Open Chronicles A Treasure Fleet Arrives in Alliria

A roleplay open for anyone to join


Character Biography

With great effort and incredible splendor, Hernan Alcantara and his escort disembarked at the port of Alliria. They had chosen the Western side of the city to come ashore, as this was where the Trade Council's chambers were housed, and Hernan had every intention of visiting them before he was done. One by one, the Cortosi exited the rowboat. And like any pious man, Hernan let the illustrious members of the Solar Choir disembark first. They were a gaudy bunch, clad in gold and crimson robes, wearing ruby rings and necklaces. They stuck out back home in Cortos, and they stuck out even more here in Alliria.

Hernan stepped onto the rickety planks of the docks after the last of the men who came ashore with him - a few Cortosi sailors. The Choirmen were already gone, vanished into the city. Hernan was still observing the sailors as they tied the ship down when one of the harbormasters came marching over, ledger tucked up under his arm. Hernan took one look at this man and his dark, inset eyes, and knew him to be overworked.

"Excuse me, sir, but am I correct in assuming have come from those warships, there?"

Hernan threw aside his luxurious red shoulder cape, exposing the ornate hilt of his rapier to the open air. It was only what any self-respecting Cortosi would do when questioned on any matter. His chin raised imperiously. "I beg your pardon?"

The harbormaster gestured far out to the bay, where three ships had anchored themselves. Hernan turned to look, as if seeing them for the first time, as if those were not the same warships he arrived here with. "Those warships." reiterated the harbormaster, who dealt with characters such as Hernan on an hourly basis.

They were a trio of magnificent wooden beasts, truly. Triple decked, fully rigged. You could not see so clearly from this distance, but Hernan knew them to be bristling with the gruesome ballistae the Cortosi were known for. These were the same style of ships that had fought respectably (if futilely) against Vel Anir in the Quatreville Wars, the last of which ended nearly a decade ago.

"Ah," said Hernan, and permitted his shoulder cape to fall back to his side. "Yes. That is where I have come from. Are you after a docking fee?"


From within his doublet, Hernan retrieved a small piece of parchment that had been rolled into a tube, then tied with a lavish purple ribbon. He presented it to the harbormaster with a regal bearing similar to a king presenting his hand to be kissed. In turn, the harbormaster received it with the same bearing of a tired man humoring a lunatic.

After unrolling the document and skimming its contents, however, the countenance of the harbormaster changed quickly. He returned it to Hernan and excused himself, hurrying back into the throngs of merchants and sailors. Doubtless word would now spread among the other harbormasters, and his colleagues would not have to suffer further brushes with bureaucracy.

The Cortosi sailors went about their business of obtaining supplies now, but Hernan still lingered at the docks, waiting for his brother to arrive with the next group.
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“Damn fool, watch where you are going.”

“You bumped into me!”

“I think not. You must be blind, no.”

“Cortosi dog.”

“Allirian swine.”

The shouting came from the center of a steadily growing crowd in one of the harbor’s thoroughfares. In the midst of the watching mass stood a young Allirian man. He wore fine clothes and a sword whose hilt bore precious gems upon the pommel. Hanging from a silver chain around his neck hung a pendant in the shape of a spindle, marking him as a guild member of the Allirian textile merchants.

Opposite the youth stood a dark haired Cortosi man, beard neatly trimmed, black eyes flashing. He wore travelling leathers and a rapier at his side, but in a twinkling and a rasp, the three feet of razored steel appeared in his hand, quick as lightning.

“Diego, wait-” cried one of the many Cortosi men watching from the crowd.

“You call me, Diego Alcantara, a liar and impugn my honor. For that, you must bleed.”

The textile merchant drew his side sword, though fumblingly, and it was clear he had rarely, if ever, drawn it in anger. “Have at me then, you witless cur.”

Diego did not need a second urging. In an instant and a flash of silver, it was over. Blood dribbled from the merchant’s sword-arm and thigh, his jeweled sword fell from strengthless fingers to clatter upon the ground. Diego stepped backward, letting the merchant fall to his knees as the tears of shock and pain began to flow. Laughter, harsh and cruel, bubbled from the throats of the watching Cortosi. The crowd began to flow away. Coldly, calmly, Diego withdrew a handkerchief and cleaned the blood off the tip of his blade, then sheathed it.

