Private Tales Hearts and Moonlight

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Well she hadn't shoved him away or bitten his tongue off. So far, so good. Though knowing her now as he did, he expected she was being more analytical about it than anything. Vittoria didn't form opinions on their physical interactions very quickly.

When she seemed to have picked up on it well enough, he gently pulled away, "It's called a Kaliti Kiss," Kilien smiled, his hands shifting from her neck down to her waist, "only shared between close lovers in the desert where every drop of water is sacred."

He wouldn't ask what she thought just yet. Likely she needed time to think it over and he wouldn't be surprised if she asked to try it again. Otherwise they were losing daylight quickly. Kilien leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek, "Should we get the campfire going?"
  • Melting
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Kaliti Kiss...

The fact she learned something new made her light on her feet, something that was evident as she walked with him back to the picnic she has orchestrated. One hand found his again, although she found herself bumping into him often.

She was smiling, dazed a little, but elated in the after effects of a kiss from him.

"Are there other kisses you wish to show me?" She asked curiously. "I... heard of a Malakath Makeout once... although the book also called it a... kiss down under."
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
Kilien's eyebrows shot up into his hairline so fast they nearly flew away in surprise. He blinked after her, "You... you read about that in a book, did ya?"

Did he wish to show that one to her?


"Uhhh..." a hand came up to itch at his beard as his eyes lingered on her hips when she stepped away from him around the unlit campire, "babe, I don't uh... I don't think you're quite ready for that kind of kiss."

Moving to stoop by the stone circle, he instead got to work on lighting that fire. An actual fire. This fire, the campfire. He was going to light a real fire and not the kind that lead to Malakath Makeouts.

"What... what kind of book did you read that in?"
  • Smug
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
The book in question was present, upon the blanket laid out for them both. She stooped to get it, placing her bouquet down as she turned around. "I have noticed you say that a lot, Killy. That 'I am not ready for that yet.' How will we know?"

But her mouth quirked with mischief. He was no longer looking at her. Kilien sounded as if he was having trouble getting a casual sentence out past his mouth.

Clearing her throat, she began to read where she had left off.

"He lifted the skirts of her silken dress, lowering before her until he was kneeling. His face encompassed all thoughts of ravishing her there and then, but when in Malakath..."
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
He paused over the empty firepit, stacking logs in the traditional Rovani way that he'd been taught as a child. With every word she said his brows went even higher and eyes wider. Thoughts were infiltrating his mind's filter that would not do him any favors this evening.

It was true that Vittoria was the Captain of her own body and that, at any time, she could progress things between them as quickly as she liked. He'd been perfectly content to let her remain in charge over what was and wasn't permissible in her mind - she was someone he respected greatly. Even without her ability to unmake him on a whim, it would have been the same.

But the problem was that she'd begun bringing up things she'd hear in passing within the Academy, or rumors of other Initiate couplings. Now this dang book. Her ignorance of intimacy gave her the ability to talk of things as if they were nothing, as if they were simply a challenge to overcome. It couldn't be farther from the truth. Malakath Makeouts required a lot of trust, booze, or money, and he was only hinging on the first one.

"How will we know?" he echoed her once she'd finished her reading, then turned to look at her over his shoulder, "When's the last time you let a man between your legs?"
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
She closed the book.

Blinking, she tried to summon words to counter his question, but the thought and imagination of what he was asking was... "I..." There was a blush so furious, it showed on her olive complexion. "I have never..."

In all, she had never let anyone do anything to her until Kilien had kissed her.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
Yeah, he already knew that answer. He might not have had the actual facts, but there was no way in hell someone had gotten to her before he did and lived to tell the tale. A nod was given in return over a facial shrug as he looked back to the log stack and stuffed kindling in the bottom, "So what exactly did you think the man was doing to the lucky gal in your book, then?"
She opened to the page once more, reading the page quietly to herself.

"A kiss of some sort." Was all Vittoria could deduce intelligently.

A frown weighed on her expression, closing the book again. "Are you afraid of me, Killy? Afraid I would do what I did to that boy that tried to kiss me once..." For he had no need to fear her. Kilien was an exception on all accounts.
  • Aww
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
A spark of magic and the fire slowly caught on the kindling. Kilien waited patiently as the flames took, while Vittoria read her passage again and tried to deduce just what was happening between the lines.

"A kiss of some sort."

