Private Tales Have you heard there's a rumour in Alliria?

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Gawyn's joy at returning home was magnified in watching Thea experience Oriasa for the first time. He hadn't appreciated the beauty of it the first time he had come here. Then the city had looked a lot different with chunks of marble missing from the grand avariel monoliths that welcomed citizens to its home, fires raging rampant in the streets, and people cowering in fear of another dwarven air raid. It had taken centuries after the Closing for him to appreciate any beauty in it at all for then it had become a cage and even the most gilded cages looked ugly to the prisoners inside. Now, however, he was comfortable and content in calling this place home and as such he could see the beauty the architects had poured into it eons ago.

"Yes," he said in agreement with her speechlessness, a smile tugging at his lips. There just simply wasn't a word to describe it.

He dipped his wings and took them lower so that they passed in between the great statues and so Thea could see better the town below. It wasn't large, not like Thyasari, and it was clear for every inhabited house there was one left empty even from this height. But there was a quiet serenity to it because of that that spoke to his soul.

"There are plenty of houses, if you would like your own space..."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Althea
Thea dragged her gaze away from the city to look at him. "Oh!"

Her own space.. Right. If. He'd said if, though.. What if she didn't want her own space? Her own space meant being alone with her own thoughts and that never really worked out so well for her. Had she expected to live with Gawyn? Heat flooded her cheeks at the thought and she mentally kicked herself for being an idiot. Of course she wasn't. She'd have to find her own place here, find work, meet people.. And he'd go back to his home, his family and his job.

"Never had my own house before.." she added with a small smirk. "I.. get to just, pick one?" she asked and returned her attention to the streets below. "Where is the infirmary?"
  • Sip
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn's brows rose in a moment of surprise before his mind connected to the dots as to why she might want to live near such a place. Empaths always wanted to help, to heal, it was in their nature. Or so Aodhan kept telling him when he asked his friend made of shattered diamonds. The general tilted his wings to take her over to the Western side of the city and he pointed out a large building that dominated most of the street. It was a squat, defensible thing built to protect the injured and vulnerable inside.

"That's the infirmary. It's not used on the scale it was anymore, thankfully, and most of the nurses and doctors now only use one wing. They find that's all they need to take care of the population here. Are you considering... working there?"
"One wing..Don't in circles?.." she asked, trying to keep a serious face though the laughs he held onto burst from her until tears filled her eyes and she snorted before forcing herself to stop and clear her throat.

"Hm..Sorry.. nerves."

Once she'd calmed down she drew a deep breath. "Back home, I used my gift to ease suffering, and help the dying pass on without pain. It gave me a purpose. I haven't been allowed to help people in so long.. I'd like to. If they'll have me, that is."
  • Orc
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn only stared at her blankly as she laughed. To begin with it was because he didn't understand the joke, then it was just because he detested it. Her brother had had a similar humour and soldiers had used to groan and walk away from his fire when he told a particularly bad one. They suffered enough.

"I'm sure they will," he said smoothly, glad the conversation was moving away from awful jokes. He wondered if it was their father who had blessed them with the horrific sense of humour. "I can take you there later, first I'd like you to meet Aodhin. He is the Avariel who helps me run this place and he's an empath, like you."
  • Haha
Reactions: Althea
Thea's cheeks were a furious shade of pink as he stared at her and opted to completely ignore her joke and her shoulders slumped slightly as she sighed. Well, she thought it was funny...clearly.

"Aohdin? Now?.." her brows rose and had she not already been mid-blush she'd have paled. She bit down on her lip and chewed as she stared down at the ground. "Right.. Of course... Right.." she murmured to herself with a nod, trying to quickly gather whatever courage she could to refrain from telling him to drop her outside of the city so she could run in the opposite direction.

"I'm.. really nervous." she laughed under her breath, figuring it was best to be honest. "I never thought I'd set eyes on another Avariel, let alone talk to one or fly with one.. A whole city of them." she swallowed and she felt that familiar 'nakedness' she often felt when she remembered how her wings had felt. She pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"There's little point trying to hide what I feel, is there.." she spoke quietly to herself. Aohdin would know, her fear was practically radiating from her.

"Just.. Don't leave me." she asked and rested her head back against him and closed her eyes as she took a moment to calm herself.
  • Bless
Reactions: Gawyn
"I.. hadn't thought about that," Gawyn frowned at his own stupidity. Of course she would have been nervous. The last group of Avariel she had stood before had to have been the Council itself. They could be intimidating at the best of times but when they were sentencing someone? He could understand her apprehension.

