Lucius stood there quietly for a moment. "I'm not...I won't."
He frowned for a moment.
"I love you, Peyt." Perhaps that was what she needed to hear at that moment. He did not want to make her think this was the end, did not want her to think that somehow this was going to mean he would walk away.
Slowly the Captain turned around. His expression was still grim, but he was breathing a bit more calmly than he had before.
"I'll get over it." Lucius said quietly. "But you can't..."
His jaw tightened. "You can't do it again."
He frowned for a moment.
"I love you, Peyt." Perhaps that was what she needed to hear at that moment. He did not want to make her think this was the end, did not want her to think that somehow this was going to mean he would walk away.
Slowly the Captain turned around. His expression was still grim, but he was breathing a bit more calmly than he had before.
"I'll get over it." Lucius said quietly. "But you can't..."
His jaw tightened. "You can't do it again."