Private Tales Sooner or later every war of trade becomes a war of blood

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Special K
Character Biography
The juggernaut guards remained stoic as they traveled with Kailyn. Gerra's guard for her. She used to wonder if they were sent with her as much to keep her safe as it was to keep her in the Empire. She truly doubted the latter. The Emperor had more important things to worry about than one freed slave woman.

Golden-eyes squinted in the sun. The wrappings and cloak covering all her skin. A few rebellious strands of golden-red hair slipped free and whipped in the wind. They were getting close to this outlying village. A village strategically placed as one of the few and only stopping points along a trade-route she was trying to fortify for the Empire. It would make shifting of goods from around the Trident area and down to the inner cities possible.

And after multiple letters of correspondence, the leader, finally agreed to a meeting.

And so here she was. The Mistress of Trade for the Empire out near the wastes nearing the village that would determine whether trade in this area was possible. Just beyond the rise of curling smoke on the horizon, she saw a shadow. A frown of her lips beneath the wrappings of fabric that covered her face. Nevertheless, she urged her camel forward, their small group traveling deeper into the dunes and sands toward the spot on the horizon where tents and dwellings awaited them.

Set in the midst of sand and rock, the small village had thrived from the frequent visits of nomadic tribes who traveled near, and rather not ever lay eyes on the cities and their ways. Out there in the wastes it served as a crossroads for many who chose to travel the rolling dunes. As was the emperor's way, he'd chosen a diplomatic route in acquiring anything - at least firstly. Indeed, even though it was little more than a small gathering of tents and dwellings, its placement so far from the southern cities multiplied its importance tenfold. To acquire it peacefully would be a greater boon, and much better spoken of.

And though their leader had agreed to meet with the Empire's envoy, there were some among the small populace, who silently protested this.

One such individual was a man name Alakar. He approached their leader's home clothed in dark, hooded robes. He'd not voiced his opposition to their leader, but the time would come soon when his disinterest would be quite well understood.

He welcomed the deserts heat. He knelt down, running his fingers through the sand, feeling the sun's warmth radiating from above and below. Though many others warned of its discomfort, it was farthest from for an Abtati. Wrapped in white cloth with little more than their eyes revealed, Ashuanar and dozens of his Abtati brethren rested for a while in the midst of great dunes.

After a time the started again, moving swiftly, unhindered by the heat or uneasiness of the footing beneath them.

Unbeknownst to them, their path would eventually lead right into the path of another.

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Sierra
Kailyn dismounted as they entered the small maze of tents and huts. Gerra’s massive irc guards did the same as a small boy ran up to them. He hesitated at the sight of the giant soldiers. Kaitlyn smoothly stepped in front of one and knelt down, flocking the cowl of her cloak down and slowly unwrapping the protective fabric from her face.

“Hello. I am Kailyn. What is your name?”

The boy turned his gaze to Kailyn. Perhaps shy now for a different reason. Her golden hair and warm-honeyed eyes were hard to look away from. And made him feel at ease. He puffed up his chest.

“Brynnhold. I am to show you to Elder Kin’ouya’s tent.” His bravado wavered as he looked back at her guards.

“Thank you for coming out to greet us,” Kailyn dipped her head. “And don’t worry about them. They will be tending to the mounts.”

The bigger of the two stepped forward and rumbled, “that is not our orders….”

Kailyn stood. “Lord Gerra will be deeply disappointed if he finds out we were not hospitable.”

The guard grumbled but didn’t protest further. Kailyn turned back to the boy and held out her hand. “Will you show me the way?”

The boy nodded and took her hand in his own, leading her to the Elder’s tent. Not knowing what awaited for them there.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Ashuanar
By now the sun was well on its way down, and it painted the sky with brilliance. Ashuanar allowed himself a brief rest to pause and look up, and admired the farewell the setting sun offered. And then, as he crested the ridge of a great dune with his brethren, their eyes fell upon a familiar sight. This place was known to many Abtati, and even many others, any who had braved the great sands for any length of time. This humble gathering of huts, houses, and tents was far more than met they eye, and the Vizier was not so blind as to miss spying the banner that could be seen in the midst of where there should be none.

