Fable - Ask Mountains High

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


Sky Dragoon
Character Biography
The eyrie was uncharacteristically noisy. The rohk had their own language that even the sky elves didn't fully decipher but they were noble creatures. They were not prone to chattering like a flock of budgerigars. There must have been some gossip within the community.

"Good morning Lejeera," Fynaurie said in her sing song voice. She stopped as she walked past the nest of one of the eagles.

Lejeera bowed her head in greeting. Fynaurie walked up to her, holding up a hand and stroking the feathers across her head.

"Derren still in bed again?" Fynaurie asked. Lejeera nodded. Derren was her older cousin and he had a habit of sleeping in. Lejeera was actually Vaxor's older sister. The Sy'tella line of elves was tied to the Abragastyr line of eagles. In their culture the family name was passed down the female line in both elves and eagles.

"The kitchens are going now he won't stay asleep for long," Fyn laughed. A loud clack from a few stalls down drew her attention.

Lejeera cawed something out to Vaxor. Possibly an admonishment for his impatience.

Fynaurie skipped away to find her own eagle waiting. He stepped from foot to foot.

"Hungry are we? Or just want to show off our new colours?" Fyn asked.

Vaxor stretched out his wings and gave a flap. After their first ranging they were allowed to wear the colours of the Sky Dragoons. Fynaurie didn't wear her uniform this morning, but Vaxor's feather tips had been dyed in the turquoise and scarlet of the dragoons. The eagles were as proud of markings that displayed their position as much as their riders.

When Vaxor was saddled up to fly they both walked out towards the doors. He had the odd swaying gait of his kind of foot. They could actually run and hop across the ground but usually reserved that for prey they had missed on a dive.

There were several wide openings to the eyrie. They feared no attack from the skies and needed no gates. Any smaller birds that accidentally flew in essentially offered themselves up as snacks.

Fynaurie paused by the rack of ether-glaives. Despite her promotion they had made clear that she was still in training in many regards. She wasn't allowed her own yet. She slowly reached out with one hand towards the glowing blade of the nearest. She wondered if they were warm.


She snatched back her hand and Vaxor gave a cackle of amusement. Fynaurie rolled her eyes and turned around. Hindras had his arms crossed over his chest. He was effortlessly handsome, but took himself entirely too seriously.

"Good morning!" she replied brightly, turning her back and continuing towards the exit.

Hindras fell into step beside her. "Have you filled out Bynthas' ranging charts?"

"Charts?" She asked innocently, feigning ignorance of the maps down in their headquarters covered in coloured chalk lines where each dragoon marked the territory they would cover alone.

"Yes. You haven't proposed a route yet. He won't be happy if..." Hindras came to a halt a few paces from the opening.

The tower of Kearth was ancient. They had lost the secrets of its construction. The opening was wide, but a long ledge protruded out into the air. Fynaurie kept walking out across it. The wind whipped a silver strand of hair free from her leathers. It was only a few paces wide and she was perilously close to the edge.

"Fynaurie!" Hindras called out. "Only eagles are allowed out onto the walkway!" he called out to her.

Vaxor plodded out after her, enjoying the wind through his feathers.

Fynaurie turned to face Hindras. She pulled down her flight goggles. They were formed of thin pieces of bone that covered her eye sockets. Wide slits were covered with a thin, translucent silk. They afforded better vision on such a clear day and kept the wind out of her eyes.

"Sorry!" she apologised. "Can't hear you over the wind!"


She pulled her scarf up over her mouth and took a step backwards. Her foot hovered over thin air. Then she fell.


Vaxor turned to him, offered an apologetic cant of his head and dropped off the ledge. His wings swept back into a dive.

"I know! I know!" Fynaurie called out over the wind as Vaxor sought out a thermal. He was giving her a particularly vocal telling off. Altitude was energy and power to a bird. Even on a clear sunny day with perfect flying conditions he had given up a great deal of height to dive and catch her. That particular party trick they practised wasn't supposed to be for every time a member of the community bothered her about chores that needed doing.

Still, the brief look on his face had made it worthwhile.

