The Empire Once Upon a Dune

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Vizier of the Red Sun
The Empire
Character Biography
After so long, time still seemed like a trick of the mind. How much had passed, how little? Did it really matter? The sun rose and then fell again, but the desert was forever in this place. He grasped at it, and as he raised his hand the sand slid through his fingers. It fell faster as his grip tightened to desperately cling to whatever he could hold onto. An open palm revealed so little as to be swept away with the next passing breeze.

He gazed upon the nothingness there for a moment, peering down from beneath his hood, past the cloth that masked his face. What he pondered, he kept to himself. There were no others left to share it with.

He turned his eyes up, looking across the moonlit dunes. A deep breath drew in. He moved on.

Some time later he came to the place, near that great chasm. Memories filled his mind - a deep wound, an impassable frustration. A terrible betrayal.

Then came a sound, low and rumbling. And soon, he knew, he was no longer alone.

Months later

It did not take long for word to spread throughout the city, and soon word would find itself through the whole of the Empire. Informants, both legitimate and not, were all too eager to deliver information to their masters. And something like this could be a potential boon of information, despite how widespread and public it would be. Those who knew first would have more time to prepare themselves for whatever may come from the Vizier of the Red Sun's return.

Allegedly, he had only needed to present himself at the palace to be taken in. Word had it, he was worse for wear upon his arrival, appearing to have been lost in the desert for many months. And yet, those who might have felt opportunity were dissuaded - he hardly seemed beaten by the sands.

He'd left the door to his chambers swung open, inviting any who might pass by, and then went to his balcony set high in the palace. Ashuanar peered out over the lights of the city. With the night firmly settled, things had grown cooler and quieter. But like in Ragash, from what he could see, things had settled behind these walls, but the streets below had changed only so much.

He was pleased to see that some things, at least, had remained the way he remembered them.
  • Sip
Reactions: Medja
Regent of the Empire or not, knowing what was what had not become any less Medja's business than it had been before. The intricate, tangled web that was her information network had not dulled in the slightest since she had taken the responsibility of the throne...she just had more people under her to properly filter and contextualize that information now. More delegation, less direct handling. Such was the mantle of Empress.

All the bureaucracy in the world, however, could not keep the knowledge that Ashuanar of Mari-Kuul had returned to Annuakat from her. Eagerly she had awaited his arrival, but patiently had she allowed him to settle in before making her presence known. Hidden Hands had run about the palace like so many worker bees making sure all was as prepared as could be on behalf of their mistress.

It was when night had fallen that Medja drifted silently through the open door, clad in her scant yet regal silks and the emerald-laden crown that Fieravene had gifted her so long ago now. She settled in next to Ashuanar as though she had been there all along, admiration radiating from her very presence.

"Welcome home, my Sun," she intoned gently, a hand softly gliding across his back. "I have missed you."
  • Gasp
Reactions: Ashuanar

His reply came softly, beneath the din of torchlight, carrying only as far as a whisper.

Her touch on his skin felt almost foreign. Nearly new. The excitement that rippled across his back grew in small bumps. Her comfort had been longed. And yet, the desires of his heart and flesh, though they had waned from one thing or another, for her they remained. But distance did not always draw unto yearning.

A stifled sigh escaped his lips.

Sometimes, it drew to seeking. And though her comfort was of no small value... no small priority... There was now far more set between him and all those things he had once fought ceaselessly to attain, to protect.

An open palm revealed so little as to be swept away with the next passing breeze.
Somber eyes fell down upon the streets below, and slow words fell from his lips, "I have missed you."

He could see many people, walking to and fro, frolicking here and there, laughing and shouting, singing. Fate had taken him and placed him in many places, showed him many things, and now it finally led him back here. After so long, feeling that burning that was so hot as to feel cold, he found himself stifled in the face of it. Marred by what he had seen, taken by what had been done.

"There is... little time."

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Medja
For Medja, touch brought with it so much knowledge. Her practices had made her so in tune with the sensitive beating of the heart. It was the same now as it had been when they had first interacted back at the Siege of Bread. Ashuanar's heart gave away much more than his words did.

"Little time" was far from what Medja had wanted to hear. It seemed those she cared about most had naught to spare for her company. The Empire was a bustling monument to the successes of those who built it, yet it felt hollow and empty so often.

Medja pulled her hand back and sat beside Ashuanar, her brow furrowed in concern.
"What troubles you, my Sun?"
  • Bless
Reactions: Ashuanar
What troubles you, my Sun?

