Private Tales No Jackets

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Her lips slowly curled and she opened one eye to look at him as she felt his hand rove over her curves. "Hmm.." she smirked, and stretched out with a yawn. "Alright. I'm up." she grumbled and rolled to flop over on top of him entirely, lips pressing down on his cheek as her hair flopped over his face.

"This navigator actually has some work to do today.." she mumbled against his skin and kissed again. "Don't you dare try and stop me." she huffed and fell silent for a short moment before adding with a grumble .."Okay maybe try to stop me a little.."
  • Bless
Reactions: Lucius
There was another rough squeeze. "I'll be good."

With his expression, and the lingering palm, it would be hard to believe that. Lucius hadn't been good a day in his life. Even at the best of times he was still a Pirate, a criminal in seven different cities and most of the world to boot.

"I think I need to start stitching together the crew." He said softly. "Make them more than just strangers on a boat."

Friends, maybe even family.

Some of them would naturally do that, others...not so much.
  • Bless
Reactions: Peyton
"Hah! Good.. I'll believe that when I see it.." she smirked, and rolled herself off of him and out of bed with a naked stretch before whipping the sheets off of him to wrap around herself with a grin..

"That's a good idea.. I need to go to town for inks and parchments. We should discuss where you're planning our first voyage and i'll get to work on chartering the course.." she yawned and wandered to the window to lean on the ledge and look out with a smile at the pleasant morning, the sky a rainbow of colour after the night's storm, but the red lingered more prominently..

"That storm will be back tonight.." she sighed and threw open the window to breathe in the humid sea air, confirming it..
  • Bless
Reactions: Lucius
He leaned back on the bed for a moment, stretching out and letting a tired sigh escape him. "The Straits."

Lucius said as he closed his eyes.

That would be the first destination, the Allirian Straits. He and Peyton still had business in Teth proper, meeting with their former First Mate, but Lucius knew exactly where he wanted to go after that. They would need to make a stop in Elbion, but that was simple enough.

"I'll get the crew prepared for the storm." He told her. "But maybe it'll wash away some of this heat."

Lucius said as he noticed he was already sweating.
"The Straits it is.."

Peyton spent the day wandering through town with Vreek, and she pretended not to know there were another couple of their crew following at a distance behind her but she couldn't help but roll her eyes at how terrible they were acting casual every time she turned around. She picked up more clothes for Lucius, and a she swooned over a particularly fancy jacket for herself of dark navy blue with gold swirling embroidery and gold chains that fastened instead of buttons. She allowed Vreek to carry her new parchments, inks and brushes, and she treated him to a new hat to go with his coat.

"Classically handsome." Peyton smiled down at the goblin after she'd settled the feathered hat on his head. and he puffed his chest and lifted his chin proudly with a little more colour on his cheeks.

"You two could make yourself more useful and carry some things!" Peyton called across the street to Dav and Cherl who pretended they were surprised to see her. Her eyes rolled and she piled clothes into their arms as they exchanged sheepish glances.

They'd been on their way back and Peyton stopped to buy boxes of sweet breads from a market stall when a group of men, headed by a brutish looking orc caught her attention. Or more, the jewel encrusted daggers he wore at his hips caught her attention. Vreek followed her fixed gaze, and as she went to take a step toward the group, the goblin reached for her arm..

"Miss Peyton I don't think that's a good idea.." he grimaced at her awkwardly, an apology on his face as though he'd been too bold and expected to be yelled at.

"No.. It isn't... But they're mine." she bit on her lip, watching them wander toward the square. There were eight of them, some men, some orcs, and one huge troll that trudged along behind them. They stood out, but Teth was massive, and people used it as a base or port, they were more often at sea, she might never see the orc again and he had what was hers, and she wanted them back.

She looked down at Vreek, and to the other twol that waited impatiently for her. They'd never let her go off on her own, and Peyton's jaw clenched at how fine a line there seemed to be between feeling safe and feeling restricted. She'd lived in Teth on her own for all these years and had managed to stay alive. Peyton paid the merchant for the breads and added them to Vreek's pile, making it difficult for him to see where he was going..

