Private Tales As the Skies Clear

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
The Rain Dance, or the Ngoma ya Mvua as he'd heard people here call it, had so far been an incredible event. Never had Len seen such an incredible civilization in such close proximity to the water, so detached from the rest of the world. The sheer spectacle of it all left him reeling ever since he'd sailed with Medja and the other Empire representatives through the massive sea gate that had brought them here.

The food was delectable, the architecture shockingly similar to that of the Kingdom from which he'd come, and people had welcomed him with open arms in the short time he'd gotten to know them.

It had been a rather embarrassing start; Len had broken into a dance unlike any he'd performed in quite some time upon listening to the wondrous sounds these people produced with their instruments, and it had created a slight air of awkwardness amongst some of the other guests.

After quickly and meekly eating the meal that had been so graciously provided to him, he made himself scarce and spent much of the celebrations apart from the others, exploring the surrounding beauty of the Island Paradise and meeting some of the indigenous peoples it homed, eager to learn of their culture.

Len hadn't forgotten about the promise he'd made to Noelani, however. The breathtaking Princess of the Mchawi had quickly taken an interest in him, an interest which was very much shared. Regrettably, their time had been cut short by her duties, but not before they'd agreed to meet up again later in the evening. B-taa would not have missed it for the world.

A chance to speak again with a woman of such elegance, to learn more of her story, while also sharing tales of his own people's history, that alone would make the journey here worthwhile, not that the incredible hospitality of the Mchawi had not already accomplished that feat.

Still, it was with an eager step that he headed back to that same place which he'd danced and dined, now lit by flames in the waning sunlight. He would need to ask Noelani if there was a place it would be acceptable for him to bathe before the night's end; his armor was becoming uncomfortable, and he knew that his flesh would call for water when he removed it.

Of course, he would need to find her first.

  • Smug
Reactions: Noelani
"I'm not tired," the small child yawned as Lani carried her up the steps, smoothed by the passage of time, to the palace where her sister waited to collect the tiny terror. It had been impossible to pry her from Skull-Hammers side for most of the evening, only managing it when the girl had fallen asleep curled up around the orc's pet turtle.

"No but I am tired," Lani faked her own yawn. "And you promised to read me a bedtime story, remember?" Her niece fixed her with those eyes that seemed to know too much for one so young, and for a moment Lani wondered if she would call her out for her tale. Thankfully the girl finally nodded as though she did remember the imaginary conversation.

"I will tell you a story then... then I'll... come back," Lani pressed a kiss to the top of the young girls head to hide her smile.

Naturally by the time she had made it to the very top her niece was fast asleep and did not make so much as a whimper as she was transferred from her aunt to her mothers awaiting arms. The two sisters exchanged kisses of goodnight before going their separate ways. Lani gave a soft, contented sigh as she meandered her way back down to the main party. Most of it had broken up for the evening. The entertainment had headed down to the beach where a large fire had been lit and the drums beat for dancers. This spot had turned into a place of refuge for those wanting peace to hold conversations and enjoy one another's company under the canopy of stars. It had seemed an apt place to meet with the man time seemed to have forgotten.

Medja had been quite close-lipped about where she had found the stranger, though the glint in her eyes had said it was an interesting tale. The Princess found herself all too eager to hear of how a man who seemed to have walked out of the Histories, had come to be. She spied him when she was still little less than halfway down the rocky steps to the palace, perfectly in line with the highest branches of some of the yaw-yaw trees. Sensing an opportunity for mischief she took to the branches and stealthy stalked the man as he meandered about their meeting place. From the way his head swung side to side it was clear he was searching for her. She pressed her lips tight together so as not to give her game away with laughter.

With stealth that would rival the jaguars that called her island home, Noelani climbed down the trees and hopped from branch to branch, until she settled into the tree under which he had decided to sit and wait. She carefully settled onto the branch just above his head then allowed herself to fall backward, so that she came almost face to face with him, swinging by her knees.

"Enjoy your walk?"
It was rare that Len was caught unaware by anything; In his previous life, to be surprised was death. That rule was still burned deep into his bones even now, which was why the sudden presence of a face mere inches from his own caused him to react with reflexes nearly rivaling Noelani's own.

