
  1. Fennec

    Completed Woe What A Night

    Tonight the academy grounds felt more quiet than they had in years. Something about the atmosphere had shifted and changed since the night the Proctors discovered a young Initiate, Willenia Helms, dead in the courtyard surrounded by hundreds of lit candles. No sign of attack. No evidence of foul...
  2. Z

    Completed Take It on the Run

    (Art Credit) The night went from calm to crazed fast. Outside, the Festival of Fiery Skies was in full bloom. Zael had been in Elbion long enough to see all of the preparations for it, and now at last the festivities had the whole of the city in a swell of merriment. Even the One-Legged...
  3. Z

    Completed Been to the End of that Road

    The final preparations for the Festival of Fiery Skies, which would commence this coming night, had the city of Elbion busy and bustling. People from all over, near and far, occasioned the city for it. With the noontime sun high in the clear sky, the Festival was but a matter of hours away, yet...
  4. Sepia

    Dreadlords The Vile Hunt

    What a curious world full of fantastical life Arethil was. The sprawling diversity of its species was something that ever churned in the mind of Archon Sepia Galleus. How she yearned for the days of her youth, venturing out into the that wild frontier to see the great spectacles that the...
  5. L

    Completed The Field of Glory

    NORTH OF GILD "Do you know where we stand, Leah?" said Boesarius Terral. Leah Kadashal, the Regulator-in-training under him, looked out over the wide open green field upon which the two of them stood. Very much was it like any other to be found all throughout the land of Campania. A sea of...
  6. Livia Quinnick

    Private Tales To Bleed Enough

    The time spent working as a taskforce had seen little improvement in Livia's ability for combat, but her dedication in seeing things through led her to get back on her feet. Her body ached by the time she returned to the Academy, and only once did she debate on pretending to be sick so that she...
  7. Maseno Luana

    Private Tales Cut Our Teeth & Break Our Bones

    Dreadlord Academy 3:00 AM The sound of footsteps echoed deftly in the hall beyond Thraah's cell door, paused just outside for a brief moment, then continued on. A folded letter slipped beneath her door. The handwriting within was neat, slightly slanted, and written in crisp, black ink...
  8. Ivan Skender

    Completed Sun and shade

    Tell Arran - The Imperial-Anirian border. It was nearly twilight. The Sun, though well past its prime, still shone brightly over the horizon, glimmering in-between the clouds and intermittently casting its rays upon the city below. Tucked away in one of the many narrow mountain valleys that...
  9. Salak

    Dreadlords A poisonous mind in a forgotten tower.

    "TRAITOR!!" He had been awake for long enough to see the suns light fade and know he could not be heard easily. Still Salak raged at his foolishness and cursed himself thrice over for a coward. He was tired, sore and hungry. "Curse the ground you walk Everliegh Ebersol." He could have been free...
  10. Chasmine

    Fable - Ask A Cabin In The Woods

    Following her final departure from the Academy grounds and Edric's escape from prison, Chasmine had returned to the hidden headquarters of Gilram's crew to find it rather ... empty. Or so it felt. Gilram and Duncan she knew to still be out on mission, the former having sent her here to catch the...
  11. Z

    Completed What is Common to Mankind

    (Art Credit) Zael Castomir did have work to do in the great city of Elbion, but he also had a few reasons (cough, excuses) to slack off. First of all, preparations for the big Festival of Fiery Skies were making things a little difficult. Second of all, his work wasn't exactly time sensitive...
  12. Perrine Urahil

    Private Tales Office Hours

    The Academy was once a blur to Perrine Urahil before she was snatched up into the ranks of the Dreadlords, sent out on countless missions that required her expertise with healing. She thought she could be ruthless, to excel in inflicting pain with her gift but her efforts were never on the same...
  13. Zephyrine

    Completed A Sea of Sorrow

    "My poor boy!" The wailing was incessant, filled with a loss so devastating, it irritated the Initiate's eardrums this early in the morning. This was the second day of the mission, and still the mystery eluded Initiates and Dreadlords alike. There was no use in pretending anyone could sleep...
  14. Livia Quinnick

    Fate - First Reply A Radiant Darkness Upon Us

    News traveled like wildfire in these parts; whispers turned into murmurs and launching into widespread hums of dispersing through Vel Anir. By evening, Initiates returning to the Academy would continue the fire, stoking the news to each person they encountered on their way in. "Did you hear? A...
  15. Victoria Von Fleet

    Private Tales Am I Dreaming?

    Victoria had been intercepted by several proctors and even doctors that were stationed at the academy. She had been on her way to see Silas before being manhandled. A mixture of disabling magics and sedatives brought the girl to her knees, her eyes blinking slowly and then shutting completely...
  16. Elias

    Private Tales Reshuffle

    Vel Castere With the sun overhead, and open tomes and unraveled scrolls in the grass on either side of him, Elias lay on his back staring up. He thought of a lecture some time ago in a dark, windowless room filled with straight rows of wooden benches. Shoulder to shoulder, packed from...
  17. Salak

    Completed The Snake and the Skull

    It was getting dark when Salak had finally returned to the Academy grounds. He dined on meat and cheese before making his way up to where Fennec waited. Her cell was somewhat notorious for being an area few dared to linger about. Under his arm he carried a small basket. The top covered with a...
  18. Caeso Diemut

    Completed The Dark Room

    Caeso Diemut slowly came to cognizance and gained awareness of his surroundings. Standing affixed was he to an X-shaped rack, his wrists bound above his head and his arms tingling with numbness. His ankles were bound to the bottom of the rack as well. His mind was clouded still with a kind of...
  19. Liliana

    Dreadlords Threads Within Threads

    Vel Odren - The Palante Estate Liliana had to stifle a yawn as the Inquisitor continued to offer her and the others their briefing. Her eyes lilting ever so slightly as the man droned on and on. "Miss Lorel, am I boring you?" Her eyes snapped to attention, drawing onto the man behind the desk...
  20. Soleil Verdane

    Letters Dear Henk

    A plain letter, written in blocky, stencil-like lettering. Henk, You? Thought dead. Surprise! Question. How not in jail? My guess? Bribe. Likely wrong. Me? Drink too much. Wondering. Write letter after vomit. Give reply to courier. Then slap him. xoxo ((the letter was not signed with a...