
  1. Samantha Black

    Private Tales Sins of the Father, Part III: Catharsis

    Southern End of Bristlewood Forest Outskirts of Vel Estren Early Evening The remainder of the day following the slaughter at manor Krixus had gone by in a blur. Ralene spared very little time and effort for discussion, opting to give Alistair the silent road to contemplate his decision and the...
  2. Lysander

    Fable - Ask The Snake Pit

    Lysander looked at the letter, hardly oblivious to the fact that a good chunk of it was, for better or for worst, redacted. He wasn’t sure if the council understood that whether they deemed it important or not, any bit of information would have been valuable to the second level dreadlord. After...
  3. Olem

    Private Tales The Light at the End

    Anirian Territory Olem slowly stood up, frowning for a brief moment at the empty clearing. The ruins scattered all around him had once been a building. There was no sign of overgrowth, no reclamation from the forest. Scorchmarks were still clear upon the stone, and some of the rock appeared as...
  4. Osbert

    Open Chronicles The Lost Children

    Syzemore Osbert had been forced to grow up in the academy of the Dreadlords. Every day his life was filled with torment and suffering. Eventually he was old enough to graduate and it was House Banick that took him in. He lived a few precious months in luxury before the rug was ripped out...
  5. Mihali

    Fable - Ask A Watchful Peace

    Vel Anir - Vel Aerelos "My Lord?" Mihali stared straight ahead, his expression as blank as marble slate, his eyes unfocused on the thing swinging from the rafters. A dozen sounds echoed around him. Soldiers stepping with heavy leather boots. Wood being moved. The scraping of glass against...
  6. Leoric Falstaff

    Dreadlords Keeping the Peace

    Falstaff! Yes, Proctor Bedrik? The rebels laying to the east, the Al Elzba Settlement. You're to attend a Parley scheduled for tomorrow evening. Peace Talks. Assist with the wounded, should things become distasteful. We will deal with them one way or another. Yes, Proctor Bedrik. Fucking...
  7. Samantha Black

    Private Tales Dragonhide

    Sagarus Sandrun Trade Route - 2 weeks Ride Northwest of Vel Anir Seemed like she'd only just returned from this direction not but a few weeks ago, out on mission with her fellow Initiate Henk to track down an unknown threat. Now she traveled the Sandrun once again, only this time in the...
  8. Lydia

    Private Tales A Little Boom

    House Strand had been loyal not just to Sirl but to the entirety of Vel Anir’s old ways. It’s what made the rise of this new republic so grotesque. It’s why many of the other houses profiting from the dwarven caravans that had recently cropped up was so offensive. Some of these houses that...
  9. Edric

    Dreadlords Study Abroad

    Elbion "This is fucking ridiculous." With a vile bitterness in his voice. "Do you know how many people I've slaughtered? How many many cities I've brought to heel? How ma-" "You think that matters?" The voice was flat. Total. There was no arguing with the tone, the voice that echoed...
  10. Edric

    Private Tales Pointed By The Stars

    The Painted Prisoner was not a large ship. A skooner, with a crew of five. Though that of course didn't include himself or Nyxella. It was a tiny ship, the smallest that Edric had ever traveled the seas upon. The small wooden frame bucked and shook against the wave, the sails flickered and...
  11. Edric

    Dreadlords A Rope Around the Neck

    Ostdorf - Formerly Vel Trien The Spire "Don't think I've ever been hung before." Edric remarked, sitting with half a dozen other prisoners on a bench located within the center of the Spire Prisons great training yard. In his hands was a small piece of parchment, one stamped with an official...
  12. Chasmine

    Fable - Ask Dread No More

    This is a spin-off thread from The Anniversary of Freedom Though the day was slowly wearing on under the warm glow of the sun, the festival's activity had not let up one bit. In fact, it had become nearly impossible to navigate through the crowds as people continued to arrive from far-out...
  13. Itachi

    Open Chronicles The Panacea to Fragility

    The morning was reminiscent of a bucolic fantasy as a lazy yet bright sun beginning it’s ascent in the sky. The sky was awake with a few white clouds that decorated the seamless blue. A gentle breeze that delivered cool area, swaying the tall grasses, verdant leaves, and bright blooms. Birdsong...
  14. Elias

    Fable - Ask Sunrise, Parabellum

    Cortosi Coast Castle Sirl "The only memory I have of this place is when the Proctors came to take me away." That was partly a lie. Elias remembered that there used to be many servants here, but he couldn't remember any of their faces. It was a vague remembrance that held little sentimental...
  15. Z

    Completed Barbarism

    "This was just the first wave..." the Guard Lieutenant repeated the scout's report, his voice hollow with horror. Strewn all about him, Zael, the other Initiates and the surviving few Guardsmen were corpses and corpses of goblins. One could walk for fifty paces in any direction and not touch the...
  16. Elias

    Dreadlords Fell Tides

    'Āina o Ka Lā A fleet of vessels headed by the Stalwart Dawn, one of the dreaded Blackforts of the Anirian Navy, drifted over the sea like death and cut through the waves like razors. Noncombatant deckhands scurried about the ships as their destination loomed on the horizon, one of the many...
  17. Houri

    Private Tales The Death of Innocence

    Castle Mezlan, The Old Krause Estates Despite there being a full moon hanging in the sky little light touched Castle Mezlan which loomed from the thick fogs like a menacing monster only for most of its glory to be covered by the thick grey clouds plump full of summer rain. It was not the night...
  18. Edric

    Dreadlords Bros Before Gallows

    Velen Edric lay draped in a heavy canvas tarp Vance Calgrave besides him. Heavy clay roof tiles sat beneath them, and just over the peak of the roof they had a perfect view into the town square below. A dozen men were milling around the marbled cobbles, most of them carrying heavy beams of...
  19. Edric

    Dreadlords Terror Within

    Edric sat uneasily atop his horse, frowning slightly as he patted the Perchon's neck. The road they stood on was devoid of all life. The trees on either side long dead, the grass turned a drab brown, the scent of decay clinging to the air. An unpleasantness seemed to hang within the...
  20. Lydia

    Dreadlords Wax and Wane

    Vel Anir - Just outside the Elven Quarter The crowd had swelled to nearly two hundred now. Lady Maritza truly had a way with words, likely inheriting such skills from her father. She looked the part of a leader, standing atop the makeshift wooden stage and delivering such rousing words. The...