The warrior shifted his momentum in mid-step, pushing himself backwards and posing himself on the heel of his back leg. A mask of cold, calculated fury briefly came over his features, and his arm snapped like lightning to his back, searching for a weapon he had not even brought with him.

Only then did his eyes catch up with his instincts, and he realized who it was he'd just taken such an aggressive stance with.

"Lady Noelani!" B-taa quickly corrected his posture and stood straight, lowering in a bow to she who had so warmly welcomed him into her homeland. "Forgive me, I was startled." He apologized, rising once more and casting a glance above them, noting the tree which she'd descended to accomplish such a feat of stealth.

Incredible. Even he who had scaled the Fifth Great Tree and danced with death upon her branches would have struggled to climb along such winding branches with any degree of silence. A silent expression of awe parts Len's lips as he steps underneath the twisting ways of the wood. Perhaps he would have an opportunity to attempt such a thing himself before he departed?

"I have. This land is like something out of my dreams." Len murmured, still coming out of his mesmerized haze as he looked back toward his lovely host. "I grew up in the sands, where water was a luxury. I never dreamed anybody lived in a place so abundant with it. Everybody here has been so kind, so understanding of me, even when I find myself oblivious to your customs."

At that, he's reminded of something. A smile forms upon his lips, and he curls them in an attempt to pronounce the word he'd been taught.

"Mchawi. That is what the people call you. They speak of you with such reverence, and there is a glimmer in their eyes whenever I speak your name. You are truly beloved, Lady Noelani. From what I have heard and experienced thus far, it is well-deserved. But I find myself curious... what is a Mchawi?"

After a pause, he laughs.

"Though... I suppose I do owe you some answers of mine own, do I not?"

  • Smug
Reactions: Noelani
From the delighted expression on her face it seemed as though his reaction was the one she had been hoping for and that it had caused no insult.

"And I cannot imagine how anyone can live in the sands," Noelani countered, still swinging back and forth from the branch whilst Len collected himself. The delight at surprising him only seemed to grow as he described her islands. It was always a joy for her to hear how others adored a place she called home and held such pride for. Her family had worked hard for centuries to make it the paradise it was, and would continue making sacrifices for it in order to protect the lifestyle they had here. Such as their assimilation into the Empire.

"I believe you promised in return for letting you run about my island," Lani laughed and unwrapped her legs from the branch. Using the strength of her arms alone she hung from the branch and flipped herself over to drop down into the sands below on her feet, as agile as a jungle cat. "But first, let me show you the answer to your question," she flashed him a grin then inclined her head to show he should follow her.

The Princess led him away from the last remains of the party down a sandy path through the thicket of the jungle. It wasn't long before the pathway opened to reveal a slow running series of falls that created large pools at various heights, before crashing off the edge of the cliff into the oceans beyond.

"Mchawi," Lani repeated as she dipped a foot into one of the pools that was on the same level of the jungle floor as them, "In the Common Tongue translates as Sea Witch," with a curl of her fingers she coaxed a long tendril of water to rise to meet her hand. "Not all of our people are blessed with these gifts, so those that are and pass the trials are named Mchawi."
There was much for Len Dy't B-taa to learn of the new world he'd been thrust into, regarding both this idyllic paradise and the sun-baked Empires that had found him first, wandering aimlessly in rags as the final fingers of the reaper slowly lost their grip on him. That there were still people with benevolent hearts such as Noelani and Medja was the only reason he'd not fallen into the throws of insanity as he realized his own world was no more.

These people were willing to teach him, to integrate him into the society of today. It took a patience he would not have held in his previous life, but for one such as he, who had dedicated his very existence to the service and forwarding of a greater cause, a home was not something he could simply go without. The Grand Terios of the Aberrant Kingdom had indeed died, but through the efforts of The Empress, and the beautiful Mchawi that now led him away from the final vestiges of revelry and into the thick and vibrant foliage of the jungle, Len Dy't B-taa had been born anew, the final Son of The Sand and now an ancient weapon for The Empire to wield high.

"You display incredible strength and agility, Lady Noelani." B-taa observed as he followed close, his eyes having admired the impeccable form with which she'd dismounted the tree. Such maneuverability was trivialized by those who had no experience in such things. "In my time, every man and woman coming of age embarked upon a journey of self-discovery. You would choose a path you wished to follow in life, and climb a great tree representing that path. Upon its massive branches, you would sleep, eat, and be educated and tested on your ability until you were prepared."

