Fate - First Reply Temple Diving

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join


Character Biography
East of Belgrath, the frozen Spine mountain range dissolved into jungle and rivers.

House Strand uncovered information of a relic lost within the northwestern parts of the Iuk-‘u Delta - where some of the mountainous terrain remains before eroding into flatlands. With their connections, they managed to get a party of two Dreadlords to go find this relic.

Aelita happened to be one of these Dreadlords – so Lady Strand was already short changed a bit with one Dreadlord actually being an Initiate.

Still, Aelita and her comrade were armed with a map and coordinates to explore. They would apparently reach a long forgotten jungle temple nestled within the many gorges of the delta. They had a crude drawing of the relic to be plundered – though they were given no idea of its purpose.

Unfortunately since it was House Strand that found out this information, it quite easily got into the hands of others.

This would not be a simple temple dive.
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When one of the great houses of Vel Anir wanted something they rarely liked to share. An issue the army often got caught up in the middle of when opposing houses wanted to use the army's soldiers against each other. Not a productive situation, but most of the commoners wouldn't call the houses productive.

Silver Crow found himself caught up in House Strand's latest plot. Thankfully it didn't involve any other noble or house even if he was just a glorified servant that knew how to gut someone as quickly as he could a fish. Keep the noble alive. Help with their tomb raiding. Spend some time away in a new place.

So basically some time off for once.

Normally he would be kitted out in unmarked guard armor, but that sort of metal was unsuited to the place they were headed. Hot. Humid. It was worse than an elf's butthole. Too heavy and require too much oil to keep from rusting for a mission that required more mobility and flexibility than chain and plates provided. Rarer situation than civilians realized.

What Crow ended up in was some reinforced leather with cloth at the joints. A vulnerability he would need to keep in mind. He was use to leather if not chain protecting his joints. A hatchet, a spiked hammer, and short falchion were his weapons this go round. A bit heavy but they all could act as tools as well as weapons. On his back his usual pack with all the cleaning and cooking supplies as he was as much servant as guard again.

"Got time to fish or crushing hard tack over salted pork again?" A question asked as the man plucked some mysterious fruit from trees as they walked. No idea if they were edible or not he began to eat one of them.

  • Aww
Reactions: Aelita
Compared to how other Initiates and Dreadlords may have acted, Aelita treated Silver Crow with at least a modicum of respect. Unless they agreed to it prior to setting off, Aelita carried her own gear – bedroll, tools, and all. Being that she was an Initiate, rank between the two was a murky affair still in the works with the republic – so Aelita declined to outright order him around.

Similar to Silver Crow, Aelita chose to keep the plate armor off and opted for very light leather armor. She did bring the staff she normally wielded on the journey.

To Crow’s question, Aelita replied with, “Oh yes, something fresh for once would be nice.

They did not stray too far from the river. The rushing water could still be heard from where they were.

Ehh... Ahoc... Beekow? Becow?” Aelita called out to a third person in the group.

Ahead of them was a guide of sorts – a local human. Crow and Aelita knew him as “Togat.” His colorful garb stood in stark contrast to the monotone attire Aelita wore.

Togat’s guidance was critical for the journey as he could find his way through the thick jungle with ease. He proved reliable despite the barriers to communication. And his help was all for just a few silver pieces and Aelita’s wine.

Togat gave Aelita a bewildered look. She then motioned her hands as if casting a fishing rod. She also pointed in the direction of the river.

“Ah! Yop penaser natili ares bicow osopi doyiepat. Erawuti wila pi!”

Togat motioned for Aelita and Crow to follow.

“Bal bal bal!” he said as he backtracked and walked by Crow.

As he passed by, he pointed a finger at the fruit Crow snacked on and said, “Tepedo cal imetuc rumicad we ogen!”

And then made a mocking gagging sound before guiding them to the river.
  • Sip
Reactions: Silver Crow
The fruit made him want to throw up from how bitter it tasted. Whatever the guide said was completely foreign to him, but the motions more or less confirmed the fruit was inedible. So he spit out his bite and dropped all the stuff he had picked. A small part of him died doing that but better than all of him dying.

