Fable - Ask A New Generation (Guardians)

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


The Black Rose
Character Biography

Valenntenia - The Stalwart Bastion

It had taken far more time, effort, and sweat than Rovias could have possibly anticipated when he'd set out to construct the pathway between Descendant and Ancient, but his unyielding resolve and wit had proven too much even for the realm of the Gods to stifle with their mystery and ambiguity. The rewards he'd reaped? A single chest, secured in the small one-seater wagon that the High Mage now rode down the steep and winding roads descending from the Tower overlooking Valenntenia. Within was not treasure or weapons of conventional means. Instead, only a dozen square-shaped stones sat patiently, awaiting the hands of a chosen few who would ascend from Vanguard, and become a new breed: An In-Between.

Commander Willowood had been so gracious, with enough gentle prodding, to gather several of his most promising soldiers from the Central Barracks in The Province and send them promptly to the castle that now loomed in the distance, growing ever closer as Rovias neared the shoreside Headquarters of the Vanguard as a whole; The Stalwart Bastion was where the Vanguard had been founded centuries ago, home of the fellowship of Descendant Warriors who had safeguarded Valenntenia from harm in the city's infancy. Nowadays, it serves as the beating heart of Valenntenia's military, where the highest-ranking warriors made their home, and where the operations of the Vanguard were directed every day.

It was a rare honor for the everyday soldier to set foot within its hallowed walls; Rovias was certain those chosen would attend as requested. Which of them were worthy, he wondered? The curse of curiosity only drove him to ride faster, thundering toward the imposing structure of the ancient fortress, a growing smile on his lips as he felt the stones thrumming impatiently in the chest behind him.

"Vanguard, In formation!"


Legionnaire Ceres was not a man who prided himself on patience for the undisciplined. The Bastion was placed under his dutiful care for good reason, and while Rhenn Willowood had personally vouched for the ability and loyalty of all of the men and women who now filed into a line against the dimly lit wall of the entrance hall, he took the former Disease Guardian's endorsement with the smallest grain of salt possible. He wouldn't have any of them compromising the safety of The Bastion, and by extension, Valenntenia. Not on his life.

"You lot have been chosen for a very special, and I will add, very classified assignment this evening. Commander Willowood has selected each of you for your outstanding power of will, loyalty to your home, and ability on the field of battle." Ceres paced back and forth in front of the line of Vanguard soldiers, never meeting their eyes, his gaze only forward and his hands locked behind his back. "As you all know, our way of life is spearheaded by the Fifteen Guardians of The Runestone. Fifteen. A number small enough that it is a rare occasion when one of us is selected to take up that mantle, and wield the tools of our creators."

As Ceres spoke, the sound of a horse and wagon poured through the open gates of The Bastion, as several idle Vanguard elite scurried from the chamber to help unload the precious cargo that had just arrived. The High Mage, no doubt, was the courier. Ceres had no doubt Ser Rovias would wish to be present himself for this experiment, given he'd shaped the things with his own hands. So long as the arrogant young mage did not step on his toes, that was permissible.

Finally, the Legionnaire's eyes set upon those who'd been selected, his nose upturning at the rather ragtag lot of them.

"Today, we bridge that gap. The Tower has finally seen fit to provide our Vanguard with a means to use our ancestors' magic, albeit in a limited capacity, to prepare those who may be deemed worthy of Guardianship for that lofty title. You here today, will be among the first of our ranks to wield these new Runestones, to prove your mettle to the Somners and Absalon, and reserve yourself a seat amongst the elite pantheon who will be written into history."

A wooden chest was rolled in on a cart, pulled by two armored figures, and a slender young man draped in violet and gold. Already his eyes set upon the chosen.

"Apologies for my lateness, my friends. I think you'll find the gifts I bear to be a satisfactory compensation..."
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The whole affair had been kept quiet, it wasn't until each person had been pulled from the barracks that anyone had even know they were being selected to be here. The tight line they all now stood in was rampant with tension. This was either very bad, or very good, and there was no inclination in either direction. Malik was quite confident that it was some secret mission, he knew he was exemplary after all. Plus, Mikko was here, there was no way this was a punishment.

An easy smile strolled across his lips as his neighbors tried to stay still in their anxiety. He hadn't even broken a sweat. Finally, Legionnaire Ceres called them to order, and it took very little time for compliance. Malik curled his lip at the mention of Rhenn Willowood, he didn't much care for the guy. Still, he had a hand in Malik being here, so perhaps a thank you was owed.

He stifled his surprise, though he could hear the murmuring of those around him. This was certainly big news, and he could feel more pride than anything at being selected for such an experiment. Though there were bound to be problems, he was adamant at making sure he wasn't one of them. His eyes fell to Rovias and his grand entrance, swishing robes of a colorful variety. Ugh, mages. He stifled the eyeroll he wanted to give, still holding at attention as he should be.