The words echoed in his mind, and his eyes wandered thoughtfully.

Flashes of baleful, snowy ash; gnashing claws and biting teeth. Blackened scales, glittering in the pale moonlight.

"Do you remember when we first met?"
he cast her a glance as his eyes softened, "it feels a distant memory now, however close I've held it," his eyes turned outward again, "I may have greeted you with protest... childlike to one such as you I'm sure, even then," he grinned, remembering his... confusion. "In those days, I still had faith," he became again more dour, though one would not quite call him saddened. No, this was something else, "it was easier then."

"But where has faith brought us?"

He turned and looked down at her, leaning toward her some as he lifted a hand to brush gently against her cheek, resting beneath her chin, "love - a great many things."

He offered her the slightest, yet fullest of smiles before standing and walking away, just into his chambers to grab himself his drink. He'd been sipping on it for some time, but as he grabbed ahold of it now he finished it all at once.

"But faith? What has that done for us? Where are the promises my people sought, Medja? That burden was never to be yours to bear. Where is the would-be god that was to lead his people - my people - on into the greatest dawn?"

He poured another drink, and drank of it, more casually this time. But, in spite of the generous amount missing from the bottle, he hardly seemed anything other than stone cold sober. Something had Ashuanar's wits on end, and that was something not easily accomplished.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Medja
When first they met? It had been some years since then, but it was not a memory her still-sharp mind would ever allow her to forget.

Medja listened as her love continued on, about faith. About doubt. About abandonment. She let a few moments pass in pregnant silence as Ashuanar granted himself another drink and worried for him. Her hands fell into her lap where she sat, fingers fiddling pensively against their backs.

"Childish, perhaps, but I was not exactly on my best behavior back then...the bratty new stepchild of our once and former master," Medja replied, breaking the silence at last and looking out over the city below. "Still finding my place among this emergent Empire that had so deftly seized my home for itself. You were not wrong to mistrust me."

Emerald eyes cast themselves back upon the Abtati across from her.

"Nor were you wrong to have faith in Gerra, Ashuanar. He is a warrior unlike any I have seen, and a charismatic force matched only once in a century. Even I admired his ambition, his drive, his vision..."

As she spoke, she stretched out a hand and one of her bandages snaked through the air to snatch up another wine bottle, then a glass. In but a few moments Medja had joined Ashuanar in having a drink.

"That was why I gave him my loyalty, despite our disagreements and his..." her hand absentmindedly palmed the scar on her chest. "...Misgivings. Even are right. Gerra is gone. And his brief returns bring only strife with them each time. I fear his encounter with Drakormir and the Herald left him forever a changed man. That would-be god we once knew is no more."
  • Wonder
Reactions: Ashuanar
"No, he is not," he said, lifting his glass to his lips only to pause.

A trance like stare overtook him for a moment, his mind circling around a single thought. It was not any overwhelming sense of grief that grasped him, or any sort of doubt as a result of the failed god's shortcoming. Not exactly.

"And I fear what that might soon mean for us all," he continued, and then drank.

He set the glass down, and poured it full again. This time when he took it back up, he sauntered back nearer to Medja, back out to the balcony and back to the view that was the grandeur of the city below. It was beautiful, truly. A true jewel set in the midst of the harsh and relentless deserts that spanned one way beyond, or the expansive depths of the sea the other. And this described most of the Empire, with great empty spaces in between.

It was what he'd seen in those empty spaces that perturbed him.

"I am aware of the failure the expeditions to the scar left by Drakormir suffered," he cast her a solemn gaze, "and I now know why they failed."

He fell silent for a time, simply looking out over the city. He was realizing as he admired the lights below that he'd grown fond of this place, fond of this life. For so long he'd lived in the deserts, for so long that had been his home. But this was now his home... and he had to protect it.

"What if I told you that the dragon's ash still works its dark magic... what if I told you there were still monsters in that chasm... that something is driving them out. That I have seen them... it was just like that day Medja... worse yet, with no army by my side. Gods, if not for Akrep's magic, I'd be one of those cursed things right now."

He unveiled to her then his arm, opposite of his golden band. It was not uncommon for him to wear body wraps of his own, especially on his arms, but as he unwound these ones he revealed a ghastly wound. He seemed unbothered by it, however grotesque it appeared, but indeed the Akrep's magic stayed the wound's infectious nature, and spared him of any lasting pain... for the moment. No magic lasted forever.

"Even if they don't come to us, they will raid our villages, they will hinder our trade and they will destroy our economy. They need only go unchecked to destroy us."

