Private Tales Have you heard there's a rumour in Alliria?

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Did he like her? It seemed less and less likely that she was imagining it, but what she had felt from him that day she'd invaded his emotions had left her doubting her gut. That night, she told her cat, Peppermint, all about it, though he had quickly opted to fall asleep in her lap rather than listening to her go around in circles..

"Good talk, Pep." Thea murmured, and curled up on the sofa with him to sleep. She dreamt of her wings, and she dreamt of him, and she spent the next few days day dreaming whilst she worked. It wasn't difficult to conjure the sort of warm emotions that settled and soothed people, but she had earned a smirk or two from the old man she'd been looking after.

"Who is he?" Leopold asked her as he caught her staring through the window. She was stroking his hand gently back and forth, and the man felt none of the pain that he ought to have been.

"Hm?" she looked at him and blushed at the glint of mischief in his glassy eyes..

"I remember that look. Those little flutteries too." he chuckled, and she almost let go of his hand. She'd lost focus, and he'd felt what she'd felt whilst she thought of Gawyn. She cleared her throat and grinned.

"Nothing gets past you, Leo." she mused. He was a much better listener than Peppermint, and even dismissed her doubts with a word that she didn't know, but that sounded somewhat like a sneeze. It made her laugh none-the-less.

"What's a pretty thing like you got to worry about? He ain't blind is he?.. Hell, even if he were. We avariel can see souls, and yours is a good'un" he winked with a nod. Thea sighed, as always, doubting that were true.
"Ain't sure what else the lad can do to show you what he thinks o' you, without tellin' you and riskin' his pride." his head shook and he smiled. "Maybe it's you bein' blind, missy.. Got to open them pretty eyes o' yours an' see what's starin' right atcha." Leo patted her hand.

"Now, off with you, or you'll be late.." he shooed at her. "Time for my beauty sleep."

An hour later, she stood in a dress the colour of sage as she hesitated over knocking on the front door, Leo's words still fresh on her mind.
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  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Gawyn
"Can I have a bite nooooow Papa?!"

Gawyn glanced over the top of the chocolate cake to his co-baker. Ilyena's blonde hair had been done in two ponytails in an attempt to keep it from getting in any of the batter, ties with two red ribbons. Unfortunately, his careful planning in this regard had not worked and she sucked on the end of one bunch to remove the chocolate batter. She had insisted on helping when Gawyn had finally revealed who the cake was for though she had been less of a help and more of a chocolate stealing demon he had had to keep an eye on.

"When she gets here," he chuckled and set down his piping tube then moved round the table to pluck her off her stool and set her down on her feet. "Now go and clean up," he shooed her towards the stairs and watched her go upstairs grumbling. "Perhaps I should take my own advice," he murmured, looking down at his flour-covered shirt. Rather than taking the stairs he stretched his wings and did a vertical take off to the upper floors where his rooms were situated to grab a quick shower.

By the time he returned downstairs it was to see Aodhan helping Ilyena into her coat.

"You're going out?" he asked with surprise. The diamond-like Avariel gave him a wary smile.

"Daddy is taking me to the park!" Ilyena beamed.

"I thought it would be good for me to take an outing," Gawyn's heart squeezed. He knew his friend was doing this for him, but this was such a large step for the man who wouldn't step foot out of their home. It was beyond anything he could have asked.

"I... I hope you have fun at the park,"
he strode over to the door and crouched to pull the young girl into his arms and plant a kiss on her head. "I'll save you a slice of cake." Giggling, Ilyena squirmed out of his arms and went on tip toes to open the door, revealing Thea standing just beyond.

She had been somewhere between knocking and turning away when the door opened and her cheeks were immediately aflame as the three sets of eyes settled on her..

"Oh.. Am, am I too late?" she asked, looking down at Ilyena as it seemed they were on their way out. She offered the girl a warm smile.

"Please don't tell me it's Saturday.." she winced, pressing her fingertips to her temple. It wouldn't be the first time she'd completely lost track of days..
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Gawyn
"No, no you're right on time," Aodhan assured her as he skirted out the door with Ilyena in front of him, shooting Gawyn a meaningful look. The general cleared his throat and stepped out of the way so Thea could actually get through the door.

"Yes, right on time. Aodhan wanted to spend a little one on one time with Ilyena," he explained as the little girl all but dragged Aodhan down the rest of the path, chatting eagerly about all the new equipment the smith had built for the park since he had last taken her. Gawyn smirked a little. "I have a feeling they'll be gone for... a few hours. Please, come in, come in," he ruffled his still slightly damp hair and stepped aside before shutting the door behind her.