An Imperial banner, none the less.

He cast a glance between those immediately by him, and they set their course directly for the settlement. Soon night would fall, and the heat of the day would dissipate into a frigid cold in only a handful of hours.

Alakar had set himself somewhat to the side, keeping him, hopefully, from the forefront of attention. He had little more to offer than scoffs and scorn - that was at least, until Kailyn entered in and his jaw nearly dropped. And in his heart he cursed the gods and he cursed Gerra for having to send one so fair to receive what he had prepared. Meanwhile, Elder Kin’ouya and his entourage greeted her kindly. It was obvious to him that her presence was strategic, as her beauty had made short work of entrancing the others. Each of them showed such a great change in demeanour that it was plain to see these talks were already over.

They would be putty in her hands, but he was old enough and wise enough to understand the wiles of such wonderous looking women.

He'd have no part of their intoxication, and instead he steeled himself against her visage, quietly whispering ancient incantations.

  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Kailyn
Rugs and an assortment of rough, woven pillows decorated the floor of the tent. Chief Kin’ouya took the head pillow. Kaitlyn tucked her legs beneath her at one to his side. Tea was poured and a shared cup was passed around. Her amber eyes swept those gathered, trying to commit each face to memory. There was one muttering quietly in the corner and she paused but the chief began speaking, tugging her attention away.

“Thank you for greeting us so kindly. I realize we have no place here. But I would like to discuss what we can offer you in return for a safe trade route through this area. Instead of offering platitudes and assuming to know what you might like, I’m here to listen.” Her head dipped lowly and when she looked up the chief had a moment of respect flash through his dark eyes.

As he began speaking, the strange one in the corner began muttering faster. Those sitting next to him gave him odd looks. The fabric of the tent began whipping louder as the wind kicked up outside. Kailyn tried to keep her expression neutral. It wasn’t sand storm season but she didnt like the look of worry or surprise on the chief’s face.

Meanwhile, the sand beneath the guards she’d ordered to stay by the camels began to shift and move.
  • Devil
Reactions: Ashuanar
Ashuanar's presence in the village was not expected, but neither he nor his brethren displayed their imperial colours. It was not perceived as an act of any kind of aggression or distrust toward their talks, and instead regarded as the still usual and frequent visitation from Abtati nomads. It was perhaps suspicious when he and his men approached the guards who had arrived with their delegate. At first they took issue with their approach, but once Ashuanar revealed himself as who he was they relented and informed him of their purpose in this place, only, they did not say who they had provided escort.

Feeling that it was appropriate for him to address his coming here as not to hinder any negotiations, he and his men made for the chieftains tent. They needed no escort. Many in their number knew the way, Ashuanar included.

As they drew near, a strange wind seemed to kick up, and the flaps of many tents began to stir and some even whipped up with a sudden gust. Though unusual, it was not so much so as to cause great alarm, only some mild interest, especially as it began to die down... at least for the moment.

They came to the chieftains tent which was a grander and far better constructed than most of the other structures around it. It was elevated by a gentle incline of the solid ground beneath their feet and its entry was nestled beneath a large canopy atop several sets of stairs. To those standing guard outside he introduced himself, and there was an air of surprise about them. It was obvious they had not expected one of the Empire's highest ranking officials to come to these talks, but they assumed that he was a part of the already present negotiator's entourage none-the-less. After instructing his men to remain outside, he was granted entry.

He entered just as the immediate discomfort from the sudden change in the wind had faded and the chief had just began to speak. He asked a pardon for his intrusion, bowing his head low with his hand on his chest, and then after lifting his chin he began to remove his headcloth.

  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Kailyn
The chief was in the middle of saying something but paused as another entered. Kailyn's honeyed-eyes lifted and flickered to the opening of the tent. It was twilight outside, the last rays of the setting sun nearly gone with only the darker pinks and oranges like fading brushstrokes across a sky that was becoming more and more star-pricked.