Len smiled to himself, picturing in his head a scene of Noelani approaching the Seven Great Trees. Undoubtedly she would be highly sought after by each. Which, he found himself asking his vision, would she choose?

When he opened his eyes, they had arrived at a great falls. Pools of all sizes gathered along the edge of the Jungle, clinging to the earth before eventually concerning to gravity and crashing back to the wide ocean below. A serene mist seemed to envelop the majestic place, as though the world itself kept the existence of the grand falls a secret.

If you'd told Len that this was the very edge of the world, he would have believed you.

"A Sea Witch... the name, in common, almost seems to come with a negative connotation." Len frowned. Even in his time, to be called a witch was not a compliment. The term did not match a creature of such beauty and prowess as Noelani. "I believe I prefer Mchawi." B-taa steps forward, squatting at the edge of the water and runs his finger along the surface. "This place... it does not feel like a place of witchcraft. What is it, then? Is this where the tests occur? Or is it merely a hidden splendor that you wished to bestow upon me? Certainly, it's not the first picture of beauty that I've seen here."

  • Smug
Reactions: Noelani
"No," Noelani smiled at his question about the trials, her eyes sparkling with amusement though not unkindly. "They are just pools, I thought you might want to bathe."

With a wave of her hand the waters of the pool she had been stood in stilled and she stepped onto the surface like one would step onto the shore. She strolled across to the next pool which came to her chest height with the easy care of someone who trusted fully in her magic. Pulling herself up she twisted round to sit on the edge of the rocky border and leave him in semi peace if he did wish to take advantage of the chance to cool off.

"Witch is an unkind word in many parts of the world," she admitted, bringing them back to their original conversation. Drawing one leg up to her chest she rested her chin atop her knee with a thoughtful expression. "But in others it is as blessed as the term priestess or shaman. Here it is no insult, but yes I prefer it in my own tongue," her lips twitched. "It is prettier than the Common Tongue, though I am biased of course. The trials can take place in any body of water, though there are some pools which are considered more sacred than others. Some choose to take then out at sea, others in rivers or lagoons. Water is the same mistress no matter where we go."
"I only know Common Tongue because I was a military man. In hindsight, I am glad. To be resurrected knowing only a dead tongue would be a far more daunting fate..."

If their conversation hadn't been so captivating, Len may have felt slightly embarrassed at acting so dramatically enchanted by a place Noelani found so ordinary. Of course, to him, these pools were a sight the likes of which he'd never been bestowed upon in this life or his previous, but to her it was home, as common as the bird in the sky.

Len turned to watch her as she moved to the next pool, opening his mouth to speak only to find himself without words as she effortlessly stepped upon the surface of the water as though it were land. This was what it meant to be Mchawi, surely. A total mastery over water and the seas, just as Len's with the sands. Indeed, the more time he spent with Noelani, the further kinship he found in her. They were alike, if not somewhat parallel.

"You speak of the ocean as I do the desert." Len rises and follows her to the second pool, walking around the edges to avoid submerging himself. To bathe would mean removing his armor, and such an act of immodesty in the presence of a noble felt akin to disrespect "I can feel the respect and love you hold for the waters in every word that leaves you, Noelani. It is not only your gifts that grant you domain over the sea, but the creed you hold yourself to."

B-taa would have liked to meet a woman like her in his previous life. She would have been one to rival him in grandeur. An ally, perhaps, that he could have depended on when he needed one most. In the end, such a companion might have helped avert the tragedy that had brought his end.

As Len carefully perched himself on the edge of the second pool, he seated himself there, and allowed his legs to submerge, the cool water reaching underneath the thinner armor that covered his legs chilling his warm skin. Len closed his eyes, sighing. This feeling reminded him of the rooftop baths of his Kingdom, where men and women could soak in the waters beneath the blazing sun, the heat above and chill below creating a harmonious balance.

"The Rain Dance... how often do you hold it? I find myself growing fond of this place... I should like to visit more often, if you'd allow my presence..."