"I made you something."
"Oh!. I see." her brows rose, her eyes catching Aodhan's as he passed with Ilyena. She was almost certain it had been a set up, and suddenly she was even more nervous than she had been moments ago. She curled a snowy wave behind her ear as she turned back to Gawyn, accepting his invitation to come in with a quiet laugh under her breath..

"Well, I hope so.. You did invite me for dinner.." she smiled, unable to help but notice that he'd recently bathed. Her skin warmed a little and she drew in a deep breath..

"What is it?" she asked with a lilt of curiosity..
  • Smug
Reactions: Gawyn
Taking a bold step, Gawyn covered her eyes from behind and then guided her forward with the expanse of his torso, his wings curving slightly forward to ensure she didn't wander from a straight and safe path.

"This way," he murmured against her ear and shuffle walked her further into the house until they got to the kitchen. He was glad now that he had cleaned it before taking a shower else he would have had to have her stand there whilst he furiously cleared the mess. Instead the cake looked fantastic stood on its stand, three tiers high with thick chocolate frosting and swirls of whipped cream on top.

He lifted his hands from her eyes.

"I think this fits the 'anything sweet' mission statement."
She let out a quiet squeak as he covered her eyes. She hadn't expected the touch, and she felt the brief tingle of excitement that she was certain was his before she locked her senses down and laughed under her breath, allowing him to lead her..

His wings brushed at her arms as she held them out, causing her to flinch and shudder at the tickle of the feathery touch. Her cheeks warmed under his hands and she hugged her arms against her to ensure they didn't touch anything she wasn't invited to.

Thea drew in a breath as they stopped, correcting her vision with a few blinks before settling on the 'something' that he'd made for her. For her. "If.. You're trying to impress me.." she said, unable to take her eyes from the masterpiece as she wandered around it. "It's most definitely working.." she laughed under her breath and turned back to look at him.

"It looks incredible... I'm.. Nobody has ever made me anything like this before." she lifted her fingertips to her lips as she stared at it again..
  • Smug
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn couldn't help the proud, smug smile that clung to his features. His wings practically preened under her praise. It was one thing to be told by people who loved you that it looked fantastic but quite another for the person it was meant for to tell you as such.

"Ilyena helped me a little," he chuckled and walked over to lean on the island on which stood the cake, gazing over the top to catch and hold her eyes. "But it was mostly to help in eating the left over chocolate," and some of the batter when she had thought he wasn't looking.

"I'm glad you like it... Now the question is... would you like to eat this instead of dinner or both?" he winked.
  • Smug
Reactions: Althea
A soft smile curled at her lips at the thought of Gawyn and Ilyena baking together, and she echoed his chuckle as he explained her part in it. Then her eyes caught his and held his gaze, and her stomach fluttered with nerves which only worsened when he playfully winked.

Thea's lips twisted and she chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment, letting out a soft 'Hmm..' as she dropped her gaze to study the cake. She lifted a hand to swipe a little of the frosting onto her fingertip and licked it, narrowing her eyes..

"Well.. I suppose it depends if you are as good a cook as you are a baker..." her head tilted.
  • Smug
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn laughed beneath his breath and pushed off from the island to walk around it and behind her, to wear the great fireplace was set. Over the carefully tended flames was a pot which he removed with great care and brought to the large dining table where two places had been set.

"I've not had any complaints about my cooking as of yet, though Ilyena calls it 'soldier food'" he moved a piece of wrought iron to the centre of the table then set the pot atop it so that it would not damage the wood beneath. "I think she would be quite horrified to find out just how bad soldier food really is, but it is true I can only cook meals that require one pot," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly then opened the lid. Inside was yellow rice that smelled rich and spiced, with various chopped seafoods mixed in.

"I suppose only you can tell me what you think."
  • Wonder
Reactions: Althea
She hadn't noticed the two places set at the dinner table until now, and her lips twisted in attempt to hide the beaming smile she felt rising. Clearing her throat, she wandered over to the table with a chuckle.. "Well, I'm certain it'll be better than my attempts.." she mused.

Thea hadn't really known what to expect, but it wasn't this. She breathed in a deep breath scented with rich spice and peered into the pot, her lips curling as she let out a quiet 'Hmmm'. "Well, it certainly looks and smells amazing.." she laughed and took her seat, allowing him to decant some of the rice into her dish and waiting until he'd served his own before scooping up a forkful and tasting.