Black eyes found those of his waiting men. “Come, we have business to conduct, no?”
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Hernan had long ago learned to track his brother by means of observing the clouds of violence he kicked up wherever he went. In this instance, it was not hard to notice the sudden growth and dispersal of a crowd. Or the clashing of steel that rose up from it, or the sound of harsh, vile laughter.

Who else but his own brother?

It saddened the elder Alcantara to realize that this was not record time for Diego to conduct a duel upon coming ashore. Hernan approached from the rear, pushing through the Allirians as they shuffled away and stepping over the wounded brat. The merchant-child bled from the arm and leg, but was otherwise alive.

It was good Diego respected the situation enough to not outright murder someone. Apparently not enough to restrain himself from drawing steel, but progress was progress. Why couldn't he save it for the Naga?

A strong hand came down on Diego's shoulder. "Diego," said Hernan, "A word, please?"
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A glance at the hand on his shoulder, before he spat on the ground, gave the merchant’s fallen sword an idle kick, and finally turned around, lips quirking into a smile of sinister proportions.

“Brother,” Diego extended his hands out to either side, “You’ve missed all the fun. Late again.”
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Hernan guided his brother away from the sailors, away from the downed merchant. It would not do well for him to chastise Diego in front of the men. Better to present a united front. Harmonious leadership was a virtue, said the Solar Choir, and they were so difficult to please otherwise.

He shook his head, "Enough of that. We are here to speak to the trade council. The Allirian trade council. The only one that matters."

Some would suggest that the trade council of the Elbionese mattered. Hernan pitied their ignorance.

"It would be helpful to such talks if you could, perhaps, refrain from cutting up any more traders in the streets. Yes?"
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Diego glowered sullenly at his elder brother. “They’re filthy pigs, Hernan. Look at them, running around with all their gold and their silk. Hiring others to fight their wars. They’re pigs, Hernan. And they can’t even smell their own shit. Only when you stick them do they squeal, eh?”

The merchant boy was still crying.

“But for you? For you I’ll let the little piggies be.”
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"I surely appreciate it," said Hernan, desperately trying not to dwell on the bloodlust of his own kin. Some days, it was easier than others. This was not one of those days.

Hernan cleared his throat. "If you could also not refer to them in such terms where their masters might overhear..."
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Sighing, Diego rolled his eyes, then flashed a roguish grin.

“Fine, fine. If you insist.”

Despite his proclivities, Diego was, after all, a professional.

He threw an arm around his brother’s shoulders and in this fashion they made their way toward the seat of the Trade Council, their men following a short distance behind.

“Think the girls at Forzore will remember us? Was after the Cintrian campaign, no? God, we were young then.”
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The Cintrian campaign. What a fiasco. Hernan did not like to think of Cintria these days - thinking of that place gave it more power than it ought to have had. And it had also cemented his desire to stay far from the front lines wherever possible.

Hernan chuckled and brushed the thought away. He preferred to think of Forzore. "We were young then, yes, so they must no longer be girls. Who cares if they remember us, then?"

Hernan followed the main roads, and took the stairs upwards wherever he could find them. The higher the elevation, the closer to the council chambers. That was what he barely recalled, anyway. Hernan suspected wealth only traveled up in Alliria.
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"Ah true, true, but the brothers Alcantara, not so easy to forget. Especially not after a night like that."

Every bedframe in the place had been broken, and more besides.

"I wonder if there are any little Hernans running around," he began gesticulating wildly, "planning alleyway ambushes and waving daggers in fat Allirian faces, demanding their money or their life." Diego chuckled.

After many stairs, they arrived at a grand, domed building, with two great doors. The temple of wealth itself. Gold went in and gold flowed out. Bankers, brokers, and bookkeepers floated around them. Diego could not remember the last time he had seen so many bespectacled faces and ink-stained fingers.
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Hernan cringed visibly. "Do not trouble me with such thoughts, I beg you..."