"Aodhan isn't... like the other Avariels," he said slowly trying to think how best to warn her about his oldest and dearest friend. "Try not to stare, he doesn't take too kindly to staring, and don't touch him either," he grimaced. It wasn't his history to share so he wouldn't but he hoped Thea who had suffered a trauma of her own would understand the signs in another.
It would soon become apparent why Gawyn had issued the warning.

Unlike Thyasari there was no one grand building that might have been deemed a palace or a manor house. The city had been built for trade and war and all of its houses had that in mind. The aerie the general winged his way towards looked no more remarkable than the rest except that it was slightly bigger, suggesting a large family lived there rather than a single avariel. Gawyn landed on the large terrace outside and finally set her down on her feet, closing his two sets of wings against his back before striding for the door. Inside was as simple and neat as the outside; a soldiers home. He led her down the wide corridor designed for beings with wings to the centre of the home, which opened into a large living area.

Toys and signs of life - of personality - were littered about the room but what caught the eye was the tall male Avariel who had been standing by the window. Aodhan was different. As the light behind him caught his skin, his wings, his hair, light refracted and made him look as though he sparkled. His eyes flickered to Thea and he quickly stepped from the direct sun to the shadows to make the display less dazzling.

"We were watching you come in," he murmured in a soft voice and his feathers were parted by two small chubby hands for a young girl to peer through.

"Gwahyn!" she squealed and scooted past Aodhan to launch herself at the general. Her wings, not yet strong enough to carry her in real flight, still got her off the floor enough to get her into his arms where she then tightly wound small arms around his neck as much as she could. "You left," it was a childs accusation mingled with relief.

"I always come back, don't I?" there was a hesitation and then a small nod. "And this time I bought you a friend, Ilyena this is Thea."
It felt strange for a moment to be on solid ground again, like sailors who came ashore with sea-legs from spending their time on the seas. Her body had felt weightless, and now it felt like lead, and she almost forgot to let go of him before he could lead the way inside. She moved stiffly for a few steps until her muscles loosened, not that it did anything to ease the tension she felt.

Her stomach churned with every step she took and with her fingers wringing together in front of her, she couldn't have looked any more nervous if she'd tried. She barely took anything in as he led her down the corridor, her eyes on his wings as the blue-black feathers shuffled. At least the sight was somewhat soothing.

Thea had been mere moments away from halting and turning back before they reached the living space. It was brighter, warmer, and the toys that lay strewn around somehow eased her a little. Her pale eyes were of course, immediately drawn to the avariel standing by the window however, and her expression paused.

Oh. She couldn't help but wonder why the male would be self conscious of such a thing. He was beautiful. As he stepped out of the sunlight however, Thea blinked a few times, suddenly remembering that she wasn't supposed to stare - and embarrassment rose into her cheeks as she remembered that he too, was an empath.

She was glad of the distraction that the little avariel gave her as she emerged from Aohdin's glittering wings, and she smiled instantly, watching as the child ran at 'Gwahyn' and leapt into his arms. She might've melted a little, and her gaze shifted between them as she was introduced.

"Hello Ilyena.." Thea smiled warmly. "Gawyn has told me all about how wonderful you are, and I just had to come along and meet you for myself. I hope that's okay.." she said, with another brief glance to Aodhin.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Gawyn
Ilyena shyly peaked at Thea out of the corner of her eyes through the mop of blonde ringlets that spilled down her shoulders. She seemed to be assessing her though what a child held to be important marks in an adult that made them trustworthy and fun were a mystery to the adults who sought such approval. Eventually, the girl seemed to reach her decision and she relaxed, sticking her thumb in her mouth and then laying her head on Gawyn's shoulder.

"Dwo you wanna see my toys?" she offered like a queen inviting a peasant to tea. Gawyn chuckled and set her down carefully. Ilyena took a few steps and reached up with her unoccupied hand to offer it to Thea.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Althea
Thea, who'd had much in her life to be anxious of, had never felt this sort of nervous. She had no idea why it felt so important to her for this child not to dislike or fear her, but time seemed to stretch on for an eternity as the little avariel made up her mind. When the offer of some form of friendship was made, Thea let out a breath and gave the child a look that suggested she'd just been bestowed with the highest of honours.

"Me?..." she asked, her brows rising and her hand pressing to her chest. "I'd very much like that, yes." she nodded with a warm smile, her gaze shifting to Gawyn with a little sparkle of victory. It was another little chip away at the walls she'd built up between herself and her own kind, one more (very tiny) acceptance. So far so good.

She was still very aware of Aohdin watching, however, and she stole another glance at the male as she took the child's offered hand and let her lead her to her toys. Thea knelt and looked around at the toys with a quiet gasp. "My, there are so many. You must be a princess." she whispered, her gaze settling on a beautiful china doll with soft, white wings.