  • Smug
Reactions: Noelani
Noelani's smile softened at his compliment. Very often she found it easy to laugh them off from people and dodge them where she could. Her mother and father both had taught her the importance of keeping her ego in check given the status she had and the opportunities it afforded that others did not. She had also learnt first hand from her sisters that she was not the best of the Mchawi. Not yet. Her eldest sister had ten years practise on her, but one day Lani would reach those lofty peaks. But Len did not compliment her skills, he complimented something deeper. Something people often overlooked or mistook for something else like control and dominance.

"The Rain Dance is an annual feast we throw to celebrate the Rains that the Lungs brought to our once dying lands," her fingers flowed through the waters of the pool at their backs. "It is the biggest of our festivals, which is why so many from the mainland make the passage, but there are others. We honour the Mother from who we came, the Lunar cycles, and my fathers birthday as the monarch. There are games the islanders host too, where people race across the waves," she smiled the soft smile of memory.

"But nobody needs permission to visit the Islands. Least of all a friend."
A friend.

Len smiled at her words. His acceptance into the Empire had allowed him to meet many friends since his reawakening; The Empress was benevolent, beautiful and kind, but she held the eyes and attentions of many-- Len saw the jealousy that his proximity to Medja had already begun to stir in her subjects. Ahti was sweet and caring, but she'd distanced herself from him since the attack on her estate.

"The Mother... the Lunar cycles..."

Noelani did not speak to him as if he were some mystical being. She did treat him differently because of his origins. What he felt-- the warmth in his chest when she spoke of her home, of her traditions, it was genuine. Somehow this land of water and life felt more like his home than even the arid streets of Ragash. Not in its appearance, but in the respect these people showed for their home.

A place where he could be himself, away from policy and politic.

Bringing his arms to his chest, Len closed his eyes as he unfastened the gleaming armor on his chest, carefully unhooking each loop until it fell away into his palms. He placed it gently on the edge of the lake, and then did the same with the armor on his midsection, leaving him in only the loose cloth breeches he wore underneath. Without a word, he dove into the waters she stood atop, allowing himself to be fully embraced by the lifeblood of her home.

Eventually, he reemerged, his head and shoulders surfacing only a scant distance away from where she perched on the lake. His black hair lay matted across his brow, but his smile shone as bright as the sunbeams bouncing off of the waters around him.

"I should like to visit you as often as it takes to learn all of it. To hear your story as vividly as I recall mine own... You would honor me, Noelani, to be my friend."

  • Aww
Reactions: Noelani
The Princess smiled as she watched her guest dive into the waters of the pools. She had been truthful in that these pools were not spiritual in anyway to her people, but they had a knack for becoming the first place many outsiders truly begun to understand the beauty of their island and way of life. Every person's realisation was different of course, but Lani liked to watch them all. There was a certain weight that seemed to vanish from their shoulders, a lightness to their smiles. Her grandmother had always claimed the waters held the type of healing magic that mended the soul.

She could truly believe it watching Len re-emerge from the waters with that grin.

"Of course... friends share stories," and now it was the Princess's turn to grin - a mirror to his. "I would love to hear of your own tales. Medja said that it was not her tale to tell, so I confess I know little more than your name and what you have told me already."
Len was not an adept swimmer, owing to the arid lands that had raised him. His natural athleticism allowed him to keep himself afloat, if awkwardly when needed, but these waters felt different. The lake's embrace around his body felt... light. It was as though the water lifted him up to meet her, sparing his muscles any exertion whatsoever.

The Princess matched his grin, and it only made his chest feel lighter. There was something about the brilliant smile of a beautiful woman, the way it could light the gloomiest of days, how it could clear your mind of all worries and woes for just one blissful second. Making those around him smile had been a small solace in this strange, imposing new world he'd found himself in.

Then, the conversation turned to his own past. His smile faded slightly, but it did not extinguish.

"I'm afraid... that my story is not as pleasant as your own, Princess." He lamented, leaning to allow himself to float on his back, letting the water carry him adrift in a slow circle around Noelani "There was a time I lived in a kingdom as great and beautiful as your own, a place rich with wealth, culture, and happiness. I had the honor of being its mightiest warrior, the one they called Terios."

Len's eyes slid shut, and he gently shook his head.

"Alas, in the end, I was but the weapon of fools. I lived long enough to watch my home crumble, and I followed soon after."