"Alright.. Let's get back to the ship.." Peyton sighed and led them down a particularly busy street. She upped her pace a little, and shouldered herself through a thick throng of jeering people gathered around the dice tables outside a tavern..

"Miss Peyton! S--Slow down.. Oomf sorry sir.. sorry.. excuse me.. Miss Peyton!!" Vreek called, flustered as he tried to keep hold of her boxes and his tiny little legs struggled to keep up and fight through the crowds.. She glanced behind her, and when she could no longer see them in the crowd she stole herself away down an alley and hid herself behind crates for a moment until they had continued down the street. She could hear them shouting for her, arguing with one another about who's fault it had been that they'd lost her, agreeing that she'd probably been heading back to the ship and that they'd better hope so or the Captain wouldn't be happy.. She knew he wouldn't. But it was partly his fault that she'd lost her daggers in the first place, she was sure he'd forgive her...

As soon as the coast was clear, Peyton retraced her steps back down the street, past the baker's stall and toward the square. The small group had gathered outside a tavern, each taking a turn at slapping the bar wench's backside as she served their ale. Peyton's jaw clenched, and she reconsidered for a moment before pulling in a breath.. She really wanted those fucking daggers back.

She took off her jacket and hung it over a barrel, pulling her shirt down to bare her shoulders and show a little more cleavage before wandering over, adding a little more sway to her hips than was strictly necessary. "Mind if I join you boys?.." she asked, hand on her hip, her golden eyes sparkling mischievously as she looked the orc over with apparent delight. He slapped his thigh twice..

"There's some room for you right here, girl.." he grinned, dark and toothy. The rest of the men continued on with their conversations, too afraid to look at her once the orc had claimed her.

Luc forgive me.. She thought to herself as she smirked at him, sitting herself down in the orc's lap and pressing her back against his chest. His hands were immediately on her, sliding up her thighs and wrapping around her stomach as he grunted by her ear.. "Pretty thing int ya.." he laughed under his breath, squeezing at her hips as she ground them against him..

"So they say.." Peyton chuckled.. "Haven't seen you around before." she smiled flirtatiously and leaned forward to pick up his ale and take a long drink..

"I hope you're plannin' on buyin' me another.." he snorted as he grazed his teeth over her shoulder and flicked a tongue at her skin. "Do you know how long I've been at sea, girl?.. You -are- a fuckin' treat.."

Peyton chuckled at him and groaned as though she was enjoying every abhorrent squeeze and knead, the hot putrid breath on her skin, and she managed to suppress a shudder as those tusked teeth nipped at her. Her heart was pounding, but it could be passed off as excitement. "I can help you out.." She grinned and reached for his hand as she slipped from his thigh and stood, tugging him toward the alleyway across the street.. He growled and followed with a quiet laugh as she led him down the dingy lane.

He was heavy handed, as expected, he slammed her to the wall and tore at her shirt as he kissed, if you could call it that, at her neck. His hands wandered over her, squeezing hungrily at her flesh as he grunted obscene promises against her skin. Peyton's hands wandered too, and she moaned in feigned enjoyment of his bruising touches, glad he couldn't see the grimace on her face. Her hands fell to the daggers, and she quickly clutched and pulled them free to plunge them both simultaneously into his ribs.

The orc growled furiously and bit down into her neck. She screamed, and quickly realised how bad an idea it had been. She twisted the blades and yanked them free, feeling the blood pour from the wounds, and the weight of him start to slump against her until his jaw released and he slipped to the floor.

"Shit.." Peyton's hand slammed to the gaping wound in her neck and she felt dizzy but stumbled over the orc's body and staggered out of the opposite end of the alley and onto a quieter street. She tried to keep her gaze downcast, avoiding the looks and gasps of people as she passed them. Blood seeped through her fingers, covering her bare skin and white corset under her open shirt, and the daggers dripping with orc blood were clutched protectively against her chest as she made it back to the docks.
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  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Lucius
"WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE WOMAN I LOVE?" There was a loud smashing sound as Lucius threw a barrel onto the deck of the ship.