The sailors gradually fell away, off to pursue their own tasks - such as procuring needed resupply - until only Hernan, Diego, and two footmen were left in the main hall of the council building. Polished marble, grand pillars. Every footstep echoed in the grand chamber.

Just ahead of them were the ornate doors leading to the main council chambers, where matters of Allirian trade policy were regularly debated. Occasionally they discussed other things, like what they were going to do about the fact that Naga had nearly raped them all to death in their own city, or whether the Rangers should be more strictly controlled.

Hernan was not destined for that room or those conversations.

Instead the party veered for the entrance to the Eastern wing of the complex, where many trade councilors made their offices. It was guarded by a pair of sentinels, but waiting before them were a delightful pair - a man and a woman, similarly aged, mid-twenties he suspected. Pale and as delicate as feathers both.

The male was blonde and small of build, but he carried a saber at his side nonetheless. His gaudy clothing was accented by a pendant he wore, fashioned in the shape of a spindle. Curious design. Hernan did not recognize it.

"Captain-General," said the man, extending his hand. "I am Oswald Spargalus."

What an ugly name, Spargalus. But Hernan still had his gloves on, so he shook the man's hand. At least his father's money was good. "You must be Councilor Osmand's son."

"Indeed I am. This is my sister, Lady Osillia."

The waifish creature that had been staring blankly across the council chambers returned to reality momentarily to offer her hand. Hernan kissed the back of it with all due respect, and she promptly returned to the inner machinations of her mind.

Lovely. "Will you be joining us for discussions?"

"I am afraid not. My father has requested he speak to you alone."

What a relief. The perfumed stench of one Spargalus would be quite enough. "Then I shall take my leave. But, ah, where are my manners? This is Commander Diego Alcantara, my dear brother."

Oswald gave Diego a flat-lipped half-smile, mustering only a polite nod. Osillia mechanically offered her hand, then retracted it when Oswald shot her a look. Hernan looked apologetically to Diego and gave his brother a clap on the shoulder.

"I shall return shortly. Tell them a couple war stories for me, yes?"

With this, Hernan set off, the sentinels parting to let him through.
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Diego shook his head and looked around at the various quill scribblers who bobbled about like so many goslings. Quack, quack. Quack, quack.

He leaned against the marble wall, finally catching the eye of one inquisitive mind, no matter how pale and reedy the fellow might be, an audience at last.

"So... have any of you heard of the Quatreville Wars?"
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Oswald sniffed dismissively. He cupped his hand, and took to a casual inspection of his manicured nails.

"Didn't you lose those?"
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“Mm,” Diego chuckled, mirthlessly. He fished in a pocket and produced a pipe and a roll of tobacco leaves. “Yes, yes we did.”

He studied the empty bowl of the pipe for a moment, then began stuffing the leaves down to the bottom. The soft leaves crushed beneath his thumb.

“But we won a few fights. Did you know dogs feast on the dead? After the battle of the bogs, they came out to feed. Dozens of them. Gnawing. Barking. Shoving their filthy noses into the bodies of my dead soldiers.”

He lit the pipe and took a few puffs. Smoke clouded the air between them.

“Spent that whole day killing dogs.”
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Oswald looked up from his hand and made a face, as if this was the most disgusting thing he had heard. It probably was. He was staying at a hunting lodge in the Reach during the sack, after all. "That's disgusting."

He opened his mouth to continue, only to erupt into a coughing fit. Oswald waved one hand about to clear the smoke, while hacking into the other. Osillia canted her head away from the smoke, though whether this was a deliberate choice or animal reflex seemed unclear.

In between coughs, he stammered out his admonishment. "Is this any way to comport yourself? You taint the air, sir."
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Diego let out that same humorless laugh, black eyes dancing with mischief as he studied the faces of the effete mercantile scions.

”You’ve never had a whiff before?”

He held out the pipe to the brother and sister.

“Come on, try it. Aren’t you merchants supposed to have a sense for risk and adventure? A thirst for new things? Eh?”
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Oswald wiped spittle from the corner of his mouth. "Excuse me?"

