
  1. Elio

    Open Chronicles Friends In Need

    Cortosi Border - Eltos https://images2.imgbox.com/f9/66/bxUbjPwk_o.jpg "Fucking rat Veiaran's." One of the Red Guard spat as he stepped just a bit too close to the supply wagon, hands almost immediately shooting up as he turned on his heel. "Keep your dirty paws off our supply wagon's. You'll...
  2. Kristen Pirian

    Dreadlords From the Dead

    Their only option was to feign death. Beneath the glimmering canopy of the oak forest, through which golden sunshine of an otherwise bright day shone, several Anirian companies lay dead—or so it seemed. Kristen Pirian lay face down among the bodies—tired, wounded, fearful and, above all...
  3. Felix Nevarre

    Open Chronicles Just One More

    Cortos - Lagala In times of war, there are only two types of people. Those that take lives and those that save them. The good news is you get to choose which one you are. - Arturo Nevarre Those words were still fresh as they were spoken when Felix left his father's clinic, telling him that he...
  4. Naser

    Open Chronicles Too Late

    Cortos - Kallea Forest https://images2.imgbox.com/36/1c/4y5I3LuB_o.jpg "Shit." Naser said as he slowed his gait, boots carefully avoiding the pools of blood which he had been too busy looking afar to notice. Hand grasping one of the larger trees to not step upon one of the corpses he did see...
  5. Arn

    Open Chronicles The March of War

    Cortos - Bara https://images2.imgbox.com/97/94/PycjHRbI_o.jpg "Get down." Arn said as he grabbed a fellow guardsmen's pack and practically ripped her down out of the sight line. Just seconds later a bolt went whizzing through the open space and tacked into the far wall. Lola's eyes stared wide...
  6. Arn

    Letters Hey Bud!

    Marci, I hope my handwriting's not too pad. "Ma taught me when I wus young, that an spellin'. She always did make sure I had my letters. Never really saw the point until now, but I'm glad I can write to ya. My folks hear from me every now and again' too, but it's different. Pa did his service...
  7. Naser

    Dreadlords Overachievers

    https://images2.imgbox.com/bf/14/jhBWUVNJ_o.pngCortos - Free City of Altera - Warehouse District Altera had always been a place of beauty. Untouched by the ravages of war or the threat of Pirates, the city had maintained something of an accord with nearly everyone who might offer it any threat...
  8. Cenric

    Dreadlords Doesn't Look Good

    Veiara - Cortos "Well this isn't looking good." The redhead said as he perched his chin upon one of the parapets upon the wall. To his left were a couple of guardsmen, to his left a few of his fellow Dreadlords and some Initiates. Most of them were stationed up here for watch, though a few had...
  9. Ilion

    Open Chronicles Death's Bitter Symphony

    Sindrost. It was a wide and vast city with many tall structures, and was built upon a flat stretch of land alongside a wide river. A great bridge crossed this river, where on the other side a great temple was built. A large stone wall encompassed this city, and only a few of the gatehouses...
  10. Zara Soltanis

    Fate - First Reply The Searing Sun

    Along the Cortosi Coast Piercing sunlight stabbed at her eye blinding Zara to the small armies lined before her. She grunted in annoyance as she moved her face to see the glare come from one of the many shining pieces of armor that dotted the field. Scores of men aligned themselves into...
  11. Dauner

    Open Chronicles Of Broken Swords and Shattered Shields

    Sovereignty Castle Outer Walls *CRASH* A loud noise echoed through the Sovereignty Castle as yet another rock came crashing into the walls. The noise was drowned out by those of soldiers manning the walls. The ballistas on the walls were actively firing at the besiegers, together with the...
  12. Dauner

    LFG Of Broken Swords and Shattered Shields

    The enemy is at our gates! 5000 Kodan troops besiege Sovereignty Castle, cutting off its contact with the outside world. 5000 more march to reinforce the besieging army, and mount a decisive assault on the fortress. The 1000 troops of the Sovereign Order sits within the fortress, ready to defend...
  13. Shivers

    Open Chronicles Butchery

    Teldemar A scream. A splash of blood. Satisfaction. That was what rent through him each and every time. Words were short. Sparse. They never quite fit the description, never struck the mark that he needed them to. Perhaps his own failing. Perhaps the failing of the little men that had woven...
  14. Nairth San'Seya

    Completed Meeting of the Minds

    It had taken some measurable effort to wear his patience thin, but Nairth San'Seya could no longer ignore or send away the persistent messengers. For weeks now he'd been sent all manner of correspondence, seemingly out of nowhere. It was odd enough that another court sought Nairth's audience...
  15. Lexi Quinzell

    Open Chronicles The Return of the Order

    Dear Commander Last week we were attacked within our city walls, a city that until now has remained neutral in the wider Templar politics. This action, however, is a declaration of war. The cowards behind this attack would like us to believe it is the Black Roses but, personal opinions aside, I...
  16. Lana Alaric Vladimir

    Private Tales Secrets in the Shadows

    They say that death is the final stage of life, that when you die your soul lives the realm of earth and travels to a far better realm... maybe a realm like heaven or even a realm like a hell. Your body sleeps endlessly as the rot and decay settle in, while your soul and mind live through a...
  17. Kjaran Mak Aodha

    Fable - Ask The Butcher's Bill

    Kjaran wept. He'd awoken with a start to find himself on his knees amidst the dead. Some of the bodies still squirmed and moaned, the sounds pitiful. The aftermath of a battle was a terrible thing. They'd left Ulrikstead two days ago, a collection of the local huscarls and mercenaries hired...
  18. Helia Glacies Kyxo

    Roleplay OOC The Kingdom of Mardania and the Ice Princess

    An ailing king, a princess with a frozen heart. A city with an uncertain future and uncertain people. The royal faction, the noble faction, city guilds, and the citizenry. An open court awaits the bickering, plots and scheming of cunning politicians and clever representatives. A king with no...
  19. Lord Skavius Drytail

    Open Chronicles Expansion

    Jared couldn’t see anything through the black sack that had been shoved over his head hours ago. It was quiet now, but before then there had been muffled voices and strange chittering voices yelling. He knelt on the ground with his hands bound behind his back. The floor was wet, he could feel it...
  20. White Swallow

    Open Chronicles False Sanctuary

    Deep ultramarine sky shifted green towards the horizon that spanned across the sky. The last remnants of sunlight were long gone, now replaced by a thousand stars of many golden hues. The lights in Jaleyaana to the west and Seluca to the east twinkled just as brightly, while the extensive gulf...