," he said quietly, the words heavy with unspoken understanding. He knew all too well how often choices had been stripped from them both, and the weight of that shared history lay between them.

The creek of a door dragged his gaze toward it, and the tension in Lynus' shoulders eased visibly at the sight of his sister, his expression warming from fret, to fondness. He stepped forward, pulling Kassandra into a gentle hug before looking her over. "I'm pleased to see you still in one piece, Kiz. Not that I ever had any doubt," he sighed. "I'm glad you're here," he said, his gaze a silent plea for support.

Once again, the sound of the door opening called Lynus' attention toward it. The smile he'd worn faltered at the sight of her, his breath stolen away. Gods, she was beautiful. In that moment, the rest of the room seemed to fade, leaving only Isla in her golden dress, a vision of grace and strength. His heart swelled with pride and an unspoken love, with awe at her courage to face his family despite the trials she had endured.

As she moved toward him, Lynus moved too, their steps in perfect synchrony. He met her halfway, catching her hand with a gentle squeeze of reassurance, realising only then how hard his own heart was pounding. The anxiety he felt about the evening's events seemed to dissipate slightly in her presence.

"My Lady," he said, his voice warm and steady as he smiled down at her, and turned toward the others. "This is my sister, Princess Kassandra, and my brother, Prince Wilhelm," he introduced, his gaze shifting momentarily to his siblings before returning to Isla. "And this is Lady Isla Montesseret," he said, lifting her knuckles to press a soft kiss to them, a gesture both tender and respectful.

"You look stunning."
Arryn turned toward the youngest prince, his gaze instantly narrowing. "Oh for fuck's sake," he growled under his breath. He leaned closer to Lynus, his voice a low murmur. "Just say the word."

Lynus only shot him a quick, cautionary look.

Arryn straightened, forcing a tight smile as he addressed Wil. "That you think me worthy is an honour indeed, though sadly, I'm not pretty enough," he retorted with a wry smile. He then dipped his chin in a formal greeting, his tone tight with barely restrained frustration. "My Prince," he said, the words clipped and controlled, though the urge to say more simmered just beneath the surface.

Arryn's gaze shifted to Kassandra, her presence a balm to the rising tensions. He returned her smile with a respectful bow. "Princess," he greeted warmly. "Your timing is impeccable, as always." He dipped his head slightly, acknowledging her congratulations. "Undeserved, but thank you." he said, his voice softer now.

He too, followed the sound of the door opening, his gaze settling on Isla as she stepped (was pushed) into the foyer. He offered her a smile, hoping to lessen the tension the girl must have been feeling. He understood it well. He gave her a subtle nod. Safe. It was a simple gesture, but it carried a hint of encouragement, a silent acknowledgment of the courage it took for her to be there.

When she greeted him with an unexpected compliment, his smirk reappeared, a flicker of his usual confidence. "Blessed Anirius. So many compliments already, it's a wonder I haven't torn a hole in my breeches," Arryn commented with a light smirk.

Lynus snorted, quickly covering it with a cough and thumping at his chest.
Kassandra embraced her brother, squeezing Lynus ever so softly. "I would not have missed it."

The lie felt painful on her tongue, but in truth, Kassandra was still a mire of guilt and conscience. A part of her still felt a terrible iniquity at having left the front. The friends that she had made, those who she had left behind...all of them were still out there, fighting, dying, and she was...


The Princess of Vel Anir kept her face a mask as Lynus drew back and away from her, Arryn offering his greeting and shirking off every complement offered. As always.

"I can only think of one man who might deserve it more." She rebuked the Captain with a smile, both of them knowing she was speaking of Ogrem. The Knight that had guarded her for most of her childhood, and a man whom she loved like an Uncle. "But I do not think he wants the job, so you will have to take it Captain Cross."

Kizzie shot him a vicious sort of a smile. Using the title she would ordinarily have to in the Guard.

