spring court

  1. Hyacinth

    Private Tales Blessings of Nature

    The quiet burble of a spring made it's music behind her as she tended to the flowers that thrived here in Spring. It wasn't her job per say, but everyday she made her way to every nook and cranny of the city, communing with all the flora that adorned their beautiful Court. Her face was common...
  2. Fingal Eadgils

    Private Tales An Unknown Close to Home

    Alliria had been a rich hunting ground for a time. But those with power were beginning to figure out there was a pattern to what was taking their people at night, and he'd been pushing his luck far too much to remain around the large city for too much longer. The bag he kept on his back full of...
  3. Quacey

    Private Tales A Festival of Fun

    Two by two, The Dancing March Begins. Me and You, Ignoring all our Sins. The large fae looked at the words in his journal. A slight frown upon his lips. This one he didn't understand. He had written it but he didn't understand it. It was short. It was cryptic. It wasn't his usual style when it...
  4. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Found and lost

    This was utterly rediculous. How long had he been waiting? 12, no, 13 years and still nobody came back. He was beginning to think they weren't coming back. His large pumpkin head leaned back and Curcurbita, cursed of the fae, looked up to the starry night sky in half hearted hope that he might...
  5. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Solace Amongst Turmoil

    The winds of change were blowing more recklessly with every passing day. Events that threatened to shake the lives of The Spring had long been in motion, and only now did that reality begin to set in on its people. Life is beauty. Those were the words that he'd lived by for ages, generation...
  6. Elida

    Private Tales The Sun and Its Shade in Spring

    A symphony of howls and barks resounded all around the Falwood. A dozen or more hounds were chasing after one prey, their parted jaws easily picking up their prey’s scent as they bounded through the verdant green of the forest. Bloodhounds and elkhounds and retrievers were leading the hunt...
  7. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Chasing Shadows

    "Your form is much too stiff, Tharu. You must learn to move as though your body is made of naught but flowing water." Nairth San Seya's voice was stern, but gentle as he addressed his son. The two of them, King and Prince, stood in the vast meadow surrounding the vast gateway to Grovehaven...
  8. Nairth San'Seya

    Private Tales Times of peace, and their conclusion.

    "Your form is too stiff, Tharu. You have to move as though your body is nothing but water." Nairth's voice was stern, but gentle at the same time as he addressed his son. The two of them stood in the vast meadow surrounding the entrance to Grovehaven Castle. The massive structure that touched...
  9. Maeve

    Private Tales A rare encounter

    Stay close... Clearly, Fiadh still had a lot to learn about her new fae-daughter. For Maeve the small island on which she had been born had been 'close' to her parents even when she was a good two days ride away and the temptation to explore this world, with her new Sight, it was too good an...
  10. Quacey

    Fable - Ask Old Growth Still Green

    The old oak stands green and lush. No hint of time or sickly flush. Towering high and tall, It protects them all. Life and Freedom. The core tenants of Spring. A time of growth and change. Of becoming better. Of becoming stronger. Of becoming more.... Quacey looked about at all the younger...
  11. Quacey

    Private Tales Near the Edge Yet Already Falling

    Weep Cry Mourn Life to Death Death to Rebirth Quacey sighed as he reread his most recent poem. Morbid. It was too morbid. Was he still shaken from before? Memories of that event still danced in and out of his dreams. Both the waking ones and those while asleep. So much had happened in such a...
  12. Nairth San'Seya

    Fable - Ask The Shadow of Spring

    There were few things that a true King could openly admit to fearing without risking doubts and dissent among his people. When one rules a land, they must be resolute and determined in all actions they make, without the slightest hint of hesitation behind their words. That's what made it so...
  13. Nairth San'Seya

    Fae Courts The Spring's Rebirth (Coronation)

    The trees sighed with contentment on this early dawn, the sun only barely creeping over the horizon to greet them with the warmth of its rays. The wind blew through the leaves that they carried so gently, so peacefully. The water that flowed through the springs and rivers was as calm as the...
  14. Eske

    Fable - Ask The Futures of Fae [Spring Court]

    Southern Falwood Domain of Nairth San'Seya West had not been the direction Eske thought to travel when preparing to deliver the Futures Tome to the King of the Spring Court. Northeast to the Taagi Baara Steppes is where she'd always planned her path. It was often a long and tiring journey and...