Private Tales A night at the Theatre

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography
*Tack tack tack*
Salak's cane announced him as he and Alistair entered the theatre. It was a pleasant and well lit space with high ceiling and marble floors. The House of Masks was where a great many shows were held and troupes often competed for the privilege of performing in the space. Tonights show was the Heir to the Empire. A rather tasteless (and Salak would say shallow) depiction of the Empress Medja's rise to power but the show was not important while the company was good and Salak found Alistair to be good company indeed.
"I have not been in years but it's just as I remember it."
Salak allowed himself a moment of sentimentality.
"We have a private booth upstairs but if you'd like to hit the bar first we can."
He waited for Alistair to make his decision.

Alistair Krixus
"Me neither."

Alistair was not a big fan of the theatre. For starters, he did not get to experience many performances in the Academy. Then, his first outing to the theatre after his graduation had been some story about a son killing his father...A little too on the nose for him. Ever since then, he had largely stayed away from the place.

That wasn't the case for others in his family, his mother was an avid benefactor of the arts. So much so that she had insisted Alistair go to this upon the invitation, which he would have done anyone considering it was offered by a compatriot.

The performance tonight was about Medja, a fact that made Alistair smirk seeing as he had met the Empress once before and was interested to see how to outside world viewed her.

For the night, Alistair had chosen to empower magic through his runic eyes to see this night, rather than bring his walking cane. Frankly, it was to avoid making him and Salak look like a failed rendition of the three blind mice.

"A drink certainly never hurts when enjoying the arts."

Alistair responded with a smile leading them both over to the bar where he planned to grab a glass of wine for himself.

Salak accompanied Alistair to the bar area and they ordered. The wine selection was excellent and he only ever drank for flavour so he chose absinthe the molten sugar added kick. While he waited for it to melt and seep in he addressed Alistair.
"I must thank you for allowing me to take the lead with Edric. After Byron I don't think either of us would have come out the better if he was challenged again."
He stirred his mixture slowly, allowing the sugar to dissolve completely. His air was relaxed, his tone candid. Salak did not allow himself the luxury of relaxing much and the release of tension almost made him faint.

Alistair Krixus
"Oh, it was for the best. Edric and I may have respected each other, but we often did not see eye to eye on certain things. It would have only led to an argument."

Alistair gratefully nodded towards the bartender as he took his own glass and took a sip...not bad at all. It was clear that this theatre did favor a partially higher clientele in the least.

"While I'm proud of my oration skills when compared to many other Dreadlords, I know when I would be a hindrance. You handled it well. Let us hope that will be the end of it."

In fact, Alistair spent more and more of his days talking about his assignment. He knew it was a necessary job, but he was raised to be a weapon. However, he felt more like an unused sword of Damocles that threatened those of Vel Anir...

He needed to blow off steam.

  • Wonder
Reactions: Salak
"Yes, let us hope so..."
His thoughts trailed off to Miss Grey and the odd journey she was on. Idly he wondered what she was doing with Edric but trusted her to know her own path and the part Edric had to play in it. Then he reminded himself of Miss Quinnick and her present danger.
"I'm glad you trusted me. It's a seldom seen thing since the Revolution. Trust I mean. We turn on each other all too quickly."
He was one to talk of course, his habit of assuming the worst was well known but it did not mean he did not see the err of it. Sometimes he wished he could be more trusting. Taking a sip of his absinthe his body warmed as it slid down his throat.

Alistair Krixus
Alistair enjoyed his drink while listening to Salak. It was true that many Dreadlords did not trust easily, but...he did not need them to trust him. He just needed to trust them.

"Dreadlords have a reputation for being...wild, but I have faith in our training. Dreadlords enjoy winning too much to do anything that would drastically endanger that."

All he needed to do was ensure it was a win for all and not let it be individualized. Alistair thought of his friends and allies who had saved him more times than he could count. The Academy produced countless competent Dreadlords. His mind then wandered to Dreadlords of those like Bull or even some of the prisoners that had lost their lives when they had been used to track down other criminals...The incompetent would be used or culled. Nothing else.

A smile quickly hid those thoughts as he nodded to Salak.

"It can be nerve-wracking. Not many Dreadlords have a way with words. Thankfully, you were one."