She sighed as she chewed, looking a little disappointed. "It's wonderful..." her head shook, and she took another forkful.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn tried not to glow with pride but his wings and chest both did puff up a little under her praise. He was no great chef, he knew that, but he was always pleased when he found a dish people enjoyed eating rather than just tolerated eating. This just happened to be one of them. With a more than smug smile, Gawyn tucked into his own food. He was far less genteel in the way he ate, his habits from his time in the army having not quite left him yet, and so he ate as though he would be given the order to move out at any moment then piled seconds onto his plate.

"So, how is the hospital work going? I didn't get a chance to ask the other day."
Thea had been on the streets for a time. She had learned what it was to go hungry, or to eat out of necessity rather than enjoyment. She appreciated every smell of spice and taste of flavour, and never took for granted a single morsel that had passed her lips since those days, but this, she savoured more, because he had made it for her and she could see the pride he smiled with as she watched him discreetly. Her own smile grew at the sight of him eating, and in that moment she was reminded of her brother, and that he'd known him.

"Hm." she smiled at his question, glad of the distraction.. "I..." she drew a deep breath and let it tumble out as she tried to find the best way of explaining..

"I feel like I have a purpose again.. That, I can do some good again.." That I want to live again..

"I really have so much to thank you for, Gawyn. I'm not sure how I.." her head shook. He couldn't possibly know what a home and worth could mean to her.

Don't... Fucking... Cry.

Thea swallowed quickly and laughed under her breath, her eyes glistening but she managed, if only just, to contain herself. "Thank you for bringing me here.." she nodded.
  • Aww
Reactions: Gawyn
"Hey," Gawyn reached across the table and placed his calloused hand over hers. Kress, he wouldn't know what to do if she started crying at the table. Emotional incidents were Aodhan's forte, not his. Not unless there was a physical cause of the distress he could kill or remove. "You don't need to thank me, I nearly got you killed. Twice," he tried to laugh but the memories still haunted him some nights when he shut his eyes to go to sleep.

"Besides, every Avariel I rescue from that place and move in here is a personal point of pride," he teased, puffing out his chest in a dramatic fashion and spreading his wings a little like a posturing peacock. When that didn't seem to give him a smile his face softened once more and he squeezed at her hand.

"I'm glad you're here and that's all the thanks I need."
  • Aww
Reactions: Althea
"Is that what you think?" she asked, her brow knitting into a frown as she shook her head slowly at him, her other hand to settle atop his as he tried to laugh it off. She didn't need to be an empath to see that he tried to hide the guilt he felt.

"No." she told him firmly. "You saved me from my own recklessness... And you should feel pride. I was, beyond rescuing.." she laughed under her breath.

The warmth she felt as he squeezed at her hand was more than just temperature, and she soaked it in. Whether she understood the why of it or not, she knew he cared about her, but she had not felt such things from another in quite some time and it meant more to her than he'd likely ever know.

She sent it back. Let him feel the warmth that she felt, the excitement and the hope, because it was far easier to feel those things than to explain them. A moment, that was all. Just a few long seconds of truth before she closed the gates in fear of flooding him with all manner of emotion, or letting him see too much of her.
  • Aww
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn's eyes widened with shock and wonder at the sudden taster of emotions Thea let him glimpse. He always thought it a little unfair how Aodhan had known his own moods whilst he had had to puzzle out the stoic avariel. Thea was a little easier, her expressions and those great sapphire pools of hers were a lot easier to chart than his friends, but he still felt he was playing the game handicapped in some way. This, this stopped the doubts that whispered to him in his moments alone. She didn't spend time with him because of some obligation she felt. She didn't stay because there was nothing better.

She wanted the life he'd offered.

A great goofy grin spread across his face.

"Well, I wish all my cities reviews were that positive."
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Althea
"Then wha..."

Had those feelings been more about the city? Could he be so bold enough to think that she - that those emotions had been about him? The way she glanced up at him through those eyelashes and the shy smile gave him no reason not to believe and yet a tiny bit of self preservation screamed at him to wait until she laid it out for him plain as day so he did not make a fool of himself.

Seven hells to that.

"Thea..." his voice became husky as he leaned over to cup her cheek, fingers tracing the curve of her jaw to tilt her chin up just a little so he could fit his lips to hers like the perfect piece of a jigsaw he hadn't know he was missing.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Althea
Silver eyes remained fixed on him as she waited for him to figure it out and still she half expected him to look at her with pity, tell her he didn't think of her that way, say something nice about her and follow it up with a 'but'...