Silver Crow followed behind Aelita and the guide assuming the rear guard. His eyes roamed about the place. Kind of reminded him of the Falwood only more wild and rocky. Hopefully no elves here. Didn't need their kind populating the wild places and ruining them for everyone else.

"What are we looking for exactly Sunny? Robbing some tomb, but got to be something specific there. Doubt one of the Great Houses would waste time without an idea of what will be found."

He had kept his voice down just in case their guide did understand their tongue. Always a disadvantage not knowing the language of others. A skill that could mean life or death at times as people often let secrets slip in their native tongue if they didn't think the other understood it. Elves often made that mistake with Anirian soldiers. Elvish language was foul and filthy, but never hurt knowing enough of it to understand their documents and orders being issued.
  • Yay
Reactions: Aelita
Aelita said nothing to Crow’s experience with the fruit. Yet, she gave him a look of pity.

While they journeyed per Togat’s directions, Aelita also kept her head on a swivel. She also would check with Togat frequently – checking the look on their local guide’s face.

No idea, Crow,” Aelita softly answered as she kept scanning the tree line, “Just got the drawing and a temple we’re supposed to comb through.

The drawing showed a stone-like object with many distinct runes embedded on it. It showed all sides of the stone and thus each face’s runes. Aelita would have freely shown the drawing to Crow on this trip. The map did contain an approximate location of the temple as well as a drawing of the entrance on one of the edges.

Togat started pointing toward the river, “Bal bal! Loook!”

Within side just past the trees would be the yellow-ish river. It was somewhat wide with a slow-moving current. Togat led them to a sharp bend in the river’s flow.

“Bicow, bicow!” Togat told Crow and Aelita as he mimed holding and casting a fishing pole.

Looking to Crow with a raise eyebrow, Aelita said, “I think he means this is a fishing spot?
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Silver Crow
As the soldier listened he internally noted that the fruit from before wasn't the only thing giving him a bitter taste in the mouth. Nobles. They always had to be so secretive about everything. Good soldiers followed orders and did as they were told without question. Better ones made sure they understood what might be the death of them out in the field.

The drawings were not something he had held much interest in. He had made sure to look at them out of a sense of duty, but held little care outside of remembering to look for those symbols while raiding the tomb. Mostly his attention went to making sure Sunny didn't have to put up a tent or make her own meals. Normally a rotation would be made, but he held little trust in that weird Academy's emphasis on proper food preparation. Seemed more one of those crush the hard tact first if it hurts your teeth to bite off a piece kind of place. Thank the gods his brothers had drilled into him the importance of a little flavor in your meals.

Fishing spot reached and already Silver Crow was making sure his pole was ready. The pack was set down not far away then he went to the bank and cast out his line with a bit of salt pork on it. Now it was time for patience.

As he stood there watching his little cork bobbing with the slow current, he said in not yet a whisper, "Know anything about those markings? Not the kind of thing the army finds useful to teach."

  • Yay
Reactions: Aelita
As Crow got ready to fish, Togat placed his gear down by a tree. He looked around and picked out a relatively straight stick. Quickly, he carved a spear tip into it. Then with a smile to Crow and Aelita, he jumped into the murky water to go spearfishing. Togat’s head dipped below the water as he intentionally dove to the river’s depths.

Meanwhile, Aelita had begun picking up dried twigs and leaves and piling them up in a small hole clear of the waterline.

When asked about the runes, Aelita took a few moments to ponder before answering.

Not really, never got into runes like Dreadlord Krixus,” she replied still with an equally low voice.

Aelita continued to pick up kindling for a potential fire. She looked up toward the river and squinted her eyes.

Don’t you think he’s been down there a bit too long?” Aelita asked aloud.
  • Sip
Reactions: Silver Crow
No bites. Nothing was interested in his bait. Shame. Was a waste of good salt pork.

