
Basic Details
* Name: Liam Silvern
* Species: Human
* Age: 23
* Height: 6'2
* Weight: Fit
* Hair: Dark brown to auburn
* Eyes: Green
* Skin: White
Personal Details
Liam is a handsome young human male. His hair is dark brown to auburn in color and has a natural slight curl. He keeps his hair at shoulder length and often keeps it tied back in a tail. His face has no notable scars or markings and particularly smooth and unblemished. He keeps a short, well trimmed beard.
Liam's eyes are green and often resemble a pair of malachite gemstones. His stands tall for his kind, although still not the tallest of them. His body is fit and muscular. Unlike his face however, he does contain many scars, burns, and signs of breaks that reflect his time as a soldier and as a sellsword.
Liam might be a jeweler by trade, but he rarely wears much of it. The only one of note is a simple gold band around the third finger of his left hand. His clothing tends to be modest and practical in nature with high collars and a V shape to the neck. The colors of his clothing varies, but tend to be earth tones or less expensive dyes.
Liam's eyes are green and often resemble a pair of malachite gemstones. His stands tall for his kind, although still not the tallest of them. His body is fit and muscular. Unlike his face however, he does contain many scars, burns, and signs of breaks that reflect his time as a soldier and as a sellsword.
Liam might be a jeweler by trade, but he rarely wears much of it. The only one of note is a simple gold band around the third finger of his left hand. His clothing tends to be modest and practical in nature with high collars and a V shape to the neck. The colors of his clothing varies, but tend to be earth tones or less expensive dyes.

Skills and Abilities
Ambidextrous: Liam was one of those rare few humans born naturally ambidextrous. Because of this he is able to operate his hands independently of each other and has no dominate hand. This comes in hand for combat as he can use it to great effect when using two weapons or to catch opponents off guard by switching up which hand he is using. This also comes in handy for doing any sort of delicate task that requires his hands as well.
Dexterous: Liam is naturally very good with his hands. He can make quick and precise movements with them easily. This is useful for both attacking and defending with a weapon as well as it allows him greater control of his weapons. It also comes in handy for making jewelry or messing with small parts on objects as it allows him to do the more delicate work quicker and more easily. It also translate into use of the lute as he just more naturally picked up on playing the instrument.
Crafty: Growing up in a family with a long tradition of making jewelry, Liam has always had a gift for crafting things. This natural talent only got better thanks to his days in the army as he was forced to repair or craft much of his own equipment and the equipment of his brothers-in-arms. While his skills in anything but jewelry making isn't masterful, there is very littler he can not repair or make decently from scratch. His skill in jewelry making only requires a few more years of experience before he will be masterful at it.
Experience: While Liam's natural gifts of dexterity and ambidexterity provide him a bit of an edge in combat, he was never a natural born talent when it came to fighting. He has overcome that lack of talent however thanks to his training and experience gained out in the field. He may never become a master swordsman or marksman, but any who underestimate him may find themselves in trouble.
Magic: Liam was born without the ability to use magic. All he has to rely on is his own flesh and bones to solve his problems. This lack of any aptitude for magic also leaves him vulnerable to it as he has no way of sensing when it is around him or being used on him. He will always suffer the full effect of spells such as illusions and curses with his only hope being someone else can help him deal with it.
Moxie: Over years of serving in the Vel Anir army, Liam has developed a lot of moxie. Quick to act and react to new and chaotic situation, he is not one for idleness. He rarely sits still and always finds something productive for himself to do. This happens both on and off the job. He will often take the initiative as well, although not so much leadership positions.
Sarcasm: While some enjoy sarcasm, it often just gets you into trouble. Liam's natural sense of humor is sarcastic. This combined with the mild apathy he has built up over time towards most things has made it hard for him to help himself at times. His sarcasm can often get him into trouble or make situations worse for him.