And as the headcloth came off, Kailyn couldn't help but stare.

What was Vizier of the Red Sun doing here? None other than Ashuanar. She'd never interacted personally with him but she'd always had a tiny crush.

And yet...was it that Gerra did not trust her skills? This man's very presence could tip the balance of the negotiations. Jaw clenched for a moment. A tiny tell on her otherwise composed and smooth face. She even managed to keep the heat from rising to her cheeks. That strange man was still in the corner, muttering beneath his breath.

The Chief began speaking again and Kailyn quickly re-captured his gaze. Listening respectfully and diligently. There was another burst of wind outside as the man muttering in the corner suddenly stopped.

Chief Kin’ouya also paused. Kailyn waited a moment before speaking. "Your requests seem more than reasonable, Chief Kin'ouya. I can draft something up tonight so we can have something formal and I have no doubt Lord Gerra will agree to your requests."

Another violent burst of wind, this time it blew one side of the tent open. Someone screamed outside.

"Perhaps we should continue these talks another time...," Kailyn spoke above the roar as another scream echoed and then another. That man in the corner was no longer there.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Ashuanar
As the proceedings resumed, Ashuanar waited with patience. He took notice of those present, even eyeing the muttering man for a moment, but largely his attention was on the one who Gerra had sent - Kailyn. He recognized her of course, he knew who she was, and he knew she was favoured by the emperor. He was however surprised to see that there were endeavours reaching into these regions now, and noting the importance of the representative that was sent, saw clearly too the severity of these endeavours. In the midst of this, he thought that perhaps it was best he attend the gathering of the Divan a little more regularly rather than remain among the sands.

As for the negotiations untaken, he of course had no intentions of interrupting, or taking part in any way. Though his was a position of great height in the Empire, he'd not come to this place as the Vizier of the Red Sun. The Grand Vizier was one who made war, conquered, and defended. He was one who dealt in death and undoing. Ashuanar of Mari-Kuul, however, was little more than the Abtati who'd been stolen away in his youth and sold into bondage, but one day saved by his kin. He grew into a great warrior, and traveled in peace toward those who were of peace. It was he who had gone to Ragash that day, and was set upon the path to become what he was now. But it was in those days before when he would come to a place like this.

And in a place like this, the Red Sun had no business.

Ashuanar of Mari-Kuul, did.

And though he would have liked to properly bid for pardon for his intrusion, fate would seem to have other plans.

He heard the shouting of his men outside, rallying together defensively.

He inhaled a deep breath, and cursed the fates for bringing what would seem to be great trouble in his wake.

"Perhaps we should continue these talks another time..."
More shouting, but this time it was not from his men. These were more distant, and filled with far more desperation. He took in another breath, and lamented to himself.

Perhaps the Vizier did have business here.

"Melek, melek!" his men cried out to him.

Ashuanar's gaze turned outside, and he could see that there was a great sandstorm approaching them, and it appeared to be approaching quite quickly.

"Inside!" he urged to them.

  • Bless
Reactions: Kailyn
People were screaming and running inside the, possibly slightly, more secured tent of the chieftain. Kailyn was on her feet and moving against the tide. Or trying to. Desert robes whipped around her slender form. Golden-strawberry hair a stream behind her as she found spaces between those crowding inside. Past some children and mothers' clutching their babies.

Past one of her own guards who'd come from guarding their steeds. He put a meaty-hand on her arm, the size of it engulfing nearly her entire limb. Halting her as still others hurried into the tent. The flaps opened, sending a blast of hot, vengeful air into her face.

Even as her honeyed-orbs snapped up to the elite. "Release me," she said. Agitation clearly painted across her features. "Now."

He grumbled but didn't loosen his hold. In fact, it was becoming bruising. "We are charged with protecting you."

