LFG Dolana's Terror in Elbion

Urzog Mhartoc

Beast Tamer of Bhathairk
Character Biography

Dolana Stonebeard, a dwarf Maester of the Fourth Order at the College of Elbion, has been working on her dissertation for the last eight years. As is standard practice, few if any outside of Dolana's advisory board were aware of her upcoming dissertation defense to become a Maester of the Fifth Order. This is typical, because mages can get very ambitious for their Fifth Order dissertation, and the merchant city around the college has been decidedly nonplussed by some of the explosive backfires that have occurred over the centuries.

Dolana is just another in a long list of reasons why.

Writing her dissertation as seven volumes of scripture magic, Dolana has literally written and stored years worth of magical energy for a single event. Extraplanar travel. Sadly, Dolana did not read the board rules to discover that extraplanar travel is currently impossible. Instead of creating a gateway, Dolana summoned some sort of beast that no one in the College could properly identify. What they could gather is that it is extremely large, very angry, and was thrown into the middle of the bazaar.


Looking to put together a fun thread with a large magic problem over in Elbion, and gauging interest in a magical disaster plotline. Looking specifically for people who are in the College, but I can definitely see a place for other people who happen to be traveling through or visiting Elbion.
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Reactions: Kara Orin
Liam could easily get caught up in this seeing how he is living in/just outside of Elbion. He works as a sellsword currently and has been trying to get as much face time with the local merchants and traders as he can so he has a reason to be in the bazaar.
If you don't mind adding another wizard to the party, Ambroz would be available.