Private Tales Dangerous Game

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Adrenaline Junkie
"GET OVER HERE!" Proctor Ezekiel would yell, seething at some students taking a bit too long on their mile long run to the training grounds. One such person near the back was Kaye, not so much because she couldn't keep up, but because she found the grumpy man's rage to be, frankly, hilarious. He was a stocky man in light clothing, but somewhere in the upper-middle of the pack as opposed to in front of it. In fact, it seemed like the only thing propelling him forward was an immense anger. Kaye groaned and picked up the pace, just managing to avoid rolling her eyes at the proctor's look of grudging approval as she passed him. "Not too bad, new girl. Now keep it up." He'd state smugly, keeping pace. Kaye would slow and turn to talk, grinning. "Ah, piss off. I'm here now, so what do you have ta' complain about?" She'd probably get a flogging or something for that bit of verbal artistry, and "Zeke" had an expression that supported that theory, but for now, his jaw clamped shut. There was nothing he could say, because there was nothing else to actually complain about.

Finally, the training ground in the forest appeared within sight and the class entered it not a moment after, everyone coming to a stop and simply breathing heavily, various levels of exhaustion to be seen. Kaye looked around, somewhat tuckered out, and felt herself shiver. It had been something that always happened when she was about to be in danger, but nothing happened, and yet the chill remained. NO WAY....unbelievable. If nothing was happening even so, that meant the class she now participated in were populated by people her body instinctually knew were dangerous. It was so...thrilling, really, to feel such a thing. Ezekiel stood in front of the class and roughly dragged her by the arm like an exasperated parent, which she noticed many people happened to look like around her. "ATTENTION." His voice was low and impatient, as though he were organizing a group of children. Truly, it was decently scary, and she almost- almost laughed as certain initiates visibly jolted and then stood, stiff as a board. "We have a new initiate and from what I've experienced, another headache, in this class." Kaye snorted at the insult, genuinely amused. That sort of dry delivery was just her humor.

"Hello! Name's Kaye Vellen-Keelie. Hopefully we don't all die horribly one day!" An audible smack could be heard as the Proctor facepalmed, muttering something under his breath. Pointing back towards the crowd, he'd simply say: "Stand there and shut up." Feeling a bit playful but not stupid enough to really get "Zeke" mad, she'd silently jog over to the rest of them. The proctor would take her place and begin to explain the lesson, and Kaye stopped being strange, a focused look on her face. Why? Well, because now the real fun began. "Right, so there's a light forest all around here in a circle, we left it maybe two miles back. For the past fifteen minutes, we've been running on the only path through this part of the institute, a deep forest. Lots of undergrowth and animals wander. Find your way back within an hour alongside your partner, and you pass. Fail, and you fail. Only rule is, Anyone caught using the path we came here, or in other words cheating, will receive a personal beating from me and a fail.- Ha. A leisurely stroll through the forest? Not too bad, maybe they'd even run into an animal! It all really depended on who her partner was.

Everyone began speaking to one another and making plans. Poor fools they were for getting their hopes up, as Ezekiel roared: "NOT DONE TALKING." while levying a forbidding look at their group. "You will not be picking your friends...that's too easy. All of your names are in this jar, and I will be picking two for each pair." First off were initiates Emmett and Carmichael, who actually seemed to be enemies. Next, another pair. Kaye kinda stopped keeping track of their names after the first one, if she had to be honest. Finally, her name was called. "New kid. You'll be paired with Thraah." What a fun name! After a small qna with another initiate, she knew who to look for.

Thraah was idling under a tree when she saw the new girl approach.
She threw her a wry grin and an upwards nod.
"S'up newbie!"
She was about to open a small packet of spiced nuts and much away on them.
"You eh... you planning on getting a pass or something cause..."
Thraah let out a long breath.
"I am not. The old fucker can shit his skull for all i care. I don't rush for nobody."
With that she popped the package open and then popped a nut into her mouth. By the look they were hazelnuts.

"S'up. I like your hair! Very adventurous," she'd say genuinely, grinning. Half-hair, Half-bald was a hard look to make good, but something told Kaye she pulled it off. When asked whether she was aiming to pass, she laughed and waved her hand as though to dismiss any worries. It would take a special breed of ass-kisser to listen to Mr. Crabby and she already had a habit of disregarding authority from her days escaping Mr. Tanna, the butler. "Nah, I'm going to take my time. Zekie isn’t exactly my favorite person, ya’know?" Besides, she was sure that if she went ahead, her potential new friend would not run to catch up, and she needed to make friends as fast as possible and start fitting in. Soon though, there was a more pressing matter: Her new acquaintance had food, and she hadn't managed to sneak in breakfast. Sensing the tang of spiced something set her stomach to rumbling and she looked slightly embarrassed.

"Uh, may I have some of those, please?"

Thraah looked at the new arrival with some discerning eyes.
Typically her hair was a topic of diri...deri... bad jokes so hearing a compliment was novel.
"Pfft, yeah. Not exactly anyone's favourite person."
Some of the other groups were leaving already. Making their way to the hopeful finish.
On the topic of food, Thraah never liked to be asked for it but generally liked to share so she was at a bit of an impasse.
"Hold out your hand."
She made to tip the bag out. Letting a random number fall out. As long as it did not reach the unknown quota of "too much" they were good.
"You're very welcome!" Kaye meant that. She usually meant any statement she made, because lying was not a natural thing for her. According to history books, that might actually be a disadvantage at the Academy, which Kaye acknowledged but in the same breath ignored. "None of the proctors strike me as particularly likeable. However, I know..." Kaye looked momentarily thoughtful as she counted off names on her fingers. "Two: Proctor EZ and Proctor Starren. That man is so unnecessarily strict! I mean, it's fucking history class, give me a damn break!" She would say, progressively becoming indignant.

At the confirmation the other initiate would share, Kaye eagerly received the spicy snacks and began sucking off the spicy powder, which was the best part anyway. Did she usually receive looks of utter horror for this habit? Yes, sometimes. However, she didn't make much of a habit of living up to expectations anyway. "So, how long have you been with the Dreadlords? What exactly can you do in terms of magic and stuff?" she asked, beginning down the path at a slow pace and wordlessly inviting Thraah to follow and keep up their chat.