Kailyn tried to lunge her arm out of his grasp and winced as she got nowhere. "I think I can do something to help but there won't be time if you don't release me. Now!"
  • Stressed
Reactions: Ashuanar
Ashuanar had also been bombarded by the waves of people rushing into the tent, but he'd managed to keep himself near the entrance to ensure that those most important to him had managed to get themselves to relative safety - but they did not take the place that would otherwise be for one of the locals. This was their home, and they would of course take precedence. Luckily, there was enough room for all it seemed, even the lumbering giants of Gerra's elite guard who had detained Kailyn from whatever it was she was attempting.

Ashuanar had of course taken notice of the whole interaction, seeing their remarkable inability to obey. Why Gerra had any use for orcs outside of mindless bloodshed on the battlefield was beyond him. She'd have been much better tended to by some of his Sipahi, such as Ihtizaz perhaps, or even Al'Daim.

He approached, and indeed he did so as the Vizier of War.

"Release her at once," he demanded, and he lifted his left arm to present the Band of Serqet. Even if one did not know his face, they knew what that was.

  • Yay
Reactions: Kailyn
The massive orc's dangerous eyes looked down to Ashuanar. He sneered and after a moment a bit too long, his large bruising grip unfurled around the woman's arm. His gaze though, showed the Vizier of War that this was NOT finished. He hadn't liked being corrected in front of his two men who had stepped forward from the back of the crowding tent.

Kailyn didn't stop to rub her arm. Or hesitate. She quickly moved out of reach from the orc. Jaw clenched as her eyes found Ashuanar's. Surprise and something else in her gaze. Lips parted as she recomposed her face and shoved one flap of the tent open. "Will you help me?"

As if he hadn't just done that.

If he followed her outside, she'd lean in closer so he could hear her above the roar of the approaching storm trying not to get distracted. "I need you to draw a rough outline of a wall around this tent. In the sand." Eyes flitted to the rest of the village. They didn't have time to get them all. But she could try to reach as much as they could. "As many of the smaller tents as you can and where the animals are. me okay?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Ashuanar
He'd not been ignorant of the orc's displeasure with him, but he'd deal with that soon enough.

He nodded at her request. To him it was clear she had something planned, though whatever that was he could not quite fathom. But, being one who was no stranger to those capable of great feats, he suspected whatever she had up her sleeve would prove to be worth while in aiding. He indeed followed her, and he even directed a few of his Sipahi to follow as well, which including himself brought four to follow Kailyn back outside.

They listened closely as she devised what, at first, sounded like a preposterous waste of time. Drawing lines in the sand? But Ashuanar raised a hand to quell the imminent protests of his warriors, saying, "we will do as you say," and then wordlessly nodded to his brethren.

And so they went about drawing deep lines in the sand in the places Kailyn had requested, moving as hastily as they could, but struggled as the storm's ferocity continued to grow. Hopefully whatever she intended to do would be worth it, otherwise they may not make it back to the chief's tent in time to survive the storm.

  • Bless
Reactions: Kailyn
Squinted eyes nodded to the Vizier of the Red Sun. And his men. Even though she still felt a pang of something in her gut. As grateful as she was, especially with the growing negative behavior the orcs soldiers had shown her. Was Gerra that fearful of losing her that he ordered his soldiers to go against her wishes? To treat her more as a fragile piece of treasure only to be taken out under protected circumstances?

Only as a thing?

She swallowed and forced herself to concentrate.

She, too, drew wide circles around the structures where other villagers huddled. Where the animals were. As much as she could get to even as she felt like she was wading through a physical and invisible hand that wanted to stop her progress. A force of the storm that threatened to pick her off her very feet and throw her skyward. Sand that burned like tiny shards of glass against any, unfortunate exposed part of her skin.

And then she raised her arms and closed her eyes. Sensing where the lines in the sand were drawn, she pulled on her magic. And sturdy walls that were not there before began to rise from those lines, caccooning those structures with protective barriers.

