Bexley Pirian

Bexley Pirian

Biographical information
Vel Numera 29 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human Mage Female 5 foot 9 Reasonable Medium Brown Grey/Green Peaches and Cream
Political information
Second Rank Dreadlord
Out-of-character information
doonaday June 2024 Rositsa Popova

There is gold in our Pirian blood.


Growing up, Bexley was always regarded to be pretty, an appearance she inherited through the handsome features that often were associated with the Great House of Pirian. Her hair a warm and rich brunette, worn long and often braided if on mission. Her eyes are pale in colour, sometimes shifting from grey to green, but always with an ring of yellow hazel around the pupil.

When not in uniform or armour, Bex prefers to dress to her family's wealth, preferring dresses that show off her features and always sticks to the House colours.

Skills and Abilities

Proficient in the lessons taught to nobility, she also attended to the Academy from age six, but built a relationship with her family through letters and being requested for missions that would serve the Pirian House. It was obvious she would be favoured to align with them after graduation, but a great many other Houses took a shine to her charms and magic.

Her magic falls under conjuration, with many abilities falling under this type of magic, she has the ability to summon materials and creatures until her spellwork is done, transport objects from one location to another without her presence, can create new materials or objects by summoning matter and magic that may only last as long as the spell is upheld, and the ability to heal by summoning magic from magically charged artefacts she carries on her person.

Biography & Lore

To be written...


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