Tyna stood stiffly, hiding her nervousness behind a mask of discipline. Her sword felt an enormous weight on her back as she awaited whatever announcement Legionnaire Ceres would make. Her mentors had seemed excited that she'd been chosen for this opportunity, so naturally she was dreading whatever it was. She was certain that it was going to be an assignment to go off and fight a battle somewhere. She'd been working so hard to avoid being put into the line of duty, but she should've known that it was inevitable. Tyna was a soldier, and soldiers were supposed to fight.

Then she heard what her superior had to say, and it was a wonder she managed to stay upright.


Rune. Stones.

Rune. Freaking. Stones.

The stoic mask she'd preemptively prepared to hide her disappointment now served to preserve her dignity as she internally rejoiced. The only indication of her excitement was slightly widened eyes- one might've mistaken her expression for mild terror. That wouldn't have been an entirely inaccurate read; Tyna was now nervous for a completely different reason. This was finally her chance to prove herself worthy of being more than just a mindless killer. She really, really couldn't screw this up.

She watched the High Mage stride in, tugging a chest along with him. That must be where the Runestones were. Well, not Runestones. Those were all currently wielded by others. So what were these? Must be some sort of magicky thing the mage made. She didn't really understand any of that stuff. Hopefully she wouldn't need to.

It was almost amusing to see the wary and unsure expressions worn in uniform throughout the large entrance hall. How many of them had the faintest clue as to why they'd been gathered here before old Ceres told them? Certainly, there were rumors abound regarding the very things neatly piled in the wagon that Rovias pulled along behind him, the elusive gap-closer between the Vanguard and The Guardians. How would that weight feel, though, as it fell to their shoulders? Knowing what strength was about to be bequeathed to them?

Ah, but there was that pang of jealousy again. The High Mage averted his eyes, smiling now only to himself as he silently chastised that wanton ambition of his, that yearning for more than he had already been so blessed with.

It was not his time, but the time to pass those blessings onto these lucky few. Ceres cast a choice glare towards Rovias as he haphazardly dropped the wagon down against the stone floor of the hall, creating a clattering echo that sounded twice as loud as it truly was, bringing a wince to the withered Legionnaire's stern and tightened features. He thought about as much of this High Mage as he did the idea of creating false, artificial Runes.

That was to say, very little.

"High Mage. How nice of you to join us." The restrained contempt dripped from his mustachioed lips, but ever the professional, Ceres maintained his composure. Rovias gave a bow, to which the Legionnaire rolled his eyes and brought him to ease with a dismissive wave, stepping around the mage to reach into the wagon to peer inside with a stiff upper lip. "I trust your cargo is ready for us... No doubt you insist on guiding the proceedings?"

That little smirk that Ceres loathed so curled at the young man's lips.

"Of course." He spoke, as if it were a forgone conclusion. "This is my life's work, after all. I can't leave anything to chance." Truthfully, he didn't need stay for the entire proceedings. Once he'd seen his stones work on a few of these fresh-faced soldiers, he could be content. Bringing his hand to the stubble on his chin, he scans the line of warriors chosen by that roguish commander, humming lightly under his breath as he regarded them each in time. "But in the interest of time and convenience, I'll only observe the first round. How about these two?"

Rovias pointed two fingers of one hand out towards the Vanguard, directly at Malik Cendrillon and Tyna Blun. Yes, they would do nicely. Brimming with potential, the both of them. "Yes, the young man and the orcish lass! Step forward, would you? Tell me your names."

After a pause, Ceres would look towards Tyna and Malik and give a nod, albeit with no small amount of reluctance.

"You heard him. Front and center Cendrillon, Blun.

Malik Tyna Blun
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Tyna stepped forwards, beginning the journey to take her place in front of the rest of her peers. Internally, everything was a hair short of being on fire. Smoldering, at the very least.

But her heart sank when she remembered what exactly the mage had said.

I'll only observe the first round.

A round for which two people had been selected. This was probably going to be a spar of some sort. Her direct superiors must've done quite the job of covering up her poor track record when it came to those, as no one in the room pointed out what an absolutely terrible idea this was.

It wasn't like she could say no, though. This was an order straight from the High Mage and Ceres, people who weren't to be disrespected. This was inevitable, anyways. She was going to have to fight at some point. Tyna just would've rather not risked her first impression being a total disaster. Hopefully Cendrillon was a capable enough fighter to mitigate the risk of her snapping any of his bones.

To her credit, none of this showed on her face or in her body language. Tyna's expression was professionally flat and each step smooth. Her father had been particularly strict when it came to her training on proper protocol for formal occasions. He'd been convinced that she'd need it for some big award ceremony some day. This wasn't quite that, but it was close enough.

She also managed to keep her decorum due to her strong desire not to make a complete fool out of herself like she had at Alidonia. Hopefully the Guardians wouldn't remember her stuttering and weakness showed in the face of tragedy. Tyna hadn't been very strong that day.

Rovias Malik