"Go," she yelled to the soldier next to her. Get back inside!" Of course, he was not hers' to command. She just needed to raise one more. Even as a trickle of blood spilled free from her nose and the winds buffeted her form. One more magical barrier to raise. It started but then stop as a wave of violent sand from the storm knocked her over.
  • Scared
Reactions: Ashuanar
One might think it odd to find someone who was regarded as Vizier of the Sun or The Grand General, to be frantically drawing lines in the sand, in the face of a sandstorm no less. But among the many kingdoms and empires Amol-Kalit had known in the past, there were likely few that had elevated ones of such humble beginnings to places of such prominence. If he wished it, he could have himself robed in gold and ferried this way or that and command with only his voice. This, however, was not him. He believed in a leader who lead with his feet first, and his voice second. If he expected his men to draw lines in the sand as the emperor's envoy wished, then he too would do this. And in Kailyn, though he personally knew her little, he trusted. She'd not be so bold unless she were certain - surely.

Most of their simple work had been done, and mysteriously a strange energy encapsulated the structures they had chosen. It was... impressive. And so Ashuanar stood his ground and observed as the storm drew in to further darken the sky and intensify its winds. It battered against him, his clothing pulled and billowed tightly, and with his hand up for cover he yet waited as his brethren drew in and retreated back to the chieftain's tent. Most of them finally had when the storm was nearly upon them, and time became most precious.

His eyes sought those few still remaining, and caught sight of Kailyn's woe.

The Sipahi who'd been close to her had done as she commanded and departed, leaving her to combat the storm alone - to her detriment. He witnessed her fall, and instinctually as he would have for any of his brethren he reacted to go to her aid, which he was quick to come to.

He drew close, and though his lineage bolstered his confidence in the storm, even he was harder of hearing and seeing as each second passed.

"Kailyn," he shouted, hopeful to hear her reply, but confident he could find her regardless once close enough.

  • Bless
Reactions: Kailyn
The sand storm sounded like thunder, a fierce beast bellowing in her ears. She couldn't even open her eyes as it assaulted her skin. And then she realized she very well might die. Right here and right now. Head tilted, instinct of hearing something rather than actually hearing anything.

Her hand lifted blindly and fell upon a solid figure.

"Hold onto me," she'd yell even as she felt like the wind snatched every part of her voice. Clinging to the figure she still wasn't sure of who it was, though if his build and muscles were anything to go by...she whispered quickly as a small dome of magic built around them and sealed them into a small cocoon.
  • Yay
Reactions: Ashuanar
She felt his hand against him, and promptly his own reached to grab it. He pulled her close to him and held her in an embrace for her protection. She was far more intruded upon than he was by the storm, though even he would not have sustained much longer were it not for her magics doing their work by encasing them in a dome of protection.

With the sand and wind having abated, he slowly let his eyes creep open and look down upon the woman he held like one would another with fondness.

"Are you okay," he asked, dipping his chin and canting his head to look into her eyes.

  • Bless
Reactions: Kailyn
It was instinct. Her arms warped around his torso and she pressed herself closely against his frame. Head tucking against him. As the magic worked. Even a few moments after they were sealed in a much quieter darkness of the protective barrier between them and a storm that wanted to rip and tear everything apart.

A storm she didn't believe was started by nature but perhaps by another magic user nearby.

Finally, her own eyes cracked open. Too dark to see but by the sound of his voice, she knew it was the Vizier of the Red Sun. "I'm okay," she breathed finally. Arms began to unwind from around him. A step back only to hit the barrier of magic behind her.

Oops, well.

There wasn't really space for her to untangle herself from him. She was still very much pressed against his front. A delicate clearing of her throat as her eyes searched the darkness of where she thought his own would be.

"It seems, we," another clear of her throat, "might be stuck like this for awhile. Like this isn't awkward at all," she muttered beneath her breath.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Ashuanar
He looked around what little space they were afforded, and replied, "so it would seem."

There was very little room for them, but as far as Ashuanar was concerned he could deal with the discomfort of close quarters so long as they remained safe. The Lady Kailyn was as much his responsibility as any one other of the Empire, and it was his duty to protect and defend them.

Although, in this instance, it was far more her powers that protected them than his.

He offered her a smile, saying, "I had no idea you were capable of such magic. This is," he reached out to touch the barrier she'd created, "quite impressive."