"Come on you silly bird, let's go north!"

Vaxor stretched out his wings, finding a rising current.
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  • Yay
Reactions: Freya Thrakin
The air felt amazing as Ash and his best friend Azierion flew into a low clouds of The Spine, he felt at peace. One of the few times he actually felt as peace was on days like these, when the sun was not making the lower levels of the mountain scorching, but it is not terribly cold by his standards.

Azi would just roll his eyes at Ash’s go happiness. Though the young dragon still had to admit, with the elf’s foolishness and often times disappearing in the middle of the night on a lead. Azi would not have changed it more for a less giving and caring friend, but probably would not mind changing Ash out for a less passionate friend.

Snow dazzled the mountain slopes, dotted by fewer shrubs and evergreens Ash still had his normal clothes on, and not his armor. Which was making this flight easier. “Azi, wanna go hunting for yak up here?” He would ask the dark blue dragon once he landed on a ledge to wait for one of their companions, What sort of challenge is that? It is hardly ever one, I want something more challenging.

“But you aren’t even full grown yet.....” Ash yelps as Azi shakes him while on his back. “Fine! We’ll do more research! Go ask Jormodo when we get back!”

Azi would rumble some feeling quite proud of himself. With all the magic that Ashieron could do, he could not hold off gravity for long enough to safely float back to the surface. A little bit of smoke escapes his nostrils as he revels in his victory.
Cold wind lashed out at the pair, freckled with specks of snow as they soared through the sky. The high peaks of the Spine erupted out of the clouds, stone monuments that dotted the horizon. It was silent, save for the rhythmic beating of large wings and billowing gusts. Oris flew between the mighty peaks, weaving through the frigid air with grace and ease.

The morning flight was a part of their usual routine, one they created even before they joined the Keepers. It helped keep the two in shape, as well as let them bond through flight. When Ash's dragon, Azi, grew old enough to be ridden, the pair had extended the offer to join their daily flight. Considering the quickly growing dragon's skill in flying through the Spine, it seemed to help. Perhaps one day the two would forge a bond as well.

Oris skimmed the top of the clouds with his talons as he flew, a mountain peak directly ahead. Freya showed no worry, as both stared down the obstacle in their path. Right as the pair was about to collide, they suddenly swerved up the towering, stony visage. The snow-capped peak rapidly approached, the space between the mountain's edge and the pair miniscule as they flew up. As they reached the top, Oris perched, unleashing a triumphant, thunderous roar that echoed throughout the mountain.

'Show-off, much?' Freya remarked, a sly grin on her face at the dragon's display. Oris let out a huff in response, and through their bond, said, 'I learned from the best.' His eyes traveled down to the clouds, spotting the familiar dark shape stop in its flight. 'Looks like they've stopped. Should we join them?' Freya nodded, and though it could not have been physically seen by the dragon, he immediately leapt off his perch.

Swooping down, the rush of air was immediately felt once more, this time the clouds their target. As they shot through the barrier-like clouds, a hole formed as streaks of mist trailed after them. They could spot Azi and Ash sitting on the ledge, coming to a slow landing by them. . "I trust you two had a good flight?" Freya asked the pair as Oris rested for a short moment. The dragon teased Azi, saying, "Still getting used to flight, youngling?" Oris was quite larger than Azi, as to be expected by the age difference between the two, adopting a rather brotherly position to the young dragon.
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  • Yay
Reactions: Aifrin and Fynaurie
They were past the northern watchtower in quick order. One of the riders circling the tower pulled in close to check she was allowed beyond it alone. It had taken a little convincing. Not everyone knew she had been on her first ranging. Everyone believed that she would start exploring far from the eyrie within days of it and she was known to be fanciful but not a liar.

Vaxor put tens of miles behind them in what felt like no time at all. Kearth was quite close to the coast which kept them fairly warm. The jagged mountains of the spine were soon coated in white. The air now carried a biting chill, even through her leathers.

There was little danger to them here. Perhaps a mountain giant could kill a rohk, but one of those was hardly going to be hiding. Vaxor had once punched his talons clean through the body of a bull.