Her heart was less a beat and more a constant tremble in her chest, her stomach in twisting knots that caused her fingers to clutch tightly together. Her cheeks flooded with colour and her mouth opened in the hopes of spilling out some explanation that might save her a little of her dignity, but then he was moving..

He said her name in a way he never had before, and it did nothing to cool her skin. A breath shuddered from her lips at his touch and she gave a drowsy blink as she watched his gaze, his lips as he leaned toward her. She moved too, then, when she was certain he hadn't been about to try and let her down gently, and she met his lips with a deep sigh as her eyes closed and her fingers curled around his wrist.

She hadn't realised how tense her muscles had been until the tension melted and her body ached. She was less shy now of letting him feel the rush of adrenaline and euphoric relief that rolled over her in a shudder right now, her emotion he'd feel as plainly as her lips as they curled into a smile against his.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn wanted nothing more than to take more of her. Kiss her more, feel the smoothness of her skin press against his own, to hear all the little noises she would make for no other. But not yet. Patience. It was a skill every soldier learned but by the Goddess was it hard with her to remember those lessons. The only thing that helped was the reminder if he pushed too much too soon she might run from him and he might never get the chance again. So he rested his forehead against hers after he drew back reluctantly and contented himself with tracing his fingers over her cheek and into her hair where he idly played with her tresses.

"I have wanted to do that for weeks,"
he admitted in the quiet that followed their kiss.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Althea
Thea was not running anywhere, for once. She was more than happy to remain just where she was, with his breath on her skin and his fingers in her hair. Her eyes opened slowly, his face blurred from how close he was to her, but she knew it well enough now. She had been about to take more, already craving his lips against hers, but his words caused her to pause and her brow to furrow slightly.

Weeks? She drew back enough to look up at him

"Why didn't you?.. I thought..." she cut herself off and shook her head in confusion..

"You should have.. I, had hoped you would, I just didn't think you..." she stopped again, laughing under her breath about how childish she'd been about to sound. "It doesn't matter now."
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn gave a breathless laugh as more knots of fear that he had been falling for her far longer than she had for him unwound themselves from about his heart. He felt ridiculous now. Such simple words could have cleared it up in moments and left both of them not wondering for as long as they had. But she was right, what was done was done. He curled a white tendril of her hair around his finger.

"I wanted to do this right... and be sure you felt the same. It would have hurt me more if you had felt you couldn't stay if you didn't return my feelings," he could have loved her from afar if it meant her happiness.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Althea
Her chest squeezed at the thought of him being hurt at all, let alone by her, and her head shook slowly as she stared at him in awe.

Would he ever have told her how he felt if she hadn't said anything? Stay silent and risk her possibly meeting another, rather than risk losing her from his life entirely?

She thought how painful a thing that would have been, if he felt as she did.. She had never really considered herself a hopeless romantic until right now..

"How afraid we both have been.." she sighed, a soft smile on her lips.

"I'm here, and I'm staying." she clarified, a hand on his cheek as she stepped around the table to be closer to him. To kiss him with more surety and seal her promise.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn very rarely had to tilt his head up to kiss a woman but found it a rather pleasurable experience with Thea stood between his legs, her hand on his cheek. His hands slid to her hips and then unashamedly under her shirt to trace patterns along the smooth planes of her stomach. That growing urge to do more, to take everything in this first night, reared its ugly head again and he had to force it back down. A soft groan escaped his lips and he reluctantly pulled back, tugging her down to sit in his lap. He might have some restraint but he wasn't a saint.

"Well... that's good to hear. It means I have time to plan a date for you. A proper date, not one disguised as an invitation to family dinner," he chuckled.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Althea
She fell into the mercy of his gaze, his eyes softly woven in a chorus of green threads of olive hues. She'd been this close to them before, but never like this, never bold enough to stare into them as she did now. They were beautiful. He was beautiful. She was so very aware of his hands as they moved intimately to her hips, but she couldn't help but flinch ticklishly at his touch on the skin of her stomach, nor could she help but notice how her blood heated and her pulse climbed up into her throat.

He'd find the mottled skin of a scar there. Another brush with death. Another mark of shame. She didn't pull away. She'd already bared her heart to him, and baring her scarred skin would be far easier.

That needy groan of his seemed to carry down her spine, and she suppressed a shudder before being pulled into his lap. Thea smiled, and it turned into a soft laugh. "Ah so this was a trick?" she smirked at him, though captured his lips with hers again before he could answer. Her heart rejoiced, striking a staccato in her chest as she drowned in his, and her own, sensation.

"Where will you take me?" she asked between one kiss and another.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Gawyn