the spine

  1. Solitude

    Private Tales Their Eyes Were Watching God

    [art cred] Cais Vihara | often known as the water temple | located southwest of the spine, at the base of the dark forest that surrounds the Eldyr Tree. Cais Vihara is a temple designated to offer tribute to the old Gods of the Vale and repent for the transgressions of man. The monks here know...
  2. Kieran Harrovian

    Private Tales The Newlywed Game

    Somewhere off the shore of the Crobhear Lake. Harrovian Manor. Kieran had done some pretty terrible things in his life. Buying and marring the beautiful human, Brie (new surname Harrovian), was probably up towards the top of the list. Was he ashamed? No. Regretful? Hell no. Entertained...
  3. Hector

    Completed Days most Dark

    Some Five Years Ago... Tall and with a straight back, Helena reminded herself. One hand on the scabbard, with eyes upon the horizon. She remembered Master Hiling's advice, and while the Dawn's Master of Life was a half-dwarf who stood some four feet and a half, Helena could never deny how...
  4. Innis

    Fable - Ask How big can the spider be?

    Rootgrot Burrow, beneath the Astenvale Monastery. Thick tendrils of root and branch coiled upwards in an organic and intricate weave, forming ceiling, walls, and support columns all in one go. The further one got towards the outer edge of the Burrow, the more open and forest-y things felt...
  5. Helena

    Private Tales Upon Ragged Peaks

    It had been a day since they had left behind their horses - the terrain too treacherous to risk their mounts- two days since they had left the safety and comforts of the monastery, and the climb up the rocky and barren trail was harsh, though Helena did not seem at all harried by it. Born upon...
  6. Coyote Kilduff

    Fable - Ask Cripple Creek

    Coyote breathes in deeply, appreciating the scent of the mountain air, and the tiny little wildflowers wafting up to him as Yorel steps over them. This was the farthest North he'd been, and likely the highest up the Spine he's been as well, given the look of the landscape, and the way the few...
  7. Hector

    Private Tales Dread by Daylight

    Pursuant Eironmar was an exemplary Knight of the Order. Strong in character as he was in stature and somewhat demure despite his noble lineage and earned reputation. To think, that Captain Helena would assign Hector as the Dusk Pursuant's second. It was an honor. Even if it meant taking on a...
  8. Dorian

    Dreadlords Parade of Dancing Stars

    Somewhere Northeast of Crobhear Lake The Spine Turns out that it’s hardly warm during “summer” in the valleys throughout The Spine. Winds blowing down from the jagged mountains are bitter and bite through Dorian’s clothes, all the way to his bones. Drawing his cloak tighter around him does...
  9. Erën

    Private Tales Light and Fire

    Winter. Its chill was often anything but an embrace to most. To Erën, at least to a degree, it was. Many of his years had been spent in these northern lands, and he had grown to appreciate much of what it offered. The cold was often one of those things. He closed a door quietly behind him, and...
  10. Vayden

    Fable - Ask Of Fog and Fury

    The air was heavy today with chill and mist. Fog hung so thick it was surprising a dark scaled draconian’s breath didn’t make it dance and flow. That man, by the name of Vayden, wondered idly if his heart fire would do the trick. With no one nearby to discourage his curious thought he let it...
  11. Quacey

    Private Tales Near the Edge Yet Already Falling

    Weep Cry Mourn Life to Death Death to Rebirth Quacey sighed as he reread his most recent poem. Morbid. It was too morbid. Was he still shaken from before? Memories of that event still danced in and out of his dreams. Both the waking ones and those while asleep. So much had happened in such a...
  12. Vayden

    LFG 1x1 Sad Dragon Needs Friends

    Vayden has had a tough time of it lately and could use some acquaintances or friends! Enemies are good too. Oh-oh and deadly encounters could be fun! Maybe even drama? I'm looking for a handful of interested players to help Vayden get a grip on the board and guide his decisions with epic...
  13. Vayden

    Fate - First Reply Show Me What's Beyond the Sky

    Upon the chilly slopes of the spine stood a large dark draconian. Vayden stared into the cool midday sky his gaze filled with fire as his mind wrestled with existential problems. The loss of everything he once thought crucial for life had caused him to question a lot of his beliefs. These...
  14. Vayden

    Private Tales The Price of Freedom

    Amidst the cold peaks of The Spine swooped a pair of draconians. There was nothing elegant about the sight in the light of the purple morning sky. The early sun rays shown clear on a seen of struggle and determination. One female draconian named Lessa lay in the arms of the other, a male named...
  15. Quacey

    Private Tales A Mountain and a Dog

    An acorn tumbles down. The squirrels via for it. A tale to end in a frown. Lacking any humor or wit. Yet another tumbles down. The squirrels lose it. Up it sprouts and grows, Till it is a mighty oak. So this tale goes. Fading slowly as smoke. Quacey had been finding himself spending more time...
  16. Zaire

    Private Tales Waiting For Something to Undo These Feelings

    The faint chirping of birds could be heard, the slight rays of silver peeking through, illuminating the dewdrops that had bloomed from the night’s cool air. There was a sweetness in the air, crisp like pears yet fragrant like water lilies. All of this was brought to Luella’s attention as she...
  17. Gerard Montefort

    Private Tales The Sign of the Lindwurm

    Gerard Montefort was doing two things at this moment he normally wouldn't do. First, he was riding a horse through the forests and treacherous mountain paths of The Spine. He hated riding horses; they made too much noise and were too easily seen, two things he'd learned to treat with prejudice...
  18. Zaire

    Private Tales Deep and Dark and Dangerous

    The Spine. Such a strange name to name a land, in Luella’s opinion it was almost brutish. While she could understand how it received such a name, she couldn’t quite comprehend why it stuck for years upon years. Personally, she would never like to say that she lived near the spine. Not like those...
  19. Asuego 'Susanna'

    Shivers Event The Grimere Haunting

    Fallowed fields were rummaged through by famished pigs and cows with scars upon their flanks. Barely a crop was left intact as if the farmers left in a hurry. Even the forests in the distance, far beyond the arable land appeared dull and lifelessly brown, barely able to hide a looming keep that...
  20. Phaedra

    Open Chronicles The Threat of Dawn

    As the sun sets, You shall take your true form... Phaedra gave a soft gasp as the fiery feathers of a phoenix gave way to limbs that were far less alien. It wasn't a painful transformation per see but it was a shock to the body to go from something so small as her natural body to that of a...