Shooting him one last grin before slipping away to her malcontent brothers side. Drawing to the Prince's side before Isla could arrive and pulling Wil into a tight embrace before he could ever offer any sort of objection. Squeezing him with surprisingly muscled arms as she whispered. "I'm sorry, I know you'd rather be e-."

The Princess said before suddenly the doors were thrown open once again, and their embrace was cut short. Wil would feel Kizzie squeeze his arm as she pulled back, offering what she hoped was a reassuring smile until she turned her head and watched Isla come towards them.

She couldn't help the small smile that touched her face as she saw Lynus break away from their little group. His eager steps echoing out in the foyer, the way he moved singing with an excitement that almost made her jealous no one had ever been so glad to see her.

Her smile stayed put as Lynus turned towards them, introducing Isla to each of them in turn.

The Princess stood. Her chin held high, her back straight, and her hands clasped gently in front of her. She waited for Isla to curtsie and once she did the Princess offered; "It is a pleasure to meet you, truly, Lynus has told me much about you in his letters."

Kassandra offered, stepping forward towards Lynus' new love.
The Prince leaned against one of several columns that lined the great receiving chamber they stood in and returned Arryn's glower with one of his own.

Thankfully he was spared coming up with a retort to his brothers greeting by Kassandra sweeping into the room and taking over the conversation. He was used to being in her shadow and for once he didn't mind it. A server entered with a tray of drinks now that the royal siblings had congregated and Wil plucked one from the offered tray a touch too eagerly. He wasn't nearly drunk enough to deal with Captain Cun--

Wilhelm flinched when his sister threw her arms about his neck to wrap him in a tight embrace. Her touch scraped the soft fabric of his shirt over the abrasions on his neck turning his skin a momentary ashen shade that went unnoticed with the arrival of the evenings guest of honour. As Kizzie turned to Isla, Wil downed the contents of his glass. It barely did anything to dull the ache of pain. Neither did watching Lynus get to be so fucking happy when his whole future had just been ripped away.

"Yes, a real pleasure. Can we eat now?" pushing off from the column he went and pushed open the two double doors that led to the dining room.

Inside the Queen and King were already waiting. They turned to meet their children and their guests with a warm smile. Wil artfully skirted around his mother when she went to take his arm and plopped himself in a chair that would be as far away from them as possible, not bothering to wait. Tonight was a family dinner after all, not a royal one.
Arryn's silent encouragement had not gone unnoticed. She made an attempt to mask the terror in her eyes.

My lady. You look stunning.

"Thank you, my Prince."

His address had been more affectionate than she anticipated, his lips grazing her fingers after he introduced her to the room. It made her blush, a warm pink spreading across her cheeks, staining her pale skin. He brought life into her, features, the flushed skin reviving her, softening her face until she looked much less terrified than she had been feeling on the walk over.

She had been pulled from her private moment as Arryn spoke, Lynus trying to hide his snorting. She glared at the former, amused but choosing to stay silent.

It is a pleasure to meet you, truly, Lynus has told me much about you in his letters.

"And you as well. Both of you." She smiled warmly at the siblings.

"Letters?" A brow raised and Isla twisted for a moment to look at Lynus. "Oh dear. What all has he written of me?" The nervous look had returned slightly. What could Lynus possibly have to write of Isla? Did Kassandra know of how they met? Had Lynus told her of how awful things had been between them? How Isla had been cruel. How she had slapped him and he had wrapped his fingers around her throat all because they both been well and truly miserable.

Or had he skipped that part and started where he had saved her and brought her to Bess'? Had she been told about the incident with his guards or how exactly Arryn found himself the Captain of the King's Guard? She must think Isla an awful woman. Isla could not blame her, though. She would agree.

Though it was clearly intended to be as unpleasant as it sounded, Isla appreciated when the youngest Prince finally spoke up and prevented her from stewing any longer in her awful thoughts. She backed up a step and nodded up at Lynus before following Wil and the others into their dining room.

