Private Tales A Life to Live

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Chas looked back toward the tent flap and the direction of the unknown approaching. He wasn't wrong and she also did not know what, exactly, was coming. It was the wrong direction for it to be latecomers from Aura. Perhaps it was just other travelers passing through? She knew so little of the area...

There wasn't much she could do, but she could save him from unnecessarily disturbing his rest.

"Yes," she replied at length, looking back to him, "you deserve to rest like everyone else. I will look."

Not as though she needed rest, herself. At least, not lately. She'd done very little to expend energy beyond her visits outside the amulet and reading the book. Her figure faded as she turned away to rise from the cot, dispersing from sight to give way to the sound of the storm.

Outside, the ghost shifted through the small caravan camp. Only the main campfire remained lit, though it hissed and sizzled a slow death within the storm. There one minute, gone the next, Chasmine moved to the edge of the tents where she lingered in the broad expanse between the camp and the encroachers. In the driving rain, her figure shivered in and out of sight, a glimmer between lightning bolts that revealed the approaching group of enemies.

Chasmine's lips parted in contained surprise.

"Oh dear."

She disappeared.

Moment's later she stood before them, catching their numbers in their own surprise and confusion. Just a ghost of a young girl gazing upon them from a dozen or so yards away. She didn't move, didn't speak, but remained staring balefully through the gale.

Then her mouth yawned open and Chasmine unleashed a banshee scream with such explosive energy it cut through the storm, momentarily stopping the winds and the rains in her immediate vicinity and bursting the eardrums of the interlopers closest to her. There was absolutely no chance anyone in the camp could sleep through it.
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  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Edric
"I will look."

The moment Chasmine disappeared, Edric felt a little bad. Half because he'd spent a lifetime being told that problems like these were in fact his mandate, and partially because he hadn't meant for Chas to go and check things out.

Still, he let out a loud sigh. Shifting again beneath the covers and moving the blankets so that he faced the tent covers. Closing his eyes and summoning the determination to be comfy. Sleep slowly drifting onto him once more, a restful serenity beginning to fall-

Only for a Banshee's scream to shatter it.

The noise seemed to shatter the night air. Drowning the drops of rain and silencing the stormclouds above. Sounding as an alarm that echoed through the whole of the camp, and was then almost immediately followed by a shout. "WHAT IN THE FUCK WAS THAT!?"

Which was then followed by another.

"FUCK! There's someone's out there!" The words came as someone noticed the silhouette's within the darkness. Those who had been too close to Chasmine reeling in pain as blood dripped down their ears, the sound of war-horns lost to their ears.

Edric, still laying in bed, let out a long sigh. "Guess something was out there."
  • Dab
Reactions: Chasmine
The institution of night watches hadn't been overlooked, merely unlucky that the current watchman's route had taken them on the opposite end of where the intruders had ventured in. At the sound of the horrific scream, the orc came running - his bulky form stomped through mud between the tents towards the noise, cries of surprise sounding out around him. When he made it to the edge of the camp, he stood peering into the rain that had slowly begun to fall in a sheet for only a few moments before he was struck by an arrow in the shoulder.

He grunted, staggered back, and then issued a war bellow.


Melfa was already on the move, rattling tents to wake the caravan as she went, and stopped just outside of Edric's tent to lean over and look in with a pair of slit yellow eyes, "Eder," she grinned into the darkness within, "time for fun."

Then she was gone, picking up a shield as she made her way toward the scene of shadowed figured pushing in through the storm. She did not draw a sword or any other weapon, but instead met a large black orc head on and rebuffed him with a shove of her shield, then swung at his head with a fist the size of a melon and knocked him clean off his feet.

The ghost was nowhere to be seen but she'd left several warriors of the hoard reeling in pain and deafened.
  • Gasp
Reactions: Edric
For a brief moment, he considered simply staying in the tent.

He knew the damage it would do to his reputation. Among this sort of company every fight counted more than twice the last, but...Kress if the damned cot wasn't just so comfortable. Eventually, a minute after Melfa poked her head through the canvas flaps, Edric pushed himself up.

Though he did take his sweet time about it.

By the time Edric took to the field, more than half of the warriors attacking their camp were already felled. Their axes sunk within the mud, their armor now stained with blood. When the former Dreadlord stepped passed the tent, he was met with a screaming Black Orc. It's tusks jutting out from it's jaw as it dashed towards him with ax raised.