Kilien bit his lips together, eyes closed as he internally nodded to himself over being right about this. She was as inexperienced as he'd deduced simply through his time spent with her, though he was mildly surprised she wasn't a bit more informed. Hadn't they used to take the older Initiates to the nearby brothels to let them get their angst out? He'd heard rumors about it in his first year here, though Harkenov had immediately quashed any hopes of it happening for him.

We don't need anymore of your mongrel blood around here, Basmarc, she'd told him.

That was fair.

The flames had latched on to the logs by now and the campfire was steadily growing in size, brightness, and warmth. Kilien stood, turned back to Vitt, and offered her question a look of patient consideration. He moved back to his previous spot on the blanket and with a grunt set himself down at her side once again. Was he afraid of her? He would be crazy not to fear her abilities. Did he think she would bring him harm?

Not...really. He'd not pissed her off yet, though, so all bets were off the table until that came to pass.

"Noh," he said with a shake of his head, rubbing at his beard to figure the best way to pose this next thought to her, "that's not... that's. Hm."

Propped up and casually leaned on one elbow, Kilien laced his hands together in sober thought for another moment, "There are... so many things I would like to show you," and do to her. His gaze shifted back up to her, never off-put by her being above him. His eyes traveled over her form once, though he had to close them against the images that presently filtered through his mind again and with a gentle clearing of his throat he decided to press on, "I know you've not been with anyone but have you ... pleasured yourself at all?"
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria turned her head away, clearing her throat.

"I have no reason to... do that." Inexperienced. And yet she was not the sort of girl to have had many opportunities or reasons to want the feel of another's flesh upon her own. It brought her back to a conversation she had with her father before he passed, of how he asked her if she would like to marry for love or leave it up to arrangement.

She could recall the odd look on his face when she answered love was not something she could see herself experiencing, and perhaps it was a different kind of disappointment. That thought alone struck her, made her feel as if she needed to right that wrong and prove to her father... Even now, she wanted to impress him and make him proud.

"I never had any sort of thought of my own to... experience and experiment. These books I read are all passive to me, nothing that clings to me and captivates me unless it is tales of adventure and beyond." She turned enough to drop the book onto the blanket, watching it bounce once. "I did not even know what I was feeling when I first spent time with you. I think of that day many times, Kilien Basmarc. That first time in the study hall library... I detested you and what rumour there was of your ancestry and yet I still sat beside you... was more comfortable to... brush against you."

Attraction, before she even knew it, or him.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
Well that response could have gone a few ways and he'd expected it to blow back in his face. Girls, especially, did not seem to take well to having their sexuality questioned - even if it was only out of curiosity. At least she hadn't gotten mad, but it was clear she was aggravated. Maybe confused. Uncertain of herself and how she related to intimacy. It really had nothing to do with him at all, aside from bringing all of these newfangled feelings and emotions to her knowledge.

"Hey," he said gently and waited for her to look back at him, as long as it took. When she did, he smiled easily up at her, "I like being near you, too."

What she had described, of wanting to be close to him even if she didn't know why, well he'd take that as a compliment.

"You can run circles around everyone in our class when it comes to kicking ass. You don't need to feel ashamed about any of this. It's ok that you don't know. I'm happy to go at your pace, but you have to understand that-" his brows arched up over a self-deprecating look, "without sounding like a total fop, I've got a lot more experience in this stuff than you do. If I tell you I don't think you're ready for it, it's because I want to take things at your pace and not mine."

He lifted his left hand and reached for one of hers, pulling it to his face to nuzzle against her knuckles, "In case you couldn't tell, I really like you and I don't wanna ruin any of this."
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  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Only when he took her hand did Vittoria lowered herself to sit beside him. She watched him, not angered by him nor ashamed, but simply... content. She was lucky to have him. Her hand squeezed his, before she turned and lowered herself to lay on her back beside him. "I have a terrible need to master everything I set my mind to. A flaw, I am afraid, that may get me into trouble one day..."

But Kilien's words were enough to put her at ease of any thought that he may judge her. She did not care what the rest of their cohorts thought of her, not even King's own opinions swayed her.

Kilien was her blind spot.

"I appreciate you making me comfortable." She whispered. Her eyes looked to the darkness approaching the sky, the leaves turning shadowed without the presence of sun above the horizon. "I think it is your patience that I am unused to. Every time I was taught something new... it was expected of me to throw myself all in and learn the hard way..."