  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Noelani
Lani's smile faded as she noted the sadness that crept over her guest. She almost regretted her question but her curiosity ate at her from the inside, and Medja had been quite clear she had no intentions of spelling secrets that were not hers. The Princess gently swirled the water with her feet, coaxing it to warm to a bath like temperature as she listened.

"I have not heard that name, but it was only recently that my nation decided to interact more with the mainland. Medja only said your nation is now spoken of as one of the Greats of history but... how did you survive?" She was sure she could discover why his nation had fallen through scrolls and books, and it was a question she knew would undoubtedly cause pain.
A sigh found his lips as he too questioned why he remained long after the rest of his people had perished. It was a riddle he had yet to fully unravel himself, one he'd found an answer to that led only to more questions. Hard enough that he was forced to return to a world completely estranged to him, but even worse that he bore the guilt of living while those he'd loved remained dead.

"Medja exaggerates, for my sake." B-taa felt his muscles begin to unravel at the warmth Noelani stirred in the water, the sudden heat relaxing him, drawing out the tension the topic brought about. "She knew nothing of my people before I told her. While she did find some record of us after the fact, much of our history has vanished." All he had were clues. The Savannah was definitely where his home had been, but the Illya, and the Seven... it seemed impossible for such a place to be wiped from existence.

"I've yet to find any remains myself, and I have tried. However I cannot help but feel I must travel to see the place known as The Eldyr Tree in time. I've reason to believe it is connected to me." Len allowed himself to roll onto his belly as he swam towards the edge, pulling himself up and out of the lake and once more sitting on the ledge. "As for my survival..."

She would learn of it on her own, if he did not tell her.

"I threw myself upon my own blade when all was said and done. I had no desire to live further. All that I know is that I was revived by magic, through the works of those who thought I would serve them in return. How they did such a thing, and how it was possible to revive me... These mysteries elude me."

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Noelani
Noelani listened with all the open mindedness she was known for amongst her people. She did not interrupt or show any of the myriad of emotions that rose to the surface throughout his tale. Sadness for his loss not only of his time, but of his people; curiosity over the questions left unanswered and for similar reasons irritation they could not be answered; then over all pity for if she felt so many emotions then how was he feeling?

"I am sorry, Len," for what else could she say? Even if he discovered the answers he sought they might bring with them a fresh new round of torments or questions. Her Tutu was always fond of saying that sometimes the sea urchin was best left untouched for its bite could be worse than the pay off of a good meal. "I have not been to the Eldyr Tree myself, but I have heard many traveller find answers to the questions they seek there - and some they did not even think to ask," she had never pressed those travellers when they had not seemed keen to reveal more but there had always been a peace to them.

She only hoped Len found the same.
For a moment, it seemed that her words did little to ease the storm of unease in the Terios' mind. His gaze wandered, trailing across the water like a stone skipping along its surface, before starting out into the horizon, misty with the rising spray of water from the falls.

B-taa slid his eyes closed and swallowed his sorrow. It would not do to wallow in self-pity in Noelani's company, and despite his woes, he did consider himself blessed to be where he was. Shaking his head, he brought what smile he could find within himself to his lips and released his anxiety in a heavy sigh.

"Well, nothing to be done about that right now. It's the fool who bemoans that which they can alter. I will simply go there myself, when time allows it." He raises a hand and physically waves the concern out of the air like an annoying little insect. "Unwilling though my return may have been, I would be an ingrate not to enjoy the pleasures this second life has given me while I can. This place, and your company, will not be tainted by the regrets of my past."

There iss a faint glimmer sparkling behind his eyes as he squats down to drag his fingertips over the water's surface. Small ripples follow his touch, and he peers up at the Mchawi with a coy little grin.

"I've an idea. What say you I offer a display of my own abilities?"

  • Wonder
Reactions: Noelani
The water was as much a part of Lani as the air with which she needed to breathe. So as Len played with the water she found herself aiding it in playing back. The ripples fanned out then returned in patterns unnatural to the normal way it moved. The first waves appeared as fishes and the second as horses, vanishing as they broke against their legs. The third wave might have been the Lung's, had he not distracted her with his own offer.