Fury drove through him like a river of lava, flowing free as he practically shook from rage. His eyes were on those whom he had sent with Peyton, gaze dark. Behind him the golem stood, her expression as stony as ever yet something just as disapproving within it. Together they made an incredibly posing pair, not helped as Lucius stalked forward.

He reached out and grabbed one of the Orcs he had sent along with Peyt by the front of his shirt. He dragged the larger man down to his level, fear entering his gaze as a flicker of blue crossed over Lucius' eyes. His fingers tightened. "Where is she?"

It was Vreek that spoke up.

"S-she got away from us, practically ran Lu-Captain."​

Flickering blue eyes panned over towards the Goblin, Lucius' lips thinning as he regarded him and slowly let go of the Orc's shirt. Fingers tightened into fists, and suddenly The BlackHeart seemed to rock within the water even though the Sea was calm as could be.

"Find her." His voice was low, seething anger floating through her. "FIND HER!"

Lucius' voice boomed, and suddenly every single member of the crew rushed towards the gangplank to search all of Teth for Peyton.
  • Scared
Reactions: Peyton
Peyton practically fell into Ferr's massive arms as he rushed down the docks toward her followed swiftly by Chris and Ferg.. "I got you." the Orc murmured and swept her up into a cradled hold, muttering a few curses under his breath as he looked over her, but she didn't take her hand from the wound even as she drifted toward unconsciousness.

"She's here!" Ferr boomed out to the scattering crew and growled at the two boys who were frantically fussing over her.. "Go on ahead and tell em to get the infirmary ready.." Ferr demanded as he started back toward the ship..

"Is she gonna die.. Shit.. don't die Peyt." the two boys fretted..

"One of you tell the Captain before he wrecks the ship.." he added with a grunt. The boys froze and exchanged worried glances. "GO!!" the orc growled, and Peyton frowned at the at the sound of it. "Yer alright lass.." he assured uncertainly, and quickened his pace up the gangplank.
Lucius didn't need to be told.

Ferr's voice was loud enough that the Captain could hear it echo from the top deck. His lips thinned in an instant, and he felt another spike of rage before he heard the word infirmary. You little...

Guilt instantly shot through him as the curse echoed through his mind, and with blue still flaring in his eyes Lucius instantly crossed the deck. He saw Ferr stepping up the gangplank, Chirs and Ferg rushing up to him with their mouths open.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" His voice boomed as he practically shoved the two brothers, stepping past them and towards Ferg.

The instant he saw Peyton his heart thundered.

"Peyt!" Lips thinned as he saw the blood, not knowing if it was hers or someone else's. "Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck."

Ferr stepped up towards him, and Lucius quickly moved aside so that they could head towards the infirmary. "GET THE DOCTOR!"

His voice echoed out as he stepped besides Ferr, putting his hand on Peyt's shoulder.

"It'll be alright honey, It'll be fine." Lucius tried to soothe, tried to calm, but he couldn't help the seething rage that he still felt. We made a deal.

He thought to himself as they moved.
  • Cry
Reactions: Peyton
She had never heard Lucius so angry, but even as he fussed over her and offered his reassurances, dread filled her. She'd been so sure that she could get out of the situation without a scrape that she'd disregarded their agreement entirely, and she knew how angry she'd have been if he'd done what she had. She pulled the daggers tight against her chest, trying to hide them from view as much as she could..

Peyton blinked heavily at him and forced a small smile.. talking didn't seem possible right now, and she wasn't sure what she'd say if it were. She tried to stay awake, hoping it would ease his worry, but her eyes drifted closed the moment she was settled down on the infirmary table and Mitch bellowed at everyone to clear the room as he quickly got to work.

"Wasn't a blade or bolt... Seemed more like a bite.." she heard Mitch speak as her lashes flickered open and her breathing piqued as she felt her neck tightly wrapped in cloth.