  • Aww
Reactions: Salak
Salak smiled despite himself. He often felt that he was single handedly trying to cleanse Vel Anir of its generations of secret dogmatism.
"The truth is I fear that we are our own worst enemies. That need to win comes at a price we all pay. An Archon wins and the whole Country loses!"
The next sip of his absinthe was cooler and soothed the warmth still in his belly.

Alistair Krixus
Alistair could agree with Salak for the most part. The big winners had a tendency to bend the rules of Vel Anir. However, this was a game with multiple winners.

"True, but thankfully the Republic is a place where there is more than one winner, and each of those winners has an interest in keeping the others in check."

For example, since the Republic began, very few Archons who remain have stepped far out of line. They continue on with their ambitions while remaining within acceptable lines. The only ones that are the problems are the ones that have refused to play the game entirely, instead choosing to upend the table.

And even a few of those childish rebels have since returned to work with the Republic once they realized that our rules were the only ones protecting them from the strongest. Once problems are settled they may try to quit the game again, but...the longer you play the game the more you are bound to it.

"But I find that to be true for most successful cultures. We are all out own worst enemies."

"For now at least."
Salak added somberly.
"There is a new generation of Dreadlords and Nobles coming of age now and the soon the harvest of the Revolutions works will be reaped and we may all suffer for it."
He stared into the green of his drink before taking a deep inhale through his nose to pep himself up.
"Let me tell you what I hope for in this new world we are making."
His robed form turned to Alistair with as forced a smile as he could muster. He was outright determined to not be miserable tonight.
"I see a Vel Anir in which we do not waste our magical talents on wars and petty bloodshed. I see buildings that would take months to create erected in days or even hours. I see truth tellers uncovering unseen dangers and revealing abuses of power. A night lit up by harnessed pyromancy, healers, REAL HEALERS giving every citizen longer, healthier lives and why stop there?"
He felt a manic energy seize him as he gave breath to his dreams.
"Transmutation is within our grasp in some circles, hang lead to gold and the pedestrian ideals of the Houses. Food without end. No more want, no more pointless, wasted lives. We shall still conquer but by virtue of prosperity!"
At some point he had stood up and now he noticed he could not help but feel foolish. Timidly and with as much dignity as he could feign he seated himself again and tried to not meet the eyes of those who had taken notice of his ramblings.
"It is only a dream though, only that."
His voice had become a whisper again as he grounded himself with the weight of his own doubt.

Alistair Krixus
A small smirk pulled at the corner of Alistiar's lips as he took a drink in acknowledgment of Salak's first comment. The new generation of Dreadlords and Nobles were his own, whether he acted like it or not. It sounded like Salak was not too thrilled with that thought, and why should he be? Many in his former class were rabble-rousers, ambitious, and did not like taking orders. However, Alistair also knew that the far more discreet and less ostentatious of his generation were already preparing to take hold and ensure Vel Anir's survival. From Samantha and her soldiers to Trix in the shadows, and nobles like Elise Viark who would ensure Anirian society was looked after.

The next monologue that came from Salak was far more surprising to the young Dreadlord as he looked around at some of the glances they received before the older Dreadlord calmed down. He had believed Salak was far more a pragmatist than a dreamer, but this showed him the opposite.

"A marvelous dream for any kingdom. If possible a bit further away than I would like."

The unsaid statement was that Alistair could not imagine anyone or anything managed to remove the militaristic culture from Vel Anir, not even Aiounus himself. Alistair slowly took another sip of his own drink before speaking.

"You can not be fearful of the new generation, but then also want change, for it is the new generation that will bring it. Already we are seeing changes in the way things are done at the Academy and with the guards. I've even seen healing classes take place. It's not the change you are looking for, but it is a start, right?"

  • Ooof
Reactions: Salak
"It is and I am glad of it, don't mistake me."
Salak cruised through his mind for the truth of his thoughts, they why to his reason.
"But it may be too late. We have lost so much of ourselves to the cause it's hard to tell the salvage from the slag."
Without realising it he had begun to flex his hand as his thoughts turned to Everleigh and what becoming what she needed to be to survive had cost her. He thought of the new generation to come, the crippled and driven half mad or worse those absorbed by their own arrogance. The habit of a lifetime was the hardest one to break and he had always dwelt on grim ends and dire fortunes. Seeing only the worst of outcomes has become his nature.
"It is not the change itself I fear, it is what must be done to keep it from changing back."
In spite of his hopes his voice had darkened. The grim truth of revolution was counter revolution, that was the real battle. Taking power and keeping it were two different things. Different fights.