Fynaurie doubted they would even land. Vaxor hadn't seemed hungry and she had no interest in trudging around in snow. Next time they would head east over the jungles.

A deep roar reverberated right through her chest. Fynaurie leaned forward to look down. There were giant lions here, but that had seemed too loud.

Vaxor made a soft, shrill noise of panic. He turned one eye to the skies above. He instinctively knew that call. There was one apex predator of the skies above the eagles. One hadn't been seen in the area for decades, yet he still knew its sound.

If a dragon was seen in the territory of the eagles then the more agile birds would put themselves at great individual risk to drive it away, throwing themselves at its eyes and throat until they crippled it, killed it, or forced it to leave.

Fynaurie realised what had cause Vaxor's unrest. She could not make out any silhouettes in the clear skies above. They wouldn't believe her. If she went back and told them they heard a dragon's call they would call it her imagination, but they would have to believe Vaxor.

Vaxor called out to her. His tail feathers tilted to gently turn until she could see what he had spotted. The Eagle seemed to have calmed a little, even at the sight of two dragons on the rocks. They were not full sized, though the larger one perhaps big enough to prey on a great Eagle.

In the same manner that Vaxor would not chase a smaller bird above him, a dragon would likely only attack an Eagle below.

"Come on, let's head back."
Aifrin had watched Fynaurie go, becoming giddy at the spectacle the other rider had made of her exit. She had been with her rokh Birin, along with a number of the other eagles as Fynaurie had come in. Enjoying the feel of soft feathers between her fingers and the difference each one had. For once in her years she had silently watched the other rider leave.

Aifrin had seen her come into her colors and appreciated the want for adventure.

That wasn't to say this rider wasn't up for some flying also. It was typically a chore finding anyone else that wanted to fly with Birin. He was a bit of an oddity for his line, not quite as small and nimble as his brothers and sisters that her family was used to.

He was more made for wheeling than diving, and while others may have not been as keen on the idea of a slightly plump bird, Aifrin had bonded with him near instantly. The pair had done much to earn a bit of friction with the more serious riders.

The pair loved to swoop and dive in their aerial performances, causing concern with instructors with their perceived lackadaisical view to formation. Not that she would endanger their lives by any means, but it was a bit fun to make them all squirm a bit with their proximity.

Hindras had been fuming when Aifrin and Birin "snuck" out to the opening. Their form of sneaking more akin to being actively ignored. The nervous energy between the pair as they waited for him to turn around was palpable. He turned in time to see Aifrin grinning from ear to ear and waved her fingers at him.

"Aifrin-!" He called before both dipped out of sight, strolling off of the ledge. Birin gave a shrill call of joy at the dive before climbing high. The pair began to lazily climb a thermal and watched for Fynauria.

Birin chattered, Aifrin leaning forward to hear him against the wind as her scarf fluttered with her hair in the wind. He was excited, but was also curious to see where the other pair had gone off to.

They wheeled in the air, slowly moving forward as they searched for Fynauria and Vaxor. They spun in a barrel roll, Aifrin letting her arms catch the wind as she outstretched them and enjoyed the feeling of the wind blowing against her.
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  • Yay
Reactions: Freya Thrakin
Azierion shook his head, “I was waiting for you old gramps go catch up.” He’d let out a deep rumble looking around with Ashieron. “We did have a great flight.” He said, somewhat “accidentally” nudging Azierion with his foot once he called Oris gramps. Their quiet way of saying to show respect. The two of them had an okay bond but Ash could kind of tell Azierion was almost ready to go on his own way. “You guys want to head back or continue on....?” He’d asl the three of them, before trailing off.

He’d stop because as he was looking around he saw a massive eagle, “Does anyone know if Rocs live this far south?” He’d ask them looking at the roc. Azi shakes his head looking towards where the elf was looking. “We might want to take care of it. They might prey on younglings if they get too close to our home.”

