dreadlord academy

  1. Vittoria Larrainth

    Private Tales Graceless and Divine

    When she had signed up for the extracurricular class to learn about poisons, she had not thought they would be paired up and doing research with others. The project was quite simple really, asking groups split into Poisons or Antidotes to pick their poison or cure and study them. There was to...
  2. Lux Quillon

    Dreadlords When They Come For You

    Tests. While one class readies themselves to graduate and, hopefully, continue to serve Vel Anir, the class Lux Quillon was part of was to undergo a series of tests to train and decipher where their weaknesses may be. Despite how many capable mages were among his class, there were still many...
  3. Rhidian

    Completed Rupture

    Rhid was probably only a little late, but he had been carrying the cups of tea from the dining hall to where Alistair Krixus had written to him to meet. A chill had been lingering over the Academy for days now, and the Initiate thought it would warm themselves or their hands at least. Turning...
  4. Fennec

    Private Tales Taking Two

    While nearly every other Proctor maintained an office in the upper tiers of the Academy since the Revolution, Proctor Harkenov had not bothered to move her own. It remained deeply seeded into the otherwise "unused" catacombs in the belly of the estate where once Initiates were taken for torture...
  5. Fennec

    Fable - Ask Knowing Which Way to Woe

    Dreadlord Academy Grounds Black Forest Old Watchtower Ruins She'd chosen the later afternoon to make her way to the tower. With her latest piece of the lake finished and gone, time had come to stake her claim on a new landscape and object of attention for the next few foreseeable months. Likely...
  6. Rhidian

    Private Tales Lost It To Trying

    Just how many Urahils were there at the Academy? Rhidian bounced his leg as he sat down on a bench, waiting for this other Urahil to make an appearance. The Proctor had told him her time with him was coming to a close, that she needed to go on an extended mission out to the Bayou, but to...
  7. Rhidian

    Completed Freedom Within A Cage

    "If you say 'try again' one more time, I think I may just let go and take out this whole building with me. What do you say, Proctor Urahil?" Rhidian's patience was unusually thin all morning, and it was not to do with his sleep. A month he had been here, at the Academy, and they had stuck him...
  8. Fennec

    Completed Woe What A Night

    Tonight the academy grounds felt more quiet than they had in years. Something about the atmosphere had shifted and changed since the night the Proctors discovered a young Initiate, Willenia Helms, dead in the courtyard surrounded by hundreds of lit candles. No sign of attack. No evidence of foul...
  9. Perrine Urahil

    Completed What Winter Makes of Us

    "Proctor Urahil?" Perri lifted her weary head, blinking up at the Initiate that pulled her attention from the page she had pretended to read to mask her exhaustion. Between teaching etiquette at the Academy to being pulled out to Vel Anir to heal Dreadlords and various Anirian Guards, Perrine...
  10. Larkin

    Private Tales Carrion for Crows (Completed)

    Depression was an evil thing. It pulled and plucked, and destroyed everything inside you. Larkin had no clue that was his affliction. He was hurt, he was angry, he was many things he could not even begin to understand. In a fit of anger, Larkin had ripped his room apart. Tore everything off...
  11. Everleigh Ebersol

    Completed A Head Full of Dreams

    Her feet carried her to the infirmary as if there was no other path for her to take. Everleigh was briskly marching through the halls, every footfall seeming to slam against the wooden floor with such vigor that one would have though the purple proctor to be much larger than she truly was. Her...
  12. Houri

    Fable - Ask Midnight Munchies

    Ssshh... be quiet, the Proctors could hear us. Me? You're the one jabbering on! Oh do shut up Vayu! Well I never, I was just pointing out that this is absolutely ridiculous when there was a perfectly good ra-- We're never eating rat again! We're OUT - remember?! Houri paused on the last...
  13. Everleigh Ebersol

    Completed A Head Full of Ghosts

    The day was like any other: the sun rose and the world asked nothing of its inhabitants. The initiation of a promise couldn’t be felt in the air that was the same as it was yesterday. Everleigh awoke at the same time she usually did, or rather she got up and moved around at the same time she...
  14. Thraah

    Dreadlords Of Plants and Pyres

    "Teach you to mess with me you little weasel faced bitch!" Shoving Initiate Cassia's face into her own chamber pot would teach her to not to spill her waste on Thraah's boots while she was moving to empty it. The other girl was maybe two years younger than her but that hardly seemed to matter...
  15. Everleigh Ebersol

    Completed The Hardest Disease to Treat

    After months upon months in having lunch duty, Everleigh Ebersol was given a week of reprieve from watching the initiates. After this week she would resume the role of monitoring all the children, specifically the younger ones, and would be missing lunch herself. Not that that bothered her, she...
  16. Chasmine

    Dreadlords An Academy Haunted

    OOC - This will be a rolling cameo thread that takes place about the Academy grounds and will cover various little happenings and hauntings provided by Chasmine. It is not specifically meant for longer scenes, but short and quick events or interactions. I will tag characters for happenings...
  17. Chasmine

    Private Tales Whisper Wind [Sable]

    On the third night of her return to the Academy, she'd chosen the library. Here a favorable medley of memories provided a refreshing drink after the dearth of melancholy. In the woods she'd come upon Everleigh Ebersol and spoke of death and freedom. In her room she'd made the acquaintance of...
  18. Chasmine

    Private Tales Home No More [Salak]

    Vel Anir Dreadlord Academy Eastern Wing - 2:24am It had been over a year now, perhaps nearly two, since she'd endured the darkness within the halls of the academy. Though the physical nature of what had been her home since the age of 12 had not changed nearly enough to remark upon, it...
  19. Everleigh Ebersol

    Completed The Trees Grow Because We Bled Here

    [art cred] The Blackwood. Everleigh didn’t know why she had come back here. In the early morning the air was cold all around her, but there was a deeper chill within her bones. She remembered the walk here. It was months ago now but everything was still fresh in her mind. The cool mist that...
  20. Salak

    Dreadlords Homecoming.

    The hour was late and all the beast and babes long since put to bed and rest. The Vel Anir sky grew dark casting long shadows over narrow streets. In those streets the daytime business was the scurrying of ants in a colony all working for the good of the hive whether they knew it or not. It was...