The Ocean: Due to a traumatic event in his past, Liam has a near phobia of seafaring boats and the open ocean. The simple thought of having to be involved with either makes him extremely nervous and can cause him to panic. If he ever has to be on a boat going over the open ocean he will always seek an alternative to avoid it. If he can not then he just shuts down mentally and emotionally, often going into a paranoid state believing death is coming at every moment. This fear does extend a bit to all boats, large rivers, and lakes. He will become nervous if he has to be on them, but will not go into a panic unless he loses sight of shore or the boat rocks too much.
Dexterous: Liam is naturally very good with his hands. He can make quick and precise movements with them easily. This is useful for both attacking and defending with a weapon as well as it allows him greater control of his weapons. It also comes in handy for making jewelry or messing with small parts on objects as it allows him to do the more delicate work quicker and more easily. It also translate into use of the lute as he just more naturally picked up on playing the instrument.
Crafty: Growing up in a family with a long tradition of making jewelry, Liam has always had a gift for crafting things. This natural talent only got better thanks to his days in the army as he was forced to repair or craft much of his own equipment and the equipment of his brothers-in-arms. While his skills in anything but jewelry making isn't masterful, there is very littler he can not repair or make decently from scratch. His skill in jewelry making only requires a few more years of experience before he will be masterful at it.
Experience: While Liam's natural gifts of dexterity and ambidexterity provide him a bit of an edge in combat, he was never a natural born talent when it came to fighting. He has overcome that lack of talent however thanks to his training and experience gained out in the field. He may never become a master swordsman or marksman, but any who underestimate him may find themselves in trouble.
Magic: Liam was born without the ability to use magic. All he has to rely on is his own flesh and bones to solve his problems. This lack of any aptitude for magic also leaves him vulnerable to it as he has no way of sensing when it is around him or being used on him. He will always suffer the full effect of spells such as illusions and curses with his only hope being someone else can help him deal with it.
Moxie: Over years of serving in the Vel Anir army, Liam has developed a lot of moxie. Quick to act and react to new and chaotic situation, he is not one for idleness. He rarely sits still and always finds something productive for himself to do. This happens both on and off the job. He will often take the initiative as well, although not so much leadership positions.
Sarcasm: While some enjoy sarcasm, it often just gets you into trouble. Liam's natural sense of humor is sarcastic. This combined with the mild apathy he has built up over time towards most things has made it hard for him to help himself at times. His sarcasm can often get him into trouble or make situations worse for him.
The Ocean: Due to a traumatic event in his past, Liam has a near phobia of seafaring boats and the open ocean. The simple thought of having to be involved with either makes him extremely nervous and can cause him to panic. If he ever has to be on a boat going over the open ocean he will always seek an alternative to avoid it. If he can not then he just shuts down mentally and emotionally, often going into a paranoid state believing death is coming at every moment. This fear does extend a bit to all boats, large rivers, and lakes. He will become nervous if he has to be on them, but will not go into a panic unless he loses sight of shore or the boat rocks too much.
Liam is a naturally kind hearted person, but years of hardship have hardened him. He is sarcastic and can sometimes appear to be stoic to others. Little seems to get to him, unless it involves his wife, so he is slow towards any kind of emotional response. He is very calm and collected which allows him to be quick to act, although not recklessly.
Liam offers a general level of respect to everyone, but will show more towards those of a higher class. This is less out of any sense of superiority and more to avoid the hassle of accidentally upsetting them. While coins and wealth are necessary to him they are not truly that important. He will often treat matters involving both practically with little hesitation or sadness in losing them.
Much of how Liam treats others reverses when he is with his wife. His near apathy turns into genuine interest and his calm and collected persona can quickly fall apart with her. He is at his kindest with her, but also his most playful. He is less the former soldier and jeweler with her and more the doting and loving husband.
Liam offers a general level of respect to everyone, but will show more towards those of a higher class. This is less out of any sense of superiority and more to avoid the hassle of accidentally upsetting them. While coins and wealth are necessary to him they are not truly that important. He will often treat matters involving both practically with little hesitation or sadness in losing them.
Much of how Liam treats others reverses when he is with his wife. His near apathy turns into genuine interest and his calm and collected persona can quickly fall apart with her. He is at his kindest with her, but also his most playful. He is less the former soldier and jeweler with her and more the doting and loving husband.
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