Private Tales Haunt

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Dead Men’s Therapist
Character Biography
Inside the dense jungle that made up the majority of the Ixchel Wilds there was nothing amiss. Lush flora and the dissonant harmony of bird song resounding throughout, unbothered.

Casimir was heard before he could be seen, and even then, only a keen eye could distinguish the bright flash as not a speedy comet wisp but the lithe and agile form of a cwn annwn. Despite the overflow of greenery that cross-crossed the floor and trees in a labyrinth fashion, Casimir’s step never faltered. Roots and vines would twist out of his way, large thorns did little more than to caress his cream-colored pelt. Debris flew underneath the harsh padding of the cwn’s paws, dirt not sticking to them despite the moist soil and humid air.

Breath hot, saliva dripping slightly between his parted jaws, Casimir’s lilac gaze was focused ahead. He had to report back. Every second counted. Vaer would need to know the horrors of that disgusting backwater town. Even thinking about it made him need to suppress a shudder, his pink harness glowing slightly as he did briefly debate turning tail and running away.

But it was too late for that. Soon enough, he had arrived at the designated meeting spot, the one listed in the report that had been given to him. Immediately, he skidded to a halt, shifting into his bi-pedal form at the same time. It didn’t take his acute nose to realize that whoever was here, it wasn’t who he was expecting.

Y-you’re n-not… not Vaer.” Cas strained, still struggling against his stutter even after all this time.
  • Dab
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A very-much-not-Vaer lounged in a tangle of gigantic tree roots filing its nails on this very balmy, boring afternoon. As a resident of the Ixchel Wilds for the entirety of its life, where most others would likely have practiced a modicum of paranoia for the variety of beasties and planties that could and would readily devour them, not-Vaer conducted themself in a manner befitting a teenager caught in the throes of monotonous ennui.

"Indeed I am not," the shuck answered the cwn who had emerged in a flurry of pink-framed alabaster. The tip of a dagger delicately trimmed the contour of a nail, "Lord Vaer is indisposed and I," a huff from its lips ruffled the raven feathers lining the upper trim of its shoulders, "am but a humble servant to the Erlking."

"Make your report, fair cwn,"
their brows lifted upon inspection of a manicure perfected and a pleased smile graced their lips, "so that we may both be on our way."
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  • Nervous
Reactions: Sivan
Casimir’s gaze was wary, looking over at black shuck in unquestionable awe that was mixed with apprehension. To the timid fae, the tree roots seemed to be placed just so to only highlight all the angles and contours that made the black shuck, as if the earth itself was destined to do nothing but suit the shuck however it seemed fit.

The omnission of his name was not lost on Casimir, and for a moment he wondered if he should press it— after all, just because the Erlking did have a monopoly on black shucks didn’t necessarily mean this one was loyal to him. But that was just the anxiety taking over. Casimir took a deep breath and looked away, casting his gimlet gazed down to his feet.

I-it’s true. This… village seems to be a focal point of giving birth. For two days I saw… all sort of women entering that town. All of them were heavily preg-pregnant, close to giving birth. And when they did… a-after the babe was washed, w-well….” Casimir gulped. “They could t-t-talk. They could see me, even, even with my glamour. They weren’t changelings. But they told me ‘begone, fae!’ In iza and common tongue. They were no m-more than a week old.” A slight pause as he hesitated.

But… there’s one-one thing more. You see… the babies were making a plan. They said they wanted to… ‘go back.’

  • Cthulhoo rage
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There were few things in this realm that disgusted the shuck more than babies.

Tiny, smelly, dirty, grabby, uneducated, useless babies. This procession of thought plastered itself upon the shuck's face, as though Casimir had reported back with a bucket of shit and placed it before them - and he might as well have done just that. For what was Aelas expected to do with this report?

Talking babies? That could see fae? The Erlking would have a damned conniption.

"I cannot report this to the Erlking!" Aelas exclaimed as they sat up from where they rested, brandishing their dagger in Casimir's direction, "It's barely a report - what of the men and women? Are they bewitched as well? Can they not see the oddness of these ... demon seeds they've spawned? Why are the women coming to this town to give birth? Is the same happening in other nearby towns? How far spread is this?"

Red eyes narrowed upon the cwn, considering it for a brief moment, "You must return to the town and learn more. The nature of these weirdlings must be ascertained before any of this reaches the ear of the King."
Casimir was shaking in his boots, quite literally so as Aelas raised his voice. The cwn fiddled with his slender pale fingers that resembled moonlight and his lips twitched as he tried to form words but seemed unable to do so.

It-it-it’s j-just th-th-that t-t-t-town.” In times of stress his stutter was worse and he took a deep breath. He couldn’t speak like this to his superiors, but he supposed that was why he would most likely never utter a report to the Erlking himself. He brought his lilac gaze down to the ground, shoulders slumping forward as he tried to make himself smaller.

If he was as a dog he most definitely would have exposed his belly to Aelas.

The m-mothers coo at their ch-child and the fathers do n-nothing more but work the f-fields.” Another pause to breathe. “And they take the… placentas to plant them.” Deep breath. “M-Maybe I should have s-said that earlier.” Casimir whimpered.

  • Cthulhoo rage
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