"Luc.." she tried to shout the word but it was barely a whisper. She felt around her, the daggers were gone and she panicked a little more.. "Luc!" she repeated slightly louder this time..
"It's fine, I have them." There was an edge to his tone, something he couldn't keep quiet even as he gently dabbed at her forehead with a cool wet rag that Mitch had given to him.

The Doctor was already working on getting sutures and a tincture of some sort. Lucius was glad that they had him aboard. To his surprise Mitch had been extremely knowledgeable about his craft, and it seemed that of the Old Crew he was probably one of the best.

At least in his field. "You'll be alright."

Lucius said softly, glancing briefly at the daggers he had put onto a nearby table.

They were why this had happened. It was an obvious answer. She must have seen the person who'd taken them, gotten into a scrap and then managed to claw them back before getting away. That likely meant there was a body or two somewhere, but...well that didn't matter right now.

Nor did the fact that he was angry.

All that mattered was that she lived.

"It's alright." He said softly petting her head.
  • Cry
Reactions: Peyton
She picked up on that edge in his tone and she stared up at him. She knew he was furious, he had every right to be. Her mind raced as she thought back on how stupid her idea had been. Get him alone had been as far as she'd truly thought, but what might have happened had she failed to retrieve those daggers in the first place caused her heart to race that bit faster and her eyes teared as she looked at him. She'd been a fucking idiot.. At least the orc was dead, at least she hoped he was..she hadn't checked.

Mitch returned to her and slipped a hand underneath her head to tilt it up gently, a small vial pressed against her lips as he told her softly to drink. She did, but it was vile and hurt to swallow and so she groaned and cursed at him as he smirked at lowered her head back down..

"She'll be fine, Captain. She's lucky. Her artery was nicked but I've sewn it. Minor damage to the vocal chords, just means she'll be a little quieter from now on." he chortled as he washed his hands and dried them. His shirt was almost as covered in blood as hers was, and she realised how much she'd lost.. "Given her something to make her sleep. She'll hopefully feel a little better in the morning." he told Lucius with a firm pat on his shoulder before wandering out onto the deck, and as promised, Peyton slept.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Lucius
Lucius didn't move.

Someone, he wasn't entirely sure who, brought him a chair in the middle of the night as well as a coat. Lucius had never seen the jacket before, but he didn't remove it as whoever had brought it draped it over him. All he did was watch Peyton.

He did not leave her side for the entire night and beyond. Even as the storm came rolling in he didn't budge. Oddly enough the ship itself did not seem to rock within the storm either, almost as if kept still by some unseen force.

It made the crew uncomfortable.

"I can't believe you did that." Lucius said quietly to his sleeping love. "We made a promise."

The anger had left him now, at least...most of it. There was still a seething ball at his very core he couldn't quite get rid of. "You made a promise."

He said quietly, stroking his thumb over her hand.
  • Cry
Reactions: Peyton
Mitch returned to check on her several times throughout the night before he decided she was settled enough to surrender himself to sleep. Whatever he'd given her had her lost in a dark, dreamless oblivion without pain or fear. It was peaceful.

A warm, golden light streamed in as the morning sun rose, and Vreek appeared in the doorway casting a shadow way taller than he was and he took a few steps inside.. Ferg and Chris had followed behind him, but seeing the Captain there, they were too afraid to go any further in or utter a word.

"I.. I'm sorry, Captain. I should have kept a closer eye on her, this was my fault.." the goblin looked down, lacing his fingers together and wringing them nervously.. "I hope Miss Peyton is recovering well.. I'll leave you.." he bowed his head, feathered hat pressed against his chest as he reversed back toward the doorway.

Voices roused her and she let out a deep waking sigh, trying to force her eyes to open. She managed, finally, and a frown creased at her brow as she squinted against the light. She reached a hand to his and squeezed, her lips curling weakly at him.. "Have you been here all night?.." she asked in a whisper that was cracked and husky.
  • Angry
Reactions: Lucius
"Get out." Lucius' voice was pure ice as Vreek backed away. "Lock the door behind you."

