
Maziri An'Ka Imla Iwi Lua

Biographical information
Iwi Lua island, Āina o Ka Lā Thirty-odd years ago
Physical description
Human Nazrani Female Tallish Dense Dark brown Silver Earthy
Political information
To the Gods An'Ka Imla Shaman
Out-of-character information
Velaeri Sept. 11, 2018 Stalker by Brenoch Adams


Ebony goddess of the deep jungles.
Lover of bones, silver trinkets, and spirit sigils.
Charcoal lips and moony eyes.
A mind overflowing with voices.

Skills and Abilities

Spirit Eyes: I see dead things.
Silent Stalker: Can navigate the darkest reaches by sense alone.

Nazrani Shrazmani: Weird scars, weirder tattoos, crazy superstitions... folk don't exactly welcome her with open arms. It's okay, though – she'll lay a curse on you that will shadow your every step.
Can you repeat that? Common is a second-tongue - she can speak it brokenly but cannot read it.


Wise (unwittingly distrusting)
Curious (murcurial)
Sentimental (superstitious)
Philosophical (high as a cloud)
Aware (irritable)

Biography & Lore

First daughter of Chieftain Mai'Wari Imla and Shaman Di'Mizra, Ziri is next in line to step into the seat of leadership as the next Shaman of Clan Imla on the island of Iwi Lua. Eldest of ten siblings, Ziri is very close with all her family and very devout to her Gods. She and her younger sister Gal have a particularly tight-knit relationship over their shared power of Spirit Magic and a love for all things mysterious and foreign.


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