Alistair Krixus
While Alistair could understand Salak's worry. Fear like that would only hinder the change needed for the future. He had to maintain some small degree of hope, otherwise, what would be the point of any of his work?

"Things are always lost. A way I like to think of it is, we just need to hold onto a few core things."

His own generation was more than aware that the Revolution had changed them. He had even been involved in several of those conversations, including multiple therapy sessions during his time at the Academy. However, less like losing salvage, it felt more like they had been forged through chaotic times. Of course, that could just be Alistair's own wishful thinking.

"But fair enough, change would not be worthwhile if we did not have to fight for it."

Alistair raised a hand calling for a refill of his wine. The dangerous and the uncertain were common in all periods, but they always seemed more apparent during times of revolution, maybe because the footing of society was far less certain.

  • Aww
Reactions: Salak
"Core things, yes."
Salak was brought back to himself at that. The issue he came to was that "Core things" was far too nebulous a term to define, who gets to say what is kept. Ask a hundred Anirian's and you'll get a hundred different answers.
"Problem is I'm tired of fighting."
He sat up and stressed his shoulders as if to shake off snow that wasn't there before looking at Alistair with genuine interest in his face.
"Aren't you?"

Alistair Krixus
That question caught Alistair off guard. Something that was just never asked. Dreadlords did not get tired, that was supposed to be one of the whole points. The fingers on his left hand absentmindedly tapped against his pant leg.

"Hmm honestly, I don't know Salak. It might just be our age differences, but I've only just started truly fighting...I still feel like I have more to give."

He had only been out of the Academy for a little over a year. He had been in countless fights and nearly died more times than he could count, but...What was the point of it all if he did not fight? Besides, recent events only urged him on even more. He had told himself he needed to be stronger, which included personally as well as economically.

Perhaps Alistair was right. Age was always a factor in perspective but if Salak was being honest he never felt he had much fight to begin with.
"That's good. Keep that as long as you can. It will keep you right."
He took another sip of his drink. Let the taste dance on his lips before speaking again.
"Just be ready to give it up when you need to, step back and let the next generation fight their battles."
It wasn't half as easy as he made it sound. He often felt that he had to keep going, stay relevant but lately he just wanted to have a quiet life.

Alistair Krixus
A small laugh escaped his lips. He made sure not to drop his drink before quickly nodding in agreement with the older Dreadlord.

"Good advice, let's just hope we are some ways away from that."

Alistair still believed he had a lot left to learn, and that meant the generation behind him might as well have been blank slates. They would need to be far more weathered before he felt comfortable leaving anything to them.

"Besides, even when you are done fighting. There is still something left to gift."

While Vel Anir might prioritize the soldier, the soldier could not fight without a weapon that came from a craftsman, and they did not know how to use that weapon without some sort of teacher. The point was that all parts of Vel Anir were needed for the fight.

"Haven't you learned yet?"
A darker tone entered Salak's voice as he cast a conspiratorial look at Alistair.
"The fight is never over. It goes on and on forever."
He traced a circle on the bartop.
"It's a cycle. A country like Vel Anir gathers a large army, spends thousands of crowns so it needs to be used. Pick a neighbour and use it. Simple, but then you need more soldiers, more resources and that has to come from somewhere. So how do you save money?"
He wore a bit of a silly grin on his grim face.

Alistair Krixus
Well, Salak was right for the city of Vel Anir. It could never really stop, especially with enemies coming from all sides. But, Alistair was talking more about the individual...eventually people had to stop as they got to old. The next generation came. Metaphorically, Salak was right. Life was fighting for everything in its own unique ways, but was that what Salak was getting at? If so, that was not as big of a turn-off as it seemed to be for Salak, maybe it was likened to the overconfidence of youth.

"Fair we best keep winning."

There was not really much left to say about that. If they did have to fight then they would win. Simple as that, it was what they were taught to do.