Anxiety grew upon entering. The room was grand, the long dining table adorned with fine china and extravagant floral arrangements that were too much for such a simple meeting. Candles cast an inviting glow, but did little to warm Isla when she noticed the King. His eyes were fixed on her as she entered. His gaze cold and piercing, burned into her with the same palpable disdain he'd shown the day she had met him- the last time she had seen him.

She greeted both the King and Queen with a quiet, "Good Evening, your Majesties," and took her seat between Lynus and Arryn, across from Wil. It was obvious, from the sullen look and stench of alcohol, that he did not wish to be there but Isla decided to try and engage him. "Prince Wil, I heard that you had attended the Season this year. Did you enjoy it?"
"You are going to be late Lady Jiya," Linton lamented and dogged his Lady's heels as she flittered through the manor, a trail of servants attempting to pin and pluck and righten her entire appearance. "I told you at two you had exactly four hours to get ready left!"

"I know, I know, I was just so close---" Jiya turned to her Steward and clamped her mouth shut; it would do little good trying to convince him her work was far more important than a royal summons. Lynus made it sound a casual ordeal anyway; a chance to thank her for her work on his ancestor Rhea and no doubt to get to know her after Arryn's stories. She was fairly certain from everything the Captain had said that his friend would not mind her being five minutes late if it meant she could work Rhea's spear.

"I'm going!" she threw her hands in the air in supplication before he could launch into another long, sad sounding monologue which somehow managed to sound like a telling off and an obituary for his lost life as a Steward to a real Lady. As she dashed out of the manor one maid managed to just about finish pinning her hair with a golden butterfly clip before she was gone and out of reach. She was fairly certain if she looked behind she would see her whole staff lined out with varying states of disapproving frowns.

It wasn't like she had gone naked for Kress sake.

As it was the carriage driver still made quick work of the streets of Vel Anir and by her own watch - a delicate creation she had made in her time in Elbion - she was actually only three minutes late. Not bad at all.

The Royal Footman showed her the way through the labyrinth of halls she had travelled only a short week or so ago for the Start of the Season Ball. She had none for a more modest gown this time; an emerald green saree that brought out the hints of green and hazel in her otherwise dark eyes. It was decorated with simple silver embroidery in the shapes of twining ivy and jasmine flowers. Her guide stopped at the entrance to what she presumed was a more intimate dining room, not the grand one used for the ball.

"Ah- My Lady," the footman motioned to his cheek and looked at her expectantly. Jiya stared back before realising what it was he meant.

"Oh!" her fingers dabbed at her cheek and came away with ink. Wordlessly the footman handed her a napkin and she peered in the reflective side of a vase to wipe off any traces of the smudge. When she rightened she flashed him a grin of thanks the footman struggled not to return, then opened the doors.

"Announcing the Lady Jiya, of House Luana."

Jiya almost missed a step when she saw who was gathered in the room. Waiting. Ah, Kress.
Lynus gave his sister a knowing look. It was unlikely that she had wanted to be here either, but at least she had the good grace to hide it. It meant a lot to him. He had watched her move to Wil's side, offering her usual support to their brother, his chest tightening at the sight.

As Kassandra addressed Isla, Lynus' lips curled into a warm smile, born of both pride and relief. His sister's graciousness was exactly what he had hoped for, and he gave his sister a small, grateful nod. With the mention of his letters, he looked down at Isla, his gaze softening as he squeezed at her palm. "All good things, of course." he assured her.

As predicted, his brother's greeting was anything but welcoming, but he hadn't expected much more than that, and he'd already ensured that Isla had been well prepared for his youngest sibling's attitude, warned her that it was nothing personal. Not to her, at least.

