Gawyn's joy at returning home was magnified in watching Thea experience Oriasa for the first time. He hadn't appreciated the beauty of it the first time he had come here. Then the city had looked a lot different with chunks of marble missing from the grand avariel monoliths that welcomed citizens to its home, fires raging rampant in the streets, and people cowering in fear of another dwarven air raid. It had taken centuries after the Closing for him to appreciate any beauty in it at all for then it had become a cage and even the most gilded cages looked ugly to the prisoners inside. Now, however, he was comfortable and content in calling this place home and as such he could see the beauty the architects had poured into it eons ago.
"Yes," he said in agreement with her speechlessness, a smile tugging at his lips. There just simply wasn't a word to describe it.
He dipped his wings and took them lower so that they passed in between the great statues and so Thea could see better the town below. It wasn't large, not like Thyasari, and it was clear for every inhabited house there was one left empty even from this height. But there was a quiet serenity to it because of that that spoke to his soul.
"There are plenty of houses, if you would like your own space..."
"Yes," he said in agreement with her speechlessness, a smile tugging at his lips. There just simply wasn't a word to describe it.
He dipped his wings and took them lower so that they passed in between the great statues and so Thea could see better the town below. It wasn't large, not like Thyasari, and it was clear for every inhabited house there was one left empty even from this height. But there was a quiet serenity to it because of that that spoke to his soul.
"There are plenty of houses, if you would like your own space..."