"May I?" she asked politely as she reached toward it.
  • Sip
Reactions: Gawyn
"You must be tired..." Aodhan spoke in that soft barely-above-whisper voice as he stepped closer to Gawyn and cupped his cheek in an intimate show of friendship. The two bent their heads together and spoke, moving to the window whilst Ilyena demanded Thea's attention fully.

"Her nwame is Helena," the small Avariel plonked herself on the carpet amongst the toys, her wings spreading out behind her. They had not just got their full colours but the faint pastel shades hinted that one day they would be a vibrant pink and creamy white. She watched intently as Thea picked the doll up and then pursed her lips and picked up another. "She's the Queen, and this is pwincess Yena," she intoned as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Picking up a small wooden comb she begun to tug it through the dolls hair.

"My mumma was a Princess. Are you a Princess?"
Thea glanced back to see the two winged males speaking quietly, her stomach knotting in trepidation. She forced a smile back onto her face however as Ilyena demanded her attention, and she too settled onto the carpet, her fingers gentle stroking through the doll's hair.

"Helena. That's a beautiful name." she nodded approvingly and her brows rose as she introduced the Princess 'Yena' too.

"Ohh.." Thea gasped quietly. "I should've known that you're a princess. Only Princesses have wings that pretty." she smiled warmly and let out a soft sigh. "But no, I'm not a princess. I've always wanted to be friends with one though."

"Is this her pegasus?" Thea asked as she reached for a carved winged horse, admiring it.
  • Sip
Reactions: Gawyn
"No! It's the Pwince's pegasus!" Ilyena explained in an exasperated tone. She picked up another figure and held it out towards Thea so she could rightly put it on the winged horse. Still, the young girl radiated pleasure at having her wings complimented in such a manner and she spread them in a subtle manner so that the pastel pink could catch the sun.

Gawyn and Aodhan seemed to have finished their conversation because Gawyn ventured over and scooped the young girl up in his arms much to her delighted squeal.

"Aodhan and I need to talk with your new friend for a little bit, how about you go play in the garden sweetie?" she pouted.

"I can stay! Am old enoughs!"

"Of course you are," he soothed and stroked her hair back behind her ear. "But it's very boring, it'll be much more fun to play with butterflies outside," the girl seemed to consider this then, eventually nodded and when Gawyn set her down she scampered off down the hall. Gawyn watched her go then glanced to Thea and laughed.

"I hope that wasn't too boring for you."
"Ohhh, of course it is." Thea smiled with a quiet chuckle as she sat the 'prince' on the pegasus, her fingertips trailing over the soft feather wings that the doll had. "He's a very handsome Prince." she commented with a soft smile, though her attention shifted to Gawyn as he lifted the child from the floor. Her stomach dipped as she glanced to Aohdan and back, assuming that Gawyn had told him what she'd done and instantly dreading being turned away.

She swallowed and pulled herself to her feet, offering a warm smile to Ilyena before she relented and skipped off to play outside.

"Boring? No, not at all.." she smiled, looking off after the girl before turning back to him. "It's been a long time since I've been around children. She's precious." she nodded, and again shifted her gaze between the two males.

"You.. Wanted to speak with me?" she asked hesitantly.
  • Sip
Reactions: Gawyn
Eyes like shattered glass crashed into Thea and despite how cold they should look with their paleness, there was a warmth and kindness that radiated from them. Aodhan smiled, a small thing but heart-stoppingly beautiful in a body that shined - and he motioned to the adult sized table and chairs.

"You do not need to be afraid, Thea," his voice was a soft whisper that betrayed his tendency to stay indoors rather than venture outside. He also, consciously, chose a seat out of sunlight. Gawyn took the one in full hit of the sun and let his wings fan out to soak it in - and cast Aodhan in more shadows. An unconscious act of kindness for a friend who hated his beauty.

"Aodhan here runs this town with me," Gawyn offered his own reassuring smile.

"There won't be an interrogation," Aodhan's smile deepened somewhat as he glanced from his friend back to Thea. "I am more curious... for I have not met another empath in many years. It's... nice not to be bombarded by emotions for once. Gawyn told me everything and I just want you to know, child, I agree wholeheartedly with his decision. This isn't Thyasari and Oriasa for many has been a second, even a third, chance at life."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Althea
Her relief was instantaneous. Aodhan's eyes and smile were captivating, and she had to remind herself of Gawyn's warning not to stare at him. She'd expected something grotesque, not something as beautiful as he was. His voice was a soothing caress, and when he told her that she didn't need to be afraid, she believed him. She wasn't afraid, and the shift was so sudden that she let out a sharp breath that'd been lodged somewhere in her chest, and she now breathed with ease.