No clues for either of them on what the big importance of this place was. Never was a good sign to be working with so little information, but how often did they ever provide more than a little information? Some times it felt like the nobles wanted to spend all their resources on ventured doomed to fail just because they could.

The comment about how long their guide had been gone got him to whip his head around. No sign of the man where he had gone under. No ripples. No bubbles. Nothing but slow moving water.

Silver Crow stuck his pole into the bank and hoped if something did take the bait they wouldn't take his pole as well. His armor would be an issue even in this slow of water so he stripped it off of him onto the bank before wading out into the water. His head went under as he dove and.... Nothing. Couldn't see a damned thing in such dirty water.

His head surfaced. A quick breath in and out. "Can't see a thing. Any ideas?"

  • Smug
Reactions: Aelita
Just a second after Crow emerged, Togat also popped out from the murky depths. He was a few more meters from the bank than Crow. With pride on his face, Togat lifted his spear. A decently diced fish flopped about – impaled.

Aelita gave Togat a few claps, “Nice!

Togat began to swim toward the shore.

Yet any celebration was cut short.

What would have looked like a bladed hook shot out from the water behind Togat and sunk into his back.

Togat screamed in pain for a split second before being dragged under.

Aelita’s eyes widened. A green-skinned dome emerged from the water up to its toad-like nostrils. Solid blue orbs stared straight at Crow.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Silver Crow
The guide was alive. Good news. His spear held a fish on it. Great news.

Both of the men began to swim to the shore. Then came the hook and the scream. The guide went back beneath the yellow waters. What came up was a monster. Gaze fixed on him. Seemed he was meant to be the prey. Too bad for this fish he was a bird.

Silver Crow glared back at it and reached for his dagger.... Which was on the shore. Great. Time to adapt or die. Judging by the way that hook flew it wouldn't be safe trying to flee to the shore. Just expose his back and suffer the same fate as the guide. Projectiles didn't like the water though....

He had an idea.

Swimming backwards, he kept his eyes on the creature. Glancing back wasn't an option so he likely was heading to shore at an angle, but that was better than taking a hook to the chest when he looked away. If it wanted to hook him then he would dive and dodge it. If his feet touched the bottom then he could dodge and actually make a run for it.

"Sunny, mind keeping an eye out for more?"

Gods if there were more this was going to get worse in a hurry.

  • Yay
Reactions: Aelita
Togat!Aelita yelled as she saw the guide getting hooked from behind.

Then when she saw a green head emerge from the murky water, Aelita quickly dashed to her belongings and grabbed her staff. She kept her eyes toward Crow and this creature.

As Crow paddled backwards, the beast continued to approach. Far sooner than when Crow could touch the riverbed, the creature began to slowly rise more and more from the water. Its full head was soon revealed, then its torso and arms, and even up to its waist.

Were it on land, this giant would stand over twice the height of Crow.

Togat could be seen dangling from the gaff the giant held. He coughed up some blood and attempted to reach back to unhook himself – in futility.

Aelita eyes did not catch another giant in clear view. She stepped forth to the riverbank. The tip of her staff began to glow.

Kill it now?” Aelita asked.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Silver Crow
As the situation quickly advanced, Silver Crow frowned. Giant frog man with a hooked stick. A monstrosity that would be culled if this was Anirian lands. But this mission sadly was not in their lands so it was allowed to live and hunt without fear. Best they correct that mistake.

The guide was still alive somehow, but wasn't about to escape on his own. His feet wasn't touching bottom. The beast was twice his size at the very least. Difficult circumstances to overcome. What options did he have to save the poor man and drive the beast to its grave?

Aelita asked him a question. Killing it would be nice, but only fulfill half the objectives. Letting it get into too shallow of water would make it riskier if the guide was dropped.... He had an idea.

"Not yet. Distract it.... Blind it." Silver Crow yelled back then dived under the water. He needed a rock. A sharp, hopefully pointy one.

  • Yay
Reactions: Aelita
The creature continued to advance.

