
  1. S

    Private Tales The Third Rung

    Vel Acadria Selene sat quietly in a grand throne like chair, it's plush exterior more comfortable than anything she had ever sat in before. The chair belonged to the Headmaster of the Academy. Stuffed with feathers and made of the hide of some sort of creature, Selene was almost entirely sure...
  2. Harry

    Private Tales Under the Stars

    Sierra Snow-white sand caked the front of Hal’s body as he pulled himself ashore, coughing up water and gasping for breath. Blood flowed like a river from a deep gash in his thigh. Around him, driftwood and other remains of a ship floated onto the beach. Farther out, debris still floated. Only...
  3. Talus

    Private Tales Havoc on the Isles of Cortosi

    Cortosi Coast - Coraliv Talus looked out of the half broken window of the ramshackle cabin that lay in the harbor of Coraliv. Lips thinned as a patrol of heavily armed guards wandered passed, all of them glancing around at the sailors still going about their daily work. "Kressith. This place...
  4. Gabriel Banick

    Private Tales Lions and Dreadlords and Elves, oh my!

    The young Banick noble waited for one of the apprentice Dreadlords to arrive as added escort for his excursion to Alliria. A shipment of Cat's Paw ale along with some financial paperwork to sign over for a lasting contract not only for the continued shipments but further business with him had...
  5. Gabriel Banick

    LFG Oh yes, the Dreadlords

    Gabriel Banick, the less than noble second son of House Banick, has been sending out feelers to see if any of the apprentice dreadlords would fancy a financier. Benefits include, but are not limited to new gear for said Dreadlord. Means of transport for travelling the land of the kingdom be it...
  6. Talus

    Quest A Slaughter in the Jungle[Open]

    Cortosi Coast- Fel'Ithil Isle An Elf sat on a boulder. There was a bow nestled beside him, an arrow loosely knocked in it's string. A set of knives sat on his belt and the loose leather armor he wore adorned his shoulders as though it were part of his skin. His eyes sat on the darkened forest...
  7. Talus

    Open Chronicles The Schools of Magic[Elbion & Vel Anir]

    Aberresai Savannah - Terin "I can't believe we're doing this." Talus growled as he shifted slightly and stepped out of his tent and into a solid patch of mud that had formed from the night before. Around him were dozens upon dozens of similar canvas structures, some big, some small. Most...
  8. Talus

    Quest Tutelage Through Blood

    Near the Cortosi Coast - The Academy Blood trickled down his face, a cut above his left eye slowly blinding him enough that his peripheral vision was starting to fail. Blinking didn't really help, only letting the slick of red coat his eye even further. Mixed with the sweat it stung, but there...
  9. <span class="vw-inline-prefix label label--primary">Core Lore</span><span class="label-append">&nbsp;</span>Vel Anir

    Vel Anir Physical Information Size Medium Location North of Falwood, near Cortosi coast Population 250,000 Points of Interest ...