Edric's eyebrows darted upward as she jumped the side. "Chas!"

He called out as he bounded into the mud, rolling almost immediately onto his feet and launching himself into his assailant.

"Chas you here!?" Edric asked as he sent the man crashing into the floor, fist slamming down against his skull to knock him unconscious.
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Melfa
A sudden explosion of fire filled the darkness to his right - spouting from the mouth of the caravan's leader. The flames licked across two separate attackers, sticking to their skin and armor like tar and burning through flesh and leather alike. They scattered into the rain, screeching and trying to put out the flames with little luck.

Melfa unleashed a raucous, snarling cackle before yelling to the others, "Bring me live one!"

To Edric's left a minotaur from the intruding group charged into a trio of his fellow warriors, swinging a warhammer that took them bodily off their feet and flung them through the air. Lightning crackled across the sky, filling the surrounding area with light. A pale glow showed in the distance over downed bodies.
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  • Gasp
Reactions: Edric
"YOU CAN BREATH FIRE?!" Edric demanded in shocked surprise, eyebrows nearly touching the line of his hair as Melfa let out a ferocious snarl.

His head turning just seconds later as he heard Torrock call out in pain. His ribs cracked and likely broken by the Minotaurs massive hammer. The rogue dreadlord's expression flickering into a confused grimace as he saw the beast.

"What in the fuck is that?!" He exclaimed and then let out a string of curses as he suddenly began to jog, and then sprint directly towards it. "I just wanted to stay in the damned cot."

Edric complained, deciding that he could ask Melfa about the spice in her breath after their foes were dealt with.

As he darted forward, his magics reached out. Whips of entropy lashed onto the beastly mix of bull and man, it's features contorting slightly as it felt a pull of something on the very force of it's life. A howling bellow echoing from it's throat as it spotted Edric, raising the massive war hammer and bringing it down in a wide arc.

The huge weapon swinging down...only to suddenly stop as it crashed against Edric's hand. His arm, and body, braced by the very life he had taken from his foe. The Minotaur let out a noise of confusion, it's muscles straining as it tried to force the hammer down.

Edric held the weapon for a moment more, just long enough to lock eyes with the beast.

Then he smiled.

Within the beat of a heart he moved. Power, distilled pure and simple, drew into his body. The Raw magic that he had stolen flooding into every muscle, vein, and tendon. Heart racing as within the span of a second, he dropped the hammer and moved. Throwing the weapon to the side and pouncing onto the Minotaur's chest. The heavy gauntlet landing with a loud crack against the beasts chest.

A muted cry forced past it's lips as it began to fall to the floor.
  • Gasp
Reactions: Chasmine
By the time Edric had finished off his oversized opponent, the last of the intruders that could still manage to move had retreated, leaving the majority of their comrades either dead or downed among the encampment. Melfa trudged through the mud, second eyelids blinking back the rain, and searched for survivors. A few from the caravan had perished - one had even been shot dead on their bedroll. It was hard for her to be mad about it. If they could die so easily here and now, then they would not have brought any value to Maui.

Trudging through the tents, she paused as one of their own orcs finished tying up an intruder: definitely a black orc from a rival clan.

"Haaaa-" Melfa gave him a snarling sneer as she bent at the waist to loom over him, her long tail snapping side to side behind her, "guard this one," she told her warrior, "he will be gift for Maui."

Righting herself, she looked about for her prized fighter who had become lost in the deluge, "EDER!" the komodo roared.
  • Gasp
Reactions: Edric
Edric was sitting on a rock, hard rain drops pelting down against his skin as he ripped a crossbow bolt free from his shoulder. A grunt escaping him just as he heard Melfa call, his head turning as he waved the bloody arrow shaft her way and slowly stood.

After felling the Minotaur, Ed had rushed into whatever fight he could find next. Three more men died by his hands, the last of which had managed to loose his crossbow before the former Dreadlord had gotten close. "I'm fine."

He called, throwing the bolt onto the ground. The wound in his shoulder already knitting itself shut.

"The fuck was this though?" Edric asked through the deluge of rain still coming down, making his way towards Melfa and the prisoner that she had taken. "Who the fuck are these guys?"