Ash had no idea if the rocs lived this far South, he usually goes away from their small village to go find other eggs and dragons in need of assistance. Following the leads and tips he could get, and sometimes to risky situations. Also he was not from The Spine, he grown up elsewhere. “There might be more of them Azir.”
"Only because you get tired so easily," Oris continued to tease the youngling, unfazed by Azi's remark. Freya let a small smirk break her expression at the sight, amused at the bickering between the dragons, before she looked to Ashieron. "Glad to hear it."

She furrowed her brow at Ash trailing off into silence, confused by his abrupt pause. It only took a moment for her to see the cause. A massive eagle soared overhead, the tips of its feathers colored a deep scarlet and turquoise, bright against the pale sky. A Rokh. She had come across them on occasion within the Spine, the sightings always a rarity. To see one so far south, and with such bright patterning on the wings, was unique.

"Not as far as I'm aware," she replied briskly, her eyes still watching the Great Eagle as it swiftly began to turn away. Oris gazed up at the bird as well, watching its flight with interest. Following after the Rokh may unveil the existence, and location, of the nest, so that they may know if the young dragons would be safe flying in this area. Silently, they seemed to agree on something, eyes flaring with iridescence. "Come. The Rokh may lead us to the nest."

Soon after Oris spoke, he bounded across the cliff face, massive leathery wings pounding against the air, dragging the beast higher and higher into the sky as they began to follow after the swift Great Eagle.
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Reactions: Aifrin
As they banked Fynaurie watched over her shoulder as the two dragons leapt off their perch. She dropped her body flat to Vaxor's saddle. There were several sets of straps and she used the further from her to anchor herself down. The closest were for sitting more upright for gliding, the ones in the middle to be used when diving with an ether-glaive. She hadn't even been shown that position.

Fynaurie looked down at her spear and bow. They wouldn't bother a dragon's scaley hide.

If the dragons had been high above them she would have felt raw terror. They would have been dead in the air. Altitude was power and it took a heavy dragon time to climb. Vaxor might have had a wingspan of over thirty feet but he was light by comparison. They had cruised out here without tiring him out.

Instead she merely felt a heavy fear settle in her gut. It was a long way back to Kearth. Even knowing that a fall from this height would be fatal, it was her love for Vaxor that twisted in her gut. She couldn't stand the thought of him being chewed up by a dragon.

That fear lightened as she saw that Birin was still with them, along with Aifrin They could split up and go for help, or at least both dive together to convince the dragons to go elsewhere.

They climbed slowly and Fynaurie sat upright once more. Holding her arms high she tried to sign the other sky elf.

Danger. Two. Look where I point

They had never been taught a sign for dragon; the creatures had been heading for extinction for thousands of years.

Fynaurie twisted about in her saddle and pointed downwards. She paused, hand outstretched. Even with her silk and bone goggles she had to tilt her head to block out the sun.

Riders. Question. She signed in a hurry.
The pair had glided easily, Vaxor and Fynauria coming into view slowly as they ascended to Birin and Aifrin. She was smiling at first when she spied Fynauria beginning to sign to her. The other elf's gaze lingered on her hands for a moment, tracing the line from finger to target.

Dread filled her, her smile dropping to disbelief and fear at the thought of the two dragons fighting them. Birin made an alarmed chirp as he too spotted the threat, albeit much to late. She looked back to see Fynauria signing once more, which left Aifrin wondering for a second.

She had no response in that moment, panic making her forget anything about their training as she glanced back to the pair of dragons. They were supposed to be long gone, a mention in books to scare people. They weren't supposed to be flying on their tail. She looked back to the other elf and signed.