Was that a challenge? It sounded like a challenge. A terrible challenge, to be sure. Foreigners offering up burning, pungent substances to be inhaled... But a challenge, nonetheless.

Osillia tilted her head and regarded the pipe, following it with mild interest as Oswald glowered. The merchant rudely snatched it out of Diego's hand and looked it over, like an archaeologist attempting to decipher some otherworldly artifact.

Smoking was not so popular here. Not among the polite and mannered, anyway.

"How novel. What reason is there to indulge such a habit?"
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Diego smirked as Oswald inspected the pipe like a curious monkey.

“The reason?” He waved a hand, as if to drag the smoke closer, and inhaled deeply, eyes closed. “The smell, the aroma, the...”

His eyes opened and locked with Osillia’s.

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Osillia flushed, and urgently turned her gaze somewhere else. She coughed delicately into her hand. Her brother might have protested, were he not - as previously described - inspecting the pipe like some sort of chimp.

Maybe if left alone long enough, he might have smashed it against a rock to test its make. Fortunately there were none to be found nearby. Oswald gracefully withdrew a handkerchief from his pocket and began wiping down the mouthpiece of the pipe.

"And where did you come by this..." Oswald trailed off, tucking the handkerchief back in his pocket once he was done, "...Substance?"
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“What, tobacco leaf? Are not merchants supposed to know these things?”

The Cortosi frowned in genuine confusion. He was a soldier, not a trader, but surely these kind were as learned as he in the rare goods that flowed through the seas. How else had they gotten so rich?

“Lady Osillia, surely you know?”
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Lady Osillia looked as though she had been struck for a moment. Very few people asked anything of her, least of all when her brother was around. She coughed delicately into her left hand, and made a meek reply, avoiding eye contact. "We mostly import it from Orc country, between the Bystra and the Wada rivers..."

"Oh, be quiet," Oswald sneered, just as she trailed off. "Don't denigrate yourself to answer that."

"I know it is tobacco, peasant," He continued, scowling now. "I want to know where it was grown. If I'm to sample this lowbrow practice, it might as well be with high quality material. Not the weeds those backwards greenskins grow."

Osillia sniffed delicately and looked away again. Used to this sort of treatment, as most young sisters to Textile Guild merchants were.
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Slowly, oh so slowly, Diego’s hand moved to rest on the hilt of his sword. The fingers curled. Dark eyes flashed and his lips twitched, all humor gone out of them.

“I am Don Diego Alcantara, hidalgo solariego of Cortos. Address me as such. I will not ask a second time.”
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"Hidwhat?" Oswald gave a snort with no small amount of contempt, "Must you bandy about such silly words? I-"

Osillia raised her hand again as if to cough, but instead whispered rather sharply: "Brother, please."

Now this gave Oswald some pause, and he looked to Osillia and back to Diego Alcantara. Don Diego Alcantara, that is, with his hand resting comfortably on the hilt of his sword. Oswald's eyes flicked between Diego's face and the sword hilt, and he smiled widely.

"As you say, Don Diego Alcantara. I apologize," Oswald said, extending the pipe back to Diego. "Here you go."

The pipe slipped from Oswald's hand and clattered to the floor as soon as Diego reached for it.

"Ah, clumsy me. Apologies once again."

The sentinels behind Oswald stirred, but it was only so they could make a path. Hernan had returned from his business with the magister.
A laugh bubbled from Diego’s curving lips and he stooped to retrieve the pipe.

“Merchant fingers, eh? Too soft.”

He straightened and began wiping down the pipe with a cloth.

“No rough callouses.” His eyes met Osillia’s again, “like a soldier’s grip. Ah, brother, you return. Bearing the fruits of your labor I hope?”
A week in Alliria, here and there to the council brought scraps to the Duellist. The woman in blue and red in her hair was quick to get utterly impressed at the docks.
Occasionally she'd take a stroll and the allirian fleet got all to familliar to her. But what were these ships...from where were they?

Her right arm rested at her hip as she took a bit of a stroll around, but asking around only got some odd nods from the people at the docks.
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