The only people he wanted in here was himself, Peyton, and the Doctor if he had to come. He didn't need any of the other crew around, didn't want them around. Fingers tightened for just a brief moment as he felt her stir, lips thinning.

"I have." There was no coldness in his voice when he spoke to her, never with her, but there was something in his eyes.

Disappointment? Anger?

It was hard to nail the emotion down, but he did not voice it. "How are you feeling?"

Lucius asked softly, scooting a bit closer so that she would not have to speak up.
  • Cry
Reactions: Peyton
If she could have sunk any lower by that look in his eyes she would have. She felt herself tense nervously, not that she feared him, she just hoped he wouldn’t stay angry at her for long..

“Like I want to get off of this table..” she groaned, feeling stiff all over.. “But I’m alright..” she answered a little less honestly, obvious pain in her broken voice as she tried to pull herself up with a grimace.

“Please don’t be angry... With the crew, Luc..”
  • Devil
Reactions: Lucius
"I can be angry with whomever I want, Peyt." There was a sternness to his tone this time.

Every other time they had argued, every other time something had come between them Lucius had always backed down quickly. Not this time though. This time she had made a choice that wasn't as easy for him to forgive.

Particularly because of how it had all happened.

"They were supposed to stay with you." He said simply. "You were supposed to stay with them."

There was an accusation to both those statements. His thumb still stroked slowly over the back of her palm, but his anger was still clear even with the soothing touch.
Peyton’s jaw clenched at the way he answered her, and she managed to sit herself up and turn to dangle her legs from the table. They felt like lead. She looked down, as thought afraid to meet his gaze, and she realised she still wore her torn shirt and she pulled it tightly around her over her corset. She hadn’t realised how much blood she’d lost until she’d seen how soaked in it her clothes had been.

“I know they were.. And I know I was. But they’re not to blame, I slipped away from them on purpose and they assumed I was headed back here. The blame is mine, not theirs.” She croaked quietly.. “I’m sorry, Luc.. I know it was stupid, I was sure I’d get out of it unscathed..” she frowned, and shivered slightly with cold.

“Can we talk about this after I’ve bathed and dressed please?..” she asked, still unable to meet his eye.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Lucius
"Yes." It was the only answer that she would receive.

Lucius knew that if he commented on anything else the seething anger he still felt at his core would more than likely creep back up to the surface.

Instead of allowing it to he simply gave her that response, his arms gently slipping beneath her form and scooping her up off the infirmary table. The Captain said nothing else as he lifted her, turning around and heading towards the door. His knee deftly came up, unlocking the door and pushing it open.

Members of the crew stood around outside, some watching intently.

"We drew her a bath Cap-"​

Lucius stared at the two brothers as they half stepped forward, both of them slowly moving back as hard eyes settled on them.

After a few seconds he turned, heading towards his and Peyton's quarters without another word.
She had been about to protest to being carried, though she wasn’t sure how far her legs would carry her right now. She would’ve at least tried, but she didn’t think it best to argue with him right now, and so her arms wrapped around his neck.

She offered a small smile to the brothers as they tried to speak, and she spotted Vreek hiding behind them. “Thank you boys.. You can stop fretting, I’m fine..” she assured them quietly as they passed, and she looked over Lucius’ shoulder with a quiet sigh at the tension they clearly felt.

The bath smelled of honey and lavender, and Peyton breathed it in, but even then it was difficult to feel soothed with how tense she was. “Thank you..” she murmured at him as they stopped..
  • Devil
Reactions: Lucius
The tension did not exactly ease away as Lucius gently put Peyton down on a chair next to the bath.

Wordlessly he began to strip her, his eyes still holding that same hard look to them as he helped her take off her bloody clothes. Anger still seethed within him quietly, but he tried his best not to show it in front of her. A part of him knew the attempt was useless.

Peyton could read him better than anyone else alive. "You're welcome."