Riders. She paused, thinking on what closely resembled a dragon. Flying snake. Sure?
  • Yay
Reactions: Freya Thrakin
Azi hisses some before leaping off to follow Oris. Ash lets out a chuckle. The thought of having a huge omelette made him extremely happy, with a side of meats and fruits as well. Just the thought of it made his mouth water, “Aren’t rocs a predator of dragons nests as well?” He’d ask as they’d approached the roc, he’d tilt his head with Azi in unison. There is two of them. The dragon says thinking about how they would taste, probably like chicken. “Worse comes to worse we’d just have to roast them Azi.” Ash shrugs looking closer at the rocs, “There are elves on them.” He’d gasp looking at Freya and Oris. He was not comfortable with them knowing about the dragons and them being around, it could stir up some issues if there were more of them. They all seemed as if they were worrying about them, which kind of made sense for them. He’d be panicking if two fire breathing dragons were approaching him if he was on one of those feathery birds.
Her gaze shot to Ash as he made his observation, her brow furrowing. Elves? Her eyes flitted back to the Rokh, which had now found company in the presence of another, this one being larger in size. Disbelief crossed her expression as she saw the two silhouettes on top of the Great Eagles, undoubtedly their riders. Not quite like the dragon keepers, but riders nonetheless. Her and Oris met a mutual agreement: they had to find out more.

Oris' eyes narrowed as the distance between them and the Rokhs grew greater, especially with the added challenge of having to gain altitude. The dragon was far heavier, and by the time he could manage to fly to their height, the riders may have already managed to evade them. Her vision moved to the mountain beside them, a tall monument of snow-capped stone, as an idea suddenly sparked to life in both Freya and Oris' minds. Oris, being native to the Tundra and spending many years within the peaks of the Spine, was a quick climber. Quicker than flying upward, at the very least.

The dragon abruptly swerved to the right towards the mountain, great wings clinging to the rocky surface. Claws dragged the beast upward, large steps made in quick succession. Freya turned in her seated position, watching the eagle riders with keen interest, waiting until they were sufficiently lower. She could feel the thrill pulsating in Oris' mind, the thrill of the hunt. Gently, she reminded the dragon that their goal wasn't to kill the birds, but to learn about them. And if they attack? He asked, still pulling himself further and further up the mountainside. Then perhaps a hunt it is. We'll see.

A moment passed after, before Freya's voice echoed once more throughout Oris' mind. Now. Immediately, the dragon leapt off the cliff face. The Rokhs were now far below them, and though the distance had grow further, their newfound height should alleviate that issue. Oris folded in his wings, directing his flight downward, the eagles in his sights. The dragon hurtled through the air, wind buffeting his scales as Freya rode tightly against his back, hair whipping in the violent surge downward.

The Great Eagles, and their riders, grew larger and large as the pair closed the distance between them. Oris soared over them, gaining the lead as the dragon abruptly turned around to face the mysterious duo. A powerful bashing of wings sustained his hovering, reptilian eyes focusing in on the riders and their mounts. Freya raised herself so that see could be seen on his back, her eyes glancing between them. A spear was stowed at her back, not yet taken out. "We have to talk. Namely, about who you are." Her voice was succinct and declamatory, but not outwardly aggressive or hostile. To hear of others also riding great beasts of the air besides themselves was unexpected, especially so close to home. Whether they would be a threat to their hatchlings was another question, one she hoped to get the answer to now.
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Reactions: Aifrin
Get ready to pull right, she signalled to Aifrin as the shadow of the beast passed overhead. She hadn't known a dragon could pull itself up rocks so quickly. Then again she knew little of their kind. Only that the Avelion and their rohk had driven a great one away a long time ago and that they were hardly ever seen any more.

She had seen maps that showed blue dots for their towers up the entire length of the spine so once there had been more sky elves and rohk too. Those towers possibly predated the sky elves. The world was ancient, ever being rebuilt in the bones of the old.

It took all of her control to keep Vaxor from maneuvering away. The dragon wasn't as big as she had seen in pictures but it was still a terrifying fiend up close.

Dragons could hover. She hadn't known that. Vaxor couldn't hover. His wingtips rose and he twisted his tail to soar in a gentle circle around the dragon. He was close to a blind panic. The other dragon was smaller, still a distance below. If she distracted this one then perhaps Aifrin and Birin could make it away.

They could breathe fire. That was something she did know. There was too much movement in the air to shoot well, but Fynaurie already had her bow strung on the saddle before her. Perhaps an arrow in the throat would put it off?

Her heart raced, apparently climbing into her throat. She had to switch a mental gear to use the common trade tongue. She had never spoken it outside of a classroom before.

