Azmelqar's detractors refer to Azmelqar's style as "ostentatious" and "gaudy beyond all need." His allies, however, use much softer words that still convey the same general idea. He favors a set of maroon robes, lined and etched with gold, embroidered with ornate patterns and arcane symbols. He tends to favor nice things and high fashions more than the other men of the court. Not everyone can pull off mustache rings and nose-chains, after all.
Its an interesting choice to be made by a mere adviser and court sorcerer, but despite all the fine fabrics and gold jewelry, he's apparently been making due.
Physically, Azmelqar is somewhat more intimidating than his attire. He's quite tall - almost ungainly so. And while he isn't in peak physical condition, he looks sturdy enough that most people have second thoughts about starting a physical confrontation.
Its an interesting choice to be made by a mere adviser and court sorcerer, but despite all the fine fabrics and gold jewelry, he's apparently been making due.
Physically, Azmelqar is somewhat more intimidating than his attire. He's quite tall - almost ungainly so. And while he isn't in peak physical condition, he looks sturdy enough that most people have second thoughts about starting a physical confrontation.
Skills and Abilities
I'll do this later.
For a man of his stature and fashion sensibility, Azmelqar is quite... Reserved. Many times has he been encountered lost in thought, pondering some scholarly matter or another. He speaks in a low, meandering voice on those occasions he is called upon to speak. He is friendly enough, dispensing advice on mundane and arcane matters with the slow, methodical patience of a tutor.
This patience seems to hold over to other matters - Azmelqar is not particularly given to holding grudges or resentments. His presence is a largely affable one, and so he's often excluded from the petty feuds and vendettas at court.
This patience seems to hold over to other matters - Azmelqar is not particularly given to holding grudges or resentments. His presence is a largely affable one, and so he's often excluded from the petty feuds and vendettas at court.
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