But she smiled, rolling her head to the side to peer up at him as he laid on his side. "I did like the introduction of the Kaliti Kiss, but I do much prefer your normal kisses."
For her to be happy and comfortable with him, that's all he could really ask for. How any guy could ever judge their other for their experience with intimacy was beyond him. It was all an adventure -- fast or slow, every person was different.

"Noted," he kissed at her hand, "no more Kaliti Kisses."

It wasn't everyone's cup of tea, he'd found. Hell, he'd even met a courtesan that didn't like kissing on the lips at all. Something about culture, though he couldn't remember. There were plenty of other things to kiss, though.

He leaned down and kissed at her cheek.

"Now about that picnic basket..."
  • Melting
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
The book and the topic were now forgotten, and with a smile, Vittoria blindly reached for the basket and placed it between herself and Kilien.

"There is quite the assortment in here, perhaps we may never finish it all unless we spend all night out here." She shuffled and rearranged her position so that she could produce a small cake and offer it to Kilien. "Cocoa from the tropics, apparently, are very indulgent. This is the richest little cake I have ever tasted. Ever had one?" It was Hearts and Heart Day, and Vittoria gave him a small smile before offering the small cake at his lips.
"I've had chocolate," he nodded, "picked some up during my last mission in Cortos. It's everywhere in their big cities. Expensive though..." and he wouldn't mention that he'd gifted some to Norah for Heart & Hearth Day.

He'd never had one of the cakes she was offering, but he knew it was going to be good just by the smell alone. Kilien opened his mouth and promptly chomped the entire thing, playfully nabbing her fingers with his teeth in the process.

  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
"Cortos is known for their bountiful trade." She laughed, pulling her thumb and forefinger free from his teeth that held them imprisoned in a light bite. "I am to set off there soon on a mission. I think your name was on the mission list too."

They had been on missions together already, the kraits in the Falwood having been most recent and thankfully their team suffered little loss. It was nice to be back at the Academy, for it's routine had always made her most comfortable, and now in addition, spending time with Kilien always filled her with excitement to see him when they could.

And every opportunity did not go to waste.

Between classes they were insufferable, and a small part of her felt guilty for King having to put up with them, but her friend soon knew the cues of making himself scarce and returning to inform them classes were beginning. Traveling to Cortos would surely be a new dynamic to navigate. "Perhaps I can see just how expensive these chocolates are in Cortos."
"Yeah," he managed as he swallowed down a near sickeningly sweet mouthful of tiny chocolate cake. It was sticking to the roof of his mouth with a vengeance and he suddenly wished he had a flagon of ale to wash it down.

"Nn-" Kilien thumbed at it, "I saw that posting. Looks like we'll be heading to the front."

Everyone knew what was happening with Cortos but no one wanted to officially proclaim it: war. There had been smaller skirmishes and battles for the last few years and he'd been sent out on errands and missions for those a few times as well, but this was bigger.

"You know what else Cortos has that Vel Anir seems to sorely lack?" ...well, there were a LOT of things on that list but he wasn't looking to get too deep, "Fucking spices, man." He clapped a hand to his heart and promptly rolled onto his back as if he'd been struck, "They have the best spicy food."
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
"We shall add spices to the list." She smiled. "Do they differ from the ones the Empire are known for, Killy?"

Digging around in the basket, she produced a glass bottle of milk and a smaller bottle of chocolate melted down and meant to be mixed in with the milk. They could warm the milk at the fire, with the small pot still in the basket.

"I have been to the Empire twice in three months, remember? I may still have some spices spare seeing as I gifted some to my uncle's cook back home. If you are interested in some..." She quirked her brow, her lips lifting in a small smile. This was what she needed after today. Receiving his gift this morning only made the wait for tonight all the more longer, but here they were.

The fire casted it's shadow and warmth towards them, waiting for the marshmallows and other treats soon to come.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
"I dunno..." he said, "never been to the Empire."

At least, not that he could recall, but he was pretty certain he hadn't.

"But I'll try 'em if you got 'em," variety was the spice of life, wasn't it? Try all the things, everywhere, whenever one could. If he wasn't holed up here at the Academy he'd be out roving the distant lands doing just that. But, he thought to himself as he watched her smile with the flicker of firelight, he wouldn't be looking at this.