"Another dance?" she teased, though there was a hint of hopefulness to her tone to. It had been a joy to watch the way he had interpreted the Dance of Spears in his own way. Those who had seen it amongst her people had all commented on how, despite the difference, he had captured the very spirit of what the Dance was about. The joining of the very soul to the weapon, melding it to the body like an extra limb.
The Princess's guess did give Len a grin to wear. The next time he danced in her presence, he wished to be in total control of herself: To perform for her, and not for the illusions of his past that lingered like phantoms within his mind. "No." He replied, "Although I wouldn't turn down an invitation from you later, should the desire strike you." B-taa had not yet seen the Mchawi's own ability to move in rhythm, and if it was anything like watching her climb, surely it was something to behold.

"My people, the warriors amongst us anyways, did not use magic as it seems to be known in today's rhetoric. We tapped into our arcane potential through a system known as the Arts." Len had found it quite difficult to explain what made the Arts different in comparison to the modern-day magic he'd witnessed thus far. It was akin to describing the differences between two vintages of wine; the discrepancies were sutble but distinct.

Instead, The Terios opted to demonstrate. He draped an arm across his knee as he squatted at the water's edge, slowly closing his eyes and chanting a slow, breathy incantation. With every word Len spoke, the edges of his body seemed to blur, as if looking at him through a thick fog or haze.

When the incantation was complete, Len quickly stood, and jumped feet first into the water. He was not submerged, however; instead, the water moved to avoid him, rippling as if being blown by the wind. As B-taa sank to the bottom, a bubble formed around him-- a pocket of air that traveled with him as he slowly traversed the bottom of the pool. Reaching the other side, he ended the Art and leapt up through the water to emerge at the opposite end, grasping the edge and pulling himself back up.

"Ah..." He caught his breath as he settled himself, turning to sit with his legs dangling in the pool. "Forgive me for what may have been a paltry display. I am still regaining the use of my Arts. It's a skill that has faded with the passing of time."

  • Wonder
Reactions: Noelani
As always when another manipulated water, an odd sensation ran up Noelani's spine. It was not discomfort exactly, more like an awareness of another presence, an echo. Usually it allowed her to sense when other Mchawi were bending nearby and sometimes to even sense what their intentions were with their weaving. Len's was different. Like a foreign scent or touch brushing across her consciousness. Or someone walking over her grave, as the land-walkers would say.

She lent forward to watch with interest. Lani was not naive enough to think their way of magic was the superior one. Many of the tricks she had picked up over the years had been based off what she had seen by Kirven, Dreadlords and even a few Kelpies. She wondered what a man from the Histories could teach her.

By the time he re-emerged her eyes were sparkling with a thousand ideas.

"It is similar, but... different. Do you do the magic on yourself and it impacts the world about you?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Len Dy't B-taa
The question she posed perplexed the Terios. Not because he did not understand it, but because he did not know the answer. As decorated a warrior he was, people of his occupation were not blessed with the knowledge of how the Arts worked, of the intricacies behind them. He was merely trained to use them, and told where to put them to work.

That wasn't to say, of course, that Len hadn't grown to understand it on his own, over time. He was not certain, though, that his grasp was enough to sate her curiosity. Still he would attempt, flexing his fingers at the slight ache of exertion ran through his bones.

"It's an... inelegant magic, despite the name. How to describe it..." Len brought a thumb to his lips, biting down on the tip in thought. Perhaps a comparison she could relate to? "You are an excellent swimmer, yet there are those who cannot swim. Imagine if there were a spell that could guide that person's body through swimming well enough to keep up with you, even if only for a moment." It was clumsy, but apt. "The Arts are guidelines, a simple incantation that bewitches the body and guides it to harnessing greater magic than the user could normally achieve."

In example, Len holds one of his arms up, tracing a finger along his bicep. The muscle visibly twitched and flexed, as though overexerted and exhausted.

"That feat was one I could not teach somebody else. I cast the Art, and the Art casts the spell, even if my body cannot handle it. It is a dangerous tool, and one I am only very recently dabbling in again. It was developed by my people so that magic was available to all of our warriors in some capacity, not just those with latent arcane talent."

Now it was the Princess' turn to look perplexed. To make magic available to those without a natural connection to it... well, it sounded like an abomination. Yet she had seen the beauty of when Len had applied it to his Dance, and the feat he had accomplished just now was not abhorrent either. It hadn't felt wrong either in as much as her senses allowed of her to understand his magic.