Maui's enemies, one would assume, but he still had no idea who that actually was.
Slowly trudging through the mud, Melfa gave little heed to what had been a wounded shoulder and instead look to the giant mound of the dead minotaur several yards away, impressed.

"Enemies," she answered Edric with a heated snort that sent smoke billowing from her nostrils as remnants of her firebreath, "want Maui out." Which would not provide deeper answers that Edric was looking for. Melfa had been involved with Maui for some time but did not feel a responsibility to tell him her story. She could do that if she wanted, when they got there.

"Take what useful from bodies," Melfa told him as she moved toward the minotaur, intent on looting the big oaf of anything valuable to Maui's cause, "leave rest for animals."

There would be no use in burying the dead out here. The ground was too fucking hard to dig deep enough anyway.

The rain persisted. Melfa left shortly after with an armful of weaponry and useful rations and supplies from the minotaur to return to the main encampment with the others. Given the uncertainty for more enemy scouts, it was best to get the group moving again. They could make then next small waypoint by morning and rest there more easily. She gave the order for those remaining to begin packing up.
  • Yay
Reactions: Edric
He probably should have known better than to ask Melfa for details. Though they'd not spent much time together, it had become readily apparent to Edric that the Komodi hardly cared much for anything that wasn't straightforward.

Not that he blamed her an ounce for that fact.

After a moment more Edric simply shook his head. Shrugging his shoulders and proceeding to do as he had been told. Stripping a few of the bodies of their essentials as the rain continued to pour down. Heading back to his tent only a little while later to pack as they continued their journey.

By the time dawn struck, the caravan had made it to the next waypoint. The clouds above had not yet cleared, but the rains had at least come to a stop. Nestling themselves within the alcove of two cliffs, Edric did not bother putting up his tent this time.

They would be moving on quickly, Melfa said.

Maui was now only a few days away, and the attack from the night before had added even more urgency to their trip.

Still, as the others wheeled and moved about Edric found himself perched upon a rock. He sat upon the boulder, lips pressed to a thing line for quite some time until he finally spoke. "Chas, you there?"

He asked softly.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Chasmine
"I am here," came her gentle voice in response but it did not sound from the amulet at his chest nor was there the telltale tingle of cold emanating from it this time.

"The amulet is cracked," she told him quietly, from somewhere to his right, "I can no longer inhabit it."
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Edric
As soon as she said the words, Edric glanced down at the amulet hanging around his neck. "Oh, fuck."

Did I do that?

The question flickered through his mind almost immediately. A brief speckle of color touching his cheeks as embarrassment carried through him.

"Is that..." He glanced up at her, to his right. Though her form was not quite there the sound of her voice directed him. "...going to be a problem?"

Edric asked sheepishly.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Chasmine
"It will be more difficult for me to stay with you," Chas replied, "the leylines in the steppes are sparse. But... perhaps Maui will have a shaman that can help."

One did not just happen across objects capable of holding spirits like the amulet.

"Maybe it can be fixed?" she wondered aloud.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Edric
An odd sort of feeling rolled through his chest, something that he'd never felt before. It was a tightness, as thought his very ability to take breath were being threatened.

Fingers tightened into fists. Muscles tensed as unknown anxiety flickered through him.

As soon as Chas spoke the words an odd sort of panic hit. A desperation sought out by the thought that be might not be able to keep his promises. That Chas would slip away into the aether. That all of this would lead to him being nothing more than another man incapable of keeping his word.

In an instant, Edric stood from his perch. "Okay."

He said, understanding slipping from his voice as he stalked through the camp.

"I'll get there first." He told Chasmine, a small hint of panic hitting his voice. The thought of losing her now sparking a small crisis. "Find a shaman and fix the thing."

Edric said, seeking out Melfa so he could find out which direction he would have to sprint.
  • Bless
Reactions: Chasmine
Well, she certainly would not be able to keep up with him if he sprinted, but she might be able to linger with the caravan. Sap energy from their fires and their spirits - Melfa kept a jovial crowd - and follow them to their destination.

Edric would find Melfa unloading rations and supplies from one of the carts. His need to move out ahead of them was cause for confusion, but he'd not officially conscripted himself to the caravan's cause which gave her no right to order him to stay. If he wanted to brave the steppes on his own, so be it.

