
  1. Noemi

    Fate - First Reply A Copper For Her Time?

    Shouts and curses rang through the docks, a telltale sign a captain realized he had been swindled. Noemi smirked as she heard him call to his crew, as she had already pulled up the hood on her mantle and slipped into the crowd. She adjusted her pack on her shoulder as she dipped and dived...
  2. Muse

    Stepping Into Legends, Crafting New Fates

    Greetings, fellow adventurers! I'm excited to join the Chronicles RP community and dive into the world of medieval fantasy storytelling. As a dedicated roleplayer, I thrive on crafting intricate plots, developing dynamic characters, and embracing the unexpected twists of collaborative...
  3. Sadie

    Private Tales The Price of Defiance

    Where did you go? I’m left here alone. Why am I alone? I’ve lost everyone. Am I to blame? My thoughts are clouded. Will the nightmares end soon? I just want to disappear. I am tired of the loneliness. I miss you, but I have lost myself. I have never felt so lost… Can I still be saved? My...
  4. Kaye

    Private Tales Dangerous Game

    "GET OVER HERE!" Proctor Ezekiel would yell, seething at some students taking a bit too long on their mile long run to the training grounds. One such person near the back was Kaye, not so much because she couldn't keep up, but because she found the grumpy man's rage to be, frankly, hilarious. He...
  5. Ciaran

    Fable - Ask Misfit Adventure: Lazy Lies Today

    It was as her foot slammed into the face of a concealed stone that she cursed just under her breath. The stone, with light gray poking through the sloppily browned surface, had hidden itself beneath the muddy tract that served as a roadway. She hopped on one leg as she held the throbbing foot in...
  6. Exisarl

    Fate - First Reply The Wanderer's Late Night

    The moonlight poured out across the city streets like a burst dam of pale, cool glow. Quiet had gripped the late evening, the hustle of wagon wheels and bustle of hawked goods dulled hours prior. Instead, the air filled with faint, far-off melodies that drifted away from tavern bars and drinking...
  7. Ralian Thorpe

    Fate - First Reply Shared Experiences

    (Seeking someone to help me get a better understanding of the world. I'm quite new) Maraan Teal Shadow Tavern Midday Riding from the west was a simple feet in the world that the Empire had built. It was a complicated world made all the less complicated in the image of the Empire. Unified and...
  8. Kyrusia

    I Am Literally a Goat

    'Ello, folks. I was introduced to Chronicles by Suule, as we both know one another from another community; mostly we'd been discussing roleplaying and worldbuilding, and Chronicles got mentioned. Took a look, and here we are. So far, I'm quite interested, been doing a fair bit of reading...
  9. Rhydian Fairwater

    Hello Everyone

    My name’s Rhydian. I wanted to say a quick hello and introduce myself. I’m eager to start playing with you all. Cheers from the desert.
  10. Barrow wight


    I am totally new here and fairly new to non-TTRPG role-playing, though I did a little chat-room role-playing years ago. I am not sure I'll be able to participate in all the Discord stuff, so I am hoping everything will be decently navigable with the site alone (。•́︿•̀。). I am going to start...
  11. Artificer

    Infected with the Writing Bug - Approach with Caution

    Good evening everyone! I thought it would be appropriate to post a small blurb for an introduction to break the ice, so hello! I'm Artificer, and it's a pleasure making your acquaintance! I've always loved fantasy as it is my favorite genre to both consume and create, but what I love more is...
  12. Rhiannon

    Howdy Heyo!

    How's your day going? Hopefully it is going well :) if it isn't smile okay and look at the bright sides! Anyways my name is Rhiannon (just call me anything as long as it isn't offensive lmao) I have around ten years of rp experience, both writing and ttrpg standards. Though I did fall out of...
  13. sad angel


    Hello, I'm angel. I like to rp, (hm, wonder why I'm on this site?) mostly action or bxg romance. Of course, I also like fantasy, why else would I be here? I'm a fan of Doctor Who and Marvel. If we share similar interests, feel free to PM me at any time. I play mostly female characters, and I...
  14. Mr Macabre

    Discussion Time Zones

    I get that this hobby of ours does not always adhere well to a schedule and that posting time can fluctuate but I am curious as to what time zones and job shifts we're all working from. Myself, I am in Eastern Standard Time in the United States. That means that it is currently going on 1am as I...
  15. Surks

    Hey I am here, I suppose that's cool.

    I am planning on playing a half-elf orphan guy who has circles carved in his palms and doesn't know why, so my username is Surks, short for circles. Anyways, any direction would be useful, I have done a bit of this type of RP, but having someone ask questions directly would be cool. P.S. In...
  16. FireflyEmbers

    Hello everyone! <3

    Hello! So nice to be here -- hoping to find some new awesome characters to interact with and fun storylines to enjoy! I'm a veteran roleplayer but the chat-based system I used to frequent shut down so I'm looking for a new place to call home. :) I've RPed in chat-based rooms, forums, and even...
  17. Gerhold

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi there! Name's Gerhold, albeit you can call me Steely if you prefer not to use my (soon-to-be-created) character's name. I'm a 17 year old student about to start college life this year, with a great passion for writing and world building. Currently, I'm on vacations till my classes start, so...
  18. A

    Open Chronicles The Runaway Slave

    The wind passed through the grasses of the wide and open field, shaking them as though they were smoldering flames. The sun could be seen rising, beams of light breaking through the clouds to paint the grassland in orange light. It was a quiet morning, with the most intruding sound being that of...
  19. Zagroza

    Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!

    *Sniff sniff* "I think I smell... Man filth!" Hey hey people, Zagroza here. I would like to start off saying that I have been roleplaying since 2007, and I believe I do have at least some experience when it comes to it. Roleplaying on Forums, however? God, I have no experience at all when I...