Private Tales A Life to Live

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Edric glanced over his shoulder at Maui for a moment, expecting the Orcess to translate for him once more. When no explanation was forthcoming, the Rogue Dreadlord took a breath. Closing his eyes and playing over the words in his own mind.

"Oh." He declared, frowning as the realization of what she'd said came to him. Shit.

The woman couldn't repair the necklace, or apparently, the necklace couldn't be repaired at all. That meant Chas wouldn't be able to stick as close to him. She would have to use those...feylines? Beylines? He forgot what she'd called them, but they were sparse here.

Lips turned to a scowl, and he shook his head. "I need it fixed."

Edric declared simply.

"Or...something similar." He looked down at the woman. "My friend is a ghost, and I need to...I need to make sure she stays close to me first. Then I need to bring her back."

But first he'd need to make sure he could actually take her to where she needed to go back. Maui stood over his shoulder, apparently utterly fascinated by the conversation. Not bothering to chime in though, apparently not yet seeking her own boon.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Chasmine
"Ahhh-" said the Shaman as she drew from her pipe again and expelled the smoke from nostrils and lips with every word that followed, "ye be needin a vessel." A sound of contemplation followed as she gave Edric a slow look.

"An ob-jekt. Sumting dat dey be feelin strungly far - love, hayt, it matters nyot. Wat do ye keep pon ya of dis frens ken?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Edric
Edric let the words carry through his mind for a moment. Lips pressing to a thin line as he gathered their meaning and mulled over what might work for such a thing. His mind scattered through his memories, and after a moment found two which jumped to the forefront.

Without a single moment of hesitation he stepped forward. "I have something she might pull to."

The book would do, but he had left his things back with Melfa and the others. Desperate to get here to camp all the quicker. It would be some time before they arrived.

Would that matter? Chasmine was back there anyway and they would arrive together, presumably. But another thought occurred to him.

"But uhh...there's also this." He said, holding up his wrist to reveal a leather cord wrapped several times around it. A simple thing, a meaningless thing, save for the fact that he had worn it all his life. Including the night that Chasmine had shattered the ballroom chandelier with her scream.

Shattered it because of him.

Perhaps the emotion she had felt due to him in that moment would echo enough to tie her to the cord. It wasn't an important thing, not something he'd saved because of that evening, simply something he had always worn. Habit more than anything else.

"It was touching her when..." He shrugged awkwardly. "Well, It's that or we have to wait a few days."

He admitted, feeling a fool.