"The first time a dragon has been seen here for decades and we have to talk about who we are?" She called out over the wind.
She nodded to the other elf as she prepared Birin for the maneuver when the terrified shriek came from Aifrin at the shadow of the great beast. Her own rokh struggling to maintain decorum as the other rider hollered at them. Confusion struck her as she heard Fynaurie call back over the wind.

She wasn't wrong. Dragons had not been sighted here for some time. Granted, it wasn't as thought the elves presence here was an advertised thing either. How many people could say they had seen riders upon the great avian's in their time? Not many, and she doubted people with any kind of interest in dragons particularly held interest in them either.

Save for why they were sharing the same skies.

"Can we land? Or something? The birds aren't happy!" Aifrin was near to pleading, Birin unhappily screeching at her.
  • Yay
Reactions: Freya Thrakin
Azi flew up to join them he looked at the birds having to fly in a circling manor. He huffed some, seemed like a weakness. Ash was no too happy with how the lead eagle rider was acting. “Seems as though there is a slight miss understanding here.” He’d say smiling at the woman but Azi was not too pleased, “Show some respect and you shall be respected, for talking does not happen if there are questions and no answers given when asked.” Azi growls at Fyna watching the birds.

Ash heard what the following roc rider said with a flick of his ear, “Maybe this could be smoothed out if we listen to what she says! Land and then we can simply explain ourselves to each other.” He’d yells over the wind pointing at Aifrin. He felt the displeasure Azi was, and it radiated off of him like the sun’s warmth from stone. But he would not let himself follow the dragon’s emotions. Ash’s hair tie came undone in the wind, barely he caught it, but now his hair was billowing in the wind also. Azi shakes his head before heading to find some place to land, seemingly agreeing with the two of them.
  • Yay
Reactions: Freya Thrakin
"Then I guess we both have some talking to do, don't we?" She remarked, a matter-of-fact smile playing at her lips. Oris glared at Azi, a silent reminder to not antagonize them when they could easily try to fly away. Her eyes searched the other rider, glancing down to the near terrified Rokh, frowning. "Your friend has a point. Let's land; we can handle the introductions later." She had to admit, it was difficult to talk to the riders as the Rokhs continued to circle them. Being incapable of hovering made aerial conversations quite difficult to maintain, as it turned out.

"Follow the hatchling," Oris directed, knowing the term 'hatchling' would still be heard by Azi. Freya gestured to the Great Eagle riders for them to move first, following behind them. Though it was not outwardly said, it was quite clear their positioning was in case the pair tried to evade them once more.

Eventually, Azi and Ash found a suitable cliff edge, largely rock with a sparse few outcroppings of grass and snow. Oris landed beside the other Dragon Keepers once the elves perched their mounts. "There, better?" Freya dismounted the dragon, her hand going up to caress Oris for a flight well done. Her eyes moved over to the pair of elves, trying to search their features for any information they didn't know already. She continued, "We'll begin. I'm Freya, and the dragon is Oris. Ashieron and Azierion are the two over there. If it wasn't quite clear enough in the beginning, we're dragon keepers. Now, we are very curious as to who you all are."
  • Yay
Reactions: Fynaurie and Aifrin
Vaxor's head kept twisting back and forth as he glided down towards the cliff. A dragon was concerning. A dragon slightly higher in the air and out of sight was panic-inducing to the rohk. It was not something the apex predator was accustomed to.

Several beats of his wings, perhaps even larger than those of the smaller dragon arrested their momentum. As the other dragon landed Vaxor gave another flap, hopping in place and flexing his talons.

"Easy, easy..." She whispered. Fynaurie ran a hand across the back of his head, smoothing down his feathers.

Vaxor made a small noise of discontent, but he settled in place. Both eyes stayed fixed on the larger dragon.

"I am Fynaurie, this is Vaxor and Aifrin and Birin. We are of the Avelion. Sky Elves, I think I've seen written somewhere. I have to apologise but I've never spoken human outside of a classroom before," she said, despite speaking perfectly.

"There are many more of us in Kearth," she added. She didn't tell them where, but she felt letting them know there were more might make the Dragons less likely to roast them. She was glad of the thick leather gloves. Usually they protected her fingers from Vaxor's beak, but now they hid her trembling hands.

She turned towards Vaxor, switching back to Elven.

"They said they are Dragon Keooers. Freya and Oris. Ashieron and Azierion. I told them who we are," she repeated.

"Sorry, Vaxor doesn't understand human," she apologised. It would have been rude to leave the eagles out of the conversation.
To say she and Birin were nervous was a gross understatement. Sure, they were trained to fight on the backs of great birds. But these were dragons. Large beings able to spit fire and hover while doing so.

She landed, keeping clear of the other sky elf and the other bird as introductions were made. Smoothing the ranckled feathers on Birin and telling the names she heard in elvish to the rokh she rode.

Sure, having a meeting with others wasn't new. What was new however was the strange and alienating feeling that they were not the biggest predator in the air now.

Aifrin let Fynauria do the talking for now.
Ash hops off of Azi pulling back up his long red hair listening to the two women converse, he’d give a slight wave and smile to the other one who did not seem to really be much of the negotiator of the pair. He’d listen to Fyna refer to English or Common as Human. Before she spoke to her eagle in elvish, which he understood perfectly.

“Pleased to meet you all.” He’d say in elvish with a warm smile, “By the way, the lanaguge is called Common is what the humans speak.” He’d tell her not having a single weapon on him he’d switch back over to Common. “As far as we were aware is that this area is just part of the Spine. But this Kearth you speak of is unknown to us and our books and archives. But if us harming you or your city was a worry to you, then we do not intend to do such things.” Ash looks at the rocs, they were pretty in their own way he guessed.

“Should we explain ourselves to them and our organization or keep it under wraps?” He’d say in draconic looking at his companions with a tilted head and a shrug coughing a little bit.
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Freya looked them over as they spoke, her face betraying no hint of the thoughts underneath. As her gaze shifted, her eyes focused with the same intensity as a predator eying a herd of deer, determining if they were better off left alone or as a meal. Whether the traits of Oris had simply diffused into her or if that truly was her intent was unclear in the long moments that passed. The dragon beside her stayed behind her, careful not to step too close lest the Great Eagles become too fearful to stay.

Her expression softened slightly as she watched the elf, Fynauria, translate for her Rokh. The relationship was not too dissimilar to the one between her and Oris, especially in the early years where Oris had no knowledge of Common. "It's fine, translate as needed," the Nord told her, a nod swiftly dismissing the apology.

She idly listened as Ash spoke to them in their native tongue, far more naturally friendly than her, before asking a question in Draconic. "It would do well to assuage their suspicion," she answered, Oris nodding beside her.

Switching back to Common, she repeated the name, "Sky Elves." She searched her memories for any recollection she had of the race, only coming up with various myths she's heard in her years living in the Spine. Masters of the air, tamers of Apex predators. While their cousins resided among the trees or sands, they built their cities among the clouds. That's what the rumors say, and judging from what she's seen and heard so far, they weren't far off. "Hopefully, you can understand our caution. When we first decided to settle in this region, we were under the impression that it was sparsely inhabited. Clearly, we were wrong."

"While some of our dragons are fully grown, many of them are still hatchlings. As you can probably imagine, they make for easy targets when alone. Protecting them is our greatest priority, so knowing those around us is rather important. A trade of information could be done, if that'd make you more inclined," Freya explained. "Do all of the Avelion ride the Rokhs? And this Kearth, tell us more. Where is it, and are there more settlements beside it?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Aifrin and Fynaurie
A smile had started to form on Fynaurie's face. They seemed amicable enough and she was naturally trusting. Having never met anyone from beyond Kearth before she was not inclined to suspect lies and manipulation.

At least until the strong of questions came. Then the young elf briefly narrowed her eyes.

"It's all fairly uninhabited here. Other than the mountain trolls. I hear the dwarves are a good way north. Kearth is south. A fairly long way. We don't often come this far in numbers," she explained, whilst not being explicit.

