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This was utterly rediculous.
How long had he been waiting? 12, no, 13 years and still nobody came back. He was beginning to think they weren't coming back.
His large pumpkin head leaned back and Curcurbita, cursed of the fae, looked up to the starry night sky in half hearted hope that he might be delivered from this most boring of positions.
*Last time I try to do a farmer a favour.* he thought to himself.
He looked about and saw the tree had gotten bigger, there was barely any farmhouse anymore and brambles had claimed the good farming land.
"I think they've forgotten about us." He told the bones of the Farmer's wife which lay next to him now all but completely obscured by the overgrowth.
Her skull didn't say anything because she was dead 13 years.
"Yes I know, be patient you keep saying that but nothing's happened yet."
There was no voice to answer him.
"Uh huh, well I DIDN'T marry him so I'm not bound to wait here forever. I told him a season at most and then all this happened."
The wind drifted over the neck high grass.
"And I'm very happy that you still love him but I have places to be."
He struggled and pulled at his bindings. It truly was the worst job he could think of. Playing scarecrow for a silly farmer and his wife while he had duties, real duties he should have been at ages ago.
His ropes gave way at last and he hopped down from the cross post that held him. Again the dead woman's bones said nothing.
"Okay I'll tell him you're still here if I see him. Goodness be."
With a gangle in his spindly legs he walked past the farmhouse heedless of the bones of the dead farmer inside.
Over the years the Falwood had claimed much of the land surrounding the farm as well as the farm itself. The large trees burst from the land and shadowed the whole area.
At last he came to it. The entrance to Grovehaven.
He trod through the streets and yards of people he didn't really care about. Even among the fae he was odd looking. Tall and lope with his massive pumpkin head, the mark of his curse. He was Aimadach, the Empty Head. Gone for 13 years now he returned to the only port he could get to before he made his way back to where he actually belonged.
But who here could help him get there?
How long had he been waiting? 12, no, 13 years and still nobody came back. He was beginning to think they weren't coming back.
His large pumpkin head leaned back and Curcurbita, cursed of the fae, looked up to the starry night sky in half hearted hope that he might be delivered from this most boring of positions.
*Last time I try to do a farmer a favour.* he thought to himself.
He looked about and saw the tree had gotten bigger, there was barely any farmhouse anymore and brambles had claimed the good farming land.
"I think they've forgotten about us." He told the bones of the Farmer's wife which lay next to him now all but completely obscured by the overgrowth.
Her skull didn't say anything because she was dead 13 years.
"Yes I know, be patient you keep saying that but nothing's happened yet."
There was no voice to answer him.
"Uh huh, well I DIDN'T marry him so I'm not bound to wait here forever. I told him a season at most and then all this happened."
The wind drifted over the neck high grass.
"And I'm very happy that you still love him but I have places to be."
He struggled and pulled at his bindings. It truly was the worst job he could think of. Playing scarecrow for a silly farmer and his wife while he had duties, real duties he should have been at ages ago.
His ropes gave way at last and he hopped down from the cross post that held him. Again the dead woman's bones said nothing.
"Okay I'll tell him you're still here if I see him. Goodness be."
With a gangle in his spindly legs he walked past the farmhouse heedless of the bones of the dead farmer inside.
Over the years the Falwood had claimed much of the land surrounding the farm as well as the farm itself. The large trees burst from the land and shadowed the whole area.
At last he came to it. The entrance to Grovehaven.
He trod through the streets and yards of people he didn't really care about. Even among the fae he was odd looking. Tall and lope with his massive pumpkin head, the mark of his curse. He was Aimadach, the Empty Head. Gone for 13 years now he returned to the only port he could get to before he made his way back to where he actually belonged.
But who here could help him get there?