Private Tales No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography
The wind howled like a banshee. Snow and ice pelted her skin and face, anything that was exposed quickly became numb with cold. And Fraeya knew, if she was still human she'd be frozen dead by now. It was too windy for them to fly and loud enough that she could barely hear her and Raphael's trudging footsteps on the snow as they continued on the rocky expanse of the exposed hillside along the Spine.

It was night and every now and then some stars peaked through the storm clouds, her fae eyes enabled her to see some dark shapes up ahead. A small wood. And beyond that a light of a small town. Relief tried to chase around the growing cold and fatigue in her bones. They'd have a warm place to stay tonight. And perhaps beds instead of a bedroll.

If Fraeya had thought training was hard before, Raphael made it look like child's play now. She understood why with the war coming. The Erlking wanted her ready. Wanted to see what kind of tool she could be sharpened into. And beyond her sovereign's wishes, she wanted to be ready. After what her friend, Maeve, had been through. She wanted nothing more than to rip the summer fae faces off their bones. A part of her wondered if the bloodlust was being fueled by the Book. That ancient magic was twisting with her own and she could feel its power threatening to spill over.

Her teeth chattered as she pointed ahead to the Spymaster, "Think we'll be lucky and they'll have some soup?"
  • Blank
Reactions: Raphael
"If you are expecting a warm welcome from my kin, you took that blow to your head harder than I thought in our last session," Raphael's deep voice seemed to echo through their landscape, bounding off snow and tree back at them. He winced at the noise and the shadows that followed him withered into the deeper night as though the noise had offended them. The puca didn't seem to feel the cold at all. His outfit of fighting leathers looked no different to those he wore in the summer months when they had trained in the Autumn Palace's arena. The only hint he had extra layers on was the thick rollneck that hinted he wore a jumper beneath the jacket. Black, of course.

At her curious look he nodded to the flickering lights, snow spilling from his hair and catching in his lashes.

"This is the last true village before one crosses the Spine - whether that's through or over it. It's a key checkpoint so Sid has many puca stationed here as guards."

A few months prior and Fraeya would have had to pry the information out of the Truth Teller but during their sessions he had come to either trust her enough to speak more, or had realised the badgering questions were not worth the smaller pieces of information he had held back.
  • Haha
Reactions: Fraeya
A small sniff beneath the olive-scarf Maeve had given her. They'd exchanged presents at Winter's Eve Festival. Fraeya had never done that before and it had been...nice. Even with the gag gift Sid had given to his brothers. It had surprised her at how freely and loudly the General had laughed. Only in Endora. Only around their small little family that Fraeya had been tugged into.

She'd given Raph a pair of dark-leather gardening gloves.

"As long as Izak isn't here." Another sniffle as if she were trying to smell his scent on the wind. It was blowing in the wrong direction for her to get anything even with her new gifts.

Looking closer, she could see the bright orange and yellow flashes of multiple fires spread out along the border of the village they approached. Sid must've sent more troops than there usually were. Which made sense with the looming war. Lips tugged into a frown at the idea of not getting a room and about all the alphahole males she was about to encounter.

"Do you think we'll get any allies against Summer?" A quiet question that was nearly snatched up into the mountain wind. As they approached the closer encampment of puca soldiers, heads swiveled and looked up in their direction. Most had wings like Sid's and Raph's. A few had some of black gossamer feathers and others like insects. Fraeya found herself walking a halfstep closer to Raphael.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Raphael
Whereas most would grimace, Raphael's face seemed to grow smoother to not betray the emotions Izak's name dredged up. The way his father looked to him as more of a son than he did his actual flesh and blood.

He was almost grateful for her question when it came.

"Winter and Spring are almost certain allies," Raphael confided, picking his way carefully along the snow covered pathway. It would be easy to break a foot out here with rocks and diverts hidden beneath the soft pockets of white. "Dawn will fight merely because they hate Summer - but even if that were not a guarantee, Lorcan's mother is one of their High Priestesses. She would leap to attack anything that hurts her son," aside from his own father. "The others..." he shrugged. He and Sid had their own bets but they kept them private; it was a tense subject with Lorcan still.

Raphael didn't elaborate further as they had entered the town, not trusting the ears that might be listening. His eyes slid to her as she stepped closer. Only a few months ago she would have rather have slit her own wrists. His lips kicked up a fraction at the corners. Instead of offering soothing comments like she was safe with him - which he had been told by Maeve was something called alphahole behaviour - he let the shadows he usually kept a tight grip on spill out to encompass her too: a clear sign to any that Fraeya was with him.