  • Nervous
Reactions: Medja
The concern on Medja's mien grew with each passing moment as Ashuanar described the terrors that lurked beneath the surface of the Empire. The regent bit her knuckle as she considered his words, withdrawing into herself.

"I wish that I could say I'm surprised, but I did have my suspicions..." she muttered.

So her work had not just been an act of petty vengeance against an already defeated foe. Now suddenly lives were once again at stake.

"I am not sure if enough of the Alhaya batteries have been gathered to seal the Scar, Ashuanar. If I try to use Aramekh's Nexus now...there's no guarantee that the Herald won't do far worse to me than what even Gerra suffered."

Medja shook her head, then finally looked down to the seething wound in her lover's side.
" are...?" she trailed off, her concern turning to horror as she struck him softly on the chest. "Why did you not say something sooner? The healers--we must have that taken care of immediately!"
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Ashuanar
His wounded arm dropped to his side lazily, and he almost huffed at her. With closed eyes he shook his head, and opened them again with a smile on his lips.

"Medja, please."

He wound his arm up under wraps once again, leisurely as he cast an almost empty stare out over the balcony.

"You know as well as I that there is little that any of our healers know to do with this," he fell silent as he finished, letting his arm again fall to his side as he stared out over the city below, "this gift of Gerra's to me, it has afforded me much. The spirit that dwells within is..."

He did not really want to call it friendly. But to say he and it had developed some kind of affinity was perhaps better. It saw use in him, he'd perceived, when at first he'd believed it only a tool to be of use to him. And so whatever magics it wove had been set against the draconic curse, its plague. It marked him, and he carried it, but it was stayed.


How often do you come here? Annuakat is quite beautiful, especially at this time of night."

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  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Medja
Medja's hand pulled away at Ashuanar's behest, her fingers curling into her palm. There had to be something to be done...but for now if that scorpion familiar of his was the only option, then Medja would just have to do her research on her own time. She could only pray that Akrep was more reliable than Gerra had ever been.

"I..." she breathed. It was difficult to pivot that quickly given the circumstances. Medja did not project her diplomatic barriers when conversing with Ashuanar anymore. He was able to see sides of her that few were privy to.

"...Must come to Annuakat quite often these days," she continued on at last. "My duties as regent pull me here, yet my duties as Vizier of Stars and Ragash's sovereign see to it that I am splitting my time between the two cities."

The constant travel was exhausting, as was the labor involved. If she was not so adept with her magics she imagined that she would likely look her age by now with how much stress the roles put on her.

"It is not as resplendent as my Ragash here, but I must admit, Annuakat has its charm," she glanced from the city below to Ashuanar, managing a smile as she did. "The blue buildings break up the monotony nicely."
  • Aww
Reactions: Ashuanar
It was far easier for him to dismiss the weight of what he'd unveiled to her, of course. He'd been dealing with it for quite some time now, and had not sought to displace her footing so abruptly. He only wanted her to know - and then not to dwell. There was nothing for them to do about it now, but he felt it remiss not to make her, of all people, for many reasons, aware.

He had no idea where this would lead him, but given what he knew about the dragon's plague, it was to be perhaps a worse fate than death.

Best not to dwell.

He smiled back at her, saying, "it is true. Ragash is home to a beauty that is unmatched," and then he looked down again, "I have come to love this place. Ragash as well. It pains me to see it threatened by something... like this."

  • Cry
Reactions: Medja
Intended or not, Medja smirked at her love's compliment.
"You are as smooth as ever, Ashuanar of Mari-Kuul..." she cooed, slipping behind him and rubbing his shoulders. She sighed, appreciating both his presence and the view she so rarely had the time to take in.

"I have as well. These places, this is special. I have seen more change and grown attached to more people in the last few years than in my entire existence, Ashu. And I have felt myself change much in that time as well," Medja admitted, letting the veil of her secrecy slip as she so often did around the man she called her Sun. She draped herself around him, nestling her chin over his shoulder. "I will not allow the Empire to crumble. It is too important."
  • Bless
Reactions: Ashuanar
"You flatter me, my Empress," he said, passing her a knowing smile.

He could not deny that he had wanted her comfort. Her hands upon him sent sparks through his skin, lighting his heart, soothing his mind and soul. He could not help the sigh that escape him, content as he was in this moment.

"All things do, one day or another," he mused to her, setting his head against hers, "but for this, so soon? I would hope not."

And they dwelt there for a time, looking over the lights of Annuakat, enjoying the music that played below in the streets...
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Medja