His hand settled gently on the small of Isla's back, guiding her into the dining room in his siblings' wake.
Watching Wil deliberately avoid their parents and throw himself into a chair, Lynus fought to keep his expression neutral, suppressing the urge to roll his eyes and settling for a clenched jaw instead. The young Prince seemed determined to make a spectacle of himself tonight, and Lynus could only hope the evening wouldn’t start off on a downward spiral.

Approaching the table, Lynus dipped his chin in a quiet, respectful greeting to his parents. "Mother, Father," he said softly, his voice carrying a note of formality and deference. He kissed his mother's cheek before turning his attention to Isla, pulling out a chair for her, his eyes meeting hers with a reassuring warmth.

The King refused to meet Lynus' gaze, though he did at least give a quiet "Good evening," in acknowledgement to Isla before his attention quickly shifted to Wil, seeing how deflated his wife looked at his son's petulance. He reached for his Queen's hand, and they both sat down together.

As they all settled into their seats, Lynus glanced around the table, his gaze lingering briefly on each family member. The tension in the room was palpable, but he was determined to keep the evening civil, for Isla’s sake. He looked over at Wil and his throat cleared quietly, hoping his brother could at least give something of a pleasant answer in response to Isla's question.
Arryn's gaze swept the room. Jiya wasn't here yet. And she's usually so punctual.. His lips twitched at the thought. Perhaps she had wisely chosen to feign illness - he wouldn't have blamed her.

"My King, My Queen." he greeted with a bow. "Kind of you to invite me.." he added.

"Nonsense, Arryn. You are most welcome." the Queen assured.

"It's Captain Cross, now, Elenora." the King pointed out, his lips pressing into a thin line as he looked Arryn over. Ah, the surname, or better - a lack of surname, that old Randall had always rather enjoyed pointing out. Arryn had not always been the most behaved of house guests in growing up in the keep. A former slave had no business being so close with the heir to the Anirian throne, especially not a former slave who slept with his house staff and who drank from their wine cellar and who and gambled and fought in the pits. The King's expression had very often been disapproval when looking upon him, but it was always followed by acceptance, because whether he liked him or not, he knew there would be no-one more loyal in keeping his son from harm. That acceptance came in the form of a subtle nod, and Arryn returned it.

Ever the gentleman, Arryn mirrored Lynus' actions, pulling out a chair for Kassandra with a courteous bow. "Princess," he said, a hint of a smile touched his lips. He wandered to stand by the two empty place settings and hovered awkwardly, refusing to sit until it was clear whether Jiya would or would not be attending.

The answer to that question was answered sooner than he'd anticipated, his head whipping toward the door as it opened and her name was announced. He must've worn the same expression as Lynus had at the sight of Isla. He understood it completely, how the sight of her caused his usual composure to momentarily falter. The woman captivated him entirely, but all at once he composed himself, his chest still aching with the memory of their last encounter and the sense of unworthiness that gnawed at him.

He stepped forward, his movements precise and purposeful, reaching her side with an air of quiet urgency.

“Lady Jiya,” he greeted her softly before his voice lowered. “I'm so sorry. He didn’t tell me about this either," he murmured before leading her gently towards her seat.

The King and Queen’s expressions brightened at Jiya’s arrival. Queen Elenora’s smile was warm and welcoming. “Ah, Lady Jiya, how wonderful to see you.”

The King’s voice followed, laced with a rare hint of joviality. “Yes, some civilized company at last.”

Lynus stood, shooting a quick look at his father and clearing his throat, “Welcome, My Lady. I'm glad you could make it," he said sincerely “I’ve been hearing much about your work of late. Might I introduce Lady Isla Montesseret?” He gestured towards the beauty at his side.

With everyone seated, tension resumed, and the table service began.
Though she had not grown up within the Great Game of Vel Anir, Althhaven had taught her well when it came to reading a room.

It would have been an easy thing to cut the tension in the room with a knife. It seemed that everyone had some biting comment or pressing concern they were just holding back. Her father was casting looks as though he could scorch earth with them, Wil sulked as he had every right to, Lynus was about to explode from the tension wound within him, and that wasn't even to mention everyone else.