She looked between them as Gawyn spoke, and offered her own smile to Aodhan as his own deepened. "I haven't either." she confessed, and she had only met another handful in her lifetime. Again, her pale eyes moved to Gawyn, her teeth dragging over her lower lip at the thought of the conversation they'd been having. Again though, Aodhan's words sunk in and warmed a little more of that coldness she'd felt toward her kind.

"That means... more than you could know." her eyes glistened and she smiled, squeezing her hands together. It'd been so long since she felt any sort of belonging. Since she hadn't felt alone in the world. "Thank you .."
  • Bless
Reactions: Gawyn
Another person might have reached over to take her hand and comfort her but Aodhan kept his hands to himself. Gawyn provided that warmth where Aodhan lacked by gently extending a wing and brushing it over her shoulder and back in a friendly caress. It was easy to see how the two worked so well together.

"Do you have any idea what you'd like to do?" Aodhan asked curiously, his head tilting to the side. "I know you will want time to settle in but Gawyn tells me you were a terrible patient so I assume it would be best to get you involved in something sooner rather than later," the sparkling avariel's smile was small but Gawyn's was a boyishly large grin.
Thea's lips parted as she shot Gawyn an incredulous look.. "I wasn't that bad." she commented quietly, but her urge to laugh danced in her eyes as she shook her head.

"Before I.. I used my gifts to ease the suffering of those in pain. I had begun training to heal. I'd like to perhaps offer my help. I-if they want it, that is.."
  • Bless
Reactions: Gawyn
Aodhan nodded his head slowly and his eyes grew distant with memory.

"Many years ago I did similar, on the battlefields to those who would not be treated in time," Gawyn put a hand on his friends shoulder and squeeze. With a jerk the avariel that seemed to sparkle snapped back into the present and shook himself with a shaky smile. "Gawyn has no doubt told you to treat me like a fragile bird," he threw his friend a playful glare. "The truth is the last war did break me in a way I cannot explain. You should take care you do not lose too much when you offer those services to people, Thea," he warned gently.
She glanced to Gawyn with a quiet laugh under her breath. "He has treated me much the same for the most part..." she smirked.

Thea nodded slowly as the avariel spoke of war. She had helped ease the passing of many of the injured and dying, and she knew how it took its toll. Being amidst the war however, she could only imagine.."I have nothing much of myself left to lose.." she answered quietly and offered him a small smile, avoiding another glance to Gawyn as her cheeks warmed.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Gawyn
"Is this something you learn at empath school?" Gawyn groaned and rolled his eyes to the ceiling theatrically. Aodhan lightly aimed an elbow at his ribs and chuckled.

"I'm sorry some of us have emotions unrelated to our stomachs and the sword," he chided back then with a shake of his head looked back at Thea. "I see no reason you cannot stay, I'm quite content you won't bring any problems to this city. You just need to believe that too, I think," he raised a brow with a knowing smile then stood.

"I should go fetch our daughter before she annoys the gardeners too much. It was lovely meeting you Thea, don't be a stranger," he smiled, bowed his head then headed off in the direction Ilyena had gone earlier. Gawyn watched him go thoughtfully before turning to Thea.

"So... would you like to find a house?"
  • Bless
Reactions: Althea
Thea's lips twisted at Aodhan's retort, her nose wrinkling at Gawyn. She felt the knot that'd tightened in her chest over the past week slowly start to loosen off as she was told that she could stay, and her head shook assuringly.

"No trouble." she said firmly. All her life had been these past few years was trouble, to live without it was the peace she'd longed for, and she couldn't think of words to express her gratitude. She knew that Aodhan would know, however. She smiled warmly at him, her eyes glistening slightly as she watched him leave and let a sigh tumble out in relief.

"Yes please!" she laughed with excitement and took Gawyn's arm, tugging him toward the door.
  • Cheer
Reactions: Gawyn
Gawyn was taken aback just by how enthusiastic she was. He'd been worried that coming here would have made her retreat back into her shell, a shell she'd been slowly allowing herself to emerge from. It appeared all those fears were unfounded. He should have had more confidence in Aodhan. Returning her smile he stood and allowed her to drag him out through the door, wondering at what point she would realise that she didn't know the way out exactly.

If she managed to find it on her own he wouldn't spoil her fun but if she hesitated he'd quietly take over and guide her from the home out onto the streets themselves.

"Basically any home that looks empty probably is and is up for grabs," he shrugged and glanced left and right. There were several empty ones on the street judging by the lack of flowers in window boxes. "Do you want to live right next to the hospital, or would you prefer to be near the park... or the shops?"