"Salak, do you always plan on teaching?"

He almost spit up his drink in a coughing laugh at the question.
"I never planned on teaching. I was stationed at the Academy because they need experienced Dreadlords to teach. Once my four years are up I'm leaving. Moving to the coast and hopefully dying without ever hearing another stupid question from an ingrate initiate too absorbed in their own trauma to learn anything."
Perhaps he was being too honest but he no longer cared. Teaching did not suit him at all.
"What about you? Is this solo detective work what you want out of life? Hunting poor runaways at the edge of the world?"
His smile was only slightly derisive after all, he too was there to bring in some of those runaways.

Alistair Krixus
That was indeed surprising. Salak may not have enjoyed his profession, but he had already shown to at least care for some of his students which was leaps and bounds ahead of Alistair's old proctors. Sometimes just knowing that someone was thinking about you did a lot for the mental health of the initiates.

"That sounds pretty nice. Well, if you ever want some work then I can find you something."

The next quest got Alistair thinking, but honestly, he did not really have much of a direction in life anymore and he knew that was the problem. He was a part of so many things, and for a time had even been considering starting a family while his House was rising in influence.

Now...he really did not know.

"If they keep sending me to find people then I will. It's not always my favorite, but it does give me a chance to use a different side of myself if you know what I mean."

Alistair was so used to keeping that formal and well-mannered of a young noble on so as not to deter anyone. It was only when he was on a solo assignment that he got to let loose on that side of him that was specifically crafted in the Academy. He did not need to worry about how he looked or what others thought, only on completing the mission.

"I have a few side projects as well."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Salak
"Please don't."
Salak smirked, feeling he'd worked hard enough for six lifetimes.
"Visit though, just come by. That would be nice."

Dreadlords by profession had few friends and again he thought of Everly.
"Hmm Don't be too attached to what the Academy makes you. I know it's powerful but it costs. It costs more than you might yet realise. Friends, lovers, it eats them up or drives them away."

He grew somber and distant as he spoke now. He did not like what the Academy had made him and it took him decades to even know that much. Mental conditioning was powerful.

Alistair Krixus
That last comment brought a frown to Alistair's face. Salak was right, but what did that matter to Alistair now? He had no lover, no apparently 'god' wanted him to be single. And his friends...well, he was lucky to see his friends once a year and it was a fifty/fifty chance on if they were there to say hello or attempt to kill him.

"I'll keep that in mind,"
Al responded sourly before downing the remainder of his drink with a quick throwback of his head before ordering another.

"To be honest, I have more ways of running from those responsibilities if I wanted to. I have my House, the merchant company, and other independent projects that the Republic would more than likely allow me to focus on if I wanted to."

Hell, even at this moment, he was inventing fortification runes that reinforced even basic wooden structures to handle fire, spells, or strong physical impacts. Once they were completed, he planned to form a production contract with the military.

That was the second time he mentioned them.
His little projects.
"What are these projects you have? I'm curious."
He was, though not as much as he seemed. It was a better topics than the Academy surely.

Alistair Krixus
"To many to count, as many as my brain can come up with. The obvious ones are the Krixus Trading Company's expansion plans. You can now find them in the Empire and Tyr with plans to get into Alliria and Oban."

Those were the simple plans that Alistair did not need to much control over. There were far smarter merchants in his employ handling the heavy lifting, leaving him to deal with signing documents at the closing.

"I've really begun experimenting with more advanced runic formula. After my...accident, my understanding of runes has improved greatly. I could raise a fortress in hours rather than days...I think."

He graciously nodded as his next drink arrived before adding with a laugh, "Of course, that may just be my hubris. There is still a lot of work required."

  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Salak
"Yes the girl, Kristina was is? You took her whole hand off if I recall the event record correctly."
Salak had read a bit on everyone at the Academy, even former students that still remained within the republic, and a few that did not. He initially thought the act was an attempt a murder but it was too clumsy to be anything other than an accident.
"Ah yes, destruction but could you reconstruct that fortress afterwards?"
He teased the idea. Magical limitation was often more a result of a lack of imagination than anything else. He liked to play with ideas.
"Do you think such a thing might be possible for you? Reconstruction?"

Alistair Krixus