Kress, there's less nerves in the trenches. Kassandra swore in her mind, cheeks almost immediately coloring at the curse word.

Lily was rubbing off on her.

"Lady Luana!" Kassandra said, smiling wide as she spotted Jiya. There were few members of the Great Houses who had shown her any kindness, but she had memories of the Lady Luana often speaking and playing with her at various balls and Gala's. "I'd not realized you'd be joining us this evening."

She continued, smiling. Though finding a small bit of mystery as to why the Lady Luana was present this evening. Though she did shoot a look of utter daggers at her father at his comment. "Perhaps you should not judge the company your children keep, Father, when you send us away on a whim."

Kizzie said bluntly.

The words rolling off her tongue before she ever had a second to think about them. The accusation coming from the least expected of the Royral Children.

"And instead." Her eyes stared hard at the King, not allowing him a moment to rebuke her. "Be glad we children ask for yours at all."

The words carried an edge of steel, a backbone built in the Guard.
The room went silent.

It was the type of silence that many wars had been born from. And his sister had caused it.

Wil leaned back in his chair and took a smug sip of wine. It was rather refreshing to see their parents direct their anger at Kassandra for a change and not he or his brother. Neither of them spoke but he could see the anger in his fathers face from the way his cheeks had turned a shade of mottled purple. The Queen simply looked struck. She probably would have looked less like a gaping fish if her daughter had actually slapped her. The Lady Jiya looked the next most uncomfortable and for that he was sorry, his memories of her were hazy but fond. Her younger sister had been one of Ollie's closest friends and often the pair had drawn him into their mischief when young.

Before his parents could have the satisfaction of ruining his sisters silence, Wil turned his attention back to Isla.

"Getting paraded about like a prized peacock isn't exactly my idea of fun. From what I've heard it isn't yours either," he cocked a brow and took another sip of wine. "Tell me, Lady Isla, what do your people do for fun?"
Isla was unfamiliar with the newest face at the dinner, though it made little difference to her. Arryn seemed to squirm at the sight of Jiya, dropping his façade of composure as he scrambled to escort her to her seat. For a moment, the corners of her mouth twitched into a knowing smile and she looked to Lynus for confirmation.

"It is nice to meet you." She dipped her chin politely at Jiya and did her best to ignore the King's insult. She could not, however, hide the hurt look in her eyes as they settled back onto Wil. Even throughout the thick silence, her gaze did not falter as she studied the youngest Prince.

Her head tipped to the side. "I would not know, I hadn't been fortunate enough to attend such an event." She had planned to feign innocence, but the little shit was already pushing her.

"What do you mean 'my people'?" She smiled, sipping the water beside her glass of wine. She had tried, but still found it difficult to stomach any alcohol after the night Arryn dragged her out of her own home. "I am sure some people find it dreadfully boring and I am sure Lynus is getting tired of hearing it all the time, but I quite enjoy playing piano. I hadn't played in years, but he surprised me with one a few weeks ago. I don't think I can ever thank him enough for bringing music back into my life."
"He just said a dinner! Not with the King and Queen," Jiya hissed back to Arryn as he quickly ushered her down the suddenly long dining table to her own seat at the end of the table. It was an honoured position but it also put her between Arryn, Prince Wilhelm, and directly opposite the King. Seven Hels. She awkwardly sat and gave a nod of thanks to the servant who moved forward to fill her cup with wine and set her napkin over her lap. Jiya had no chance to return Kassandra's greeting, nor introduce herself to the Heir's.... lover? At least, she guessed, given the way Lynus' hand rested protectively on her thigh beneath the table. Though she glanced at Arryn with a look akin to pleading to give her some clue as to what she had just walked into--

Then Kassandra launched her attack.

