
  1. TTamark

    Open Chronicles Sea of Monsters

    Steve a certain he had once heard an artist say something along the lines of: 'Channel all your negative feelings into your art,' and right now Steve was feeling quite hurt after all this time and still no letter coming back. This caused Steve to once more horrible paraphrase in his memory...
  2. Shaharyzad Bal-Madora

    Shaharyzad Bal-Madora Biographical information Birthplace Ragash Born Died Age 18 Home Physical description Ra...
  3. Teriteqas

    Private Tales Sand in the Wind

    Teriteqas could feel the warmth of the day flowing over his feet. Each step pressing into the desert sands. Cloth covered every inch of his skin with only his eyes visible. Jerboas slept in their places against his skin beneath breathable safety. He looked to the sky. A few starving clouds...
  4. Gerra

    Private Tales Brothers in Arms

    Stripped to waist and wearing only a loincloth, the emperor stood in the burning sands outside the hidden city of Rhaqoum, home to three of the Abtati great tribes. He held a wooden staff and twirled it inexpertly, eyeing the elf who stood across from him. They were alone here, nothing but the...
  5. Gerra

    Open Chronicles Gifts in the Grasslands

    By order of the Emperor, diplomatic envoys were dispatched to the tribes who dwelt in the savanna bordering Cortos and Amol-Kalit, bearing many gifts to bestow upon the chieftains. The Vizier Ashuanar was himself among the diplomatic party, as was Archlector Snaaib and Mirielle Merlon. Their...
  6. Gerra

    Open Chronicles The Sacking of Salitra

    The emperor traveled up to the trident coast with his army, prepared to besiege the city of Salitra if it came to it in the name of liberation. They made camp within sight of the city and Gerra summoned his generals and viziers to a war council beneath the tent. He had not spoken of what he...
  7. Gerra

    Open Chronicles Ash Breeze

    Gerra stood upon the docks of Annuakat and watched as trade ships brought in hulls full of timber from as far away as Falwood. All along the delta, construction of the imperial fleet had taken over the waterways as dozens of new wargalleys began to row their way out into the gulf. “You have...
  8. Medja

    Completed Idle Hands

    An extravagant, bandage wrapped figure floated listlessly through the halls of a section of the royal palace of Annuakat, a look of abject boredom marking her face. The woman glided past the profligate architecture in near disdain. Indoor fountains with cool, fresh water broke the silence of the...
  9. Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

    Open Chronicles Cleanliness is close to Godliness.

    God's wash. At least, that's what it meant in the common tongue. It was the God-King's private bath-house. Or, at least, it had been made so ever since he had come into power. It was quite possibly the largest, the priciest and most extravagant he had ever seen or experienced. No where else...
  10. White Swallow

    Open Chronicles Vanished but not forgotten

    Empty hovels lined empty streets, not even cloth of fleece left hanging on ropes that equally so had vanished. Without wooden beams, the roofs have collapsed. Without the people and animals, a village was just heaps of lifeless adobe and stone. The sight was harrowing. Not in the sense of piles...
  11. White Swallow

    LFG The ancient warriors.

    ----------------------- Looking for accomplices to uncover a mystery relating to a horde of ancient undead. The thread can go both ways. Combat or investigation oriented... or both!! Or maybe multiple threads with a separate focus... For now, the army is pretty localised in the Amol-Kalit...
  12. Gerra

    Quest Demon Wastes

    The crowds of Annuakat thronged around the bottom of the palace ziggurat, their anxious murmuring filling the air. The newly anointed god-emperor stood upon the lowest of the steps, his Viziers around him. He wore simple clothes, no finery. No jewelry glinted in his ears or on his neck. No rings...
  13. White Swallow

    Open Chronicles Skirmish in the Sands

    Amir Farid Ibn Baha was the ruler of a glorious city and it's vassals at the foothils of the Seret mountains. He is well known in the region and his dynasty ruled this land for generations. Something that was rarely found among the ever changing politics of Amol-Kalit. His favour with the gods...
  14. TTamark

    LFG Well I did come to get a cool snake...

    So apparently I was not welcome to an audience with Gerra, but I have made my presence known in Amol-Kalit. Since I will not receive Gerra's help getting a dope ass snake for my boy Amankh, Steve will be raising some of Amankh's sand elf people who are willing to help him out. To do this he is...
  15. Gerra

    Open Chronicles Bloodied Purple

    The deck of the Jayiza rocked back and forth with the rolling waves. Pools of blood sloshed about, drying into the wood in the noonday heat. Vaanes wiped his blade free of viscera with a cloth and stepped over the bodies into the cabin. "Tzimi, what have we recovered?" he asked, voice as hard...
  16. Ava Gilleth

    Open Chronicles The Strength of Foundations

    Ava had a lot of work to do. It was all well and good to have landed herself a seat as the Imperial Sorceress, but to take control of intelligence and espionage she needed recruits. The younger, the better. Children were easy to influence and mould and made wonderful spies, people paid little...
  17. Gerra

    Letters Appointment of the Imperial Divan

    I, Hasuras na-Gerra, Divine Emperor of Amol-Kalit do hereby create the Imperial Divan in preparation for my pilgrimage to the seat of Annuk. It is to be composed as follows. Telenar is appointed vizier and will represent the interests of learning and academia within the Empire. Jerik is...
  18. Gerra

    Open Chronicles Amaranthine Apotheosis - Festival of Gods

    Truly, the Djinn of Rhaqoum had outdone himself. Already, the festival of gods had been raging for an entire week in Annuakat. Lush colors paraded through the streets in utter debauchery surrounding the temples of the gods. But... what was this? There were six temples to the gods of the...
  19. White Swallow

    Open Chronicles The Curious Murder in Seluca

    OOC: you are strongly encouraged to make up your own mind on what was said or spoken during the ordeal, as well as the details of it. It just adds some more fun ;) Everyone sees and hears what they want to hear, of course. In the morning. Constantine seemed rather cheerful when returning to...
  20. Gerra

    Private Tales Snakes and Scorpions

    While the throne room underwent extensive repairs, the west wing of the royal palace in Ragash was alive with light and music. Amidst gurgling fountains, nobility mingled. They walked upon beautiful rugs, reclined upon divans and pillows, and drank heavily of wine. Smoke from hookah pipes...