"What else you got in that basket?" Kilien smiled hopefully, playfully poking at her thigh.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria emptied the basket onto the blanket, filling the small space between them with carefully picked food items for their night. Cheese, crackers, small amount of fruits, cakes, and a pot and kettle suited for campfire. If he wanted tea or the hot chocolate, then at least they had option for either.

"I did not know how long we will be out here... or if curfew... came and we were not ready to part." She smiled, and Kilien may notice her cheeks colouring a little. "I wanted to read some books with you... or we talk some more..."

But there also would be no shame if they spent the hours together in each other's arms and kissing, being Hearts and Hearth Day, but Vittoria felt a little shy after their talk about the Kaliti Kiss and Malakath Makeout... For Kilien made her heart do somersaults with the way it beats so loudly, and her stomach flutters every time she catches him with a charming smile that disarms everything defiant in her.

"Or we can roast these marshmallows..."
Man. She really was spoiling him. Where had she gotten all this good food? He was able to nick treats from the kitchens from time to time and the staff had come to know him well enough by now to send him on his way with a bundle of decent goodies. But all this? No way in hell.

How lucky was he?

"Bollocks on the curfew," he said to her as he sat up, smiling wryly while he leaned over to plant an appreciative smooch on her cheek, "we're staying out all night. No one's gonna find us-" the wand reappeared from beneath his jacket and he swatted it through the air in a haphazard dash to raise sound wards and a camouflaging bubble around their little campsite.

"HAAAAH!" he suddenly bellowed at the top of his lungs, "EAT YER HEART OUT HARKENOV!"

No one would hear him with the charms and ward in place. He turned back to her with a rueful grin and a look of hunger. "See? Just you, me, a campfire, the moons, and this little feast." Vittoria had, after all, said the most seductive words he'd heard out of her mouth yet: roasting marshmellows.

  • Scared
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria visibly jumped in her place, almost falling backwards but her hands caught her as Kilien had shocked her with yelling and invoking Proctor Karkenov's name.

"Kilien." She stared at him, eyes wide like a fawn caught in the forest.

She had never stayed out past curfew before, had toed the line and still made every intention to return her head to her soft pillow in her singular dorm room... but to know she would be here all night? "I... I did not bring any blankets." She winced. With all her careful planning, ensuring this was the best picnic Kilien ever had, how did she forget blankets?

Of course, other than the one they lounged upon.
  • Smug
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
"Vittoria," he replied coolly with a smug smile stretched into his beard. His hand reached for another strawberry and bit into it with satisfaction.

"You can use my jacket," it wasn't a garment he wore to keep warm - on the contrary, he wore it for its many many convenient pockets. Hazel eyes looked her over, amused by the thought that an Initiate who had, so far as he understood it, been here at the Academy receiving some of the most torturous training around in order to survive the worst the world had to throw at her would balk at the idea of sleeping under the stars on a warm evening without a blanket.

Gods she was cute.

"I'll keep you warm, babe," Kil leaned over to peck her on the cheek, "don't you worry."
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
His quick solution made her stare st him, frowning that she had not thought of one sooner. Kilien was smooth with his kiss to her cheek, filling her with enough fluttering emotions to pull her out from her thoughts.

She brightened a fraction at the thought of his jacket, and perhaps being in his arms all night. Her heart felt... oddly light at the idea he would be with her all night. "You promise?" She asked, arching a brow at him. "Will you swear it on a marshmallow?"

Vittoria realised it perhaps was not the best time to pull a dagger from beneath her skin, but it truly had been her only way of securing something to use for roasting.

"I think roasted marshmallows would go great on pancakes. Do you not think?"
"I promise." He confirmed.

"I pinky-marshmallow promise-" and then blinked as she pulled out one of her hidden daggers, brow raised, "now what are you doing. No no no," he pushed a hand over the one that held the dagger. Daggers were for hunting, danger, whittling, and for foreplay, not for marshmallows.

"If we're doin' toasties, we're gonna do 'em right."

Back on his feet, and while he was there he doffed his jacket for good measure, leaning to drape it over her shoulders before he left her side. His boots wandered across the grass to the lower hanging branches of the tree nearby which he then reached up to grab. After some consideration he broke two longer stems off and began freeing them of leaves and smaller branching twigs.

"You have to roast em on a stick," he said with a wry smile as he tickled the end of the stick at her.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth