A deep dark blue with some dark stripes and spines running down his back Azierion is a slightly above averaged sized male dragon for his age.
Skills and Abilities
Purple dragon fire - he has a limited amount but once he uses it his chest and underneck glow with purple veins, almost as if they are like magma.
Grouchy, is the only word to describe him, Azier may seem prickly on the outside but inside he really cares about what happens to his partner, Ashieron, and the others within their organization. If someone harms any of them he will personally see to it that their heads are mounted on spine and that their flesh is burnt to nothing but ashes.
Biography & Lore
One of the eggs that the dragin keepers discovered in a frozen ice cavern far to the north, in an island tundra. Azier never known his mother but Ash made sure he knew what had happened to her and her untimely demise. All the family that Azier knows is his keeper family, and nothing else.