I do not know if this letter will reach you before Thyasari closes her gates, but it has a greater chance than I of doing so. We do not have the resources available to move the inhabitants of Oriasa in time. There are young children here and sick and elderly. People's are loathe to leave the lives they have built here and abandon the city we have bled to keep from the dwarves.
Someone must stay to guard them even if the Elders turn their backs on us.
Aohdin believes he can create a spell to hide us form the outside world but that will mean you cannot find us either. I do not know when nor if we will ever see each other again, but I wish you and father all the best. Tell Micheala not to miss me too much and to continue with her practises with the sword - do not let father sway her to the tailors path.
All my love,
Your son.
Like all Avariel Gawyn's dominant feature are his wings. Unique to him, as all wings are amongst his people, Gawyn possesses two sets of wings that fade from a dark blackish-blue to a light amethyst that borders on the edge of purple. His height is the next thing to catch the eye. Whilst amongst his own people he would be considered average, amongst the humans he sometimes walks he usually stands a head taller than most. His physic is that of soldier, well built but scarred. The most notable of which runs from just below his right eye to his jaw which he received from his own mother.
With a mop of dark brown hair, haunting olive green eyes and often an unshaved jaw, Gawyn appears quite roguish in comparison to the ethereal beauty often attributed to the Avariel race.
With a mop of dark brown hair, haunting olive green eyes and often an unshaved jaw, Gawyn appears quite roguish in comparison to the ethereal beauty often attributed to the Avariel race.
Skills and Abilities
Incognito: Like all soldiers who graduate in Avariel society, Gawyn was gifted with the ability to hide his wings and walk amongst humans as an ordinary elf. When he uses this spell his wings appear as a raised tattoo over his back. The process is a painful one and so is used sparingly and only when needed.
Recall: Gawyn, like his sister and their mother whom they inherited the gift from, Gawyn has a natural magic ability which enables him to regenerate his weapon in its sheath at his hip. There is a set number of times he can do this during a fight, especially when he is reoccupied with the opponent, and he cannot change the weapon from the one he is carrying at the time.
Recall: Gawyn, like his sister and their mother whom they inherited the gift from, Gawyn has a natural magic ability which enables him to regenerate his weapon in its sheath at his hip. There is a set number of times he can do this during a fight, especially when he is reoccupied with the opponent, and he cannot change the weapon from the one he is carrying at the time.
As a youth Gawyn had a streak of seriousness to him that most children lacked, but he could often be cajoled by friends into causing mischief. As he had grown older, however, and bitter at being abandoned by Thyasari that streak of seriousness has grown to dominate his personality. At times he can often be harsh, even cruel, though he is always fair in the judgements he casts.
Those that know him well often see past the cold shoulder to the dedication below to his position and respect him for it. Without his strength and cool-headedness the branch of Avariel living in Oriasa would have perished. It is now only with his oldest friend Aohdin that he will crack the odd joke or test his rusty form of wit.
Those that know him well often see past the cold shoulder to the dedication below to his position and respect him for it. Without his strength and cool-headedness the branch of Avariel living in Oriasa would have perished. It is now only with his oldest friend Aohdin that he will crack the odd joke or test his rusty form of wit.
Biography & Lore
Gawyn was born to the famed Avariel Warrior, Clarrisa, and her mild mannered soulmate Jaedyn. From a young age it was clear which parent he would follow. Older avariel would often remark on his seriousness as marking him as One Who Has Been Before, a belief amongst the Avariel that at times ancestors were reborn for a special purpose into the world once again. The Elders marked his schooling with interest because of it.
As predicted, he chose to join the ranks of the Warriors and proceeded to complete the rigorous training regime for the right to join the Avariel army, which at the time was in a heated war with their dwarven enemies. On his final test he was pitted against his own mother on the field to test his resolve in the face of all enemies. Despite his mother carving open his right cheek when he hesitated, Gawyn was able to disarm his mother and get her to surrender thus passing his training.
He fought in several battles with the dwarves before being deployed to Oriasa; one of the Avariel's cities under the most brutal attacks by the dwarves. He led the charge with his shield brother Aohdin and after several bloody weeks managed to secure the city for the Avariel's once again. It was soon after this battle they received the news Thyasari intended to close its gates for good. Unable to get his wounded or the civilians that remaind back in time, he had the tough decision to cut themselves off not only from the world but their own people too. Unlike the people of Thyasari, however, Gawyn had kept in contact with the world in the disguise of a normal elf. Now, having heard of Thysari's re-opening, Gawyn and their people are deciding whether to follow suit and reopen their doors as a part of the Avariel Empire... or as an independent nation.
As predicted, he chose to join the ranks of the Warriors and proceeded to complete the rigorous training regime for the right to join the Avariel army, which at the time was in a heated war with their dwarven enemies. On his final test he was pitted against his own mother on the field to test his resolve in the face of all enemies. Despite his mother carving open his right cheek when he hesitated, Gawyn was able to disarm his mother and get her to surrender thus passing his training.
He fought in several battles with the dwarves before being deployed to Oriasa; one of the Avariel's cities under the most brutal attacks by the dwarves. He led the charge with his shield brother Aohdin and after several bloody weeks managed to secure the city for the Avariel's once again. It was soon after this battle they received the news Thyasari intended to close its gates for good. Unable to get his wounded or the civilians that remaind back in time, he had the tough decision to cut themselves off not only from the world but their own people too. Unlike the people of Thyasari, however, Gawyn had kept in contact with the world in the disguise of a normal elf. Now, having heard of Thysari's re-opening, Gawyn and their people are deciding whether to follow suit and reopen their doors as a part of the Avariel Empire... or as an independent nation.
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