What more could you possibly need to know about Aelas that the rumors and gossip vine hasn't already told you? Suave, chic, and always dressed to impress, this is one particularly peculiar Black Shuck that will certainly make an impression. Aelas could be considered royalty among the shucks, hailing as the first chyld of Matriach Bestia and a most proud member of the Sluagh. Though yet an untitled Hound, Aelas has grand designs for infamy and power among their Hunt brethren - and they're well on their way with the former... though perhaps for reasons other than what you would expect.
Clean. Stylish. Handsome. Beautiful. Dark hair, red eyes, deep auburn complexion, an exotic array of bangles and accessories. Aelas is marked by their ability to appear as if summoned before the King at any given time. Aelas is rarely caught in a state of unkemptness - and while they've never yet turned down a mission that might require getting their hands dirty, no one has ever seen dirt of any sort on Aelas' hands to this date. Though their appearance changes on the regular to suite their needs, this shuck is never without some notable form of decoration to enhance their features. Aelas can adapt and mingle with almost anyone: from the warriors of the hunt to the royals of the court and never miss a step in between.
Tall, stately, statuesque and refined, Aelas often sports dark colors and perfectly tailored clothes of the finest quality. Their fashion sense is keener than a noble in the Winter Court and often Aelas is at the forefront of the latest trends. Wanting for freedom of expression, it is difficult to pin Aelas' gender and depending on who you ask you may get a different story. Are they a man? A woman? Or perhaps something in-between? The rumors may run rampant, but never has a courtier or courtesan been disappointed at what they find.
Tall, stately, statuesque and refined, Aelas often sports dark colors and perfectly tailored clothes of the finest quality. Their fashion sense is keener than a noble in the Winter Court and often Aelas is at the forefront of the latest trends. Wanting for freedom of expression, it is difficult to pin Aelas' gender and depending on who you ask you may get a different story. Are they a man? A woman? Or perhaps something in-between? The rumors may run rampant, but never has a courtier or courtesan been disappointed at what they find.
Skills and Abilities
A honed and expert marksmen with bow and arrow as well as throwing knives.
Highly skilled with daggers, fine blades, and a makeup brush.
An intelligent conversationalist and masterful charmer.
One of the fastest among the black shucks - Aelas can keep up with the cwn, and this frightens them.
Aelas has developed a skill unique among their black shuck brethren that allows them to change the appearance of their fae form on whim. Though they cannot alter their height, they are quite capable of shifting their countenance to suit the needs of their situation or ... simply their mood and whim. This is where the confusion of Aelas' gender originates from, but even Matriarch Bestia could not tell you if she has a son or a daughter.
Unfortunately this play of skill comes with a very dangerous cost: the use of their shadow form. While Aelas has practiced the art enough to use this skill without fully revealing that taboo state, it still cuts a cost as it does for all black shucks who tangle with that side of themselves too much. It makes Aelas something of a wild card when it comes to their moods and convictions. They deal with it through elicit herbs and medications, and pass it off as their wild, free spirit.
Suave. Svelte. Seductive. Charming.
Self-serving. Greedy. Power hungry. Mercurial.
Confident. Mischievous. Curious.
Self-serving. Greedy. Power hungry. Mercurial.
Confident. Mischievous. Curious.
- Papa Don't Take No Mess - with Ameris
- Haunt - with Casimir Bielke
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