the spine

  1. Gwynnestri Ravaneiros

    Private Tales Stalked by Darkness

    Gwynnestri Ravaneiros could not rest. Being a princess, these threats to her safety should be expected, but it still didn't make it any less real, especially after a near miss with Death. Just the other night, she had been walking through the courtyard, when she had been tackled from behind, a...
  2. Fynaurie

    Private Tales Royal Sortie

    "For goodness sake Fynaurie, straighten out your leathers." "Sir." Fynaurie shouldered her aether-glaive and made a perfunctory attempt to straighten out her leathers. Wing Commander Brynthas had already moved down the line of dragoons, but his assistant officer Hindrath had remained. She...
  3. Aria Selmer

    Fate - First Reply Honoring the Past

    The Spine The Crucible Stone Deep among the highest peaks, where snow falls and wolves howl, there too stands a monument of significance only to now a family few in number, ever growing shallower, yet this does not stop the rite of Tradition, even when the hours grow dark and grim...
  4. Lorinna Astarel

    Private Tales Ho Ho Hobgoblins

    OOC/ Only 4 characters please "There, on the cliffside!" Lorinna followed the dwarf's outstretched arm. She saw one of the Hobgoblins strolling beneath a canopy of rock. Lorinna had never seen one before. It seemed lankier than a normal...
  5. Alissia Vaeros

    Open Chronicles A Cold Trail

    Snow crunched beneath Alissia's boot. The road was blanketed in a white veil and her tracks where being covered as she trudged through the thick of it. It was difficult to see through the raging flurry, and even more difficult to track those she had been searching for in this storm. She'd been...
  6. Siris Tireal

    Open Chronicles Intruders of Spire City

    Siris hated few things, nothing more so than Gemini. But, even if he was a patient man, he wasn't a fan of waiting either. Even when he knew he had no choice, he abhored even the idea of standing around for others. Too bad he wasn't able to make this trip alone, or he would already be halfway up...
  7. Nyrial

    Private Tales Life is in the Blood

    She remembered something from long ago, from when she was only a child. Teachings in the Temple of her once great people. She couldn't remember the teaching exactly, but she remembered the idea of it. That taking someone's life for pleasure or personal gain, not only ended one person's life, but...
  8. Sigrith

    Fable - Ask Traversing the Fringe [Sardok]

    Northwest of the Spine Entering the Fringelands "Highlands" by Alexander Pohl Fleet paws clipped across mossy terrain, a drifting shadow among a landscape of green beneath an overcast sky. The winds had picked up over the course of the day, bringing the promising smell of rain with them as...
  9. Valerian

    Open Chronicles Forest of Teeth and Claws

    The quicksilver moonlight casted against the low-laying marsh, reflecting off of it’s pale blue-green body of still water. Lily pads and lake weed dotted along the edge as insectual organisms perched amongst the lush vegetation. Dragonflies with dew dotted wings envied the fireflies that...
  10. Helena

    Knights of Anathaeum Echoes in the Deep

    A summons finds you, handed off by a squire, or left in a place all would know you frequent. A call for aid from the East. Lord Brimheart of Grenquarry, has unearthed some foul strangeness in the depths of his mines, an entire mining party has been lost. Risk level, high. Report to the Chamber...
  11. Arnor Skuldsson

    Fate - First Reply The Mask of Zarin Eviric

    CATACOMBS OF STAGKEEP, THE SPINE ONE WEEK AGO... The thieves were not from the Spine, far less from anywhere remote of Stagkeep. Stagkeep, of course being one of the smaller, but still bountiful holds in the Spine. Named for it's numerous game population, Stagkeep also had a violent and sad...
  12. Theodore Aleson

    Open Chronicles The Depths of Myrkfell

    Open tomes with twigs pointing out paragraphs within. Scrolls unrolled to reveal specific sections. Parchment with words and numbers scribbled all over them. These items littered the desk of a visibly annoyed human in fine clothes. Fresh wrinkles growing older as he frowned. Salt and pepper hair...
  13. He Who Chews The Flowers

    Fate - First Reply Would You Tell Me A Story?

    In The Spine - A Ways South of The Eldyr Tree. (Crescent Moon) It had been many a year since He went on any sort of expedition. The Ixchel Wilds had always given him comfort and a place where the animals knew him, and so they had several sleepovers and hunts for food together. But that nice...
  14. Mountainwanderer

    Fable - Ask Path To Venegence

    The journey from the Astenvale Monastery to the Spine, the land of his forebears and the place he had once called home, was an arduous one. The woods at the base of his rugged homelands were full of Orchish tribes, and only few of these were welcoming to a Goliath such as he. Taking care of the...
  15. Dauner

    Open Chronicles Striking Out

    Alliria. A thriving city, built upon the greed of many, where wealth is power. This was the same city Dauner had established the Reaper's Den in. With the initial framework for his plans in place, all he needed to do was sit back and wait. Once he'd amassed a suitable army, he would find, or...
  16. Rangvaldr Tal'deneshaar

    Private Tales The Mountain Pass

    The Spine It had been some weeks since Valdr had settled in his temporary quarters of Route. Months since he and his betrothed had toured his Homeland. The truth of it, was that he found much more peace out east. Less confined. There were more kingdoms, more warbands, more variables and far...
  17. Kaelan

    Private Tales Embers and Emergence

    How long had it been? How long had Kaelan been wasting away here since the Mountainbreaker's fall? The elf had lost all track of time since then. Now there was only the static. The Draw. The voices of his friends had almost wholly left him. No more did he dream of far away places, grandiose and...
  18. Bebin Theros

    Completed From the Root

    Three Years Ago It had been several days since they had left the safety of the Monastery and traveled north and east toward the Spine. Their packs had been well supplied, and hunting and foraging kept them in good stock. The dry goods, the jerky and flat breads, fruit leather and roasted nuts...
  19. Elida

    Private Tales Something You Don’t Recognize but Remember

    [art cred] Early morning in the foothills of the spine, snow still coating the forest floor despite winter having come to an end. It had been a hard winter for the inhabitants that lived in the spine, game had been scarce and the freezing cold had reach new heights. Everyone was looking forward...
  20. Mercia

    Private Tales Silver Goddess of the Stars and… Meepo the Magnificent?

    [art cred] The song of birds could be heard before the sun had even began to rise. Despite the early spring chill, small woodland creatures that resided in the winter-like depths of The Spine were out and about, already working on foraging for the day. White colored pine martens were dashing...