
  1. Noel

    Completed Beyond the Pale

    “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Muriel was scared. It was obvious in the slight droop her posture suffered. In the way her lower lip would occasionally quiver after uttering certain consonant sounds. In the dozens of tiny little tells...
  2. Chasmine

    Private Tales Home No More [Salak]

    Vel Anir Dreadlord Academy Eastern Wing - 2:24am It had been over a year now, perhaps nearly two, since she'd endured the darkness within the halls of the academy. Though the physical nature of what had been her home since the age of 12 had not changed nearly enough to remark upon, it...
  3. Mieri

    Dreadlords Coming For The Crown

    https://i.imgur.com/GvG8baf.pngThe Siege of Trien - Formerly Vel Trien Mieri stood at full attention within the midst of her fellow Initiate's, all of them arrayed in neat lines as the city and the Anirian warcamps lay out ahead of them. The siege had been ongoing for nearly three weeks now...
  4. Kristen Pirian

    Private Tales The Serandil Valley

    [Plot change]
  5. Lothar

    Dreadlords WFC: An Underhanded Affair

    https://i.imgur.com/yAjouUM.pngThe Holy City of Kortes "Why are we here again?" The obstinate voice of his fellow Initiate, Seren, echoed through the tiny warehouse that for the next week would be their home. Lothar glanced at her for a brief moment, adjusting the bandage which covered his hand...
  6. Lumen

    Fate - First Reply When Hope Sunsets

    Smoke curled like the twist and twine of witches' fingers along the bleak, grey sky above the mountains of Fel Draza. The ancient, forgotten city of Vel Draza was several peaks away, not even visible from where the carnage lay. The bodies of villagers and Anirian soldiers littered the...
  7. Everleigh Ebersol

    Completed Licking Love Off of Knives

    Do I have more pleasures or regrets? As Everleigh got up from the bed and made her way to the chair, her eyes caught on to her discarded clothing. Her pants, her shirt, the cloak given to her by the Academy with the badge of the dreadlords peeking out of the black folds with its bright...
  8. Lumen

    Fate - First Reply Siege at Benhaven

    It was supposed to be simple supply drop-off. Benhaven was a small fort between Vel Cirak and Viret. A place staged to offer reinforcements if Vel Cirak was ever in dire need. A place to hold closer supplies. What was supposed to be simple mission to drop supplies off at Fort Benhaven...
  9. Liliana

    Dreadlords Pulling Strings

    https://i.imgur.com/BMoYbih.pngObanese Lands - Vilre Estate Liliana gently drummed her fingers against the pommel of her horse, her back straight as though she were sitting upon a throne, listless eyes staring at the road straight ahead. For almost the entirety of the days long journey it took...
  10. Amos

    Completed The Black Marks[Dreadlords]

    "Plague?" Amos asked inquisitively, his lips thinning for a brief moment. "I don't have any experi-" His words were cut off as the Professor waved her hand, nodding her head at the same time. "I know I know my boy, but this plague is rather unique. It seems to be magical in nature." A frown...
  11. Soleil Verdane

    Letters Dear Ralene

    A plain letter, written in blocky, stencil-like lettering. Ralene, You. Good killer. Your Graduation. Went bad :( Me? Asked around. Wanted stories. You? Killed Charon. Good job! Wondering. What was fight like? How he die? Give reply to courier. xoxo ((the letter was not signed with a...
  12. Caeso Diemut

    Dreadlords Ganfarred Keep

    The missive reached the party of Initiates as they were returning to the Academy from a different mission in the area. The courier approached the group of them on the road, flanked by a small detachment of Guardsmen heavy cavalry no less. Whatever business he carried with him, it was serious to...
  13. Edric

    Dreadlords Blood Letting

    https://i.imgur.com/eJijpyY.pngThe Free City of Rostev - Former Vel Rostev Mae Heilig Rostev, whether free of Anirian, was a city perpetually cloaked within a constant mist. It's unique location within the depths of a natural harbor, the city had for centuries been a haven for smugglers and...
  14. Aelita

    Fate - First Reply Temple Diving

    East of Belgrath, the frozen Spine mountain range dissolved into jungle and rivers. House Strand uncovered information of a relic lost within the northwestern parts of the Iuk-‘u Delta - where some of the mountainous terrain remains before eroding into flatlands. With their connections, they...
  15. Noel

    Private Tales Shoreside Story

    A letter. Another fucking letter. At least this one had the decency to tell her a time, place, and a reason. The last one he had sent was just a meaningless apology filled with excuses. This time however she found herself arriving on the shore near Unity, a small fishing village around a...
  16. Edric

    Completed The City of Peace

    https://i.imgur.com/9Orz1SQ.pngFel'Darrah Edric. There can be no violence in that city. Do you understand? It doesn't matter the provocations. It doesn't matter the foe or friend you see. Do not use your magic. Do not draw a blade. Do not even throw a punch. Understand? The Archon's words...
  17. Aelita

    Fate - First Reply Academy Training

    THE ACADEMY NOON Waiting is a part of military life. And the Academy, especially in the last years of an Initiate’s tutelage, offers opportunities to learn that fact. During one of those periods of downtime, Aelita would be found on the training grounds. She practiced maneuvers with her...
  18. Mieri

    Dreadlords What Was Left Behind

    The Ruins of Vel Basten - Near the Falwood "Well." Mieri declared as she ascended the final step to the central dais of the temple. "This is fucking creepy." Vel Basten, or what this ruin had once been called, had once been a city built after the second Elven War. A creation and wonder...
  19. Z

    Completed True Rebel

    He marked the passage of time by the growing length of his hair. Once it was short. Now, after considerable time, the ends of his blondes locks touched his shoulders. And in this time so recorded by the lengthening of his hair he endured unending agony. Zael Castomir had awoke in this place...
  20. Taayi

    Fable - Ask Encroachment [Vel Anir/Dark Cult]

    https://i.ibb.co/27ByHjd/Talavaar.png Orilon Village, on the Anirian Southern Frontier Fires raged all over a small forest village. Bodies laid upon the ground. Over a dozen surviving villagers knelt on the ground in a packed circle. A group of dark figures surrounding them. A tall elf stepped...