Jiya sucked in a breath through her teeth, eyes flickering between the Princess and the Monarchs.

Wil saved them all a prolonged awkwardness and seemed to ask an innocent question but from Isla's reply it was not so innocent. Jiya glanced to Arryn again with a look that seemed to say What the fuck is happening here?

Someone put a fish in front of her.

Its eye seemed to stare at her with the same confusion she was fairly certain was written over her face.

"Ah... you from abroad, Lady Isla?" maybe pleading ignorance was best. "I confess, I am not great at music myself but I enjoy listening to it. A friend of mine from Elbion recently sent me a new invention of his - it captures music when it is played and stores it. So you can listen back to it whenever and wherever you are. A Cirillion he calls it."

Was she rambling? She felt like she was rambling.
Lynus felt the tension in the room spike as Kassandra spoke, her words slicing through the air with unexpected sharpness. He had been balancing on the edge of his own anxiety, the weight of the evening pressing heavily on him. Kassandra's boldness caught him off guard, breaking the fragile silence with a directness he hadn’t anticipated from her.

His eyes widened slightly as he looked at his sister, a mixture of surprise and admiration in his gaze. Kizzie had always been strong, but this was a side of her he hadn’t seen before. The resolve and defiance in her voice was both shocking and impressive. Lynus straightened slightly, a new respect for her burgeoning within him.

His gaze shifted to his father, who looked about ready to pop that vein in his temple, but Lynus couldn't help but smile. He had deserved it for the comment he'd made. For all of it. Still, Lynus drew a breath. "Perhaps, we should be mindful of our company and not bore our guests with our familial quarrels.." he chided gently, but the smile he offered his sister was one of amusement.

All amusement was very quickly wiped from his expression as his brother probed at Isla, and he gave him a pointed look. Be nice... Please. He caught Isla’s pained expression and her subtle shift in demeanor as she addressed the youngest Prince, and he could see the effort she was making to remain composed.

Her mention of her music softened his features once more. "Just as you brought it back into mine, my lady. You play so beautifully, I could never grow tired of it." Lynus answered, the warmth reigniting in his eyes as he smiled at her.

"Oh, that is something we have in common, Isla. You must play for me one day." the Queen smiled, looking between her children. "You all used to enjoy my playing for you when you were children." she recalled fondly.

“Perhaps we might acquire one of those Cirillions, Lady Jiya.” He asked, his brow raised. “I believe you have many inventions of your own. Our Captain here has been rather impressed by you.” The prince smirked.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.” Arryn said quietly, an apologetic grimace on his face at Jiya’s discomfort. “Trust me, you knew more about it than I did until a half hour ago.” he added, sending a glare in Lynus’ direction. The prince feigned innocence.

Arryn's surprise at Kassandra’s response to her father’s jibe was palpable. His usually composed demeanor faltered for a moment and he glanced at Lynus, who seemed equally taken aback. He scratched at his stubbled jaw in the attempt at hiding the grin that ached to grow, and cleared his throat during the awkward silence that followed.

His eyes shifted to Isla as she took Wil’s bait, and he sighed. Hell. This was hell. He’d surely been hanged for his crimes and he was here..

Turning his attention back to Jiya, he found himself immediately glad of her presence. As always, the adorably endearing woman captivated him, and his lips quirked into a smirk.

“I didn’t know that…” he said and glanced around the table awkwardly, his smile faltering. “That, you liked music. Why would I, of course. That sounds like an interesting invention..” He laughed under his breath and stabbed a fork into his fish. Was he rambling? He felt like he was rambling.

Steely blue eyes rose to Lynus as he hinted at their private discussions about his time with Jiya. What the fuck was he doing??

“Heh.” he coughed quietly and reached to take a long sip of wine as he adjusted his collar.

Definitely hell.
Kassandra offered Lynus only a very flat look. A tight smile pulled at the edge of her lips. though she did not offer another rebuke to her parents. Nor her brother.