  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Kailyn
As he shifted, his arm brushed across her shoulder. Her lips pressed tightly together. Strange how that motion seemed to elicit more of a reaction out of her when she was pressed completely against his chest.

"Well," she breathed against him. "Not many know about it. I'm not even sure the Emperor knows the extent of what I can do."

Head tilted, chin lifted in the darkness.

"Why are you and your regimen here? Did Gerra not think me capable of doing the job he sent me on?"

A flash of ire in her tone.
His smile turned to one more of smugness in the face of her ire. It was not that he meant to challenge or dismiss the fire in her, instead he found it rather... endearing. He began to see what the Emperor found so captivating about her, and why she held such a station. Ashuanar was hardly one to question Gerra's appointments, but he'd never quite understood this one until now.

"Hardly, my lady," he said, dipping his chin some, "as you know my people are nomadic. Places such as these are few and far, but we know many of them. It is these kinds of places that we come to for reprieve, and this is only one such time... in truth, I have not been to the city in many months. I had no idea you'd be here," he looked around and touched the barrier she'd formed with his hand once more, "it is most fortunate that you are."

  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Kailyn
A small snort as he said My Lady. Did he know she’d been a slave before being freed by Gerra? Before his appointment. She’d been the lowest of the low. And now nearly on top of him with the barrier at her back and his hard, muscled chest at her front, with his warm breath tickling across her face, she felt more and more out of her element.

Not to mention that she’d had the largest crush on the warrior since her eyes set upon him so long ago. Just a passing glance after her city had been ‘liberated.’ Still, hard to forget someone like him.

She swallowed, wanting to step back but finding there was nowhere to go.

“I’m sure my mere presence will be blamed for this storm,” she quipped. “However,” a hesitation.

“I think there was a sorcerer present. And when the storm ends I don’t think it will mean safety.”
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Ashuanar
Ashuanar's palm pressed firmly against their shrouding cover, and mused the things she said for a moment. She was likely correct, especially if there was indeed a mischievous sorcerer in their midst. After this display of her power it would be all to easy to place the storm's sudden appearance on her shoulders, and say her protection was not but a ruse.

A patient breath escaped him.

"Perhaps," he replied, "but now you have not only your guard, but my Sipahi as well. We are at your service should there be any... problems."

It was difficult for even his elven ears to hear clearly through this barrier she'd formed, but he began to believe the storm was passing.

  • Bless
Reactions: Kailyn
"I'm not worried about myself," she said quietly into the darkness. A wince that his elven eyes could probably pick up the darkness as he mentioned Gerra's guard. They were rather...brutish.

"I'm more worried about ruining any plans the Emperor had here. And the people here. If there is an errant sorcerer and if he was responsible for this...storm." Her voice trailed off. The locals weren't safe. That was clear enough.

"I apologize. I wasn't planning on us being this," she cleared her throat gently, "compromising position."
He let out a quiet, amused huff. Whatever Gerra's plans were of this place, they were likely to change many times over before they became an accord. The Emperor believed in diplomacy, after all. But he was not ignorant of what she meant, and her companions would be dealt with as necessary, if necessary. It was not becoming to display signs of discord in such delicate situations.

The sorcerer was another matter. As far as Ashuanar was concerned, if what Kailyn suspected was true, he'd sealed his own fate in this matter.

She, on the other hand...

"I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable," he said, hardly seeing a need for her apology.

  • Haha
Reactions: Kailyn
"No, you haven't," she stammered. It seemed as if they'd be in this shell not too much longer. But long enough for her to let the following slip.

"It's not. I mean you must know..."

She paused, honeyed-eyes still trying to find his in the dark. A small purse of her lips. A clear of her throat.

"You are very attractive - I mean your figure is very attractive. I mean you...," she sighed as her pale cheeks heated up hotter than the air outside. "I imagine you keep many beds warm."

Ah, shit.

She bit down on her lower lip knowing she wasn't making any of this better.
  • Wonder
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Ashuanar and Medja