"So magic was... a... tool, for your people?" she tilted her head curiously. What would a land be like where magic was applied like a hammer or an axe? What wonders must they have been able to create? It was true that the Mchawi had crafted ships with their magic and at times they would use it for more menial things, but each Sea Witch felt a spiritual connection to the water when they called upon it. It felt more like a lovers touch than the shaft of an axe. There was a limit to what they would sully that feeling by doing.
Noelani was correct in her words; Magic was indeed a tool, used the same as one would an implement of steel. There was, perhaps, a more specific term that would have been more appropriate, one Len felt himself hesitate to offer her, out of the knowledge of how uncouth it was.

Had she not been forthcoming with him? Nothing but. Len relished in the honesty they'd shared, and he would not allow his reservations to hold him back now.

"The more proper word would be..." B-taa felt his teeth on the inside of his cheek. "A weapon. To be used in battle." There was a shame in his voice as he made the admission. "I lament that we did not see beyond such brutality, that we could not find its beauty, as you have."

Len's gaze slowly shifted away, his face twisting in discomfort as a shot of pain ached in his temples. Recollecting his past was becoming easier, but there was so much that remained a muddled mess in his memory. Sorting out the foggy soup of what had been was an exhausting endeavor.

"I'm sorry. There's still much that eludes me. My memories, they've grown cracks with age. I can recall, but it pains me." Len walks along the edge of the waters until he returns to his armor, which he begins to don once more. "I believe myself exhausted, Princess. These wonderful lands... all of the knowledge you've shared. It's overwhelming. Is there a place I may rest for a spell?"

"Of course!" Lani scrambled to her feet with a guilty look. She should have thought more about her guests needs than her own curiosity. It would have been a long journey from Ragash, let alone the deserts beyond that he had initially crossed alone. Her father and grandmother would have admonished her for not being a good hostess. It was something her people prided themselves on.

Once Len had gathered his gear Lani trailed along another seemingly random jungle path. It was a short stroll before the sounds of the ocean could once more be heard and then the thick undergrowth gave way once more to golden sands. In the distance to their right they could see the ships which had brought the guests to the island bobbing just off shore, but it was to the left that Lani took them. There, built out in the sea were a series of huts built onto stilts. She led him out onto the wooden gangway that allowed guests to access them, and stopped outside the sixth hut along.

"This was assigned to you at Medja's request," she smiled. "It has been a long day, you should rest. Perhaps we can talk more tomorrow?" she said with a touch of hope.
Len truthfully held no end of eagerness to continue exploring Lani's home. What little he'd been privileged to see thus far had only led his eyes to seek more of the wonders that had left him marveling. Alas, while his body was quite rife with vigor, eager to trapeze along every hidden nook these lands had to offer, his mind was quite weary.

To push himself much further, he would risk speaking before thinking. Such a foolish error had brought down entire kingdoms with but a simple false swipe of the tongue. Still, he did take the time to admire the vicarious sights that lined their short trek to the stilted huts where he was to rest for the evening. In the waning daylight, the golden sands seemed to take a furious orange glow, and the overgrowth glistened as if wet, though the leaves were quite dry.

At the sixth hut built along the wooden walkalong, Noelani stopped and presented his lodging for the night. It was simple and humble, yet the beauty that surrounded it offered a feeling of splendor and regale that one could not quite perceive. It was intangible, and yet Len felt it envelop him as he stepped inside and again pulled off his helmet, placing it on the floor as he turned back to his new friend.

"I would very much like that, Noelani." B-Taa replied with a smile, soft and genuine. "You've shown this stranger naught but kindness and benevolence in his time here. Were my language not dead, I'd think to call you 'Novalis'." The word stands out from the accent he speaks it in, audibly old and weathered as if one could hear a well-used and dog-eared book through voice alone. "It means 'One who outshines stars'. A term of endearment. I think your heart shows truly why these people cherish you as they do, regardless of your blood."

Having stripped himself of most of his armor to leave himself in the casual clothing afforded him by Medja for the occasion, B-Taa sits cross-legged on the mat within the hut, placing his hands on his knees in what looked to be a meditative position. Closing his eyes, he smiles at the woman, though she'd left his sight.

"I shall seek you in the morn, Noelani. Thank you, for helping an odd soul feel even for a day."