One could describe it as a marsh giant. Maneaters, or rather, they eat the flesh of any creature that is caught in their grasps. Even their own. The specimen before Crow was one of the larger of its species.

But one of the more dangerous aspects of marsh giants were that,

“Blind me?”

It spoke.

And understood language.

Aelita acted quickly to Crow’s words, though. She thrust the staff forward to point it at the giant.

Flash!” she yelled as she cast her magic.

A flood of light followed from Aelita’s staff. Even in the middle of the day, it would be enough to cause pain and temporary blindness to anyone looking toward Aelita at that moment.

“Gah! ” the giant roared as it lifted one of its meaty forearms toward its eyes. Its other arm, the one holding the gaff, dropped – the hook and Togat sinking into the water once more.

But at least for Crow, the beast was distracted – giving him time.
  • Bless
Reactions: Silver Crow
No vision in the murky depths of this muddy river. Silver Crow might as well be trying to swim through the sewage canals back in Vel Anir. A thought he kept shoved back so not to bring back one of far too many memories of having done such in his youth.

Thankfully the bottom was covered in rocks. His hands slide around feeling for his prize. Eventually the sensation in his lungs told him that the one currently in hand was good enough and he surfaced.

As he rose back up, the muffled sounds of Aelita yelling something and then what must have been the monster reached his ears. His head surfaced. A quick breath of fresh air in then he got a quick view of what had happened. The gaff and the guide had been dropped. Not what he had expected but it worked in their favor.

"Kill it!" Silver Crow yelled out as he began to swim as fast as he could with rock in hand towards Togat before the man drowned either from the gaff sinking him or the wood of the shaft floating keeping him from being able to float himself.

This whole situation was why he was glad he had somehow dodged service in the Anirian navy.

  • Wonder
Reactions: Aelita
Aelita did not answer Crow. She swung her staff once more as a bit of light built up on the tip.



A beam of light shot out from Aelita’s staff. Concentrated. Searing. Destructive.

It rushed toward the upper part of the giant’s chest.

The scent of burned flesh filled the air. As the light dissipated, a gaping hole in the giant’s chest remained.

A dying gasp followed as the marsh giant collapsed into the river.

Aelita then dropped to a knee with exhausted breath.

Still in the water, Togat trashed about and continued to struggle to release himself in futility. The weight of the giant’s corpse kept the gaff from rising to the surface – though Togat was lucky it did not fall upon him.
  • Yay
Reactions: Silver Crow
The sound of magic. Scent of charred flesh. Light flashing above. Then came the waves from collapse.

Silver Crow experienced all of it as he swam full speed to save the guide. Sunny was a scorpion or ballista in blonde form. A note for the future if they ever worked together again. Or if another of these creatures emerged from the deaths of the dirt colored river.

Togat thrashed without success. Thankfully the soldier had made it to him and was able to help raise him above the surface to breath. It forced his own head down with only quick breaths to keep him alive. Not great, but it at least put him in a position be begin working on freeing the man. A difficult task without him being able to see what he was doing and having to struggle to keep him and the hooked soul alive during it all.

A small thought made him realize he hadn't heard Sunny say anything since she killed the thing. Might be best to check up on her. He didn't know how magic worked or what all it could do. The act might have killed her for some unknowable reason.

"Still alive Sunny?!" Silver Crow yelled as best he could before having to sink down again to keep working on trying to remove the struggling guide off the hook.

  • Wonder
Reactions: Aelita
When Crow emerged with his question, Aelita was still on a knee and heavily breathing. She lifted a hand and gave a thumbs up.

But after a few seconds, she managed to force out a, “Yeah!

Togat still continued to flail – maintaining a grasp on consciousness in the murky water. However, this proved an issue. Togat’s hands brushed against Crow.

And upon noticing his, he did as most other drowning victims did to potential saviors. Togat reached out and grabbed Crow. He attempted to use the soldier to push himself up to the surface for air – a vain attempt as the giant’s hand was far too heavy for him to push.