Vaxor bristled and her heart thudded ever harder, but she took a few steps closer. Her gaze remained fixed on the larger dragon. Their wings were a kind of leathery skin stretched between 'fingers'.

"You're huge," she sighed.
The man speaking in elvish caught Aifrin's attention for a brief moment as the other asked questions. Then came the realization that these people were moving into the area. Several thoughts flashed in her head for a brief moment.

One about having to see dragons more commonly. Which wasn't a terrifically appealing at the moment having to stare at one with anxiety and fear. The second wondering if these people would be amicable enough to do flights together with the Rokh riders. The effect of this thought was to nearly lose her senses and ask the question without even knowing them.

She remained quiet for the time being, biding her time for a better time to ask.
Freya nodded at Fynauria's answers that, despite their vagueness, were still of some use to her. It appeared that this wouldn't be a common disturbance near to their keep, although judging their amicability, they likely wouldn't have to worry about attack regardless. "Good to know. The keep we reside in is located within a valley among the Spine nearby, for future reference."

She watched as the elf began to move towards Oris, the dragon's intense gaze shifting downward to follow Fynauria's movement. Curiosity could be seen within his pale eyes, overriding his natural suspicion as he quietly observed the Avelion while she stepped closer. His wings unfurled when the comment on his size was made, the dragon's wingspan easily encompassing that of the Rokh's. He tilted his head, continuing to look over the sky elf in curiosity. "You know the skies well, Rokh riders," the dragon replied, respect clear in his tone.

"Show-off," Freya quipped, amused at the dragon's display. "He is correct, though. It's not often we meet others with an affinity for the air. The little of what I saw from your flight was rather impressive." Indeed, it was clear they were experienced flyers, judging from the speed at which they managed to evade even their dragons.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fynaurie and Aifrin
"Oh shit you really can talk," Fynaurie exclaimed. How she spoke common so well from lessons was a mystery, but no so great as to who might have taught her to swear in the human tongue.

The sky elf had however already darted underneath a wing. She was too naive to let the fear settle in for long, too accustomed to spending time with magnificent beasts of the sky.

"Wow, Aifrin come and see! It's like the wing on a bat. Can you move all your 'fingers' and change the shape of your wing?" She asked.

Vaxor bristled and clicked his tongue. Apparently his vanity was stronger than he instinctive fear of dragon kind. He didn't like it when Fynaurie went complementing other rohk, let alone a dragon.
  • Yay
Reactions: Aifrin
Whatever semblance of fear and control the other elf had was diminished when the dragon spoke. A look of awe and wonder on her face as both rokh and rider stared for a moment of disbelief passed in the air. Aifrin dismounted and was beside Fynaurie within a breath.

"I bet they can do all sorts of fun maneuvers in the air with this wingspan! Let alone being able to hover! How much flying have you all done?!" She spoke in elvish well excited and removed from the daunting fear she once had. She didn't realize yet that she had spoken in her native tongue rather than common to the woman, and remained naive of the fact even as she looked to Freya for an answer.

She pulled the goggles down to look better at the wing, giving it a gentle touch in wonder. Birin gave her an annoyed chirp, irritated that Aifrin's attention was fixated on the dragon now, his feathers puffing a bit as she looked at him.

"If we ask nicely they might fly with us." She scolded him in elvish.
Ash had a bit of a look of shock at the others sudden change in behavior. Azi shook his head in disbelief, he was so much in disbelief he got up and walked to the edge of the cliff and jumped off, leaving Ash with the others. “Thanks a lot!” He’d yell at the dragon. Before chuckling, “They’ve been flying a lot longer than Azi.” Ash motions to his two friends. He and Azi had a bit of a one sided relationship, it was mostly what Asi wanted to do, even if it meant leaving Ash behind. He was used to it, if anything he would enjoy venturing back home again on foot. With that in mind Ash sits down and takes a few things out of his pack. “You two can fly home when we’re done here, Im gonna be walking back.” He’d tell Oris and Freya, crushing up some leaves and throwing them into a clay cup then heating it up with some fire in his hand. He’d then toss some snow into it melting it into a nice tea.