Tyna Blun

Tyna Blun

Biographical information
Valenntenia Late Teens Valenntenia
Physical description
Half-orc Female 6'0" Burly Black Blue Green
Political information
Out-of-character information
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Tyna Blun is a woman who hates the idea of fighting but became a Vanguard due to pressure from family tradition. She also happens to be an incredible fighter that enjoys fighting a bit too much when actively in a battle.


Tyna has small tusks, black hair, and light green skin inherited from her orcish mother. Despite this, most would say she more closely resembles her human father; both share the same rounded nose, square jaw, and blue eyes. She is tall and muscular due to her frequent training.

Skills and Abilities

+Battle prowess with blunt weapons
+High pain resistance and determination when fighting
-Aversion to violence when not fighting
-Uncontrollable blood-lust in battle


In most situations, Tyna is a polite, quiet person. She tries to avoid conflict when possible, both physically and emotionally. When she must fight, however, she becomes blood-lusted to a point where she enjoys violence. Her battle prowess is significant enough to keep her from being expelled from the Vanguard due to her lack of self control- the current method of dealing with it is locking her in a room after sparring until she calms down.

This causes her quite a bit of stress. Tyna's heart is as large as her biceps, so she wants to help others as much as she can. Fighting and feats of strength are the only things she's ever been good at, but she wants to use those skills just to assist or defend others. She knows that she can't do that if she loses control. While the risk is somewhat mitigated if proper precautions are taken, she cannot fully ensure that she won't hurt those who don't deserve it. This has led to her being terrified of parts of herself and wanting to find some way to control them.

Biography & Lore

When Tyna was little, before she could even hold a sword, she dreamed of joining the Vanguard. That's what her father claimed, at least. His long history as a dedicated Vanguard member made him determined to pass on his legacy to the next generation in the form of Tyna. Having been unable to attain a higher ranking position or Runestone himself, he has trained Tyna for as long as she can remember to fight and succeed in his stead. She was accepted into the Vanguard but nearly was cast out after seriously injuring another member during a sparring match. She lost control of her violent instincts during the fight and continued to attack him even after she'd won the match. Due to her talent and father's connections within the Vanguard, she was allowed to stay. Rather than teach her to control her bloodlust, however, the Vanguard has decided to embrace it. It lends her incredible strength in battle and doesn't hinder her fighting abilities, so they just give her space to calm down and quickly evacuate the area if she escalates. Her direct superiors try to downplay the severity of this to others, fearing that her strength would be restricted by those wishing to teach her self-control. Tyna's weekly Guardianship training is one of the only times she truely feels like she is in control. She has heard that Guardians are taught mastery over their minds even further and believes that, if she were to become one, she could gain the training needed to banish her rage that she so desperately wants.


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