Private Tales Hearts and Moonlight

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Vittoria kept her dagger out regardless. She crossed her arms as he draped his jacket around her, providing more warmth than the campfire did and gave her a whiff of something woody and musky, the scent she often smelled on him. As her eyes watched as he went to procure them sticks for roasting, she could not help but inhale his scent lingering on the collar of his jacket. It filled her with a sense of grounding and familiarity, attraction for Kilien growing in that moment.

But she would not call him back and demand he kiss her. She would not tell him what she was thinking or what his scent did to her. It was her little secret, something to enjoy in the moments it went quiet and she wished to think back on this moment.

By the time Kilien came back with worthy sticks, Vittoria's arms had snaked through the sleeves and wrapped his jacket around herself tightly. She was thin, but only in proportion to her willowy figure, and so the jacket left her swimming but it was warm.

"Is a stick not going to burn in the fire, Killy?" She asked, using his jacket as a defense from the tickling stick. He had gotten a laugh and large smile out from her as she tried to shy away from the end of the stick, and as she looked up at him, her face softened as his scent on his jacket filled her nostrils.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
"Not if you're careful," spoken as he circled back around and retook his seat beside her, all the confections and snacks strewn between them.

"Let me see one of those," his hand plucked up a marshmallow and gently pressed it over the snapped end of the stick. Holding it aloft just over the campfire flames, he let it perch over the very tips of licking heat, "the trick is not to hold it in the flames, but right over them. Give it a nice even charr."

Kilien glanced aside, smiling easily at her in his jacket. So fucking cute.

"Warm enough?"
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
"I don't think so," he eyed the marshmallow to check its progress and set it back over the flames for a bit more toastiness, "if everything's toasted then nothing stands out. Put something together for it and we'll try it out."

That made the most sense to him, at least. Crackers were crunchy. Chocolate was sweet. Fruit was tart. Seemed the best way to combine them was in their natural state, with a bit of gooey char to glue it all together. He watched her grab a bit of each and then pulled the mallow away right before it caught fire.

"Alright let's see this-" marshmallow sufficiently toasted, he flapped his hand at the heat and decided to blow on it a bit to cool it down some.

"Then we just..." plop went the mallow on the chocolate and cracker, "and then we need another cracker to squash it down." Some raspberries on top of the mallow, sandwiched by another cracker, with a squeeze he pulled the stick free.

"Ladies first."
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria held the treat in both hands. Drawing it closer to her mouth, her lups curled back to bare her teeth before they ooened wide and sank through with a satisfying bite.

The chocolate had begun to melt, and the stickiness of the marshmallow clung to her upper lid as she began to chew. Her eyes widened, and in the firelight washing her in a glow, her eyes appeared green with delight. "Oh!" She turned to Kilien, still chewing bjt her head was rapidly nodding as it all came together upon her tastebuds.

She held it uo to his mouth to take a bite, careful of where her fingers were so that they were not in his way.

It was delicious. Something she would have never thought to put together, but oh so glad to have tried this treat.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Kilien Basmarc
Vittoria lightly brushed fingers at his beard to help the crumbs fall from their perch there. Then her fingers traced the crumbs that clung to his mouth, a small smile on her lips as she took her time helping him clean up. Lastly, her thumb brushed over his lips to brush the non-existent crumbs there. "I am happy to have this memory to look back on for Heart and Hearth Day. I happy to have you."

Had she said that already? Perhaps there was no harm for her to repeat it when she felt so strongly on this. She had never thought herself capable of trusting someone with this vulnerability of seeing her care and feel... but Kilien always had put her at ease from the start.

The Summer Solstice festival they had attended was still remembered by her well, for it was that moonlight walk that brought Vittoria her first kiss. She had left a note at the end of the book she made him about thay day, and how she remembered it fondly.

Vittoria hummed happily, taking another bite of her sweet sandwich. Crumbs were inevitable now.