Instead she simply leaned against the high back of her chair, gently putting her hands into her lap and perching herself with all the poise in the world. Her expression easing to a soft smile as the conversations began to carry.

Her mind retreating, as her thumbs fidgeted against one another.

Wondering if what she had seen on the battlefield; was now causing her to lose patience in the stateroom.
For a brief moment, Wil's eyes crashed into that of his older brothers. The mirror of his own. He could see plain the pleading in them to make this somehow less painful than it already was for everyone. For a moment he even entertained it, wavered on that destructive edge, and eventually fell.

He gave Jiya a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Yes... you're from out of town aren't you Isla? Isn't that the story you wanted us to go with father?" he looked at the King with a smile that had far too many teeth, then returned his attention back to their pretty little guest.

Why did Lynus get to be happy?

Why did Kassandra get to do what she wanted to do in life?

Why was he always the one punished for their fuck ups?

The ring on his finger heated and pulsed, feeding the negative whispers with more of its own. He scratched it absentmindedly then snatched up the goblet.

"You should show her grandmothers harp, brother. Kress knows nobody else uses it," he muttered into his cup then took a long gulp.
"I..." Isla let her hand fall over Lynus' under the table, silently begging for him to end the interrogation where everyone kept calling her lady. It still felt like an insult. After years of being nothing, now they were calling her lady? It seemed just as forced and condescending as it was the day she arrived. The only person she could not fault, however, was Jiya as she truly did know nothing of who Isla was or where she had been before.

Lynus spoke before she could answer, but she noticed that he did not answer their question. So she would.

"I am from Vel Anir," She answered Jiya, her eyes shifting back over to Wil and his shit-eating grin. "Though we moved when I was younger. Not anywhere abroad, just elsewhere in the city. Perhaps that was what the King was referring to." Her mouth softened into a smile that did not match her eyes.

Ignoring his bait was infuriating. Lynus and Arryn both knew that Isla had a way to ruin people with words. It was, perhaps, Isla's only talent besides music. Intertwining her fingers with Lynus' had calmed her some. Enough so, that she was able to let the desire to put her fist through the little shit's teeth simmer down some. Not entirely, but some.

Instead, she turned her attention towards the Queen. "Prince Lynus has told me much about your love of music. I never had the opportunity to learn how to read it in my youth, but I would love to learn with you one day if you will allow me." Truly, it had been something she was excited for when Lynus brought her. She loved the piano he had sent to Bess' inn, but the keep held so many instruments and he'd let her try them all, falling in love each time with him and the music he inspired.

"A Cirillion? I must know more about it!" Her eyes brightened, "I would love to see such a thing! Have you got music stored on it already?"
An awkward silence settled over the table. The king had turned an unnerving shade of purple and the Queen looked as though she were going to faint.


It didn't take a genius to work out why a King would want to label a woman as being from out of town when marrying the heir. Jiya fiddled awkwardly with her fish.

"Me?" She glanced up when Isla spoke again, apparently choosing to ignore the obvious distaste for her previous life emanating from the far end. Of course you, Jiya, she chided herself and gave the woman what she hoped was a comforting smile. "Ah, yes," she glanced to Arryn and seemed to weigh up her next words. This felt like a conversation she would have enjoyed having with him alone, Cirillion in hand, where she could have told him the stories alongside each piece of music.

"I have some songs from the Opera house in Oban, and a shanty from a Siren I met in Cortos... and a few ballads from the Elves--" the King gave a hacking cough. "-- of the Spine. Apparently they learnt the tunes from the Avariels themselves but I never saw one myself."

"My... I never knew how well travelled you were Lady Jiya," the Queens smile looked close to breaking with how strained it was, one hand on her husbands arm.

"The world is a large place, Your Grace," Jiya inclined her head. "And my estates the furthest from the Capital. It would be remiss of me to ignore my other neighbours."
  • Frog Cute
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