dreadlord academy

  1. Everleigh Ebersol

    Completed The Trees Grow Because We Bled Here

    [art cred] The Blackwood. Everleigh didn’t know why she had come back here. In the early morning the air was cold all around her, but there was a deeper chill within her bones. She remembered the walk here. It was months ago now but everything was still fresh in her mind. The cool mist that...
  2. Salak

    Dreadlords Homecoming.

    The hour was late and all the beast and babes long since put to bed and rest. The Vel Anir sky grew dark casting long shadows over narrow streets. In those streets the daytime business was the scurrying of ants in a colony all working for the good of the hive whether they knew it or not. It was...
  3. Maseno Luana

    Dreadlords Inner Peace, Outer Pieces [Dreadkids]

    The Academy A gloomy, rainy weekend. It was one of those somber springs where the rain fell for days on end, saturating the academy grounds and all the lands beyond. The only dry places were those within the confines of the stone walls, and while on the weekends most Initiates often sought to...