He said finally as he helped peel off the last of the stained cloth.

"Let's get you into the bath." Lucius added softly as he picked her up again and gently placed her into the water.
  • Bless
Reactions: Peyton
Peyton chewed gently on her lip as he helped her undress and again she decided not to argue. She could practically feel the rage radiating from him, and although she was grateful he was biting it back, she knew it was there festering and she'd no doubt be subject to it soon enough.

She hadn't noticed the dotted bruises on her sides and thighs, and her jaw clenched anxiously as she pushed down a wave of nausea and her face paled. The water was pleasant and she settled back in the tub carefully, trying to keep the linen around her neck dry.

"Just get it over with.." she sighed as she lifted her gaze to him, she wouldn't be able to relax with the tension in the atmosphere between them..
  • Devil
Reactions: Lucius
"You broke your word." Lucius didn't launch into a rage.

He wanted to, but he managed to keep the anger tight in his voice. Even now he loved her with every inch of his soul, with every little bit of himself that he could muster. That love tempered his anger, made him not want to scream.

Yet it was still there. "Your word."

He reminded her.

"What you brought up." Lucius knew that he had messed up just a few days ago, knew that he had put her in danger and was partially at fault. He could understand that, he got that, but why did she have to throw that in his face? "You had half the crew with you Peyt. Why didn't you ask them to help?"

Lucius chewed his lips. "What were you thinking? It's like you took everything we said and threw it back in my face."

He couldn't help the anger seeping into the last sentence.
  • Cry
Reactions: Peyton
Peyton visibly flinched as he spoke, trying her best to hold his gaze but she failed and her eyes fell to her hands as she washed the dried blood from them..

"I know I did.. There were eight of them, the crew would never have allowed me near them and you know it. Vreek wouldn't have been much help, and Dav and Ferr would have been outnumbered. I was sure I could handle it on my own, and If I hadn't I might never have seen them again." she frowned and lifted her gaze to him again, reaching her hand out in attempt to take his..

"I'm sorry, Luc. They're all I have left of him, I saw the opportunity and I took it. He wasn't going to simply hand them over. I didn't throw it in your face, I made a mistake, just like you did. I wasn't thinking.." her eyes welled with tears and she bit on her lip, mutely begging his forgiveness.

"I didn't mean to frighten you.."
  • Angry
Reactions: Lucius
Lucius stared at her for a moment. "You could have had them followed. You could have sent word."

She could have done a thousand other things that wouldn't have put her in the same danger she'd put herself in. The promise had been made, and now it had already been broken less than a day later. What was he supposed to feel?

He still loved her, and even now he could feel his heart-strings being pulled at, but that feeling just made him all the more frustrated.

"Gods fucking damnit Peyt." He couldn't keep the anger from his voice this time. "What am I supposed to do? Feel?"

She made a mistake, he knew that. "I know how much they mean to you. I'm not blaming you for going after them. I'm not mad about that I..."

He stood, turning around and putting a hand through his hair. "What the fuck would I do without you?"

Lucius asked.
  • Cry
Reactions: Peyton
Her hand recoiled as he stood and she felt a much worse pain in her throat than was there already. "You're right.. It was stupid, and you're supposed to feel angry at me like I was angry at you but then I forgave you. So be angry, yell at me, lift your hand if you must but please don't torture me any longer than necessary because I can't stand it!.." she frowned, her quiet voice cracking painfully under pressure as she tried to raise it and failed. She rested a hand over the wound and swallowed with a grimace.

His question caused the tears in her eyes to fall and they raced down her cheeks to drip into the steaming water, already pink from the blood on her skin. "I'm here, Lucius. You don't have to do anything without me.." her jaw clenched, biting back a harsh reminder that he'd put her life at risk without keeping that thought in mind, but it was in the past and she wouldn't be petty enough to bring it up, it was forgiven, just as she hoped this would be.

"Please Luc.." she gasped quietly as she cried and wrapped her arms around herself for some semblance of comfort but it was his arms that she wanted.