Private Tales A King's Duty

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
She rose and eyed his offered arm for a moment before hesitating to take it. Bexley held him gingerly, as if it still felt truly wrong to do this, but after they entered back into the palace interiors she grew more comfortable at his side. Clearing her throat, eyes taking in their surroundings, they fell onto his face. "I never thought I would ever see inside the Palace walls in all my life. Perhaps foreign ones if Vel Anir asked it of me."

Everything she saw was a brilliance even her noble family did not boast. All Bexley knew was the Academy, and then the battlefields. The Palace was more than a visual confusion to her. It's serenity was almost unnerving, and the Dreadlord could not help but feel as if a threat was imminent. This only sharpened her senses, made her more alert, but there was also a voice in the back of her mind telling her all was right.

"Have you always lived here?" She asked, eyes still on him.