Though it would be a weighty loss to Maui's forces if he perished. Especially after seeing him take down that minotaur.

The komodo lifted a clawed hand and pointed toward the east, telling him to make the river crossing and then follow the eastern bank south. There he would find Maui's camp.
  • Bless
Reactions: Edric
"Thanks. I'll see you there." Edric said the words as though there were no other possibility, because for him there simply wasn't.

He did not bother collecting any of the things he'd purchased back in town, nor did he bother grabbing any food or water. Edric knew that he wouldn't need them, and the armor alone would slow him down. Everything else would just be more waste.

A few coins were slipped into the right palm to ensure his things did eventually come to Maui's camp, but that was all the care he took.

Within ten minutes of Melfa's offering him directions, Edric began to run. He cleared the camp quickly, and then began to pull upon the sparse life of the Steppe. He drew upon what there was around him. Insects, lizards, plants, anything and everything to keep himself going. His boots thundered into the earth, a trail of dust kicking up behind him as he rushed into the night.

A day and a night, he sprinted.

Sometimes pushing himself beyond his reserves, drawing on the flickers of life he had taken over the years to push himself ever forward. A singular goal within his mind, a mission that he had given himself, but perhaps the most important one he'd ever had.

At least to his mind.

The young Dreadlord ran, and when he reached the river, he rushed through it's crossing.

It was in the twilight of that same day that he spotted the Encampment Melfa had spoken of. Not a simple thing like he had expected, but a dug in fortification protecting dozens upon dozens of tents. Teeming with what must have been at least a thousand men.

It was an army camp, much like those built by the Anirian Guard.

Instantly a thought struck him. Was that why Maui had been in Aniria? To learn Anirian tactics?

Standing upon a hillside, Edric found himself pausing for the first time in two days. The thought striking him as sweat dripped from his brow. Chest rising and falling as he stared down into the camp. He could already hear the sound of shouts, those within the watch towers having already spotted him upon the crest of the hill.

For a moment more he lingered, and then slowly began to descend. Waving his hand as he approached.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Chasmine
From up on high a silhouette crossed the sun overhead, broad wings spread on either side of a humanoid figure. Heralded by a high-pitched screech that set the other tower watch guards on alert, the creature's wings furled upwards, allowing it to dip into a controlled drop.

It landed with a heavy thud and a cloud of dust several yards ahead, wings curling at its side as it slowly rose to stand with a bow and arrow already knocked and ready. This was no man, as Edric might have already guessed given the wings, but a curious amalgamation of what appeared to be man and beast locally known as the Zicathri.


Decked in layers of cloth and leather armor, two clawed mandibles deftly worked the weapon while a large beak parted to loose words upon the air.

"Halt stranger," it called in a coarse voice, "what is your business here?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Edric
Edric slowed to a trot as he approached the strange figure which seemed to drop from the sky. His boots pressing into the muddy earth below as he heard the birdman's call echo towards him. "I come to see Maui!"

He called out, attempting to be as truthful as he could be.

"And." Edric knew that all of this would be for naught if he could not link Chasmine's essence to the amulet hanging around her neck. She would not disappear, he knew that much, but the connection she had to this plane was tenuous.

And he refused to lose her before he could fulfill his promise. "I seek the Shaman that has joined her cause."

He told the birdman.

"My name is Edric, of Vel Anir." The former Dreadlord declared. "Maui knows me, I come only in peace."

Edric said, raising his hands as he took a step forward. "I need to see her, and I need...I need advice to bring back my friend."
  • Aww
Reactions: Chasmine
Feathers ruffled along the crest of the birdman's head as it turned aside to hone its eye upon the stranger.

Knowing Maui's name wasn't uncommon in these parts. She'd garnered quite a bit of infamy among various tribes of creatures, including those that would call her enemy.

"Edric of Vel Anir," said the Zicathri, "you will wait here until your story can be corroborated." It did not wait, but spread its wings with a hunch then launched itself into the air and took quickly to the sky. Its figure disappeared over the walls of the encampment while those still on watch kept eyes and arrows trained on Edric.

Some time passed, not quite an hour, and the gates to the camp opened with the birdman standing inside. It waited for Edric to approach and then nodded its head for him to follow. Not often a complete stranger was given direct audience with Maui.