Peyton was born the youngest of four children to a struggling family. To ensure the survival of her parents and siblings for another year, she was sold into slavery before she was one year old and her true family have only ever been a bitter taste in her mouth. She was one of ten slaves to a wealthy merchant and spent the next six years of her life in Annuakat. At seven years old, the unnamed child managed to stow aboard a pirates' ship, The Black Concordant, and was found the next day at sea in the cargo hold. The captain took the child into his care, protecting her from harm and gave her his name. Peyton Sullivan.
Captain Jon Sullivan raised Peyton as his own daughter. She was taught to read, write and navigate and map the seas, serving the crew as a cabin girl, running errands as she studied and learned. At sixteen she became the Concordant's Sea Artist* and served the ship well for a further three years before tragedy struck.
'During the final voyage of the Black Concordant on return to Teth the ship met an utterly gruesome fate.
Though not many are sure what occurred to the vessel and the handful of survivors refuse to speak of it, the Ship was felled and eventually sunk to the bottom of the ocean. It is said by way of rumor and tale that The Concordant met it's end at the hands of a Black Kraken, cursed by a powerful wizard after the Captain made a fateful decision.' - (Kasim Areth)
The loss of her father and ship was devastating, and Peyton's confidence in sailing was dented by the horror that had befallen them. She and the few surviving Concordant crew returned to the floating city of Teth, and she has remained there for the past four years. Peyton has become a particularly gifted thief and swords(wo)man. She also wears two jewel encrusted daggers, gifted to her by her father.
***Sea Artist
Typically the term referred to the ship's navigator. The sea artist was expert at reading and correcting charts, using navigational tools such as the cross-staff, backstaff, quadrant etc. They were also experts at use dead reckoning methods for determining longitude. Some were also capable of determining longitude using lunar observations. The sea artist was also an expert at reading the ocean, able to tell shallows and hidden reefs from deep waters and able to determine if storms were coming. On a more broad term, the sea artists was anyone who could maneuver ships over great distances with little or no difficulty, an expert seaman (or in this case, woman.)
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