the spine

  1. Luna Griffinsbane

    Private Tales Fire and Brimstone

    Crisp air, sundered by smoke that reeked of something unpleasant, undesired. Unwanted. Nightmares, death and madness all swirling in the clean light of a spring day, while the chill winds blew from peaks even higher above, piercing the heavens themselves, crowned with clouds and blowing snow...
  2. Nicopernicus

    Open Chronicles Ever Forward; There's Always a Price to be Paid

    Tired, dirt smudged feet trudged through the wilderness as night fell. No moon cast light this moment, the darkness enveloping the land like a blanket of snow, the air seemingly as cold. Brisk winds blew across the naked skin as the man continued on in exhaustion, hugging himself as teeth...
  3. Sortinous Bael

    Private Tales Dark Alliance

    The Spine was an immense structure of Espressa, towering over the entire continent with pride unparalleled in all of Arethil. Its peaks pierced the sky like ice-capped spearheads which glinted majestically in the suns rising, setting, and all moments between. Mountainsides slopped down into deep...
  4. E

    Private Tales Part of Their World

    The spires of Azuros were quiet in the pre-dawn hours, the intricate stonework and colored glass seeming frozen to time while waiting for the first rays of orange-purple sunrise to pierce the cloudbank and bring the Avariel city to life. The layout of the city was made with the flight...
  5. Celestia

    Private Tales Among The Stars

    She knew she wasn’t supposed to be here, but she didn’t care. She was pacing back and forth impatiently. She was in the main hall of the headquarters of the Overseers. She knew today they had been assigned on a specific mission about a gruesome battle between the orcs and the dwarves that took...
  6. Hath Charosh

    Quest Against the odds

    WEST OF THE SOUTHERN TIP OF THE SPINE tried to breathe slow and deep as the shaman wove the thick thread through his chest. The barbed naga blade had left a ragged wound. It was better than most had come awat with. Gurresh's body was slowly sinking into the...
  7. Lionel Armon

    Private Tales Stranger Roads

    Lionel Armon and his companions followed the road between Belgrath and Molthal. The journey was projected to take a few days over a weak to complete on horseback and they were now on their sixth day on the road. Lionel had heard some sordid stories about Molthal, enough to make him want to...
  8. Durzub

    Open Chronicles Trouble Brewing

    The Spine | Somewhere in a forest Greenery was everywhere as spring had just started, the trees full of small little growths of new life. Birds were singing a calling song, along with a courus of other birds singing different but similar songs. Several footsteps however ruined the natural...
  9. Angela

    Private Tales The Blessing of Loyalty

    The morn was cold and brisk outside the tentative warmth of her tent. She rolled about in her quilted sleep roll, luxuriating in the warmth of the fur lined interior. Her stirring bothered her companion, who lifted his great white head and shook it, ears flapping against his skull. Angela...
  10. TTamark

    Open Chronicles I came to make friends, and stew, but I've already made the stew

    The lower mountain of The Spine was damp from recent rainfall, the sky still held some clouds, but the sky was now bright and blue with the sun drying the leafs at a rather quick rate. The woods that looked all the greener from the rain were full of bird song, many different melodies forming a...
  11. Oliver Rose

    Sulfur in The Spine

    Hey there! I'm looking for a partner or maybe a few people who would want to start a thread where we look for sulfur in The Spine. I'm new to Chronicles so I would want some people who could help me out with understanding how the world works. I'm looking to hopefully develop my character a bit...
  12. Haldiir

    Private Tales The First Leg

    Location: The Spine, north of Crobhear Lake. He woke up with a start, and immediately started to wipe away the sweat that had accumulated across his brow. As his eyes adjusted to the early morning light in the forest, he remembered that what he had just seen had been a dream. he wasn't back in...
  13. Weylin Kyrel

    Private Tales Lost To Stone and Snow

    Lake Crobhear is the single largest body of fresh water in the enter world. It held all kind of wonders, dangers, and secrets. Ships the likes only seen on the open seas sail upon its surface. How is such an impressive marvel able to exist? The Spine. The tallest mountains filled full of snow...
  14. L

    Open Chronicles Tidings Of War

    Allir Reach - Eastern Edge Lieutenant Lia Kahl sat on her haunches atop a small hilltop, the mountains of the Spine to the East, the scenic forests and plains of the Allir Reaches to the west. Behind her was a small fort, it's decrepit stone walls and single leaning tower denoting it's disuse...
  15. I

    Open Chronicles The Wolf and The Bat

    The Spine - Kolia Ishar stopped on the edge of the field, his lips thinning as she saw the river below. A sigh escaped him, though as his gaze wandered up the small mountain beyond he spotted the glowing fires from a dozen windows. His head tilted back inn relief. "Won't be another night in...
  16. Angela

    LFG The Spine + Escaped Slave (no orcs need apply)

    Hi! Foxy here with a brand new character! Angel Girl is an escaped slave fleeing to Kor Gol-something and she's in the Spine somewhere. This PTSD-ridden winged girl could use some friends besides her unnamed Dog! Please feel free to jump in here! Weylin Kyrel Velaeri
  17. Angela

    Open Chronicles Birds Always Find Home

    Dawn was breaking on a new day. A clump of snow fell from a branch of a nearby pine tree. The sun’s first rays slowly bleached the sky yellow, shining brilliantly on snow-capped mountains. The cold of the morning was no different from the cold of the night, and yet it woke the slumbering elf all...
  18. Bocan

    Private Tales Tip Toe Through The Window

    The small grey cat passed through the now empty house, its inhabitants no longer in residence as they had fled only the day before to the Bocan's dismay. Rubbing its face along the door frame as it came into the bedroom, in case anyone other than the family now lingered in the house and came...
  19. Weylin Kyrel

    Quest Reliving the Tales

    =========================================================== The wind blew. The chill grew. Scales of metal and stone soared above the clouds. Hunger had awoken once more. Deeply it growled and it roared. It needed food. It needed treasure. It had found both. Far below a wagon pulled by giant...
  20. Weylin Kyrel

    LFG - Quest Do You Want Hunt a Dragon?

    So I had an idea of having either a single thread or a series of threads involving the hunting of a dragon in the Spine. I was curious if anyone would be interested in this idea or not. Please let me know if you are and if so if you would rather do a single thread or a series of them.