"Come, I know a quieter inn that might have some rooms left," he led her along the streets which were more slush than snow due to the amount of feet that had been passing through. Fae milled about still even down a street where the buildings looked less well kept and leaned against one another for support. War truly was just around the corner. Or, in this case, beyond the mountain.

Raphael stopped outside of an unassuming establishment. A small wooden sign swung from above showing a prancing pegasus. Inside the inn was near to bursting. A female puca rushed about, urging her staff to clean tables and fill cups. When the pair entered she looked up, some tart remark clearly poised on her tongue, until she saw who it was. A warm smile broke across her face instead.

"Raphael! I wondered if I would be seeing you," the female moved through the crowds with the practised ease of someone who worked in the profession and then tugged the stoic puca into a tight hug. What was more starting was Raph returned the gesture with a small smile.

"Emerie, this is Fraeya, we were hoping for a couple of rooms for the night. But I can see you're full..." His amber eyes flickered to the full room.

"Nonsense! If you don't mind sharing a room that is? I can have another cot put in the room for you."
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Fraeya
Her body visibly relaxed as they entered the warmth of the Inn. Even if it hadn't had the fire roaring in the center place, it would've been warm by the sheer number of bodies here. Other fae hunched over their steaming bowls of...was that?

The smell pulled her curious gaze away from the exchange Raphael shared with Emerie.

Rosemary with roasted potatoes and meat.

A stew. One that reminded her of the kind Delun used to make when she was really little. Her mouth instantly watered. Much of her expression still hidden beneath the thick scarf wrapped around much of her face.

"We can share," an uncertain slice of her eyes to Raphael wondering if he would agree. They'd camped and put bedrolls near one another. Fraeya didn't see this being much different. It's not like they were sharing a bed. Emerie looked between them as if curious about something then put an arm around Fraeya's shoulders pulling her further into the hustle and bustle of the Inn and to that fire.

"You look half frozen. Warm up. Standing room only down here. I'll get you both some stew. Emerie's voice lowered, "I heard of the girl who made a bargain with the Erlking."

Fraeya stiffened.

"But never would've believed it until seeing you. You're with a good one." Emerie's gaze flickered back to Raphael before she released Fraeya and moved back to where Fraeya assumed were the kitchens. Fraeya chose not to acknowledge any prying eyes from the others around them. With the cold in her fingers being chased away by the warmth, Fraeya began unwinding the scarf from around her face and peeled off her gloves.

There was really no where to scooch but she tried to make some room for Raphael if he, too, wanted the warmth of the fire. It was funny how quickly she was getting used to his presence. And those shadows that should've terrified her now only brought her a sense of familiarity bordering on comfort.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Raphael
Raphael said nothing as Fraeya agreed on their behalf, his dark amber eyes crashing into hers when she looked his way. If she had been uncomfortable he would have merely told Emerie he would sleep down here before the fire. There had been worse places he had slept. Indeed, worse places not at all far from where they stood now. He tucked his wings in tight to his back as people moved past them to head up the stairs or came in from the cold to greet friends with cheerful shouts. His discomfort was quite plain to see as they progressed deeper into the throngs of people to stand by the fire.

It seemed as though he were not the only one uncomfortable by his presence in the inn. A few fae glanced in their direction and murmuring left, leaving a rare table free. Raph swept a hand towards it to quietly ask if she wished to sit given it was close still to the fire.

Almost as soon as they were seated one of the bar maids appeared. She looked haggard but still had a bright smile for Raphael and a curious one for Fraeya.

"Not seen you here for a while Raphie - the usual? And what would you like...?" her eyes lingered on Fraeya's ears.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Fraeya
The direction of her gaze did not go unnoticed. Fraeya lightly clenched her jaw even as hunger won out. "The stew, bread, and," she paused wondering if it was a silly question but swearing that her heightened senses had picked up the smell.

"Do you have any hot chocolate?"

"Aye, we might have some left. All out of mulled cider and the whiskey, though. Unless there's anything else?"

Fraeya shook her head and waited for the female to leave before she leaned forward lightly on the table and looked to Raphael. She couldn't help the slight twitch of one corner of her lips as her blonde-brows arched.
